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<title>VRML Tubing Extension Proposal</title>
<h1>VRML Tubing Extension Proposal</h1>
This page describes a proposed extension to VRML to handle
extruded surfaces. An extruded surface is a surface that 
is generated by moving a 2D curve along a 3D path. 
Surfaces of revolution, sweeps, and polycylinders are 
all examples of extruded surfaces. The pictures below
show examples of extrusions.
<img src="candle.gif"><img src="opencontour.gif"><img src="texas.gif">
Extrusions are interesting because they potentially 
provide for a compact representation of surface data.
A swept surface of m points by n points requires O(m x n)
bytes of data to represent it as a quadrilateral mesh. 
The same surface requires only  O(m + n) bytes when 
represented as a sweep.  
Extrusions are also interesting because they allow a designer
to specify complex shapes in a simple manner.  
This proposal is based on the API provided through the freely 
available tubing and extrusion library.  The tubing and 
extrusion library is a C language API that renders 
extrusions through OpenGL.  It automatically generates 
the surface, normals for lighting, and texture coordinates.
<h1>The Proposal</h1>

Below follows the proposal. It is preliminary. 
Alternate suggestions are welcome.
You may find this spec to be "under-specified".  For immediate questions,
consult the tubing/extrusion API documentation and examples.   
The spec will be updated in time.
<h2>(Warning ... this spec is or may soon be superceeded by 
    a similar but different spec in the Moving Worlds proposal. 
    If in doubt, code to the Moving Worlds spec.)</h2>
Basically, I cannot make this spec official; only the Moving Worlds 
folks have the power to write the official spec.  

<h2>The Extrusion Node</h2>
The Extrusion node defines the basic extrusion.  The
other nodes defined below are either special cases of 
the extrusion node, or generalizations.

PROTO Extrusion [             # indicates that this is an extrusion node
   field MFVec2f crssSection  # polyline cross-section to be extruded
   field MFVec2f normals      # normals to the contour
   field MFVec3f spine        # 3D polyline extrusion path / spine
   field MFVec3f pathColors   # colors to be applied along the path.
   field MFVec3f pathXforms   # list of 2 by 3 affine matrices
   field SFVec3f up [0 1 0]   # y-axis of contour in 3-space
   field SFVec3f frontCap     # perpendicular to the front cap.
   field SFVec3f backCap      # perpendicular to the back cap.
   field SFEnum joinstyle  [ANGLE]  # the join style
   field SFBool drawCap    [TRUE]   # if true, draw the end caps
   field SFEnum normStyle  [PATH_EDGE] # how normals are used.
   field SFEnum texGen     [OFF]    # texture coordinate generation style

The <i>contour</i> field defines a 2D polyline that represents the
cross-section of the extrusion. The contour 
will be swept along the 3D polyline path (spine) to define 
the surface.  The <i>contour</i> field must be present, 
otherwise, an extrusion cannot be drawn.
The <i>contourNormals</i> field defines an array of 2D
normals to the contour. The 2D normals will be 
extruded along the polyline path to generate the 
3D normals needed for lighting.
If the <i>contourNormals</i> field is not present, then 
facet normals will be computed and used.
The <i>path</i> defines the 3D polyline path (spine) along 
which the polyline is extruded. The <i>path</i> field MUST
be present, otherwise, an extrusion cannot be drawn.
The <i>pathColors</i> field defines colors which will be 
used to color the vertices along the path.  The 
colors will be used as the diffuse component of the
material.  If this field is missing, the current 
material will be used.
The <i>pathXforms</i> field defines a series of 2 by 3 
affine matrices that are to be applied to the 
contour at each path vertex. 
If this field is missing, then unit matrices are 
The <i>up</i> field defines the orientation of the contour's
y-axis in 3D space.  That is, the contour is interpreted
in a 2D coordinate system whose y-axis is "up", and
whose x-axis is defined as the cross product of <i>up</i>
and the first segment of <i>path</i>.  
If this field is missing, the value is taken  to be [0 1 0].
The <i>frontCap</i> field defines the orientation of the 
front end-cap of the extrusion.  It is used, in conjunction 
with the join style, to define how the end of the extrusion 
should be trimmed.
If this field is missing,  then the <i>frontCap</i> vector 
is taken to be parallel to the first segment of the path.  
That is, the front cap is drawn perpendicular to the first 
segment of the "path".  

The <i>backCap</i> field defines the orientation of the 
back end-cap of the extrusion.  It is used, in conjunction 
with the join style, to define how the end of the extrusion 
should be trimmed.
If this field is missing,  then the <i>backCap</i> vector 
is taken to be parallel to the last segment of the path.  
That is, the back cap is drawn perpendicular to the last 
segment of the "path".  

The <i>joinstyle</i> node defines how segments are to be joined. 
There are four possible values:
RAW       # ends are perpendicular to segments
ANGLE     # segments join together.
CUT       # joins are trimmed.
ROUND     # joins are rounded.
The <i>drawCap</i> field indicates whether the end caps should be drawn.
The <i>normStyle</i> field indicates how normals should be handled.
It can take on one of four values:
FACET          # one normal per facet
CONTOUR_FACET  # normals along the edge of the path.
PATH_FACET     # normals along the edge of the contour
EDGE           # normals along the edge of both contour and path.

The <i>texGen</i> field indicates whether and how texture 
coordinates are generated for the extrusion
It can take on one of 13 values:
OFF                 # texture generation disabled.
VERTEX_FLAT         # See API documentation
<hr> <! ------------------------------------------- >
The PolyCylinder is a special case of the extrusion,
where the extruded contour is a circle.

PROTO PolyCylinder {                # indicates that this is a polycylinder
   field MFVec3f path               # 3D polyline extrusion path
   field MFVec3f pathColors         # colors to be applied along the path.
   field MFVec3f pathXforms         # list of 2 by 3 affine matrices
   field SFVec3f frontCap           # orientation of the front cap.
   field SFVec3f backCap            # orientation of the back cap.
   field SFEnum joinstyle ANGLE     # the join style
   field SFBool drawCap   TRUE      # if true, draw the end cap
   field SFEnum normStyle PATH_EDGE # how normals are used.
   field SFEnum texGen    OFF       # texture coordinate generation

<hr> <! ------------------------------------------- >
The PolyCone is a special case of the PolyCylinder,
where all of the transforms specify a radius.
That is, all of the affine transforms are of the form 
r  0  0
0  r  0
That is, the contour is scaled uniformly by the radius at each vertex.

PROTO PolyCone {             # indicates that this is an extrusion node
   field MFVec3f path               # 3D polyline extrusion path
   field MFVec3f pathColors         # colors to be applied along the path.
   field MFFloat radii              # radius at each vertex
   field SFVec3f frontCap           # orientation of the front cap.
   field SFVec3f backCap            # orientation of the back cap.
   field SFEnum joinstyle ANGLE     # the join style
   field SFBool drawCap   TRUE      # if true, draw the end cap
   field SFEnum normStyle PATH_EDGE # how normals are used.
   field SFEnum texGen    OFF       # texture coordinate generation

<hr> <! ------------------------------------------- >
That's all for now, although clearly some of the other API routines 
might be interesting ...

<h1>Competing Proposals</h1>
The current Moving Worlds Specification proposal for VRML 2.0 contains
a similar node, called the GeneralCylinder.  Below, we provide a brief
glossary relating that proposal to this.

<dd>We call this the <i>path</i>.  We do not define a default, although
    if we had, it would follow the GL conventions: [0 0 0 0 0 -1], 
    that is, the cross section x and y are screen-aligned, 
    and the extrusion path lies along the negative z-axis, pointing into
    the screen.  This is the canonic system used in the implementation.
<dd>We call this the <i>contour</i>. Same concept, fewer
    letters.  Our 2D contours live in a 2D x-y space, which, by
    default, is parallel to the 3D x-y plane.   For the GeneralCylinder
    proposal, the 2D x-y plane is parallel to the 3D X-Z plane.

<dd>In our proposal, the sides are always drawn.

<dt><b>beginCap, endCap</b>
<dd>In our proposal, these two have been merged into one flag --
    either both caps are drawn, or both are not. Our proposal could
    be generalized in this way ... not a problem, if this is perceived as

<dt><b>ccw, solid, convex</b>
<dd>The Moving Worlds proposal lacks detail in this area.

<dd>Our proposal does not contain this, primarily because the sample
    implementation does not support this.  Adding this could add some
    complexity to the implementation.  Furthermore, there are really two
    crease angles: that in the contour (cross-section), and that in the 
    path (spine). These two should be logically kept separates becomes
    clear if one thinks of how surfaces of revolution are generated.

    The effect of crease angles can be emulated by drawing the extrusion
    in parts, with different normal-generation styles for each part.

<dt><b>width, twist</b>
<dd>This is a slightly less general version of our <i>pathXforms</i>
    field.  If I have read the specification correctly, then 
    our 2D affine xform equals
         |   width*cos(twist)     -width*sin(twist)     0   |
         |   width*sin(twist)      width*cos(twist)     0   |

    We have found the full form useful when defining screw-shapes,
    that is, surfaces of revolution that are offset as they are swept.
    The third fields (0 in the above), are critical for achieving 
    the shearing motion when sweeping the curve.
    The affine-matrix form is admittedly confusing to the general
    public.  Therefore, it might make sense to define a node of the form
PROTO GeneralCylinder {             # indicates that this is an extrusion node
   field MFVec3f path               # 3D polyline extrusion path
   field MFVec3f pathColors         # colors to be applied along the path.
   field MFFloat width              # scale cross section
   field MFFloat twist              # rotate cross section
   field MFFloat tx              # translate cross section in x direction
   field MFFloat ty              # translate cross section in y direction
   field SFVec3f frontCap           # orientation of the front cap.
   field SFVec3f backCap            # orientation of the back cap.
   field SFEnum joinstyle ANGLE     # the join style
   field SFBool drawCap   TRUE      # if true, draw the end cap
   field SFEnum normStyle PATH_EDGE # how normals are used.
   field SFEnum texGen    OFF       # texture coordinate generation

    where the affine is given by
         |   width*cos(twist)     -width*sin(twist)     tx   |
         |   width*sin(twist)      width*cos(twist)     ty   |
   It is not clear that this less-general form easier or better
   than the fully general form.

First Draft, Linas Vepstas February 1996
