

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > dafbdcf64cf19f7f56c466c5124477c3 > files > 27


%bcond_without bootstrap

# Main version can be seen here
# while the build numbers corresponds to tags in VCS
%define idea_version 9.0.1
%define idea_build 94.399

Name:           intellij-idea
Version:        %{idea_version}.%{idea_build}
Release:        12%{?dist}
Summary:        IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition IDE

Group:          Development/Tools
License:        ASL 2.0 and LGPLv2 and CDDL and SPL
# trove4j: LGPLv2
# eawtstub: GPLv2 or CDDL
# javacvs: SPL
# git clone --bare git:// idea
# cd idea; git archive 94.399 --prefix=idea-94.399/ |xz >idea-94.399.tar.xz
Source0:        idea-%{idea_build}.tar.xz
Source1:        intellij-idea-idea
Source2:        intellij-idea.desktop

# Used only for bootstrapping
Source10:       jps.jar
Source11:       javac2.jar

# Build changes
Patch1:         0001-Delete-unneeded-import-that-is-not-compatible-with-O.patch
Patch2:         0002-Pull-ASM-3.2-from-ObjectWeb.patch
Patch3:         0003-Make-the-NotNull-instrumenter-work-with-stock-asm.patch
Patch4:         0004-Pull-cglib-2.2.patch
Patch5:         0005-Make-it-build-with-cglib-2.2.patch
Patch6:         0006-Fix-build-of-svn-plugin-against-newer-svnkit.patch
Patch7:         0007-Rename-javac.util.DefaultFileManager-for-OpenJDK-1.6.patch
Patch8:         0008-Make-groovy-plugin-build.patch
Patch9:         0009-Do-not-install-stuff-from-lib.patch
Patch10:        0010-Use-system-wide-installed-gant-ant-and-jps.patch
Patch11:        0011-Chop-out-proxy-support-for-CVS-plugin.patch
Patch12:        0012-Scriptlet-and-rules-to-replace-bundled-jars.patch
Patch13:        0013-Scriptlet-to-disable-certain-modules.patch
Patch15:        0015-Adjust-defaults-for-Fedora.patch
Patch16:        0016-Override-broken-javac-class.patch
Patch17:        0017-Do-not-unnecessarily-delete-compile-output.patch

Patch18:	intellij-idea-94.399-fix-jna.patch

%if %without bootstrap
BuildRequires:  jps
BuildRequires:  intellij-idea
BuildRequires:  ant
BuildRequires:  ant-jakarta-oro
BuildRequires:  antlr
BuildRequires:  ant-nodeps
BuildRequires:  cglib = 2.2
BuildRequires:  classworlds
BuildRequires:  apache-commons-beanutils
BuildRequires:  commons-codec
BuildRequires:  commons-collections
BuildRequires:  apache-commons-net
BuildRequires:  eclipse-jdt
BuildRequires:  gant
BuildRequires:  ganymed-ssh2
BuildRequires:  gradle-open-api
BuildRequires:  groovy
BuildRequires:  jakarta-commons-cli
BuildRequires:  jakarta-commons-lang
BuildRequires:  jakarta-commons-logging
BuildRequires:  jakarta-oro
BuildRequires:  java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
BuildRequires:  javahelp2
BuildRequires:  jaxen
BuildRequires:  jazzy
BuildRequires:  jdom
BuildRequires:  jgoodies-forms
BuildRequires:  jgoodies-looks
BuildRequires:  jna
BuildRequires:  jna-contrib >= 3.0.9
BuildRequires:  junit
BuildRequires:  junit4 >= 4.6
BuildRequires:  log4j
BuildRequires:  lucene
BuildRequires:  lucene-core
BuildRequires:  mercury
BuildRequires:  microba
BuildRequires:  nanoxml
BuildRequires:  objectweb-asm
BuildRequires:  patricia-trie
BuildRequires:  picocontainer
BuildRequires:  plexus-digest
BuildRequires:  plexus-utils
BuildRequires:  svnkit
BuildRequires:  svnkit-javahl
BuildRequires:  testng
BuildRequires:  trilead-ssh2
BuildRequires:  velocity
BuildRequires:  xerces-j2
BuildRequires:  xmlbeans
BuildRequires:  xml-commons-resolver
BuildRequires:  xmlrpc
BuildRequires:  xstream
BuildRequires:  ImageMagick
BuildRequires:  desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires:  jcip-annotations

# Base
Requires:       ant-apache-oro
Requires:       ant-nodeps
Requires:       cglib
Requires:       commons-codec
Requires:       commons-collections
Requires:       apache-commons-net
Requires:       eclipse-jdt
Requires:       groovy
Requires:       jakarta-commons-lang
Requires:       jakarta-oro
Requires:       java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
Requires:       javahelp2
Requires:       jaxen
Requires:       jdom
Requires:       jgoodies-forms
Requires:       jgoodies-looks
Requires:       jna
Requires:       jna-contrib
Requires:       junit
Requires:       junit4
Requires:       log4j
Requires:       microba
Requires:       nanoxml
Requires:       objectweb-asm
Requires:       picocontainer
Requires:       velocity
Requires:       xerces-j2
Requires:       xmlbeans
Requires:       xml-commons-resolver
Requires:       xmlrpc
Requires:       xstream
Requires:       intellij-idea-annotations
Requires:       xdg-utils

# Modules
Requires:       trilead-ssh2
Requires:       gradle-open-api
Requires:       svnkit
Requires:       svnkit-javahl
Requires:       testng

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition features an intelligent code editor that has
all the smarts for understanding Java code; provides refactorings, code
inspections and intentions, super-fast navigation and search. It integrates
with such essential tools as JUnit and TestNG, Ant and Maven, and popular
version control systems: CVS, Subversion and git. XML-Java interoperability
and comprehensive Groovy language support are complemented by the Swing UI
designer providing the suite of tools for developing Java desktop
applications - such as IntelliJ IDEA itself.

%package annotations
Summary:        IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition IDE
Group:          Development/Tools
BuildArch:      noarch

%description annotations
This package contains IntelliJ IDEA annotation classes as well as compiler
extension and Ant tasks to process the annotations.

%setup -q -n idea-%{idea_build}

# The patched gnu-trove, adds some equality classes,
# seems like based on 1.0.2
unzip -qd trove4j lib/src/trove4j_src.jar

# This is some code specific to cocoa GUI, originates
# from netbeans, though not packaged with it when
# not on OS X. Not distributed separately.
unzip -qd eawtstub lib/src/

# Patches
# At least ones against .idea should not make backups
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch9 -p1
%patch10 -p1
%patch11 -p1
%patch12 -p1
%patch13 -p1
%patch15 -p1
%patch16 -p1
%patch17 -p1

%patch18 -p1

# Fix up build number
sed 's/\(buildNumber: "IC\)-[^"]*/\1-%{idea_build}/' \
        -i build/scripts/dist.gant

# Build patched trove4j
mkdir -p trove4j/out
find trove4j/src -name '*.java' |xargs javac -d trove4j/out
jar cf trove4j/trove4j.jar -C trove4j/out .

# Build standalone eawt stub
cd eawtstub
ant -Djavac.source=1.5 jar
cd ..

# We don't build certain modules until we sort out the dependencies

# Replace the prebuilt JARS
sh <replacerules.txt

# Drop bundled gant
find build/lib/ -type f -delete

# Drop other prebuilt stuff
find lib java plugins -name '*.jar' -not -name 'serviceMessages.jar' -delete

# Break generator
cd native/breakgen
gcc -I/usr/lib/jvm/java/include/linux -I/usr/lib/jvm/java/include \
        %{optflags} -shared -fPIC -o AppMain.c
cd ../..
cp -fl native/breakgen/ bin/linux/
cp -fl bin/linux/ bin/linux/

# Patch javac :(
cd patches
find -name '*.java' |xargs javac -classpath /usr/lib/jvm/java/lib/tools.jar
cd ..

# Fire!
%if %with bootstrap
CLASSPATH=$(build-classpath jgoodies-forms jdom objectweb-asm/asm-commons):%{SOURCE10}:%{SOURCE11} \
CLASSPATH=$(build-classpath jgoodies-forms jdom objectweb-asm/asm-commons idea/javac2 jps) \
gant -f build/scripts/dist.gant


# Directory structure
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/idea
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/idea/bin
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pixmaps
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications

# Core
install -p -m644 out/dist.all.ce/lib/*.jar trove4j/trove4j.jar \
install -p -m644 out/dist.all.ce/lib/*.jar trove4j/trove4j.jar \
install -p -m644 bin/ bin/log.xml bin/appletviewer.policy \
install -p -m755 bin/linux/ \
install -p -m755 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/idea
install -p -m755 %{SOURCE8} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/idea

# Plugins
cp -a out/dist.all.ce/plugins $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/idea
install -p -m644 %{SOURCE3} \
install -p -m644 %{SOURCE4} \
install -p -m644 %{SOURCE5} \
install -p -m644 %{SOURCE6} \
install -p -m644 %{SOURCE7} \

# Menu entry
convert out/classes/production/icons/idea_CE.ico idea.png
mv idea-0.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}-ce.png
desktop-file-install %{SOURCE2} \


%dir %{_javadir}/idea
%doc LICENSE.txt

%files annotations
%doc LICENSE.txt

* Mon Sep 27 2010 Tom "spot" Callaway <> -
- fix jna-examples deps to point to jna-contrib
- add dep on svnkit-javahl

* Sun Jun 27 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Fix the commons-net dependency

* Thu Apr 08 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Include ant in the runtime classpath

* Mon Apr 05 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Enable font antialiasing
- Disable offscreen rendering for java2d, slow on EXA
- Do not comment out uncompilable code, patch javac
- Detect installed JVMs on startup
- Saner defaults for web browsers configuration

* Fri Apr 02 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Correct path to Eclipse JDT
- Set up OpenJDK 1.6.0 SDK per default
- Disable updates check

* Mon Mar 29 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Bootstrap

* Sun Mar 28 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Update to a later build
- Split annotations into a subpackage
- Provide a way for plugins to add their dependencies to a classpath
- Fix @NotNull processing, re-enable it

* Tue Mar 23 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Disable bootstrap

* Thu Mar 18 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Re-enable SVN
- Fix License tag
- Build breakgen with proper compiler flags

* Wed Feb 24 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Enable all plugins, except for maven

* Tue Feb 23 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Build with external jps
- Depend upon ourselves -- make it possible to bootstrap

* Wed Feb 17 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Use objectweb-asm 3.1 instead of asm2, needed for new groovy

* Tue Feb 16 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> -
- Rebase to newest upstream build

* Tue Feb 16 2010 Lubomir Rintel <> - 9.0-0.2.20091028git
- Builds against Fedora

* Fri Oct 30 2009 Lubomir Rintel <> - 9.0-0.1.20091028git
- Packaging start