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      <span style="font-weight: bold;"></span>
<h1 style="text-align: center;">Olivia</h1><div style="text-align: center;"><div style="text-align: left;"><div style="text-align: center;"><br>

<div style="text-align: left;">fldigi can operate on the following Olivia modes without special setup by the operator:<br><br><table bgcolor="#eeeeff" border="1"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#eeffff"><td><small><b>Mode</b></small></td>
<td><small><b>Symbol Rate</b></small></td>
<td><small><b>Typing Speed</b></small></td>

<td><small>Olivia 8-250</small></td>
<td><small>31.25 baud</small></td>
<td><small>1.46 cps (14.6 wpm)</small></td>

<td><small>250 Hz</small></td>

</tr><tr><td><small>Olivia 8-500</small></td><td><small>62.5 baud</small></td><td><small>2.92 cps (29.2 wpm)</small></td><td><small>500 Hz</small></td></tr><tr>
<td><small>Olivia 16-500</small></td>
<td><small>31.25 baud</small></td>
<td><small>1.95 cps (19.5 wpm)</small></td>

<td><small>500 Hz</small></td>

<td><small>Olivia 32-1000</small></td>
<td><small>31.25 baud</small></td>
<td><small>2.44 cps (24.4 wpm)</small></td>

<td><small>1000 Hz</small></td>
</tr></tbody></table><br>Unusual combinations of symbol rate and bandwidth can be selected using the <a href="configOlivia.html">Olivia configuration tab</a>. &nbsp;<br><br>These
are unconnected, simplex chat modes with full time Forward Error
Correction. &nbsp;Olivia is a very robust mode with low error rates,
but the penalty can be an annoyingly slow transfer of information.
&nbsp;If you are a one finger typist then Olivia is your cup of tea.
&nbsp;The tones are spaced the same as the baud rate, for example 31.25
Hz for the default baud rates. &nbsp;The default calling mode is
32-1000. &nbsp; It has the following appearance on fldigi's waterfall:<br><br><img style="width: 302px; height: 120px;" alt="" src="Modes/Olivia32-1000.png"><br>
<h3>Excerpts from the web pages of <a href="" target="_blank">Gary, WB8ROL</a><br>

Oliva Mode is a little different than PSK, RTTY, and many other digital
modes. Below are tips on how to maximize your use of this mode.<br>


<span style="font-weight: bold;">Disable your software squelch or turn it down as low as you can</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">


Generally turn your squelch setting in your software off or set it as
low as it will go. You will see some "garbage" letters get printed out
if there is NO Olivia signal present but it doesn't harm anything. When
an Olivia signal is there it will start decoding it and print out the
text without garbage at that time. It doesn't do much good to use a
digital mode like Olivia that can decode signals -14 db below the noise
lever IF you squelch it AT the noise level!&nbsp; It would be like
getting a pair of high power binoculars and using them only in a 10x10
room with no windows.<br>


<span style="font-weight: bold;">Be Patient!</span><br>


When you call CQ on this mode be patient and wait at least 45-60
seconds before you put out another call. When the other person who
hears your CQ clicks on the waterfall it may take 4-20 seconds or even
longer before they might actually start decoding your signal.&nbsp;
That varies a lot depending on the software they are using AND value
they have their Sync Integration Period set to.<br>


The Sync Integration Period setting determines how "deep" the Olivia
decoding algorythm searches in the noise to get the signal.&nbsp; A
higher settings takes longer BUT usually decodes with more accuracy -
at least to a point.&nbsp; However, a higher setting (since it does
more work and takes longer) will increase the delay factor.&nbsp; So,
when you finish your CQ and your transmitter switches to receive - the
station listening to you (depending on his Sync Integration Periods
setting) MAY NOT finish decoding your CQ for another 4-20
seconds.&nbsp; The same applies during a QSO when you pass it back to
the other guy for his turn -- be patient if he doesn't come back right
away because his software may still be decoding your signal long after
you stopped transmitting.<br>


It DOES NOT PAY to be impatient on this mode and send SHORT CQ's or NOT
wait at least 45-60 seconds between CQ's.&nbsp; Generally a a 2x2 CQ
sent at least 2 or 3 times is going to work much better for you than a
short one. Below is the normal CQ I use though on real fast Olivia
formats (like 500/4) I will do a 3x3 and send it 3 times.<br>






CQ CQ de WB8ROL WB8ROL pse K<br>


<span style="font-weight: bold;">Don't set your Sync Integration Period setting TOO high</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">


If you set your Sync Integration Period too high it MAY take minutes
before your software will start decoding a signal AND there is no or
little benefit to doing that past a certain point.&nbsp; I usually set
mine so that the delay factor is abut 15-20 seconds.&nbsp; I can time
this delay factor by sending a very short test and then when it is done
and the software switches back to receive - time the number of seconds
before you see random garbage start appearing on the screen (assuming
you have your SQUELCH OFF).&nbsp; For the standard Olivia modes like
2000/64, 1000/32, 500/16, 250/8, and 125/4 that usually means my Sync
Integration Period is set between 3-5 most of the time.&nbsp; If I use
the faster formats I set it higher often between 6-10.&nbsp; As long as
my delay factor is approx 15-20 seconds. Any higher than that and I
don't see any real improvement in the quality of the decoding.&nbsp;
But play with your own settings and see what does best for you.&nbsp;
If you leave it always on one setting, though, and use standard and non
standard formats of Olivia you are short changing yourself.<br>


<span style="font-weight: bold;">Generally keep your Search (Tune Margin) setting to about 8</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">


The setting of 8 is usually good for most situations and this setting
is usually not all that critical.&nbsp; However, under a few band
conditions it might (or might not) help to temporarily adjust
this.&nbsp; If you find other Olivia signals very very close to you -
almost adjacent or even overlapping it might help to reduce this
setting to 4 or even 2.&nbsp; This setting determines how far, either
side of your center frequency, Olivia will search for a signal to
decode.&nbsp; If you reduce this when another Olivia signal is close or
overlapping it may keep it from locking onto the other signal instead
of yours.&nbsp; Also .... if you are trying to decode an extremely weak
signal and can't even tell exactly WHERE to click on the waterfall
because the trace is too faint or non existent then it might help to
increase this setting to 16 or 32 temporarily. Then it would perhaps
decode the signal even if you were OFF his center frequency by a large


<span style="font-weight: bold;">If the slow speed of Olivia bothers you some ...</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">


If you find yourself wanting things to go a little faster then start
using more (ham) common abbreviations like "hw" for how and "ur" for
your.&nbsp; Don't waste time sending words like "the" and "and" all the
time.&nbsp; An example : The weather here is nice and sunny today and
the high will get to 85 degrees --- instead send : Wx nice + sunny -
high 85 deg -- No need to spell out everything and use superfluous
words like the, and, many others.&nbsp; And why use words like HERE and
TODAY in the above context when the other station already knows you are
telling the weather for YOUR QTH for TODAY.&nbsp; You aren't writing a
novel, an article, or in a spelling bee.&nbsp; Also after you establish
the QSO don't send BOTH calls all the time at the beginning and end of
every transmission.&nbsp; After the QSO is in progress come back to the
station like this : .. de WB8ROL&nbsp; -- instead of : W9ZZZ de
WB8ROL&nbsp; -- and when you sent it back to the other guy send : BTU -
de WB8ROL KN&nbsp; -- That will help speed things up too.&nbsp; You
don't need to send the other stations call sign continually to fulfill
your legal obligation to indentify your own station.<br>


<span style="font-weight: bold;">Don't be afraid to switch to a NON standard Olivia format if conditions warrant it.</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">


If signals are real strong and you prefer to be sending and receiving
at a faster speed - don't be afraid to ask the other station if they
would like to speed things up and switch to another Olivia format -
even a non-standard one.&nbsp; If you, for instance, were talking to me
on 500/16 Olivia format and we both had very strong signals and not
much QRM, QRN, etc. then ask me if I would like to go to 500/8 format
or even 500/4 format.&nbsp; 500/16 format is approximately 20wpm while
500/8 is close to 30wpm and 500/4 close to 40wpm. If you do end up
switching to the faster modes you may also want to increase your Sync
Integration Period setting substantially too - to maintain the best
quality decoding.&nbsp; If not, you might get more errors in the
decoded text.&nbsp; And if the band conditions become worse - go back
to the original format AND remember to reset your Sync Integration
Period setting or the delay in decoding will be way too long!&nbsp;
Also, if the band starts getting real crowded and say, for example, you
were on 500/16 mode - you might suggest to the other station to switch
to 250/4 mode (increase Sync Integration Period setting too) to save
space and be a "good neighbor" to all the other operators nearby.&nbsp;
250/4 is the SAME speed as 500/16 and nearly as sensitive with the
correct settings.<br>
<br><span style="font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica;"></span><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="-1"></font></div>

<div style="text-align: center;"><a style="font-weight: bold;" href="index.html">Contents</a><br></div>



