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<h1>How-To initiate, modify or terminate calls.<br>
[<a class="el" href="group__libeXosip2.html">The eXtented eXosip stack</a>]</small>
</h1><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
eXosip2 offers a flexible API to help you controling calls.<p>
<h2>Initiate a call</h2>
To start an outgoing call, you typically need a few headers which will be used by eXosip2 to build a default SIP INVITE request. The code below is used to start a call:<p>
  osip_message_t *invite;
  int i;</pre><p>
<pre>  i = eXosip_call_build_initial_invite (&amp;invite, "&lt;;",
                                        NULL, // optionnal route header
                                        "This is a call for a conversation");
  if (i != 0)
      return -1;
<pre>  osip_message_set_supported (invite, "100rel");</pre><p>
<pre>  {
    char tmp[4096];
    char localip[128];</pre><p>
<pre>    eXosip_guess_localip (AF_INET, localip, 128);
    snprintf (tmp, 4096,
              "o=josua 0 0 IN IP4 %s\r\n"
              "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n"
              "t=0 0\r\n"
              "m=audio %s RTP/AVP 0 8 101\r\n"
              "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
              "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"
              "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
              "a=fmtp:101 0-11\r\n", localip, localip, port);
    osip_message_set_body (invite, tmp, strlen (tmp));
    osip_message_set_content_type (invite, "application/sdp");
<pre>  eXosip_lock ();
  i = eXosip_call_send_initial_invite (invite);
  if (i &gt; 0)
      eXosip_call_set_reference (i, reference);
  eXosip_unlock ();
  return i;</pre><p>
The above code is using eXosip_call_build_initial_invite to build a default SIP INVITE request for a new call. You have to insert a SDP body announcing your audio parameter for the RTP stream.<p>
The above code also show the flexibility of the eXosip2 API which allow you to insert additionnal headers such as "Supported: 100rel" (announcing support for a SIP extension). Thus you can enterely control the creation of SIP requests.<p>
The returned element of eXosip_call_send_initial_invite is the call identifier that you can use to send a CANCEL. In future events other than 100 Trying, you'll also get the dialog identifier that will also be needed to control established calls.<p>
eXosip_call_set_reference is also a mean to attach one of your own context to a call so that you'll get your pointer back in <a class="el" href="structeXosip__event.html">eXosip_event</a>.<p>
<h2>Answer a call</h2>
The code below is another example that teach you how to answer an incoming call.<p>
You'll usually need to send a "180 Ringing" SIP answer when receiving a SIP INVITE:<p>
  eXosip_lock ();
  eXosip_call_send_answer (ca-&gt;tid, 180, NULL);
  eXosip_unlock ();
<b>Note</b>: The above code also shows that the stack is sometimes able to build and send a default SIP messages with only one API call<p>
Then, when the user wants to answer the call, you'll need to send a 200 ok and insert a SDP body in your SIP answer:<p>
  osip_message_t *answer = NULL;</pre><p>
<pre>  eXosip_lock ();
  i = eXosip_call_build_answer (ca-&gt;tid, 200, &amp;answer);
  if (i != 0)
     eXosip_call_send_answer (ca-&gt;tid, 400, NULL);
     i = sdp_complete_200ok (ca-&gt;did, answer);
     if (i != 0)
        osip_message_free (answer);
        eXosip_call_send_answer (ca-&gt;tid, 415, NULL);
        eXosip_call_send_answer (ca-&gt;tid, 200, answer);
  eXosip_unlock ();
<b>Note</b>: In the above code, you can note that to send a response to a request, you have to use the transaction identifier (and not a call identifier or a dialog identifier!)<p>
<b>Note2</b>: For sending a 200ok, you'll usually need to insert a SDP body in the answer and before this, to negotiate the parameters and codecs that you want to support. In the test tool, provided by eXosip2 (josua application), you'll find a very basic implementation of the SDP negotiation.<p>
<h2>Sending other request</h2>
The call control API allows you to send and receive REFER, UPDATE, INFO, OPTIONS, NOTIFY and INVITEs whitin calls. A few limitations still exist for answering other requests within calls, but it should be already possible to send any kind of request.<p>
Here you have a code sample to send an INFO requests used to send an out of band dtmf within the signalling layer.<p>
  osip_message_t *info;
  char dtmf_body[1000];
  int i;</pre><p>
<pre>  eXosip_lock ();
  i = eXosip_call_build_info (ca-&gt;did, &amp;info);
  if (i == 0)
     snprintf (dtmf_body, 999, "Signal=%c\r\nDuration=250\r\n", c);
     osip_message_set_content_type (info, "application/dtmf-relay");
     osip_message_set_body (info, dtmf_body, strlen (dtmf_body));
     i = eXosip_call_send_request (ca-&gt;did, info);
  eXosip_unlock ();
</pre> </div>
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