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<a name="New-markup-command-definition"></a>
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<a name="New-markup-command-definition"></a>
<h3 class="subsection">6.4.3 New markup command definition</h3>

<p>New markup commands can be defined
with the <code>define-markup-command</code> Scheme macro.
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="lisp">(define-markup-command (<var>command-name</var> <var>layout</var> <var>props</var> <var>arg1</var> <var>arg2</var> ...)
            (<var>arg1-type?</var> <var>arg2-type?</var> ...)
  ..command body..)

<p>The arguments are
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <var>argi</var></dt>
<dd><p><var>i</var>th command argument
<dt> <var>argi-type?</var></dt>
<dd><p>a type predicate for the i<var>th</var> argument
<dt> <var>layout</var></dt>
<dd><p>the &lsquo;layout&rsquo; definition
<dt> <var>props</var></dt>
<dd><p>a list of alists, containing all active properties.

<p>As a simple example, we show how to add a <code>\smallcaps</code> command,
which selects a small caps font.  Normally we could select the
small caps font,
<blockquote><pre class="example">\markup { \override #'(font-shape . caps) Text-in-caps }

<p>This selects the caps font by setting the <code>font-shape</code> property to
<code>#'caps</code> for interpreting <code>Text-in-caps</code>.
<p>To make the above available as <code>\smallcaps</code> command, we must
define a function using <code>define-markup-command</code>.  The command should
take a single argument of type <code>markup</code>.  Therefore the start of the
definition should read
<blockquote><pre class="example">(define-markup-command (smallcaps layout props argument) (markup?)

<p>What follows is the content of the command: we should interpret
the <code>argument</code> as a markup, i.e.,
<blockquote><pre class="example">(interpret-markup layout &hellip; argument)

<p>This interpretation should add <code>'(font-shape . caps)</code> to the active
properties, so we substitute the following for the &hellip; in the
above example:
<blockquote><pre class="example">(cons (list '(font-shape . caps) ) props)

<p>The variable <code>props</code> is a list of alists, and we prepend to it by
cons&rsquo;ing a list with the extra setting.

<p>Suppose that we are typesetting a recitative in an opera and
we would like to define a command that will show character names in a
custom manner.  Names should be printed with small caps and moved a
bit to the left and top.  We will define a <code>\character</code> command
which takes into account the necessary translation and uses the newly
defined <code>\smallcaps</code> command:
<blockquote><pre class="example">#(define-markup-command (character layout props name) (string?)
  &quot;Print the character name in small caps, translated to the left and
  top.  Syntax: \\character #\&quot;name\&quot;&quot;
  (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup #:hspace 0 #:translate (cons -3 1) #:smallcaps name)))

<p>There is one complication that needs explanation: texts above and below
the staff are moved vertically to be at a certain distance (the
<code>padding</code> property) from the staff and the notes.  To make sure
that this mechanism does not annihilate the vertical effect of our
<code>#:translate</code>, we add an empty string (<code>#:hspace 0</code>) before the
translated text.  Now the <code>#:hspace 0</code> will be put above the notes,
and the
<code>name</code> is moved in relation to that empty string.  The net effect is
that the text is moved to the upper left.
<p>The final result is as follows:
<blockquote><pre class="example">{
  c''^\markup \character #&quot;Cleopatra&quot;
  e'^\markup \character #&quot;Giulio Cesare&quot;

 <a href="../27/">
  <img align="middle"
       alt="[image of music]">

<p>We have used the <code>caps</code> font shape, but suppose that our font
does not have a small-caps variant.  In that case we have to fake
the small caps font by setting a string in upcase with the first
letter a little larger:
<blockquote><pre class="example">#(define-markup-command (smallcaps layout props str) (string?)
  &quot;Print the string argument in small caps.&quot;
  (interpret-markup layout props
    (map (lambda (s)
          (if (= (string-length s) 0)
              (markup #:large (string-upcase (substring s 0 1))
                      #:translate (cons -0.6 0)
                      #:tiny (string-upcase (substring s 1)))))
         (string-split str #\Space)))))

<p>The <code>smallcaps</code> command first splits its string argument into
tokens separated by spaces (<code>(string-split str #\Space)</code>); for
each token, a markup is built with the first letter made large and
upcased (<code>#:large (string-upcase (substring s 0 1))</code>), and a
second markup built with the following letters made tiny and upcased
(<code>#:tiny (string-upcase (substring s 1))</code>).  As LilyPond
introduces a space between markups on a line, the second markup is
translated to the left (<code>#:translate (cons -0.6 0) ...</code>).  Then,
the markups built for each token are put in a line by
<code>(make-line-markup ...)</code>.  Finally, the resulting markup is passed
to the <code>interpret-markup</code> function, with the <code>layout</code> and
<code>props</code> arguments.
<p>Note: there is now an internal command <code>\smallCaps</code> which can
be used to set text in small caps.  See
<a href="">Text markup commands</a>, for details.
<a name="Known-issues-and-warnings-18"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading">Known issues and warnings</h4>

<p>Currently, the available combinations of arguments (after the standard
<var>layout</var> and <var>props</var> arguments) to a markup command defined with
<code>define-markup-command</code> are limited as follows.
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> (no argument)</dt>
<dt> <var>list</var></dt>
<dt> <var>markup</var></dt>
<dt> <var>markup markup</var></dt>
<dt> <var>scm</var></dt>
<dt> <var>scm markup</var></dt>
<dt> <var>scm scm</var></dt>
<dt> <var>scm scm markup</var></dt>
<dt> <var>scm scm markup markup</var></dt>
<dt> <var>scm markup markup</var></dt>
<dt> <var>scm scm scm</var></dt>

<p>In the above table, <var>scm</var> represents native Scheme data types like
&lsquo;number&rsquo; or &lsquo;string&rsquo;.
<p>As an example, it is not possible to use a markup command <code>foo</code> with
four arguments defined as
<blockquote><pre class="example">#(define-markup-command (foo layout props
                         num1    str1    num2    str2)
                        (number? string? number? string?)

<p>If you apply it as, say,
<blockquote><pre class="example">\markup \foo #1 #&quot;bar&quot; #2 #&quot;baz&quot;

<a name="index-Scheme-signature"></a>
<a name="index-signature_002c-Scheme"></a>
<p><code>lilypond</code> complains that it cannot parse <code>foo</code> due to its
unknown Scheme signature.

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<p class="toc_uplink"><a href="../" 
         title="Documentation Index">&lt;&lt; Back to Documentation Index</a></p>
<h4 class="toc_header"> <a href="" title="Start of the manual">Notation Reference</a></h4>
<div class="contents">
<ul class="toc">
  <li><a name="toc-Musical-notation-1" href="">1. Musical notation</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-Pitches-1" href="">1.1 Pitches</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Rhythms-1" href="">1.2 Rhythms</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Expressive-marks-1" href="">1.3 Expressive marks</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Repeats-1" href="">1.4 Repeats</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Simultaneous-notes-1" href="">1.5 Simultaneous notes</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Staff-notation-1" href="">1.6 Staff notation</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Editorial-annotations-1" href="">1.7 Editorial annotations</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Text-1" href="">1.8 Text</a>    </li>
  <li><a name="toc-Specialist-notation-1" href="">2. Specialist notation</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-Vocal-music-1" href="">2.1 Vocal music</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Keyboard-and-other-multi_002dstaff-instruments-1" href="">2.2 Keyboard and other multi-staff instruments</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Unfretted-string-instruments-1" href="">2.3 Unfretted string instruments</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Fretted-string-instruments-1" href="">2.4 Fretted string instruments</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Percussion-1" href="">2.5 Percussion</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Wind-instruments-1" href="">2.6 Wind instruments</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Chord-notation-1" href="">2.7 Chord notation</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Ancient-notation-1" href="">2.8 Ancient notation</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-World-music-1" href="">2.9 World music</a>    </li>
  <li><a name="toc-General-input-and-output-1" href="">3. General input and output</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-Input-structure-1" href="">3.1 Input structure</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Titles-and-headers-1" href="">3.2 Titles and headers</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Working-with-input-files-1" href="">3.3 Working with input files</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Controlling-output-1" href="">3.4 Controlling output</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-MIDI-output-1" href="">3.5 MIDI output</a>    </li>
  <li><a name="toc-Spacing-issues-1" href="">4. Spacing issues</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-Paper-and-pages-1" href="">4.1 Paper and pages</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Music-layout-1" href="">4.2 Music layout</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Breaks-1" href="">4.3 Breaks</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Vertical-spacing-1" href="">4.4 Vertical spacing</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Horizontal-spacing-1" href="">4.5 Horizontal spacing</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Fitting-music-onto-fewer-pages-1" href="">4.6 Fitting music onto fewer pages</a>    </li>
  <li><a name="toc-Changing-defaults-1" href="">5. Changing defaults</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-Interpretation-contexts-1" href="">5.1 Interpretation contexts</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Explaining-the-Internals-Reference-1" href="">5.2 Explaining the Internals Reference</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Modifying-properties-1" href="">5.3 Modifying properties</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Useful-concepts-and-properties-1" href="">5.4 Useful concepts and properties</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Advanced-tweaks-1" href="">5.5 Advanced tweaks</a>    </li>
  <li class="toc_current"><a name="toc-Interfaces-for-programmers-1" href="">6. Interfaces for programmers</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-Music-functions-1" href="">6.1 Music functions</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Programmer-interfaces-1" href="">6.2 Programmer interfaces</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Building-complicated-functions-1" href="">6.3 Building complicated functions</a>    </li>
    <li class="toc_current"><a name="toc-Markup-programmer-interface-1" href="">6.4 Markup programmer interface</a>
    <ul class="toc">
      <li><a name="toc-Markup-construction-in-Scheme-1" href="">6.4.1 Markup construction in Scheme</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-How-markups-work-internally-1" href="">6.4.2 How markups work internally</a>      </li>
      <li class="toc_current"><a name="toc-New-markup-command-definition-1" href="">6.4.3 New markup command definition</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-New-markup-list-command-definition-1" href="">6.4.4 New markup list command definition</a>      </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Contexts-for-programmers-1" href="">6.5 Contexts for programmers</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Scheme-procedures-as-properties-1" href="">6.6 Scheme procedures as properties</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Using-Scheme-code-instead-of-_005ctweak-1" href="">6.7 Using Scheme code instead of <code>\tweak</code></a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Difficult-tweaks-1" href="">6.8 Difficult tweaks</a>    </li>
  <li><a name="toc-Literature-list-1" href="">A. Literature list</a>  </li>
  <li><a name="toc-Notation-manual-tables-1" href="">B. Notation manual tables</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-Chord-name-chart-1" href="">B.1 Chord name chart</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Common-chord-modifiers-1" href="">B.2 Common chord modifiers</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Predefined-fretboard-diagrams-1" href="">B.3 Predefined fretboard diagrams</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-MIDI-instruments-1" href="">B.4 MIDI instruments</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-List-of-colors-1" href="">B.5 List of colors</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-The-Feta-font-1" href="">B.6 The Feta font</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Note-head-styles-1" href="">B.7 Note head styles</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Text-markup-commands-1" href="">B.8 Text markup commands</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Text-markup-list-commands-1" href="">B.9 Text markup list commands</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-List-of-articulations-1" href="">B.10 List of articulations</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Percussion-notes-1" href="">B.11 Percussion notes</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-All-context-properties-1" href="">B.12 All context properties</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Layout-properties-1" href="">B.13 Layout properties</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Identifiers-1" href="">B.14 Identifiers</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Scheme-functions-1" href="">B.15 Scheme functions</a>    </li>
  <li><a name="toc-Cheat-sheet-1" href="">C. Cheat sheet</a>  </li>
  <li><a name="toc-LilyPond-grammar-1" href="">D. LilyPond grammar</a>  </li>
  <li><a name="toc-GNU-Free-Documentation-License-1" href="">E. GNU Free Documentation License</a>  </li>
  <li><a name="toc-LilyPond-command-index-1" href="">F. LilyPond command index</a>  </li>
  <li><a name="toc-LilyPond-index-1" href="">G. LilyPond index</a>  </li>
