

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > df3b52bf02987e36d5c9152b712385a7 > files > 4


MRBS Users Authentication


User interface

MRBS pages can be accessed and used, depending on the user's access level.

There are three levels of access in MRBS:

    - Level 0 - Unknown user
    - Level 1 - Authenticated user
    - Level 2 - Administrator

Level 0 users can view most pages, but cannot make any change.

Level 1 users can make bookings, and can change their own bookings.
Level 2 users - The administrators - are allowed to modify other people's
bookings. Administrators also have the ability to add and remove rooms and

Before accessing a restricted page, MRBS prompts the user for a name and
password. Then it connects to an authentication server, which is responsible
for deciding if the user/password pair is valid. If it is, MRBS then checks if
the name is in its list of administrators. Finally MRBS grants access to the
page at the right level. The name and password are recorded for the duration of
the session, and won't be asked for again.


MRBS authentication configuration is done in file

This file contains a section for authentication parameters, where several
choices must be made:

    - The session management scheme. (How to prompt for a user/password,
    and how keep track of it)
    - The authentication method. (What kind of server will verify the
    user/password validity)
    - The list of administrators (not used by the 'db' authentication method)

There are several alternative authentication methods. They differ by the type
of authentication server they can connect to, and by the kind of program used
for communicating with that server. Each method is implemented in a pluggable
module. There are two general categories:

    - Internal PHP modules, which connect directly to an authentication
    server. These modules may require additional parameter settings in
    - External programs, that do the same after being invoked by the
    special "ext" PHP authentication module.

Internal PHP modules support the following kinds of authentication servers:
LDAP servers; POP3 email servers; IMAP email servers; NIS servers ; NW servers.
In addition, three special internal modules support a local list of users for 
one; a local list of users stored in databse for the second; and 
authenticating anybody for the other.

External programs support: NT Domain controllers; Netware servers; PAM servers.

Which authentication scheme to choose

The right choice for you depends on where your users are:

If they're all in a closed organization (A private company; a university; etc),
then this organization probably already has its own authentication service.
MRBS can connect to several kinds of services, like LDAP servers; NT domain
controllers; Netware servers; pop3 or imap mail servers; etc.

PHP authentication modules
|Type  |Description             |Pros               |Cons                    |
|none  |Every user is accepted. |                   |                        |
|      |This was for example the|                   |                        |
|      |case of the MRBS 1.1 IP |  - Very simple to |  - No security at all. |
|      |address and computer    |  setup.           |                        |
|      |name "authentications". |                   |                        |
|config|Users are listed in     |                   |                        |
|      |         |                   |                        |
|      |                        |  - Simple to      |  - Users cannot update |
|      |                        |  setup.           |  their own password.   |
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|      |                        |  - Not dependant  |  - Administrators      |
|      |                        |  on an external   |  manually set the user |
|      |                        |  authentication   |  passwords, which is   |
|      |                        |  server, so usable|  against normal        |
|      |                        |  on the Internet. |  confidentiality rules.|
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|db    |Users validated using   |                   |                        |
|      |web-based authentication|  - Simple to setup|                        |
|      |based on a table in mrbs|                   |  - Does not use        |
|      |database                |  - Built in MRBS  |  existing directory    |
|      |                        |  but more secure  |                        |
|      |                        |  than 'config'    |                        |
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|      |                        |  - easy to        |                        |
|      |                        |  configure        |                        |
|db_ext|Users validated using   |                   |                        |
|      |a table in an external  |  - Uses an        |                        |
|      |database                |  existing         |                        |
|      |                        |  authentication   |                        |
|      |                        |  database thereby |                        |
|      |                        |  saving directory |                        |
|      |                        |  duplication.     |                        |
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|      |                        |  - easy to        |                        |
|      |                        |  configure        |                        |
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|ldap  |Users validated using   |                   |                        |
|      |LDAP directory services.|                   |                        |
|      |                        |  - For corporate  |  - Does not work on the|
|      |                        |  intranets using  |  Internet?             |
|      |                        |  LDAP directory   |                        |
|      |                        |  services.        |                        |
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|pop3  |Users validated by a    |                   |                        |
|      |POP3 mail server.       |                   |                        |
|      |                        |  - For groups of  |  - Technically works on|
|      |                        |  users all having |  the Internet, but it's|
|      |                        |  an Email address |  unlikely all users of |
|      |                        |  on the same      |  a site will have an   |
|      |                        |  server.          |  Email address on the  |
|      |                        |                   |  same mail server.     |
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|imap  |Users validated by an   |                   |                        |
|      |IMAP mail server.       |                   |                        |
|      |                        |  - For groups of  |  - Technically works on|
|      |                        |  users all having |  the Internet, but it's|
|      |                        |  an Email address |  unlikely all users of |
|      |                        |  on the same      |  a site will have an   |
|      |                        |  server.          |  Email address on the  |
|      |                        |                   |  same mail server.     |
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|nis   |Users validated by NIS  |                   |  - This extension is   |
|      |server (user contrib.)  |                   |  not available on      |
|      |                        |  - ?              |  Windows platforms.    |
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|nw    |Users validated by      |                   |  - TThis is only going |
|      |Netware server          |                   |   to work on Linux.    |
|      |(user contrib.)         |  - ?              |                        |
|      |                        |                   |                        |
|ext   |Validation is delegated |                   |                        |
|      |to an external program. |                   |                        |
|      |                        |  - Lots of        |  - Most available      |
|      |                        |  possibilities.   |  programs work only    |
|      |                        |                   |  under Unix.           |
|      |                        |                   |                        |

External authentication programs
|Program           |Description       |Pros             |Cons               |
|          |Perl script with  |                 |                   |
|                  |usernames and     |                 |                   |
|                  |passwords hard    |  - Very simple  |  - No security at |
|                  |coded in.         |  to setup.      |  all.             |
|                  |Not for use this  |                 |                   |
|                  |in a production   |                 |                   |
|                  |environment - it's|                 |                   |
|                  |just to           |                 |                   |
|                  |demonstrate.      |                 |                   |
|   |Idem, but with    |                 |                   |
|                  |passwords         |                 |                   |
|                  |encrypted.        |                 |                   |
|smb_auth          |Uses Samba SMB API|                 |                   |
|                  |to authenticate   |                 |                   |
|                  |users at an NT    |  - For corporate|  - Only works on a|
|                  |domain controller.|  intranets using|  Unix server.     |
|                  |smb_auth.c source |  NT domain      |                   |
|                  |provided.         |  security.      |  - Requires a Unix|
|                  |                  |                 |  server in an     |
|                  |                  |                 |  organization     |
|                  |                  |                 |  using Windows    |
|                  |                  |                 |  security.        |
|                  |                  |                 |  Vicious!         |
|                  |                  |                 |                   |
|nwauth            |Connects to a     |                 |                   |
|                  |Netware server.   |                 |                   |
|                  |                  |  - For corporate|  - Only works on a|
|                  |                  |  intranets using|  Unix server.     |
|                  |                  |  Netware servers|                   |
|                  |                  |  security.      |  - Requires a Unix|
|                  |                  |                 |  server in an     |
|                  |                  |                 |  organization     |
|                  |                  |                 |  using Netware    |
|                  |                  |                 |  security.        |
|                  |                  |                 |  Vicious!         |
|                  |                  |                 |                   |
|      |Uses LDAP         |                 |                   |
|                  |                  |                 |                   |
|                  |                  |                 |  - The PHP ldap   |
|                  |                  |                 |  module is        |
|                  |                  |                 |  recommended      |
|                  |                  |                 |  instead of this  |
|                  |                  |                 |  one.             |
|                  |                  |                 |                   |
||Uses LDAP         |                 |                   |
|                  |                  |                 |                   |
|                  |                  |                 |  - The PHP ldap   |
|                  |                  |                 |  module is        |
|                  |                  |                 |  recommended      |
|                  |                  |                 |  instead of this  |
|                  |                  |                 |  one.             |
|                  |                  |                 |                   |
|       |Uses PAM          |                 |                   |
|                  |                  |                 |                   |
|                  |                  |  - For Unix     |                   |
|                  |                  |  system uses PAM|                   |
|                  |                  |  (especially    |                   |
|                  |                  |  Linux, but also|                   |
|                  |                  |  SUN Solaris)   |                   |
|                  |                  |                 |                   |

Which session scheme to choose

The session scheme is the way the user and password is queried and recorded.

This one is a no-brainer. Use the "php" session scheme. The others are left in
for historical reasons:

|Type   |Description                   |Pros                |Cons            |
|php    |Use PHP's native session      |                    |                |
|       |handling. Recommended.        |                    |                |
|       |(Session data is usually saved|  - Recommended by  |  - Any?        |
|       |in a file on the server)      |  PHP doctors, PHP  |                |
|       |                              |  moms, etc.        |                |
|       |                              |                    |                |
|http   |Use the "HTTP basic           |                    |                |
|       |authentication" protocol to   |                    |                |
|       |get a user/password popup.    |  - Simple.         |  - Incompatible|
|       |                              |                    |  with IIS web  |
|       |                              |  - This was the    |  servers.      |
|       |                              |  default in MRBS   |                |
|       |                              |  1.1 for most      |  - No way to   |
|       |                              |  authentication    |  log out.      |
|       |                              |  schemes.          |                |
|       |                              |                    |                |
|cookies|Save the user/password in     |                    |                |
|       |cookies on the client's web   |                    |                |
|       |browser.                      |  - Less demanding  |  - Some users  |
|       |                              |  for the server    |  disable       |
|       |                              |  than PHP native   |  cookies on    |
|       |                              |  sessions. (No     |  their browser.|
|       |                              |  files stored)     |                |
|       |                              |                    |                |
|nt     |The users identity is queried |                    |                |
|       |AND validated by an NT/IIS    |                    |                |
|       |server running in             |  - For corporate   |  - Incompatible|
|       |authenticated access mode.    |  intranets using   |  with Linux    |
|       |(That is anonymous access     |  NT/2000/XP servers|  servers by    |
|       |disabled, or Access Control   |  in authenticated  |  definition.   |
|       |Lists enabled)                |  access mode.      |                |
|       |                              |                    |  - Does not    |
|       |Use in combination with       |                    |  work on the   |
|       |authentication "none", as the |                    |  Internet.     |
|       |authentication is already done|                    |                |
|       |by IIS during the session     |                    |  - Does not    |
|       |initiation.                   |                    |  allow         |
|       |                              |                    |  anonymous     |
|       |                              |                    |  browsing.     |
|       |                              |                    |                |
|omni   |The users identity is queried |                    |                |
|       |AND validated by an Omnicron  |                    |                |
|       |OmniHTTPd web server.         |  - For users of    |  - For users of|
|       |                              |  Omnicron OmniHTTPd|  Omnicron      |
|       |Use in combination with       |  web servers.      |  OmniHTTPd web |
|       |authentication "none", as     |                    |  servers.      |
|       |authentication is already done|                    |                |
|       |by OmniHTTPd during the       |                    |                |
|       |session initiation.           |                    |                |
|remote_|The user's identity is        |                    |                |
|user   |determined by reading the     |                    |                |
|       |REMOTE_USER environment       | - For users that   |  - Requires a  |
|       |variable.                     | already have an    |  web server    |
|       |Use in combination with       | wider auth.        |  setup that    |
|       |authentication "none", as     | scheme that sets   |  sets          |
|       |authentication has already    | REMOTE_USER, allows|  REMOTE_USER.  |
|       |been done by the system that  | MRBS to use that   |  Could be hard |
|       |sets REMOTE_USER              | scheme             |  to set up     |
|ip     |Users are identified by the IP|                    |                |
|       |address of their computer.    |                    |                |
|       |                              |  - Easy to setup,  |  - Incompatible|
|       |Use in combination with       |  for MRBS          |  with DHCP.    |
|       |authentication "none" or      |  evaluation.       |                |
|       |"config".                     |                    |  - Users cannot|
|       |                              |                    |  make changes  |
|       |                              |                    |  from a        |
|       |                              |                    |  different     |
|       |                              |                    |  computer.     |
|       |                              |                    |                |
|host   |Users are identified by the   |                    |                |
|       |DNS name of their host        |                    |                |
|       |computer.                     |  - Easy to setup,  |  - Users cannot|
|       |                              |  for MRBS          |  make changes  |
|       |Use in combination of         |  evaluation.       |  from a        |
|       |authentication "none" or      |                    |  different     |
|       |"config".                     |                    |  computer.     |
|       |                              |                    |                |

How to configure authentication


You don't configure users in MRBS. Users (and their password) are configured in
an external authentication server.


- The "config" authentication is managed by MRBS, using a list of names and
passwords in This is done by specifying: $auth["user"][
"username1"] = "password1"; $auth["user"]["username2"] = "password2";
- The "db" authentication is managed by MRBS, using a list of names and
passwords stored in mrbs database.


Prerequisite: Administrators are also users. They must have a valid user name
and password in the selected authentication server.

Administrators are defined in This is done by specifying:
$auth["admin"][] = "username1";

$auth["admin"][] = "username2";

You can have as many administrators as you want in this list.


- In the "db" authentication method, access rights are stored in the MRBS
database and are managed by MRBS.

The default MRBS configuration uses PHP sessions, and a user list in for authentication. It defines three demo users 'alice' 'bob'
and 'administrator'. The 'administrator' user is also in the administrators
list by default. You will almost surely want to change these.

If IP authentication is used, for "username" use the IP address.

In this case, make sure to define the local host ( as an
administrator. This allows to conveniently administer the reservation system
locally on the server.

Session type

Choose one type in the list above, and set the $auth["session"] parameter in Example:

$auth["session"] = "php";

Authentication type

Choose the internal authentication module you want.

Internal PHP modules

If it's an internal PHP module, set the $auth["type"] parameter in Example:

$auth["type"] = "pop3";

Then set the type-specific parameters in See details in the
authentication descriptions below.

External programs

If you want to use an external authentication program, set $auth["type"] =
"ext"; and set the additional parameters:

    - The name of the selected program in $auth["prog"].
    Don't forget to prefix it with "./" under Unix and ensure that the
    program is executable by the "user" that the webserver runs as.
    $auth["prog"] = "./smb_auth";

    - The arguments to pass to the above program in $auth["params"].

    $auth["params"] = "#USERNAME# #PASSWORD#";
    At runtime "#USERNAME#" and "#PASSWORD#" will get replaced with the username
    and password that the user entered to login. The string can contain other
    arguments in addition to the above two.

Internal PHP Authentication Modules Configuration

Config Authentication

Config Authentication uses no external server. It uses a list of users Configure it as follows:

$auth["type"] = "config";

Then add the list of users:

$auth["user"]["username1"] = "password1";

$auth["user"]["username2"] = "password2";

Note: If the password contains the characters \ or $, then it's necessary to
prefix them with a \. For example for password pa$$word, use the string =

Finally put at least one of the users in the administrator's list.

$auth["admin"][] = "username2";


DB Authentication

Authentication method, usable on the Internet.

It works by storing the list of users in a new table called mrbs_users in
the mrbs database.

The authentication is done by the module
Enable it by setting $auth["type"]="db" in

The list of users is displayed by clicking on the "User list" link in
the logon box in the top banner.
This list is managed by module edit_users.php.
Administrators have the right to edit every entry, and add or remove users.
Simple users only have the right to edit their own entry.

The first time it is accessed, the mrbs_users table is automatically

*** WARNING ***
After you have set up MRBS, the first thing you must do is go to the 
"User list" and set up a user with administrator rights.    Until you 
do this the system is open and the first person to go to the "User list" link
will be able to set up an administrator and lock you out of the system.  You
will then only be able to get back into the system by droppng the users
Once you have set up the first administrator you can then log on to
the system using the username and password you have just created and
create more users.

Upgrading from pre-1.4.2 systems:
Versions of MRBS before 1.4.2 did not store access rights in the database
and relied on the list of admins in the config file.    If you are upgrading
from a pre-1.4.2 system, MRBS will automatically upgrade the users table in the
database by adding a field for access rights level and give admin rights to
those users for whom admin access is defined in the config file.   So, if 
upgrading, you will need to make sure that your admins are set in the config
file until you have run edit_users.php (by following the "User list" link) for 
the first time.  Once you have run edit_users.php the admin definitions in the 
config file are no longer used and can be deleted if you wish.
It's possible, and very simple, to add new application-specific fields in
the mrbs_users table.
No change is needed in edit_users.php editor code.
Edit_users.php will automatically detect the new fields and add columns for
The new fields can either be added beforehand in the code that creates the
table in the beginning of edit_users.php (See comments there);
Or they can be added afterwards using database admin tools
Note: The first three fields (id, level, name, password) must not be
tampered with. All others are modifiable at will.
Future improvements
 - Have a second level of administrators (level 3 users), with only such
 level 3 users allowed to edit the user database. This would be similar to
 all other authentications in mrbs, which delegate the user accounts
 management to an external authority.

External DB (db_ext) Authentication

Authentication method, usable on the Internet.

It works by using one of the installer's own databases. The database can
be any database system for which MRBS has a database abstraction. You can
configure how to connect to the database server, what kind of database
system it is (mysql, mysqli, pgsql currently), the database/table to
use and the names of the "user" and "password" columns.

The configuration items are held in and are as follows:

$auth['db_ext']['db_system'] = 'mysql'; /* Or 'mysqli', 'pgsql' */
$auth['db_ext']['db_host'] = 'localhost';

The server to connect to.

$auth['db_ext']['db_username'] = 'authuser';
$auth['db_ext']['db_password'] = 'authpass';

The MySQL username and password to connect with.

$auth['db_ext']['db_name'] = 'authdb';

The name of the database.

$auth['db_ext']['db_table'] = 'users';

The table that holds the authentication data.

$auth['db_ext']['column_name_username'] = 'name';
$auth['db_ext']['column_name_password'] = 'password';

The names of the two columns that hold the authentication data.

$auth['db_ext']['password_format'] = 'md5';

This is the format of the password entries in the table. You can specify
'md5', 'sha1', 'crypt' or 'plaintext'.

POP3 Authentication

MRBS has POP3 Authentication support.  This method will first try to
authenticate using APOP, and fall back to standard USER/PASS if that
fails.  This can be used by setting as follows:

$auth["type"] = "pop3";

Also you will need to change the section:

# 'auth_pop3' configuration settings

# Where is the POP3 server
$pop3_host = "pop3-server-name";
# The POP3 server port
$pop3_port = "110";

You will almost certainly not need to change the POP3 port number.

This method supports authentication against multiple servers using
the syntax below:

Multiple servers all using the same port:
# 'auth_pop3' configuration settings
# Where is the POP3 server
$pop3_host[] = "localhost";
$pop3_host[] = "";
# The POP3 server port
$pop3_port = "110";

Multiple servers with the option of different ports for each server:
# 'auth_pop3' configuration settings
# Where is the POP3 server
$pop3_host[] = "localhost";
$pop3_host[] = "";
# The POP3 server ports in the same order as the hosts
$pop3_port[] = "110";
$pop3_port[] = "110";

Note: if you use the latter configuration then an equal number of hosts
and ports must be specified or authentication will fail.

IMAP Authentication

Very similar in principle to the pop3 authentication.

MRBS has IMAP Authentication support. This can be used by setting as follows:

$auth["type"] = "imap";

Also you will need to change the section:

# 'auth_imap' configuration settings

# Where is the IMAP server
$imap_host = "imap-server-name";
# The IMAP server port
$imap_port = "143";

You will almost certainly not need to change the IMAP port number.

This method supports authentication against multiple servers using
the syntax below.  It will try all the servers until a match is found
or it fails to authenticate the user.

Multiple servers all using the same port:
# 'auth_imap' configuration settings
# Where is the IMAP server
$imap_host[] = "localhost";
$imap_host[] = "";
# The IMAP server port
$imap_port = "143";

Multiple servers with the option of different ports for each server:
# 'auth_imap' configuration settings
# Where is the IMAP server
$imap_host[] = "localhost";
$imap_host[] = "";
# The IMAP server ports in the same order as the hosts
$imap_port[] = "143";
$imap_port[] = "143";

Note: if you use the latter configuration then an equal number of hosts
and ports must be specified or authentication will fail.

LDAP Authentication

There are currently three methods for doing LDAP authentication, auth_ldap,,  The preferred method, auth_ldap, uses
PHP's LDAP extension which must be compiled into PHP or installed and loaded
as a plugin extension in your php.ini. This method is described here.
The other methods use the 'ext' authentication method and are described
further on in this file.

This method can be used by setting as follows:

$auth["type"] = "ldap";

Also you will need to change the section:

# 'auth_ldap' configuration settings
# Where is the LDAP server
$ldap_host = "localhost";
# If you have a non-standard LDAP port, you can define it here
#$ldap_port = 389;
# If you want to use LDAP v3, change the following to true
$ldap_v3 = false;
# If you want to use TLS, change following to true
$ldap_tls = false;
# LDAP base distinguish name
# See AUTHENTICATION for details of how check against multiple base dn's
$ldap_base_dn = "ou=organizationalunit,dc=my-domain,dc=com";
# Attribute within the base dn that contains the username
$ldap_user_attrib = "uid";

You only need to set $ldap_port if your LDAP server uses a non-standard

If you want to use LDAP v3, or TLS over LDAP set $ldap_v3 or $ldap_tls
to true, respectively.

This method will attempt an authenticated bind to the ldap server using
the supplied password and a distinguished name, which is formed from the
base distinguished name, the user attribute and the user name. 

This method supports multiple $ldap_base_dn entries and $ldap_user_attrib
values.  The authentication is attempted with each base dn in turn until it
succeeds or it fails to authenticate the user.

Multiple base distinguished names with the same user attribute for each
base dn:
# 'auth_ldap' configuration settings
# Where is the LDAP server
$ldap_host = "localhost";
# LDAP base distinguish names
$ldap_base_dn[] = "ou=People, o=myCompany, c=US";
$ldap_base_dn[] = "ou=Administrators, o=myCompany, c=US";
$ldap_user_attrib = "uid";

Multiple base distinguished names with the option of different user attributes
for each base dn:
# 'auth_ldap' configuration settings
# Where is the LDAP server
$ldap_host = "localhost";
# LDAP base distinguish names
$ldap_base_dn[] = "ou=People, o=myCompany, c=US";
$ldap_base_dn[] = "ou=Administrators, o=myCompany, c=US";
$ldap_user_attrib[] = "uid";
$ldap_user_attrib[] = "cn";

Note: if you use the latter configuration then an equal number of base dn's
and user attributes must be specified or authentication will fail.

NIS Authentication

$auth["type"] = "nis";

Authenticates the user from the NIS passwd.byname map. Requires the crypt
password to be stored in the passwd.byname map and won't therefore work
with shadow password NIS.

NT Authentication

MRBS has Microsoft Windows NT/IIS authentication support. This can be used by
setting as follows:

$auth["session"] = "nt";

$auth["type"] = "none";

Note that technically NT authentication is actually an MRBS session scheme. We
put it in this list as it is related with authentication anyway.

To add an admin, just add his user's Windows user account like this:

$auth["admin"][] = "nt_username";

Also this scheme is fairly simple (it relies on IIS determining a user's
Windows user account identity, before allowing the user to establish a network
connection with the server) there are some requirements for it to work (these
notes are based on IIS 5.0):

    - You have to configure you mrbs directory (at least) to use either
    'Basic Authentication' or 'Integrated Windows Authentication' (formerly
    called NTLM or Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication).

To enable a WWW authentication method in IIS:

In the Internet Information Services snap-in, select your site, but preferably
only mrbs directory, and open its property sheets. Select the Directory
Security property sheet. Under Anonymous Access and Authentication Control,
click Edit. In the Authentication Methods dialog box, select one or more
appropriate methods.

The simplest way is to use 'Integrated Windows Authentication' because unlike
'Basic authentication', it does not prompt users for a user name and password.
The current Windows user information on the client computer is used for the
'integrated Windows authentication'. It is also a more secure form of
authentication because the user name and password are not sent across the

But if you really want your users to enter their domain username/password, you
have to select 'Basic Authentication'. The advantage of Basic authentication is
that it is part of the HTTP specification, and is supported by most browsers.
So, theoretically, you can log in with a valid domain username/password with a
non-Microsoft browser, but frankly I did not tested it. The disadvantage is
that 'Basic authentication' transmit passwords in an unencrypted form.

    - To use 'Integrated Windows Authentication', you HAVE TO use the
    Microsoft browser too. Currently, only Internet Explorer, version 2.0 and
    later, supports this.
    - The 'Anonymous access' must be disabled.

    - If you enable both Basic and Integrated authentication, Integrated
    authentication takes precedence over Basic authentication.
    - 'Integrated Windows authentication' does not work over HTTP Proxy
    connections or other firewall applications. So this scheme is more suitable
    for an Intranet, but 'Basic Authentication' should work (not tested).

All this was tested against IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000 server and Windows 2000
workstations using Internet Explorer 6.0, but this should work from IIS 4.0.

OMNI Authentication

OMNI Authentication using Omnicron OmniHTTPd web server security features.
Very similar in principle to NT authentication.

$auth["session"] = "omni";

$auth["type"] = "none";

Note that technically Omni authentication is actually an MRBS session scheme.
We put it in this list as it is related with authentication anyway.

REMOTE_USER Authentication

Get user identity/password using the REMOTE_USER environment variable

To use this session scheme, set in

  $auth['session']  = 'remote_user';
  $auth['type'] = 'none';

If you want to display a logout link, set in

  $auth['remote_user']['logout_link'] = '/logout/link.html'

External Authentication Programs Configuration

Perl password list

"" is a short piece of Perl, which can quickly be used to demonstrate
how the "ext" authentication provider works.

It has usernames and passwords hard coded. I don't expect anyone to use this in
a production environment - it's just to demonstrate.

In the file authentication section, set:

# Authentication settings - read AUTHENTICATION

$auth["type"] = "ext";
$auth["prog"] = "./";
$auth["params"] = "#USERNAME# #PASSWORD#";

NOTE: The last line are parameters that will get passed to the ''
script. At runtime "#USERNAME#" and "#PASSWORD" will get replaced with the
username and password that the user entered to login.

NOTE: Under Unix, make sure has execution rights: 'chmod +x'

Once you have changed this then look at the /mrbs/ page through your browser.
When you click one of the (+) buttons, you will be asked for a username and
password. Check for the valid combinations.

To try out an "admin" user, add an appropriate username to the section that

$auth["admin"][] = "....";

Crypted password authentication
------------------------------- is like the method above but uses a file containing
usernames and their crypted passwords should be changed to have a section that reads something like:

$auth["type"] = "ext";

$auth["prog"] = "../";
$auth["params"] = "/etc/httpd/mrbs_passwd #USERNAME# #PASSWORD#";

As you can see the script takes 3 parameters.

The first parameter is the filename of the password file.
It must be readable by the user which PHP is running as, which is usually the
user the web server is running as. The password file must consist of pairs of
username and crypted password, seperated by a colon. See crypt_passwd.example
for an example password file.

NOTE: Under Unix, make sure has execution rights: 'chmod +x'

SMB Authentication

Here are instructions gathered from several users for using SMB authentication:

Included is the source (smb_auth.c). This is a very simple program, that
returns "true" if the username/password are valid and "false" otherwise.


- Download the PAM library from (current one is 1.1.7)
or type:

$ wget

- $ tar -xvzf pam_smb-1.1.7.tar.gz

or gtar -xvzf pam_smb-1.1.7.tar.gz

- $ cd pam_smb

- $ ./configure

[or if you want to disable encrypted passwords you can run
$ ./configure --disable-encrypt-pass

- $ make

[ or maybe on Solaris
$ gmake ]

You can ignore any errors/warnings after the line

make[1]: Leaving directory `...../pam_smb/smbval'
any problems before this need to be fixed as smbvalid.a needs to be created.

- copy smb_auth.c that come with the MRBS package in /pam_smb/ directory:
$ cp /<wherever>/smb_auth.c .

- $ gcc -o smb_auth smb_auth.c smbval/smbvalid.a

[ or on Solaris :
$ gcc -o smb_auth smb_auth.c smbval/smbvalid.a -lsocket -lnsl
The extra libraries (-lsocket -lnsl) are not mentioned in the documentation but
this might just be a Solaris thing ]

This creates a binary that does not rely on anything in the pam_smb release. So
this can be deleted after you have copied smb_auth to another location.

- [ $ strip smb_auth ] (shrink the file, optional)

- Now move/copy smb_auth to somewhere that the web server can access it and
specify the path in For example : $ cp smb_auth /usr/bin
and verify smb_auth has enough execute rights.

USAGE: smb_auth [username] [password] [server] [backup] [domain]

You can bypass domain if you specify username like [domain/username]

returns 0 on success

returns 1 on failure

- Then set as follows:

# Authentication settings - read AUTHENTICATION

$auth["type"] = "ext";
$auth["prog"] = "/usr/bin/smb_auth";

The [params] are:

* #USERNAME# is replaced by the actual username presented
* #PASSWORD# is replaced by the user's password
* Primary Server used for password validation
* Secondary server used for password validation
* NT domain under which the user is registered

Netware Authentication

This is only going to work on Linux.

There's a program called "nwauth" which is included with ncpfs. To use it
you'll need to have IPX support compiled in your kernel. There might be other
requirements as well - see the stuff that comes with ncpfs.

You can get it from

I've only tested this with ncpfs-

Please see README.nwauth for more information on Netware authentication.

LDAP Authentication

The preferred LDAP authentication method uses the internal PHP module described
above. Two alternatives are available though:

The second LDAP authentication method uses a very small Perl program It requires the Net::LDAP module be installed and working.
For me this simply meant doing:

perl -MCPAN -e"install Net::LDAP"

The script simply attemps to bind to a server using a supplied dn and password.
It expects the full thing to be passed in - eg

cn=root, o=University of Michigan, c=us

In my case, I can pass just the cn and it works. My settings

# Authentication settings - read AUTHENTICATION

$auth["type"] = "ext";
$auth["prog"] = "/home/httpd/html/mrbs/";
$auth["params"] = "LDAPSERVER cn=#USERNAME# #PASSWORD#";

NOTE: Under Unix, make sure has execution rights: 'chmod +x'

The third also uses a perl script that simply calls ldapsearch.

You will need specify the path to ldapsearch in
You might try this as a last resort if your site has an unusual
LDAP configuration. NOTE, the script disallows any usernames which
contain uppercase or space characters in them, for the reason behind
this please see the script its self.

$auth["realm"] = "MRBS";

$auth["type"] = "ext";
$auth["prog"] = "/home/httpd/html/mrbs/";
$auth["params"] = "LDAPSERVER cn=#USERNAME# #PASSWORD#";
$auth["params"] = "YourServer \"Your search root\" \"#USERNAME#\"

NOTE: Under Unix, make sure has execution rights: 'chmod +x'

PAM Authentification

In case your Unix system uses PAM (especially Linux, but also SUN Solaris)
you might try the script This script takes two two parameters -
the user name and the user password.

This perl script requires Authen::PAM.

The script has to be run as SUID. Therefore you should take some precautions
to not undermine your system's security. Change the group of the script to that
of your Web Server (for Apache this is normally nobody or apache) and don't
make it readable and executeable to anybody else, eg.:

chgrp nobody

The script has to be run SUID and has to be executed by sperl:

chmod 4750

The first line (#!/usr/bin/sperl5.6.0) says where sperl is located on
your system. Please adapt this for your needs.

Now add the configuration to web/ in your MRBS directory.
This looks as follows (adapt the path to according to your
your configuration):

$auth["realm"] = "MY REALM";

$auth["type"] = "ext";
$auth["prog"] = "/var/www/html/mrbs/";
$auth["params"] = "#USERNAME# #PASSWORD#";

That's it.

Note that this has been only tested with Red Hat 7.x. Feedback on whether this
works on other systems ( eg. Solaris) is appreciated.

Creating a new authentication scheme

Authentication programs are responsible for validating user/password pairs.
They must not attempt to communicate with the user.

Adding support for a new authentication service not yet supported by MRBS can
be done using one of the two following techniques:

Using a PHP module

You must create a new module called "".

It will be configured by setting in

$auth["type"] = "xxx";

The "" file needs to define the following functions:

|Function Name            |Description                 |Returns              |
|authValidateUser($user,  |Checks if the specified     |0 = The pair is      |
|$pass)                   |username/password pair are  |invalid or does not  |
|                         |valid.                      |exist.               |
|                         |                            |Non 0 = The pair is  |
|                         |                            |valid                |
|authGetUserLevel($user)  |Determines the users access |0 = Unknown          |
|                         |level.                      |1 = User             |
|                         |                            |2 = Administrator    |
Store any configuration parameters specific to your module in a dedicated
section in

Finally update this document with a description of your module.

Using an external program

External authentication programs are invoked via the internal PHP configuration
proxy module called "".

The external program must take the username, password, and possibly other
values as parameters. Its exit code must be a zero for "OK", and anything else
for "not OK".

"" takes the following parameters in

$auth["type"] = "ext";

$auth["prog"] = "the_pathname_of_your_program";
$auth["params"] = "the arguments your program needs";

"" constructs a command line to execute like:

$cmd = $auth["prog"] . ' ' . $auth["params"];

$cmd = preg_replace('/#USERNAME#/',$user,$cmd);
$cmd = preg_replace('/#PASSWORD#/',$pass,$cmd);

This should allow a lot of flexibility with different authenticators.

Creating a new session scheme

Session modules manage the user interface for obtaining the user name and
password. They also manage the way the name and password are recorded
throughout a session.

To create a new scheme, you must create a new PHP module called

It will be configured by setting in

$auth["session"] = "xxx";

The "" file needs to define certain functions:

|Function Name    |Description                                  |Returns     |
|authGet()        |Prompt the user for username/password.       |Nothing     |
|getUserName()    |Returns the current user name.               |The user    |
|                 |                                             |name,       |
|                 |                                             |or null if  |
|                 |                                             |not known.  |
|PrintLogonBox()  |Optional. If defined, it will be used to draw|Nothing     |
|                 |the contents of the logon/logoff box in MRBS |            |
|                 |top banner.                                  |            |
Note: Session schemes are also useful in the case where a web server enforces
its own session and authentication management. See the and
session files as examples. In this case, use in combination
with authentication "none", as the real authentication is already done during
the session initiation, and needs not be done again inside MRBS.

A little bit of history

The original version of MRBS, created by Daniel Gardner, did not have
username/password support. Each booking that was made had the IP address of the
client machine logged as the "creator" of the booking.

In this case the IP address functions as the "username".

This works well in the case where all IPs are static, and everyone is allowed
access to the system. In the wider world there are occasions where this is a
little too liberal.

To combat this MRBS 0.8 introduced authentication, initially provided by Sam
Mason <>.

There are three levels of access in MRBS:

    - Level 0 - not logged in
    - Level 1 - Authenticated
    - Level 2 - Administrator

The administrators are allowed to modify other people's bookings, whereas Level
1 users can only change their own. Administrators also have the ability to add
and remove rooms and areas.

With time, several alternative authentication methods were introduced.
All rely on the same basic principles:

    - Each user is identified by a name.
    - Each name has a corresponding password.
    - The name/password pair must be valid in the authentication service
    MRBS connects to.
    - Some users have additional MRBS administration rights. Their names
    are listed in the $auth["admin"] list in
    - It's the web site creator's responsibility to manually enter the
    names of all the users that will have administrator rights in this list.

Before accessing a restricted page, MRBS prompts the user for a name and
password. Then it connects to an authentication server, which is responsible
for deciding if the user/password pair is valid. If it is, MRBS finally grants
access to the page.

The types of authentication servers supported are: LDAP servers; NT domain
controllers; Netware servers; POP3 email servers; IMAP email servers; etc.

Still the initial authentication system had shortcomings:

    - The user/password prompt relied on the HTTP basic authentication
    protocol, in a mode not supported by IIS web servers.
    - MRBS was increasingly used on the Internet, where central
    authentication servers are not available in the general case.
    - There was no way to log off.

In MRBS 1.2, the authentication system was restructured by Jean-François
Larvoire <>

The main change was to separate the user/password acquisition (Also called
session initiation), from its validation (called authentication).

The existing routines for querying the user identity were moved to module This module is left in for backwards compatibility, but
deprecated. A new session management module was introduced, based on PHP's
built-in session management. This is the one recommended now on. It includes
the ability to log off.

On the authentication side, most existing modules were carried on, with the
session code removed. A simple module ( was added, managing a
simple list of users in Eventually there will also be another
authentication module, using a table of users in the MRBS database.

$Id: AUTHENTICATION 1032 2009-02-24 22:52:28Z jberanek $