

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 0e54ba0ee564ce6063a5e83aa86060c5 > files > 464


Name "main::rcsId" used only once: possible typo at /amd/projects/festival/versions/v_mpiro/speech_tools_linux/bin/cxx_to_docbook line 3.
OP=name ARG=Linguistic Classes Example Code
OP=name ARG=Adding basic information to an EST_Item
OP=name ARG=Accessing basic information in an Item
OP=name ARG=Nested feature structures in items
OP=name ARG=Building a linear list relation
OP=name ARG=Iterating through a linear list relation
OP=name ARG=Building a tree relation
OP=name ARG=Iterating through a tree relation
OP=name ARG=Building a multi-linear relation
OP=name ARG=Iterating through a multi-linear relation
OP=name ARG=Relations in Utterances
OP=name ARG=Adding items into multiple relations
OP=name ARG=Changing the relation an item is in
OP=name ARG=Feature functions
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x8104ac0) title Linguistic Classes Example Code refs ARRAY(0x8104af0) bits ARRAY(0x8101b5c) decls ARRAY(0x812daa4) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x8104ac0) title Unnamed Group 1 refs ARRAY(0x812db10) bits ARRAY(0x812daf8) decls ARRAY(0x812db28) type group}
Use of uninitialized value in join at /amd/projects/festival/versions/v_mpiro/speech_tools_linux/bin/cxx_to_docbook line 269, <F> line 651.
Use of uninitialized value in join at /amd/projects/festival/versions/v_mpiro/speech_tools_linux/bin/cxx_to_docbook line 269, <F> line 651.
collapse {refs ARRAY(0x8101b50) bits ARRAY(0x8101b68) decls ARRAY(0x8114518) type top} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x8104ac0) title Linguistic Classes Example Code refs ARRAY(0x812db10) bits ARRAY(0x812daf8) id  decls ARRAY(0x812db28) type group1 toc }
    parent Chunk=HASH(0x8104ac0)
    title Linguistic Classes Example Code
    refs ARRAY(0x812db10)
    bits ARRAY(0x812daf8)
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) at /amd/projects/festival/versions/v_mpiro/speech_tools_linux/bin/cxx_to_docbook line 272, <F> line 651.
    decls ARRAY(0x812db28)
    type group1
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) at /amd/projects/festival/versions/v_mpiro/speech_tools_linux/bin/cxx_to_docbook line 272, <F> line 651.
gives {parent Chunk=HASH(0x8104ac0) title Linguistic Classes Example Code refs ARRAY(0x812db10) bits ARRAY(0x812daf8) decls ARRAY(0x812db28) type top}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x812db40) title Adding basic information to an EST_Item refs ARRAY(0x812db94) bits ARRAY(0x812db7c) decls ARRAY(0x812dbac) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x812db40) title Unnamed Group 2 refs ARRAY(0x8130a78) bits ARRAY(0x8130a60) decls ARRAY(0x8130a90) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x812db40) title Accessing basic information in an Item refs ARRAY(0x8130c94) bits ARRAY(0x8130c7c) decls ARRAY(0x8130cac) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x812db40) title Unnamed Group 3 refs ARRAY(0x8130db4) bits ARRAY(0x8130d9c) decls ARRAY(0x81320f0) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x812db40) title Nested feature structures in items refs ARRAY(0x813239c) bits ARRAY(0x8132384) decls ARRAY(0x81323b4) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x812db40) title Unnamed Group 4 refs ARRAY(0x8132474) bits ARRAY(0x813245c) decls ARRAY(0x813248c) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) refs ARRAY(0x8134a78) bits ARRAY(0x8134a60) decls ARRAY(0x8134a90) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 5 refs ARRAY(0x8134b44) bits ARRAY(0x8134b2c) decls ARRAY(0x8134b5c) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Building a linear list relation refs ARRAY(0x8135f6c) bits ARRAY(0x8135f54) decls ARRAY(0x8135f84) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 6 refs ARRAY(0x813608c) bits ARRAY(0x8136074) decls ARRAY(0x81360a4) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Iterating through a linear list relation refs ARRAY(0x8137524) bits ARRAY(0x813750c) decls ARRAY(0x813753c) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 7 refs ARRAY(0x81388c8) bits ARRAY(0x81388b0) decls ARRAY(0x81388e0) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Building a tree relation refs ARRAY(0x8139b68) bits ARRAY(0x8139b50) decls ARRAY(0x8139b80) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 8 refs ARRAY(0x8139ca0) bits ARRAY(0x8139c88) decls ARRAY(0x8139cb8) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Iterating through a tree relation refs ARRAY(0x813b2bc) bits ARRAY(0x813b2a4) decls ARRAY(0x813b2d4) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 9 refs ARRAY(0x813b37c) bits ARRAY(0x813b364) decls ARRAY(0x813b394) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Building a multi-linear relation refs ARRAY(0x813d060) bits ARRAY(0x813d048) decls ARRAY(0x813d078) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 10 refs ARRAY(0x813d0e4) bits ARRAY(0x813d0cc) decls ARRAY(0x813db20) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Iterating through a multi-linear relation refs ARRAY(0x813db8c) bits ARRAY(0x813db74) decls ARRAY(0x813dba4) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 11 refs ARRAY(0x813dc10) bits ARRAY(0x813dbf8) decls ARRAY(0x813dc28) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Relations in Utterances refs ARRAY(0x813dc94) bits ARRAY(0x813dc7c) decls ARRAY(0x813dcac) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 12 refs ARRAY(0x813dd84) bits ARRAY(0x813dd6c) decls ARRAY(0x813dd9c) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Adding items into multiple relations refs ARRAY(0x813f0dc) bits ARRAY(0x813f0c4) decls ARRAY(0x813f0f4) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 13 refs ARRAY(0x813f1b4) bits ARRAY(0x813f19c) decls ARRAY(0x813f1cc) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Changing the relation an item is in refs ARRAY(0x81422b8) bits ARRAY(0x81422a0) decls ARRAY(0x81422d0) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 14 refs ARRAY(0x8142348) bits ARRAY(0x8142330) decls ARRAY(0x8142360) type group}
combine {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Feature functions refs ARRAY(0x81423cc) bits ARRAY(0x81423b4) decls ARRAY(0x81423e4) type comment} // {parent Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4) title Unnamed Group 15 refs ARRAY(0x8142468) bits ARRAY(0x8142450) decls ARRAY(0x8142480) type group}
P Chunk=HASH(0x8104ac0)
P Chunk=HASH(0x812dabc)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8130aa8)
P Chunk=HASH(0x812dbc4)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8130b2c)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8130c04)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8132108)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8130cc4)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813218c)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8132228)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8132324)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81324a4)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81323cc)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81336b4)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81337b0)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8133840)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8133900)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8133990)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8133a20)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81348e0)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8134970)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8134a0c)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8134b74)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8134aa8)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8134bf8)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8135e94)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8135f18)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81360bc)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8135f9c)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8136140)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81371e8)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81372f0)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81373d4)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8137458)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81388f8)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8137554)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813897c)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8138a24)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8138b38)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8138be0)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8139b08)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8139cd0)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8139b98)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8139d54)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813b178)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813cd18)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813b2ec)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813cd9c)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813cf40)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813cfd0)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813db38)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813d090)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813dc40)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813dbbc)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813ddb4)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813dcc4)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813de38)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813dee0)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813efd4)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813f07c)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813f1e4)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813f10c)
P Chunk=HASH(0x813f268)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81409f8)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8140aac)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8140b30)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8140c98)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8140d1c)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8142378)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81422e8)
P Chunk=HASH(0x8142498)
P Chunk=HASH(0x81423fc)