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>ghc-6.12.3: The GHC API</TD
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><A HREF="index.html"
><TD CLASS="topbut"
><A HREF="doc-index.html"
><TD CLASS="modulebar"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section4"
><A HREF="#1"
>Main data types
><A HREF="#2"
>Substituting into expressions and related types
><A HREF="#3"
>Operations on substitutions
><A HREF="#4"
>Substituting and cloning binders
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A HREF="#t%3ASubst"
> </TD
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
> <A HREF="#t%3ATvSubstEnv"
> = <A HREF="VarEnv.html#t%3ATyVarEnv"
> <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
> <A HREF="#t%3AIdSubstEnv"
> = <A HREF="VarEnv.html#t%3AIdEnv"
> <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A HREF="#t%3AInScopeSet"
> </TD
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AdeShadowBinds"
> :: [<A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreBind"
>] -&gt; [<A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreBind"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsubstTy"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsubstExpr"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsubstBind"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreBind"
> -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreBind"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsubstSpec"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> -&gt; <A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3ASpecInfo"
> -&gt; <A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3ASpecInfo"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsubstWorker"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3AWorkerInfo"
> -&gt; <A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3AWorkerInfo"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AlookupIdSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AlookupTvSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AemptySubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AmkEmptySubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3AInScopeSet"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AmkSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3AInScopeSet"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ATvSubstEnv"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3AIdSubstEnv"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsubstInScope"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3AInScopeSet"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AisEmptySubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AextendIdSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AextendIdSubstList"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [(<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>, <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
>)] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AextendTvSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AextendTvSubstList"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [(<A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
>, <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
>)] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AextendSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreArg"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AextendSubstList"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [(<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>, <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreArg"
>)] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AzapSubstEnv"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AextendInScope"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AextendInScopeList"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AextendInScopeIds"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AisInScope"
> :: <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsubstBndr"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsubstBndrs"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>] -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsubstRecBndrs"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>] -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AcloneIdBndr"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="UniqSupply.html#t%3AUniqSupply"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AcloneIdBndrs"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="UniqSupply.html#t%3AUniqSupply"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>] -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AcloneRecIdBndrs"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="UniqSupply.html#t%3AUniqSupply"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>] -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><A NAME="1"
><A NAME="1"
>Main data types
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A NAME="t:Subst"
><A NAME="t%3ASubst"
>  </TD
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="ndoc"
>A substitution environment, containing both <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> and <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> substitutions.
>Some invariants apply to how you use the substitution:
>1. <A NAME="in_scope_invariant"
><A NAME="in_scope_invariant"
> The in-scope set contains at least those <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>s and <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
>s that will be in scope <EM
 applying the substitution to a term. Precisely, the in-scope set must be a superset of the free vars of the
 substitution range that might possibly clash with locally-bound variables in the thing being substituted in.
>2. <A NAME="apply_once"
><A NAME="apply_once"
> You may apply the substitution only <EM
>There are various ways of setting up the in-scope set such that the first of these invariants hold:
> Arrange that the in-scope set really is all the things in scope
> Arrange that it's the free vars of the range of the substitution
> Make it empty, if you know that all the free vars of the substitution are fresh, and hence can't possibly clash
><TD CLASS="section4"
><IMG SRC="minus.gif" CLASS="coll" ONCLICK="toggle(this,'i:Subst')" ALT="show/hide"
> Instances</TD
><TD CLASS="body"
><DIV ID="i:Subst" STYLE="display:block;"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="Outputable.html#t%3AOutputable"
> <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
> <A NAME="t:TvSubstEnv"
><A NAME="t%3ATvSubstEnv"
> = <A HREF="VarEnv.html#t%3ATyVarEnv"
> <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>A substitition of <TT
><A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
>s for <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
> <A NAME="t:IdSubstEnv"
><A NAME="t%3AIdSubstEnv"
> = <A HREF="VarEnv.html#t%3AIdEnv"
> <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>An environment for substituting for <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A NAME="t:InScopeSet"
><A NAME="t%3AInScopeSet"
>  </TD
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="ndoc"
>A set of variables that are in scope at some point
><TD CLASS="section4"
><IMG SRC="minus.gif" CLASS="coll" ONCLICK="toggle(this,'i:InScopeSet')" ALT="show/hide"
> Instances</TD
><TD CLASS="body"
><DIV ID="i:InScopeSet" STYLE="display:block;"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="Outputable.html#t%3AOutputable"
> <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3AInScopeSet"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section2"
><A NAME="2"
><A NAME="2"
>Substituting into expressions and related types
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:deShadowBinds"
><A NAME="v%3AdeShadowBinds"
> :: [<A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreBind"
>] -&gt; [<A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreBind"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>De-shadowing the program is sometimes a useful pre-pass. It can be done simply
 by running over the bindings with an empty substitution, becuase substitution
 returns a result that has no-shadowing guaranteed.
>(Actually, within a single <EM
> there might still be shadowing, because 
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AsubstTy"
> is a no-op for the empty substitution, but that's probably OK.)
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:substTy"
><A NAME="v%3AsubstTy"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>See <TT
><A HREF="Type.html#v%3AsubstTy"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:substExpr"
><A NAME="v%3AsubstExpr"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Apply a substititon to an entire <TT
><A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
>. Rememeber, you may only 
 apply the substitution <EM
>: see <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#apply_once"
>Do *not* attempt to short-cut in the case of an empty substitution!
 See Note [Extending the Subst]
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:substBind"
><A NAME="v%3AsubstBind"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreBind"
> -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreBind"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Apply a substititon to an entire <TT
><A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreBind"
>, additionally returning an updated <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
 that should be used by subsequent substitutons.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:substSpec"
><A NAME="v%3AsubstSpec"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> -&gt; <A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3ASpecInfo"
> -&gt; <A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3ASpecInfo"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Substitutes for the <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>s within the <TT
><A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3AWorkerInfo"
> given the new function <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:substWorker"
><A NAME="v%3AsubstWorker"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3AWorkerInfo"
> -&gt; <A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3AWorkerInfo"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Substitutes for the <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>s within the <TT
><A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3AWorkerInfo"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:lookupIdSubst"
><A NAME="v%3AlookupIdSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Find the substitution for an <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> in the <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:lookupTvSubst"
><A NAME="v%3AlookupTvSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Find the substitution for a <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> in the <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section2"
><A NAME="3"
><A NAME="3"
>Operations on substitutions
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:emptySubst"
><A NAME="v%3AemptySubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:mkEmptySubst"
><A NAME="v%3AmkEmptySubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3AInScopeSet"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:mkSubst"
><A NAME="v%3AmkSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3AInScopeSet"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ATvSubstEnv"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3AIdSubstEnv"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:substInScope"
><A NAME="v%3AsubstInScope"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3AInScopeSet"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Find the in-scope set: see <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#in_scope_invariant"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:isEmptySubst"
><A NAME="v%3AisEmptySubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:extendIdSubst"
><A NAME="v%3AextendIdSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Add a substitution for an <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> to the <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>: you must ensure that the in-scope set is
 such that the <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#in_scope_invariant"
> is true after extending the substitution like this
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:extendIdSubstList"
><A NAME="v%3AextendIdSubstList"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [(<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>, <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreExpr"
>)] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Adds multiple <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> substitutions to the <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>: see also <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AextendIdSubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:extendTvSubst"
><A NAME="v%3AextendTvSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Add a substitution for a <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> to the <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>: you must ensure that the in-scope set is
 such that the <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#in_scope_invariant"
> is true after extending the substitution like this
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:extendTvSubstList"
><A NAME="v%3AextendTvSubstList"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [(<A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
>, <A HREF="Type.html#t%3AType"
>)] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Adds multiple <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> substitutions to the <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>: see also <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AextendTvSubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:extendSubst"
><A NAME="v%3AextendSubst"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreArg"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Add a substitution for a <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> or <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> as appropriate to the <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> being added. See also
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AextendIdSubst"
> and <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AextendTvSubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:extendSubstList"
><A NAME="v%3AextendSubstList"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [(<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>, <A HREF="CoreSyn.html#t%3ACoreArg"
>)] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Add a substitution for a <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
> or <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> as appropriate to all the <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>s being added. See also <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AextendSubst"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:zapSubstEnv"
><A NAME="v%3AzapSubstEnv"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Remove all substitutions for <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>s and <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>s that might have been built up
 while preserving the in-scope set
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:extendInScope"
><A NAME="v%3AextendInScope"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Add the <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> to the in-scope set: as a side effect, removes any existing substitutions for it
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:extendInScopeList"
><A NAME="v%3AextendInScopeList"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Add the <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>s to the in-scope set: see also <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AextendInScope"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:extendInScopeIds"
><A NAME="v%3AextendInScopeIds"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>] -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Optimized version of <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AextendInScopeList"
> that can be used if you are certain 
 all the things being added are <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>s and hence none are <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3ATyVar"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:isInScope"
><A NAME="v%3AisInScope"
> :: <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> -&gt; <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section2"
><A NAME="4"
><A NAME="4"
>Substituting and cloning binders
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:substBndr"
><A NAME="v%3AsubstBndr"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Substitutes a <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
> for another one according to the <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> given, returning
 the result and an updated <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> that should be used by subsequent substitutons.
><A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3AIdInfo"
> is preserved by this process, although it is substituted into appropriately.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:substBndrs"
><A NAME="v%3AsubstBndrs"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>] -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Applies <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AsubstBndr"
> to a number of <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AVar"
>s, accumulating a new <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> left-to-right
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:substRecBndrs"
><A NAME="v%3AsubstRecBndrs"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>] -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Substitute in a mutually recursive group of <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:cloneIdBndr"
><A NAME="v%3AcloneIdBndr"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="UniqSupply.html#t%3AUniqSupply"
> -&gt; <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
> -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, <A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Very similar to <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AsubstBndr"
>, but it always allocates a new <TT
><A HREF="Unique.html#t%3AUnique"
> for
 each variable in its output and removes all <TT
><A HREF="IdInfo.html#t%3AIdInfo"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:cloneIdBndrs"
><A NAME="v%3AcloneIdBndrs"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="UniqSupply.html#t%3AUniqSupply"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>] -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Applies <TT
><A HREF="CoreSubst.html#v%3AcloneIdBndr"
> to a number of <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>s, accumulating a final
 substitution from left to right
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:cloneRecIdBndrs"
><A NAME="v%3AcloneRecIdBndrs"
> :: <A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
> -&gt; <A HREF="UniqSupply.html#t%3AUniqSupply"
> -&gt; [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
>] -&gt; (<A HREF="CoreSubst.html#t%3ASubst"
>, [<A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Clone a mutually recursive group of <TT
><A HREF="Var.html#t%3AId"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="botbar"
>Produced by <A HREF=""
> version 2.6.1</TD