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README.sqlapi     - Database wrappers for MRBS
This is a simple set of PHP database call wrapper routines, currently
implemented for MySQL (>= 3.22) (for both the 'mysql' and 'mysqli' extensions
and PostgreSQL (>= 7.0). It was written for MRBS but may be useful in
other applications.

This package supports multiple connections to arbitrary databases,
but also handles the default MRBS database connection without the user
always passing a database connection handle around by storing this
default connection handle in a global variable inside the database
abstraction. It supports multiple pending results for each connection. It
can be configured to use PHP persistent (pooled) database connections,
or normal (single use) connections.

CAUTION: Before using PHP persistent database connections with PostgreSQL,
be sure your PostgreSQL postmaster can support enough backends. In theory,
and to be completely safe, it needs to be able to support at least as many
concurrent connections as your Apache "MaxClients" setting times the number
of unique persistent connection strings (PostgreSQL conninfo's, unique
combinations of user/password/database) implemented on your site. Note that
the default for PostgreSQL is a maximum of 32 connections, and the default
for Apache MaxClients is 150. If you do not want to use persistent
connections, set $db_nopersist as described below.


To use this package, include "" after defining the following
     $dbsys = The database abstraction to use, 'mysql', 'mysqli' or 'pgsql'
     $db_host = The hostname of the database server, or "localhost"
     $db_login = The username to use when connecting to the database
     $db_password = The database account password
     $db_database = The database name
Optionally, you can define:
     $db_nopersist = 1;
if you do not want to use persistent connections.

If using PostgreSQL, and the database server is on the same host as the web
server, you can specify $db_host="localhost" to use TCP, or $db_host="" to
use Unix Domain Sockets. Generally this won't make much difference, but if
your server runs without the -i option, it will only accept Unix Domain
Socket connections, so you must use $db_host="".

After your script includes the file, it will be connected to the database,
by calling the abstracted function sql_$dbsys_default_connect().

If an error occurs while trying to connect, a message will be output
followed by a PHP exit. (Failure to connect to the database is the only
reason the functions defined here will output an error message and exit.)

The way MRBS uses this is to define a configuration file with
the above variables plus:
     $dbsys = "pgsql";  //  or:  $dbsys = "mysql"; or: $dbsys = "mysqli";
Then, each PHP script which wants to connect to the database starts with:
     include "";
     include "";
If you do this, be sure the web server will not serve to
clients, for security reasons.

Notes on improving SQL portability:

  + Use standard SQL-92 as much as possible.
  + Where it is not possible to use SQL-92, use or implement an sql_syntax_*
    function which hides the database differences (see below).
  + Don't use SQL-92 reserved words as column or table names.
  + Use PHP functions rather than database functions where practical.
  + Don't reply on specific formats for output of DATETIME types.
  + Don't quote numeric type values in SQL statements.

SQL-92 standard things to avoid because they cause trouble in MySQL:
  + Double quoted identifiers: SELECT "MY COLUMN" from "MY TABLE"...
  + The string concatenation operator ||
  + Subselects

SQL-92 standard things to avoid because they cause trouble in PostgreSQL:
  + Outer joins.
  + "table1 JOIN table2" syntax; use WHERE clause joins instead.

Non-standard features used, available in both PostgreSQL and MySQL (this
information is provided for anyone attempting to port MRBS to another
database system):
  + Escaping quoted strings. The SQL-92 standard says to double embedded
    single quotes, and that's the only escaping used or defined. So:
               insert into mytable values ('CAN''T');
    But both MySQL and PostgreSQL support backslash-escaping, which is
    easier to do in PHP, so I have not attempted to wrap database string
  + MySQL implicitly assigns "DEFAULT current_timestamp" to a timestamp
    column; this must be done explicitly in other database systems.
  + The column called TIMESTAMP is not legal in SQL-92. It would be legal
    if double-quoted in SQL statements, but MySQL doesn't like that.
    Changing the column name would break existing databases, and it turns
    out both PostgreSQL and MySQL accept this, so it has been kept.
  + Auto-commit is assumed. The database wrappers have begin/end calls to
    bracket transactions, but MRBS generally uses them only to improve
    performance with grouped inserts/deletes/updates. It is assumed that
    a single insert/delete/update SQL statement commits right away. If
    a database doesn't implement this, it may be possible to incorporate
    this into sql_command(), which is used for all data modification.
  + Portable use of auto-incrementing fields (PostgreSQL SERIAL, MySQL
    AUTO_INCREMENT) requires that:
      * Only one auto-increment field allowed per table; must be primary key.
      * Use sql_insert_id() to retrieve the value after INSERT.
      * Don't assume the value will either be MAX(field)+1, like MySQL,
        or always incremented, like PostgreSQL. These can be different
        when records have been deleted.


The database-independent wrapper functions are documented here:

Each of the functions below takes an optional final argument that is the
MRBS database handle returned by sql_connect() call.

  Execute a non-SELECT SQL command (for example: insert, update, delete).
  Returns the number of tuples affected if OK (a number >= 0).
  Returns -1 on error; use sql_error() to get the error message.

  Execute an SQL query. Returns a database-dependent result handle, which
  should be passed back to sql_row() or sql_row_keyed() to get the results.
  If sql_row() or sql_row_keyed() isn't used to read all rows (plus 1), you
  must call sql_free() to free the result structure.
  Returns 0 on error; use sql_error() to get the error message.

sql_row($result, $rownumber)
  Return a row from a result. The first row is row number 0.
  The row is returned as an array with index 0=first column, etc.
  When called with i >= number of rows in the result, this frees up the
  results structure and returns 0. This is designed to be used in a loop
  like this to retrieve all the rows:

    for ($i = 0; (($row = sql_row($r, $i)); $i++) { ... process the row ... }

  When used this way, there is no need to call sql_free($result). But if
  rows are accessed in other way, sql_free() must be called when you are
  done with the result handle.

sql_row_keyed($result, $rownumber)
  Return a row from a result. The first row is row number 0.
  The row is returned as an associative array with column (field) names as
  the indexes. (PHP also makes numeric indexes for the same data.)
  When called with i >= number of rows in the result, this frees up the
  results structure and returns 0. This is designed to be used in a loop
  like this to retrieve all the rows:

    for ($i = 0; (($row = sql_row_keyed($r, $i)); $i++) { ... }

  When used this way, there is no need to call sql_free($result). But if
  rows are accessed in other ways, sql_free() must be called when you are
  done with the result handle.
  NOTE: You should explicitly name each column in your SQL statement which
  is not a simple field name, because databases differ in how they assume
  a default name. For example, don't use sql_row_keyed() on a query
  like: SELECT name, COUNT(*) FROM ...
  Instead use: SELECT name, COUNT(*) AS totals FROM ...
  so you can reliably refer to the count as row["totals"].

  Return the number of rows returned by a result handle from sql_query().

  Execute an SQL query which should return a single non-negative number value.
  Returns the value of the single column in the single row of the query
  result, or -1 on error.
  This is a short-cut alternative to sql_query(), good for use with count(*)
  and similar queries. Error checking is limited (caller cannot tell if
  an error occurred or no values were returned), but it is easier to use.

  Free a result handle $result, returned by a previous call to sql_query().
  You must call this if you do not use sql_row() or sql_row_keyed() to fetch
  all rows of the query result and then call it once more. See sql_row() for
  more information.

sql_insert_id($table, $fieldname)
  Return the value of an autoincrement/serial field from the last insert.
  This must be called right after the insert on that table. The $fieldname
  is the name of the autoincrement or serial field in the table. The
  return result will be correct even if other processes are updating the
  database at the same time.
  NOTE: To make this work with different DBMS's, the field name must be
  specified, and it must name the only autoincrement/serial field in the
  row inserted by the most recent INSERT.

  Return the text of the last error message. Only call this after an
  error return from sql_query() or sql_command() - it is not reliable
  as an indicator if an error did in fact occur.

  Begin a transaction, if the database supports it. This is used to
  improve performance for multiple insert/delete/updates on databases
  which support transactions, and using it is not required. There is
  no support for rollback, because not all databases can do it. Do
  not attempt to have both sql_begin() and sql_mutex_lock() active since
  then both may be implemented with a shared underlying mechanism.

  Commit (end) a transaction. See sql_begin().

  Acquire a mutual-exclusion lock on the named table. For portability:
  * This will not lock out SELECTs.
  * It may lock out DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT or it may not.
  * It will lock out other callers of this routine with the same name
    argument (which is the main reason for using it).
  * It may timeout in 20 seconds and return 0, or may wait forever.
  * It returns 1 when the lock has been acquired.
  * Caller must release the lock with sql_mutex_unlock().
  * Caller must not have more than one mutex lock at any time.
  You should be sure to release the lock with sql_mutex_unlock() before the
  script exits, although this function also establishes a shutdown handler to
  automatically release the lock if the script exits.  (With persistent
  connections, the locks would not otherwise be released on exit, and a
  deadlock will occur.)
  This call effectively calls sql_begin(), so do not use it inside an
  sql_begin()/sql_end() block, nor use sql_begin() between calls to
  sql_mutex_lock() and sql_mutex_unlock().

  Release a mutual-exclusion lock on the named table. See sql_mutex_lock().
  This also effectively calls sql_commit().

  Return a string identifying the database system and version.

sql_connect($host, $username, $password, $db_name, $persist)
  Connects to the specified database using the specified credentials,
  optionally using persistent database connections. Returns an MRBS
  specific database handle, which can be passed as the last argument of
  all the other sql_*() functions.


The following sql_syntax_* routines are intended to help you build up SQL
statements using non-standard features. Each returns a portion of SQL (with
leading and trailing spaces) which implements the named non-standard feature
for the selected database.

sql_syntax_limit($count, $offset)
  Generate non-standard SQL for LIMIT clauses, to make the query return
  no more than $count records, starting at position $offset (basis 0).

  Generate non-standard SQL to output a TIMESTAMP as a Unix time_t. The
  argument must be the name of a timestamp field.

sql_syntax_caseless_contains($fieldname, $s)
  Generate a non-standard SQL predicate clause which will be true if the
  string $s is contained anywhere in the named field, using case insensitive
  string compare. This uses LIKE or Regular Expression matching, depending
  on the database system. It handles all quoting on the $s argument of the
  characters needed by the selected method, so don't call this with an
  argument which has already been "magic quoted".

Example usage:
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY id" . sql_syntax_limit(100,20);
With PostgreSQL this gives you:
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY id LIMIT 100 OFFSET 20";
With MySQL this gives you:
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY id LIMIT 20,100";


$Id: README.sqlapi 994 2009-01-14 21:48:50Z jberanek $