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<title>The ipv6calc Homepage</title>
<author><firstname>Peter</firstname><surname>Bieringer</surname><affiliation><address>pb at bieringer dot de</address></affiliation></author>
<revision> <revnumber>2.0</revnumber> <date>2007-06-01</date> <authorinitials>PB</authorinitials></revision>
</revhistory> </articleinfo><sect1>
<para>ipv6calc is a small utility written in programming languate C to manipulate (not only) IPv6 addresses. Intentions were convering a given IPv6 address into compressed format, convering a given IPv6 address into the same format like shown in /proc/net/if_inet6 and (because it was not difficulty) migrating the Perl program ip6_int into. Now only one utiltity is needed to do a lot.</para>
<para>This utility is also used to extend features on network-functions-ipv6 library, used by initscripts-ipv6.</para>
<para>Note: this tool got also its <ulink url="">freshmeat / ipv6calc</ulink> page (not maintained by the author)</para>
<para>Hint: take also a look at the <ulink url="">Advanced Network Management Laboratory / IPv6 Address Oracle</ulink> if you want to learn more about IPv6 addresses.</para></sect1><sect1>
<para>The program is published under the GNU GPL version 2.</para></sect1><sect1>
<para>The author of ipv6calc is</para><itemizedlist>
<listitem><para><ulink url="">Dr. Peter Bieringer</ulink> with some minor contribution by others</para></listitem></itemizedlist></sect1><sect1>
<title>Where to get sources or binaries</title>
<title>Latest version of sources:</title>
<listitem><para>Via CVS at <ulink url="">DeepSpace6</ulink>: <ulink url="">DeepSpace6 / CVS instructions</ulink></para></listitem><listitem><para>Via web interface to CVS at <ulink url="">DeepSpace6</ulink>: <ulink url="">DeepSpace6 / CVS web interface</ulink></para></listitem><listitem><para>Via FTP at <ulink url="">DeepSpace6</ulink>: <ulink url="">DeepSpace6 / anonymous FTP</ulink></para></listitem><listitem><para>Via FTP at <ulink url=""></ulink></para></listitem></itemizedlist></sect2><sect2>
<title>Available formats:</title>
<para>A SPEC file is included, so you can build a RPM from source tarball using</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ rpmbuild -ta path/to/ipv6calc-$version.tar.gz
<title>as RPM</title>
<para>Currently only on <ulink url="">rpmfind / ipv6calc</ulink>, but there are plans to publish at least source RPMS on <ulink url="">DeepSpace6</ulink> some day.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2>
<title>Ready to use packages for several operating systems:</title>
<para>Fedora Core 6 is the current developing platform, so use given hints above to create a RPM. Fedora 7 includes this package by default.</para></sect3><sect3>
<title>Red Hat Enterprise Linux and clones</title>
<para>It's tested by the developer that creation of the RPM is working fine on RHEL4. RHEL5 includes this package by default.</para></sect3><sect3>
<para>Linux Mandrake is very similar to Red Hat Linux, therefore a rebuild should work, too.</para></sect3><sect3>
<para>See <ulink url="">rpmfind / ipv6calc</ulink>.</para></sect3><sect3>
<title>Debian GNU/Linux</title>
<para>Package is maintained, more information can be found at <ulink url=""></ulink></para></sect3><sect3>
<para>See here for more: <ulink url=""></ulink></para></sect3><sect3>
<para>See here for more: <ulink url=""></ulink> (<ulink url=""></ulink>), <ulink url=""></ulink></para></sect3><sect3>
<para>See here for more: <ulink url=""></ulink></para></sect3></sect2></sect1><sect1>
<title>Mailling Lists</title>
<varlistentry><term>Reason:</term><listitem><para>sending announcements of new versions</para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>Traffic:</term><listitem><para>very low</para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>Postings:</term><listitem><para>only moderators are allowed to post</para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>Information:</term><listitem><para><ulink url="">DeepSpace6 / maillist ipv6calc-announce</ulink></para></listitem></varlistentry></variablelist></sect2><sect2>
<varlistentry><term>Reason:</term><listitem><para>discussions</para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>Traffic:</term><listitem><para>low</para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>Postings:</term><listitem><para>subscribers</para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>Information:</term><listitem><para><ulink url="">DeepSpace6 / maillist ipv6calc</ulink></para></listitem></varlistentry></variablelist></sect2></sect1><sect1>
<title>Bug Reports</title>
<para>You can send bug reports to the author himself or subscribe to maillist &ldquo;ipv6calc&rdquo; and send it to the list.</para></sect1><sect1>
<title>Features of ipv6calc</title>
<para>The main program named &ldquo;ipv6calc&rdquo; is able to recognice many (not only) IPv6 address formats and depending on a selectable action (not required) a selectable output format can be specified. Also it has the capability to show detailed information of an IPv4/IPv6 address or anonymize it.</para></sect2><sect2>
<para>A simple example is the conversion of an IPv6 address to a DNS PTR query string:</para><screen>
<![CDATA[ ./ipv6calc --out 2001:db8::1
No input type specified, try autodetection...found type: ipv6addr
]]></screen><para>Like you see, input format was autodetected. And the given example can be extended because ipv6calc also understands netmask / prefix length values:</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc -q --out 2001:db8::1/64
]]></screen><para>Also you've also learnt now that switch '-q' (quiet) suppresses informational messages. You can use this now to start a DNS PTR query using:</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ dig PTR `./ipv6calc -q --out 2001:db8::1/64`
]]></screen><para>But ipv6calc can do many more for you! Next example shows you the extraction of the IPv4 address contained in a 6to4 IPv6 address:</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc -q --action conv6to4 --in ipv6 2002:c0a8:fb61::1 --out ipv4
]]></screen><para>This also works vice-versa:</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc -q --action conv6to4 --in ipv4 --out ipv6
]]></screen><para>There are many more features already implemented, if you miss one, send a note.</para></sect3><sect3>
<para>Information about a simple IPv6 address:</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc -q -i 3ffe:ffff::210:a4ff:fe01:2345
Address type: unicast, 6bone, global-unicast, productive
Address type has SLA: 0000
Registry for address: reserved
Interface identifier: 0210:a4ff:fe01:2345
EUI-48/MAC address: 00:10:a4:01:23:45
MAC is a global unique one
MAC is an unicast one
]]></screen><para>Information about a Teredo IPv6 address:</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc -q -i 3ffe:831f:ce49:7601:8000:efff:af4a:86BF
Address type: unicast, 6bone, global-unicast, productive, teredo
IPv4 address:
IPv4 registry[]: RIPENCC
IPv4 address:
IPv4 registry[]: ARIN
Address type is Teredo and included IPv4 server address is: and client port: 4096
IPv4 registry for Teredo server address: ARIN
Registry for address: reserved
]]></screen><para>There exists also a machine readable output (e.g. used by 'ipv6calcweb.cgi') - in addition, here <ulink url="">IP2Location</ulink> and/or <ulink url="">GeoIP</ulink> information can be displayed, if databases are specified. Note that GeoIP currently still supports IPv4 only.</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc -q -i -m --db-ip2location-ipv4 /usr/share/IP2Location/IP-COUNTRY-SAMPLE.BIN --db-ip2location-ipv6 /var/local/share/IP2Location/IPV6-COUNTRY.BIN --db-geoip /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat  3ffe:831f:ce49:7601:8000:efff:af4a:86BF
IP2LOCATION_DATABASE_INFO_IPV4=url= date=2005-06-17 entries=20470 apiversion=2.1.3
IP2LOCATION_REGION[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_CITY[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_ISP[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_DOMAIN[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_ZIPCODE[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
GEOIP_DATABASE_INFO=GEO-106FREE 20070201 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved apiversion=system
IP2LOCATION_COUNTRY_LONG[]=This record is unavailable in demo version. Please subscribe.
IP2LOCATION_REGION[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_CITY[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_ISP[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_DOMAIN[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_ZIPCODE[]=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_DATABASE_INFO_IPV6=url= date=2007-05-26 entries=7495 apiversion=2.1.3
IP2LOCATION_REGION=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_CITY=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_ISP=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_DOMAIN=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IP2LOCATION_ZIPCODE=This parameter is unavailable for selected data file. Please upgrade the data file.
IPV6CALC_COPYRIGHT="(P) & (C) 2001-2007 by Peter Bieringer <pb (at)>"
<title>Option style</title>
<para>Since version 0.40 new-style option handling was introduced, using</para><itemizedlist>
<listitem><para>--in &lt;inputtype&gt;</para></listitem><listitem><para>--out &lt;outputtype&gt;</para></listitem><listitem><para>--action &lt;actiontype&gt;</para></listitem></itemizedlist><para>and many more conversions were added. A built-in check matrix should prevent misconversions.</para>
<para>Up to version 0.39, only old-style options (which perhaps - but it's not planned at the moment - are going obsolete sometimes the future) were available. They are one-in-all options, specifying input/action/output in one token. Internally this options will be converted into new-style options.</para></sect2><sect2>
<title>Online help</title>
<para>Online help always shows the currently implemented features.</para><sect3>
<title>Main online help:</title>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc -?
ipv6calc: version 0.70.1
(P) & (C) 2001-2007 by Peter Bieringer <pb (at)>

  [-d|--debug <debug value>] : debug value (bitwise like)
  [-q|--quiet]               : be more quiet

 Usage with new style options:
  [--in|-I <input type>]   : specify input  type
                             (default: autodetect)
  [--out|-O <output type>] : specify output type
                             (sometimes: autodetect)
  [--action|-A <action>]   : specify action
                             (default: format conversion, sometimes: autodetect)
  [<format option> ...] : specify format options
  <input data> [...]    : input data

  Available input  types:  --in     -?|-h|--help
  Available output types:  --out    -?|-h|--help
  Available action types:  --action -?|-h|--help

 Other usage:
  --showinfo|-i [--machine_readable|-m] : show information about input data
  --showinfo|-i --show_types            : show available types on '-m'

  [--db-ip2location-ipv4 <file>] : IP2Location IPv4 database file (optional)
  [--db-ip2location-ipv6 <file>] : IP2Location IPv6 database file (optional)
  [--db-geoip <file>]            : GeoIP database file (optional)

 To see old-style option use: --printoldoptions
]]></screen><para>Input-type options</para><screen>
<![CDATA[]$ ./ipv6calc --in -?
ipv6calc: version 0.70.1
(P) & (C) 2001-2007 by Peter Bieringer <pb (at)>

 Available input types:
  auto           : automatic detection : dot separated nibbles reverse, ending with dot separated nibbles reverse, ending with
  bitstring      : bitstring labes, ending with
  ipv6addr       : IPv6 address
  ipv4addr       : IPv4 address
  ipv4hex        : IPv4 in hexdecimal format
  ipv4revhex     : IPv4 in byte-reversed hexdecimal format
  mac            : MAC address (48 bits)
  base85         : Base-85 string
  ifinet6        : Like line in /proc/net/if_inet6
  iid+token      : Interface identifier and token
  ipv6logconv    : ipv6logconv (currently not supported)
  prefix+mac     : IPv6 prefix and a MAC address
]]></screen><para>Output-type options:</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc --out -?
ipv6calc: version 0.70.1
(P) & (C) 2001-2007 by Peter Bieringer <pb (at)>

 Available output types: : dot separated nibbles reverse, ending with dot separated nibbles reverse, ending with
  bitstring      : bitstring labes, ending with
  ipv6addr       : IPv6 address
  ipv4addr       : IPv4 address
  mac            : MAC address (48 bits)
  eui64          : EUI-64 identifier (64 bits)
  base85         : Base-85 string
  ifinet6        : Like line in /proc/net/if_inet6
  iid            : Interface identifier
  iid+token      : Interface identifier and token
  addrtype       : Address type
  ouitype        : OUI (IEEE) type
  ipv6addrtype   : IPv6 address type
  any            : any type (currently not supported)
  revipv4        : reverse IPv4, ending with
  ipv4hex        : IPv4 in hexdecimal format
  octal          : IP address in escaped octal format
 For examples and available format options use:
    --out <type> --examples
]]></screen><para>Action-type options: </para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc --action -?
ipv6calc: version 0.70.1

(P) & (C) 2001-2007 by Peter Bieringer <pb (at)>
 Available action types:
  auto          : Automatic selection of action (default)
  geneui64      : Converts a MAC address to an EUI-64 address
  conv6to4      : Converts IPv4 address <-> 6to4 IPv6 address (prefix)
  genprivacyiid : Generates a privacy interface ID out of a given one and a token
  anonymize     : Anonymize IPv4/IPv6 address without loosing much information
  prefixmac2ipv6: Generates an IPv6 address out of a prefix and a MAC address
]]></screen><para>Because of historical issues, there exists also a support of the old-styled options: </para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6calc --printoldoptions
ipv6calc: version 0.70.1
(P) & (C) 2001-2007 by Peter Bieringer <pb (at)>

 Usage with old style (shortcut) options (going obsolete):
  <shortcut option> [<format option> ...] <input data> [...]
<title>Webserver log conversion helper program "ipv6logconv"</title>
<para>This program parses address tokens of a given webserver logfile and converts them to special strings, useful for statistics (e.g. created by using "analog").</para><sect2>
<para>A demonstration about which kind of statistics are possible to produce is shown at <ulink url=""></ulink> (IPv6 only).</para></sect2></sect1><sect1>
<title>Webserver log anonymization helper program "ipv6loganon"</title>
<para>On autoconfiguration, the interface part of an IPv6 address is based on the MAC address of the network interface card (NIC). This address is used for outgoing requests, if privacy option (RFC3041) is not enabled. This results in many privacy related information on web- or mail-server log files. Administrators, which won't (be allowed to) store such information over time, but still do not want to loose information about address type distribution should use 'ipv6loganon' to anonymize their log files.</para><sect2>
<title>Anonymization details</title>
<para>The anonymizer would keep as much information as possible for IPv6 address types.</para>
<para>Client-side IID would be anonymized by</para><itemizedlist>
<listitem><para>UI-48 based: serial number would be zero'ed, keeping OID</para></listitem><listitem><para>EUI-64 based: serial number would be zero'ed, keeping OID</para></listitem><listitem><para>ISATAP: client IPv4 address would be anonymized by given IPv4 mask</para></listitem><listitem><para>TEREDO: client IPv4 address would be anonymized by given IPv4 mask, client port would be zero'ed</para></listitem><listitem><para>6to4(Microsoft): client IPv4 address would be anonymized by given IPv4 mask</para></listitem><listitem><para>local: whole IID would be zero'ed</para></listitem></itemizedlist><para>Client-side SLA would be anonymized by </para><itemizedlist>
<listitem><para>SLA would be zero'ed</para></listitem></itemizedlist><para>Prefix would be anonymized by</para><itemizedlist>
<listitem><para>6to4: client IPv4 address would be anonymized by given IPv4 mask</para></listitem></itemizedlist><para>Compat/Mapped IPv4 addresses would be anonymized by</para><itemizedlist>
<listitem><para>IPv4 address would be anonymized by given IPv4 mask</para></listitem></itemizedlist></sect2><sect2>
<title>Supported log file formats</title>
<para>Currently native supported log files:</para><itemizedlist>
<listitem><para>Apache log file format, 1st token is IPv4 or IPv6 address</para></listitem></itemizedlist><para>There are plans to support also mail server log files sometimes in the future, but because of different formats, this would be probably done by a Perl program which parses the log file and a (cached) 'ip6calc' call with action 'anonymize'.</para></sect2><sect2>
<title>Supported options</title>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6loganon -?
ipv6loganon: version 0.70.1
(P) & (C) 2007 by Peter Bieringer <pb (at)>

This program anonymizes IPv4/IPv6 addresses in HTTP server log files

  [-d|--debug <debug value>] : debug value (bitwise like)
  [-V|--verbose] : be verbose
  [-n|--nocache] : disable caching
  [-c|--cachelimit <value>] : set cache limit
                               default: 20
                               maximum: 200
 Output anonymization:
  --mask-ipv4 <bits>     : mask all IPv4 addresses [0-32], default 24
                            even if occurs in IPv6-IID
  --mask-ipv6 <bits>     : mask IPv6 prefix [0-64], default 48
                            only applied to related address types
  --no-mask-iid          : do not mask non-IPv4 based IPv6-IID
  --anonymize-standard   : preset for standard anonymization
  (default)                 mask-ipv4=24 mask-ipv6=48 mask-iid
  --anonymize-careful    : preset for careful anonymization
                            mask-ipv4=20 mask-ipv6=40 mask-iid
  --anonymize-paranoid   : preset for paranoid anonymization
                            mask-ipv4=16 mask-ipv6=32 mask-iid

 Takes data from stdin, outputs the processed data to stdout
<para>Currently, only offline conversion is supported. Implementation as pipe filter between Apache and 'cronolog' has been tested, but didn't work for unknown reason.</para><screen>
<![CDATA[$ cat /path/to/http_log | ./ipv6loganon >/path/to/http_log_anonymized
<title>Perl CGI wrapper program "ipv6calcweb.cgi"</title>
<para>Because calling C programs directly as CGI isn't really recommended (too much security troubles all the time), I wrote a small wrapper utility which calls "ipv6calc" to get information about client and server address for displaying on a web page. </para><sect2>
<para>A demonstration about which kind of output is possible to produce is shown at</para><itemizedlist>
<listitem><para><ulink url=""></ulink> (IPv6 only)</para></listitem><listitem><para><ulink url=""></ulink> (IPv4/IPv6)</para></listitem><listitem><para><ulink url=""></ulink> (IPv4/IPv6)</para></listitem><listitem><para><ulink url=""></ulink></para></listitem></itemizedlist></sect2></sect1><sect1>
<title>Webserver log statistics helper program "ipv6logstats"</title>
<para>This program parses a given webserver logfile and count addresses, useful for time period statistics.</para><sect2>
<title>Supported options</title>
<![CDATA[$ ./ipv6logstats -?
ipv6logstats: version 0.70.1
(P) & (C) 2003-2005 by Peter Bieringer <pb (at)>

  [-d|--debug <debug value>] : debug value (bitwise like)
  [-u|--unknown]             : print unknown IP addresses to stderr
  [-c|--colums]              : print statistics in colums
  [-n|--noheader]            : don't print header in colums mode
  [-o|--onlyheader]          : print only header in colums mode
  [-p|--prefix <token>]      : print token as prefix

 Takes http log data from stdin and print a table on output
<para>There are a README and some helper scripts available in the package how to use this program and how to generate a graph using Gnuplot.</para></sect2><sect2>
<para>A demonstration with real data is available at <ulink url=""></ulink>.</para></sect2></sect1></article>