

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 0e54ba0ee564ce6063a5e83aa86060c5 > files > 405


<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY dbstyle SYSTEM "/usr/local/share/sgml/stylesheets/docbook/html/docbook.dsl" CDATA DSSSL>

<style-specification use="docbook">

 ;;                                                                       ;;
 ;; CSTR modifications to modular docbook stylesheets. me of this could   ;;
 ;; perhaps be split into parameters and more parametarisable             ;;
 ;; definitions replaceing ones from the standard style sheets.           ;;
 ;;                                                                       ;;

(define html-index #t )

(define %shade-verbatim% #t)

(define %missing-link-error% #f)

(define image-directory "images_gen")

(define $generate-chapter-toc$ (lambda () #t))
(define %generate-book-toc% #f)

(define ($shade-verbatim-attr$)
  ;; Attributes used to create a shaded verbatim environment.
   (list "BORDER" "0")
   (list "WIDTH" "80%")))

(define ($shade-verbatim-cell-attr$)
  ;; Attributes used to create a shaded verbatim environment.

(define ($shade-verbatim-text-attr$)
  ;; Attributes used to create a shaded verbatim environment.
   (list "style" "white-space:pre; display:block;")
   (list "face" "monospace")
   (list "color" "#000000")

(define %body-attr% 
  ;; What attributes should be hung off of BODY?
   (list "BGCOLOR" "#FFFFFF")
   (list "BACKGROUND" "../cstr_background.jpg")
   (list "TEXT" "#0000AA")

(define $line-annotation-attr$
  ;; font attributes for line annotation
   (list "color" "#A00080")
   (list "size" "-1")
   (list "face" "sans")
   (list "weight" "bold")

(element lineannotation
	 (make element gi: "font"
	       attributes: $line-annotation-attr$

(element screen 
	(make element gi: "DIV" attributes: '(("ALIGN" "CENTER"))
		($verbatim-display$ %number-screen-lines%)

(element programlisting
	(make element gi: "DIV" attributes: '(("ALIGN" "CENTER"))
		($verbatim-display$ %number-programlisting-lines%)

(element sidebar 
	 (make element gi: "div"
	       (make empty-element gi: "br"
		     attributes: (list
				  (list "clear" "right")
	       (make element gi: "TABLE"
		     attributes: (list
				  (list "CLASS" (gi))
				  (list "BORDER" "1")
				  (list "CELLPADDING" "5"))
		     (make element gi: "TR"
			   (make element gi: "TD"

(define (default-header-nav-tbl-ff elemnode prev next prevsib nextsib)
  (let* ((r1? (nav-banner? elemnode))
	 (r1-sosofo (make element gi: "TR"
			  (make element gi: "TH"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "COLSPAN" "5")
					     (list "ALIGN" "center")
					     (list "VALIGN" "bottom"))
				(nav-banner elemnode))))
	 (r2? (or (not (node-list-empty? prev))
		  (not (node-list-empty? next))
		  (not (node-list-empty? prevsib))
		  (not (node-list-empty? nextsib))
		  (nav-context? elemnode)))
	 (r2-sosofo (make element gi: "TR"
			  (make element gi: "TD"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "WIDTH" "10%")
					     (list "ALIGN" "left")
					     (list "VALIGN" "top"))
				(if (node-list-empty? prev)
				    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
				    (make element gi: "A"
					  attributes: (list
						       (list "HREF" 
					  (gentext-nav-prev prev))))
			  (make element gi: "TD"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "WIDTH" "10%")
					     (list "ALIGN" "left")
					     (list "VALIGN" "top"))
				(if (node-list-empty? prevsib)
				    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
				    (make element gi: "A"
					  attributes: (list
						       (list "HREF" 
					  (gentext-nav-prevsib prevsib))))
			  (make element gi: "TD"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "WIDTH" "60%")
					     (list "ALIGN" "center")
					     (list "VALIGN" "bottom"))
				(nav-context elemnode))
			  (make element gi: "TD"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "WIDTH" "10%")
					     (list "ALIGN" "right")
					     (list "VALIGN" "top"))
				(if (node-list-empty? nextsib)
				    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
				    (make element gi: "A"
					  attributes: (list
						       (list "HREF" 
					  (gentext-nav-nextsib nextsib))))
			  (make element gi: "TD"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "WIDTH" "10%")
					     (list "ALIGN" "right")
					     (list "VALIGN" "top"))
				(if (node-list-empty? next)
				    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
				    (make element gi: "A"
					  attributes: (list
						       (list "HREF" 
					  (gentext-nav-next next)))))))
    (if (or r1? r2?)
	(make element gi: "DIV"
	      attributes: '(("CLASS" "NAVHEADER"))
	  (make element gi: "TABLE"
		attributes: (list
			     (list "WIDTH" %gentext-nav-tblwidth%)
			     (list "BORDER" "0")
			     (list "CELLPADDING" "0")
			     (list "CELLSPACING" "0"))
		(if r1? r1-sosofo (empty-sosofo))
		(if r2? r2-sosofo (empty-sosofo)))
	  (make empty-element gi: "HR"
		attributes: (list
			     (list "ALIGN" "LEFT")
			     (list "WIDTH" %gentext-nav-tblwidth%)))
	  (make empty-element gi: "HR"
		attributes: (list
			     (list "ALIGN" "LEFT")
			     (list "WIDTH" %gentext-nav-tblwidth%))))

(define (default-header-nav-tbl-noff elemnode prev next prevsib nextsib)
  (let* ((r1? (nav-banner? elemnode))
	 (limg (entity-text "title-left-image"))
	 (rimg (entity-text "title-right-image"))
	 (r1-sosofo (make element gi: "TR"
			  (if limg 
			      (make element gi: "TH"
				    attributes: (list
						 (list "ROWSPAN" "2")
						 (list "ALIGN" "left"))
				    (make empty-element gi: "IMG"
					  attributes: (list
						       (list "SRC" limg)
			  (make element gi: "TH"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "COLSPAN" "3")
					     (list "ALIGN" "center"))
				(nav-banner elemnode))
			  (if rimg 
			      (make element gi: "TH"
				    attributes: (list
						 (list "ROWSPAN" "2")
						 (list "ALIGN" "right"))
				    (make empty-element gi: "IMG"
					  attributes: (list
						       (list "SRC" rimg)
	 (r2? (or (not (node-list-empty? prev))
		  (not (node-list-empty? next))
		  (nav-context? elemnode)))
	 (r2-sosofo (make element gi: "TR"
			  (make element gi: "TD"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "WIDTH" "10%")
					     (list "ALIGN" "left")
					     (list "VALIGN" "bottom"))
				(if (node-list-empty? prev)
				    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
				    (make element gi: "A"
					  attributes: (list
						       (list "HREF" 
					  (gentext-nav-prev prev))))
			  (make element gi: "TD"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "WIDTH" "80%")
					     (list "ALIGN" "center")
					     (list "VALIGN" "bottom"))
				(nav-context elemnode))
			  (make element gi: "TD"
				attributes: (list
					     (list "WIDTH" "10%")
					     (list "ALIGN" "right")
					     (list "VALIGN" "bottom"))
				(if (node-list-empty? next)
				    (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
				    (make element gi: "A"
					  attributes: (list
						       (list "HREF" 
					  (gentext-nav-next next)))))))
    (if (or r1? r2?)
	(make element gi: "DIV"
	      attributes: '(("CLASS" "NAVHEADER"))
	  (make element gi: "TABLE"
		attributes: (list
			     (list "WIDTH" %gentext-nav-tblwidth%)
			     (list "BORDER" "0")
			     (list "CELLPADDING" "0")
			     (list "CELLSPACING" "0"))
		(if r1? r1-sosofo (empty-sosofo))
		(if r2? r2-sosofo (empty-sosofo)))
	  (make empty-element gi: "HR"
		attributes: (list
			     (list "ALIGN" "LEFT")
			     (list "WIDTH" %gentext-nav-tblwidth%))))

(define ($verbatim-display$ line-numbers?)
  (let ((content (make element gi: "font"
				attributes: ($shade-verbatim-text-attr$)
		       (if line-numbers?
    (if %shade-verbatim%
	(make element gi: "TABLE"
	      attributes: ($shade-verbatim-attr$)
	      (make element gi: "TR"
		    (make element gi: "TD"
			  attributes: ($shade-verbatim-cell-attr$)

(define ($sect-toc$)
  (let ((depth	(attribute-string "depth")))
    ;; Called by the TITLE element so that it can come after the TITLE
    (build-toc (ancestor-member (current-node) (section-element-list))
	       (if depth
		   (string->number depth)
		   (toc-depth (ancestor-member (current-node) (section-element-list)))

(define ($chapter-toc$)
  (let ((depth	(attribute-string "depth")))
  ;; Called by the TITLE element so that it can come after the TITLE
  (build-toc (ancestor-member (current-node) (component-element-list))
	       (if depth
		   (string->number depth)
		   (toc-depth (ancestor-member (current-node) (component-element-list)))

(element (SECT1 TOC)
	 (make element gi: "DIV"

(element (SECT2 TOC)
	 (make element gi: "DIV"

(element (SECT3 TOC)
	 (make element gi: "DIV"

(element (CHAPTER TOC)
	 (make element gi: "DIV"

(element (BOOK TOC)
	 (make element gi: "DIV"

;; Variable list

(element variablelist
  (make sequence
	(make element gi: "blockquote"
	      (make element gi: "table"
		    attributes: '(("class" "parameters"))
	(para-check 'restart)))

(element (variablelist title)
	 (make element gi: "tr"
	       (make element gi: "th"
		     attributes: '(("colspan" "2") ("align" "left"))

(element varlistentry
  (let ((terms    (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "term")))
	(listitem (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "listitem"))))
    (make element gi: "tr"
	  attributes: '(("valign" "top"))
	  (make sequence
		(make element gi: "th"
		      attributes: '(("align" "right"))
		      (if (attribute-string (normalize "id"))
			  (make element gi: "A"
				attributes: (list (list "NAME" (attribute-string (normalize "id"))))
				(process-node-list terms))
			  (process-node-list terms)))
		(make element gi: "td"
		      (process-node-list listitem)
(element (varlistentry term)
  (make sequence
    (if (not (last-sibling?))
	(literal ", ")
	(literal ""))))

(element (varlistentry listitem)

;; by copy of the index building stuff.

(define (htmlindexattr-inherited attr)
  (if (inherited-attribute-string (normalize attr))
      (make sequence
	(make formatting-instruction data: attr)
	(make formatting-instruction data: " ")
	(make formatting-instruction data: (inherited-attribute-string 
					    (normalize attr)))

(mode htmlindex
  ;; this mode is really just a hack to get at the root element
  (root (process-children))

    (if (node-list=? (current-node) (sgml-root-element))
	(make entity
	  system-id: (html-entity-file html-index-filename)
	  (process-node-list (select-elements 
			      (descendants (current-node))
			      (normalize "indexterm"))))

  (element indexterm
    (let* ((target (ancestor-member (current-node)
				    (append (book-element-list)
	   (title  (string-replace (element-title-string target) "&#13;" " ")))
      (make sequence
	(make formatting-instruction data: "INDEXTERM ")
	(make formatting-instruction data: (href-to target))

	(make formatting-instruction data: "INDEXPOINT ")
	(make formatting-instruction data: (href-to (current-node)))

	(make formatting-instruction data: "TITLE ")
	(make formatting-instruction data: title)

	(htmlindexattr "scope")
	(htmlindexattr "significance")
	(htmlindexattr "class")
	(htmlindexattr-inherited "id")
	(htmlindexattr "startref")
	(if (attribute-string (normalize "zone"))
	    (htmlindexzone (attribute-string (normalize "zone")))


	(make formatting-instruction data: "/INDEXTERM")
  (element primary

  (element secondary

  (element tertiary

  (element see

  (element seealso

;; TeX processing support
(define html-tex-filename

(define (tex-graphic #!optional (nd (current-node)))
  (let* ((format (attribute-string "format" nd))
	 (fileref (attribute-string "fileref" nd))
    (if (equal? format (normalize "tex"))
	(make sequence
	      (make formatting-instruction data: "@Name ")
	      (make formatting-instruction data: (string-append image-directory "/" fileref))
	      (make formatting-instruction data: "@Start")
	      (make formatting-instruction data: (data nd))
	      (make formatting-instruction data: "@End")

(define ($img$ #!optional (nd (current-node)) (alt #f))
  ;; This function now supports an extension to DocBook.  It's
  ;; either a clever trick or an ugly hack, depending on your
  ;; point of view, but it'll hold us until XLink is finalized
  ;; and we can extend DocBook the "right" way.
  ;; If the entity passed to GRAPHIC has the FORMAT
  ;; "LINESPECIFIC", either because that's what's specified or
  ;; because it's the notation of the supplied ENTITYREF, then
  ;; the text of the entity is inserted literally (via Jade's
  ;; read-entity external procedure).
  (let* ((fileref   (attribute-string (normalize "fileref") nd))
         (entityref (attribute-string (normalize "entityref") nd))
         (format    (if (attribute-string (normalize "format") nd)
                        (attribute-string (normalize "format") nd)
                        (if entityref
                            (entity-notation entityref)
         (align     (attribute-string (normalize "align") nd)))
    (if (or fileref entityref)
        (if (equal? format (normalize "linespecific"))
            (if fileref 
                (include-file fileref)
                (include-file (entity-generated-system-id entityref)))
	    (if (equal? format (normalize "tex"))
		(if fileref 
		    ($graphic$ (string-append image-directory "/" fileref) format alt align)
		    ($graphic$ (string-append image-directory "/" (system-id-filename entityref))
			       format alt align))
		(if fileref
		    ($graphic$ fileref format alt align)
		    ($graphic$ (system-id-filename entityref)
			       format alt align)))

(mode tex-graphics
      ;; this mode is really just a hack to get at the root element
      (root (process-children))
	(if (node-list=? (current-node) (sgml-root-element))
	    (make entity
		  system-id: (html-entity-file html-tex-filename)
		  (process-node-list (select-elements 
				      (descendants (current-node))
				      (normalize "graphic")))
		  (process-node-list (select-elements 
				      (descendants (current-node))
				      (normalize "inlinegraphic")))
      (element graphic

      (element inlinegraphic


 (make sequence
;   (literal
;    (debug (node-property 'gi
;                         (node-property 'document-element (current-node)))))
;(define (docelem node)
;  (node-propety 'document-element 
;    (node-property 'grove-root node)))
   (with-mode manifest
   (if html-index
       (with-mode htmlindex
   (with-mode tex-graphics

;; Sections can pass on role information

(define ($section-body$)
  (let* ((sect (current-node))
	 (class (or (attribute-string "ROLE" sect)
		    (gi sect)
    (make element gi: "DIV"
	  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" class))
	  (if (equal? class "entry") 
	      (make element gi: "blockquote"

(define ($section-title$)
  (let* ((sect (current-node))
	 (info (info-element))
	 (subtitles (select-elements (children info) (normalize "subtitle")))
	 (renderas (inherited-attribute-string (normalize "renderas") sect))
	 (hlevel                          ;; the apparent section level;
	  (if renderas                    ;; if not real section level,
	      (string->number             ;;   then get the apparent level
	       (substring renderas 4 5))  ;;   from "renderas",
	      (SECTLEVEL)))               ;; else use the real level
	  (string-append "H" (number->string hlevel)))
	  (string-append "H" (number->string (+ hlevel 1))))
	 (name (element-id))
	 (isep (gentext-intra-label-sep (gi sect)))
	 (nsep (gentext-label-title-sep (gi sect)))
	 (role (attribute-string "ROLE" sect))
	 (h1class (if role (string-append (gi sect) "" role) (gi sect)))
    (make sequence
	      (make element gi: h1elem
		    attributes: (list (list "CLASS" h1class))
		    (make element gi: "A"
			  attributes: (list (list "NAME" name))
			  (if (string=? (element-label (current-node)) "")
			      (literal (element-label (current-node)) nsep))
			  (element-title-sosofo sect)
	  (if (node-list-empty? subtitles) 
	      (with-mode subtitle-mode
			 (make element gi: h2elem
			       attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (string-append h1class "-subtitle")))
						 (process-node-list subtitles))))
	      ($proc-section-info$ info))))

(define %html-header-tags%
    ("link" ("rel" "stylesheet") ("type" "text/css") ("href" "cstrdoc.css"))

(element synopsis
	 (make element gi: "table"
	       attributes: '(("cellspacing" "0")("cellpadding" "0") ("class" "synopsys"))
	       (make element gi: "tr"
		     (make sequence
			   (make element gi: "td"
				 attributes: '(("valign" "top"))
				 (with-mode synopsis-table (process-matching-children '("synopsis" ("role" "type"))))
			   (make element gi: "td"
				 attributes: '(("valign" "top"))
				 (with-mode synopsis-table (process-matching-children '("synopsis" ("role" "name"))))

			   (with-mode synopsis-table-args (process-matching-children '("synopsis" ("role" "args"))))

(mode synopsis-table-args
      (element synopsis 
	       (let* ((role (attribute-string "role"))
		      (children (children (current-node)))
		      (start (if (node-list-empty? children)
				 (data (node-list-first children))))
		 (if (and (string? start) (not (string=? start "")))
		     (make sequence
			   (make element gi: "td"
				 attributes: '(("valign" "top"))
				 (make element gi: "tt"
				       (literal "(")
			   (make element gi: "td"
				 attributes: '(("valign" "top"))
				 (make element gi: "tt"
				       (if (and (equal? role "args") 
						(string? start) 
						(not (string=? start "")) 
						(equal? (substring start 0 1) "(")
					   (make sequence
						 (literal (substring start 1 (string-length start)))
						 (process-node-list (node-list-rest children))

(mode synopsis-table
      (element synopsis 
	       (make element gi: "tt"
		     (let* ((role (attribute-string "role"))
			    (children (children (current-node)))
			    (start (if (node-list-empty? children)
				       (data (node-list-first children))))
		       (if (and (equal? role "args") 
				(string? start) 
				(not (string=? start "")) 
				(equal? (substring start 0 1) "(")
			   (make sequence
				 (literal (substring start 1 (string-length start)))
				 (process-node-list (node-list-rest children))

(element link
  (let* ((endterm (attribute-string (normalize "endterm")))
	 (linkend (attribute-string (normalize "linkend")))
	 (target  (element-with-id linkend))
	 (etarget (if endterm 
		      (element-with-id endterm)
    (if (node-list-empty? target) 
	(if %missing-link-error%
	    (error (string-append "Link to missing ID '" linkend "'"))
	    (make element gi: "font"
		  attributes: '(("color" "green"))
	(make sequence
	      (if (and endterm (node-list-empty? etarget))
		  (error (string-append "EndTerm to missing ID '" endterm "' on Link"))
	      (make element gi: "A"
		    attributes: (list (list "HREF" (href-to target)))
		    (if endterm
			(with-mode xref-endterm-mode (process-node-list etarget))

(element formalpara
  (make element gi: "DL"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	(make element gi: "dt"

(element (formalpara title) 
	 (make element gi: "DT"
	       (make element gi: "strong"

(element (formalpara para)
	 (make element gi: "DD"

(element filename
	 (make element gi: "TT"
	       	attributes: '(("CLASS" "filename"))

(define (chunk? #!optional (nd (current-node)))
  ;; 1. The (sgml-root-element) is always a chunk.
  ;; 2. If nochunks is #t or the dbhtml PI on the root element 
  ;;    specifies chunk='no', then the root element is the only
  ;;    chunk.
  ;; 3. Otherwise, elements in the chunk-element-list are chunks
  ;;    unless they're combined with their parent.
  ;; 3a. Things tagged with `newpage' are chunks.
  ;; 4. Except for bibliographys, which are only chunks if they
  ;;    occur in book.
  (let ((maybechunk (or (not (equal? (gi nd) (normalize "bibliography")))
			(equal? (gi (parent nd)) (normalize "book")))))
    (if (node-list=? nd (sgml-root-element))
	(if (or nochunks
		(equal? (dbhtml-value (sgml-root-element) "chunk") "no"))
	    (if (member (gi nd) (chunk-element-list))
		(if (combined-chunk? nd)
		(if (attribute-string "newpage" nd) 

<external-specification id="docbook" document="dbstyle">