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><TD CLASS="title"
>pandoc-types-1.8: Types for representing a structured document</TD
><TD CLASS="topbut"
><A HREF="src/Text-Pandoc-Generic.html"
>Source code</A
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><TD CLASS="infohead"
><TD CLASS="infoval"
><TD CLASS="infohead"
><TD CLASS="infoval"
><TD CLASS="infohead"
><TD CLASS="infoval"
>John MacFarlane &lt;;</TD
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Generic functions for manipulating Pandoc documents.
>Here's a simple example, defining a function that replaces all the level 3+
headers in a document with regular paragraphs in ALL CAPS:
> import Text.Pandoc.Definition
 import Text.Pandoc.Generic
 import Data.Char (toUpper)

 modHeader :: Block -&gt; Block
 modHeader (Header n xs) | n &gt;= 3 = Para $ bottomUp allCaps xs
 modHeader x = x

 allCaps :: Inline -&gt; Inline
 allCaps (Str xs) = Str $ map toUpper xs
 allCaps x = x

 changeHeaders :: Pandoc -&gt; Pandoc
 changeHeaders = bottomUp modHeader
><A HREF="Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#v%3AbottomUp"
> is so called because it traverses the <TT
> structure from
bottom up. <TT
><A HREF="Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#v%3AtopDown"
> goes the other way. The difference between them can be
seen from this example:
> normal :: [Inline] -&gt; [Inline]
 normal (Space : Space : xs) = Space : xs
 normal (Emph xs : Emph ys : zs) = Emph (xs ++ ys) : zs
 normal xs = xs

 myDoc :: Pandoc
 myDoc =  Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [], docAuthors = [], docDate = []})
  [Para [Str &quot;Hi&quot;,Space,Emph [Str &quot;world&quot;,Space],Emph [Space,Str &quot;emphasized&quot;]]]
>Here we want to use <TT
><A HREF="Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#v%3AtopDown"
> to lift <TT
> to <TT
>Pandoc -&gt; Pandoc</TT
The top down strategy will collapse the two adjacent <TT
>s first, then
collapse the resulting adjacent <TT
>s, as desired. If we used <TT
><A HREF="Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#v%3AbottomUp"
we would end up with two adjacent <TT
>s, since the contents of the
two <TT
> inlines would be processed before the <TT
>s were collapsed
into one.
> topDown normal myDoc ==
   Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [], docAuthors = [], docDate = []})
    [Para [Str &quot;Hi&quot;,Space,Emph [Str &quot;world&quot;,Space,Str &quot;emphasized&quot;]]]

 bottomUp normal myDoc ==
   Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [], docAuthors = [], docDate = []})
    [Para [Str &quot;Hi&quot;,Space,Emph [Str &quot;world&quot;,Space,Space,Str &quot;emphasized&quot;]]]
><A HREF="Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#v%3AbottomUpM"
> is a monadic version of <TT
><A HREF="Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#v%3AbottomUp"
>.  It could be used,
for example, to replace the contents of delimited code blocks with
attribute <TT
> with the contents of <TT
> doInclude :: Block -&gt; IO Block
 doInclude cb@(CodeBlock (id, classes, namevals) contents) =
   case lookup &quot;include&quot; namevals of
        Just f  -&gt; return . (CodeBlock (id, classes, namevals)) =&lt;&lt; readFile f
        Nothing -&gt; return cb
 doInclude x = return x

 processIncludes :: Pandoc -&gt; IO Pandoc
 processIncludes = bottomUpM doInclude
><A HREF="Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#v%3AqueryWith"
> can be used, for example, to compile a list of URLs
linked to in a document:
> extractURL :: Inline -&gt; [String]
 extractURL (Link _ (u,_)) = [u]
 extractURL (Image _ (u,_)) = [u]
 extractURL _ = []

 extractURLs :: Pandoc -&gt; [String]
 extractURLs = queryWith extractURL
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AbottomUp"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; a) -&gt; b -&gt; b</TD
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AtopDown"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; a) -&gt; b -&gt; b</TD
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AbottomUpM"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> m, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; m a) -&gt; b -&gt; m b</TD
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AqueryWith"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> c) =&gt; (a -&gt; b) -&gt; c -&gt; b</TD
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AprocessWith"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; a) -&gt; b -&gt; b</TD
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AprocessWithM"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> m, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; m a) -&gt; b -&gt; m b</TD
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="topdecl"
><TABLE CLASS="declbar"
><TD CLASS="declname"
><A NAME="v:bottomUp"
><A NAME="v%3AbottomUp"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; a) -&gt; b -&gt; b</TD
><TD CLASS="declbut"
><A HREF="src/Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#bottomUp"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Applies a transformation on <TT
>s to matching elements in a <TT
 moving from the bottom of the structure up.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="topdecl"
><TABLE CLASS="declbar"
><TD CLASS="declname"
><A NAME="v:topDown"
><A NAME="v%3AtopDown"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; a) -&gt; b -&gt; b</TD
><TD CLASS="declbut"
><A HREF="src/Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#topDown"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Applies a transformation on <TT
>s to matching elements in a <TT
 moving from the top of the structure down.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="topdecl"
><TABLE CLASS="declbar"
><TD CLASS="declname"
><A NAME="v:bottomUpM"
><A NAME="v%3AbottomUpM"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> m, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; m a) -&gt; b -&gt; m b</TD
><TD CLASS="declbut"
><A HREF="src/Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#bottomUpM"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Like <TT
><A HREF="Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#v%3AbottomUp"
>, but with monadic transformations.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="topdecl"
><TABLE CLASS="declbar"
><TD CLASS="declname"
><A NAME="v:queryWith"
><A NAME="v%3AqueryWith"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> c) =&gt; (a -&gt; b) -&gt; c -&gt; b</TD
><TD CLASS="declbut"
><A HREF="src/Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#queryWith"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Runs a query on matching <TT
> elements in a <TT
>.  The results
 of the queries are combined using <TT
><A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="topdecl"
><TABLE CLASS="declbar"
><TD CLASS="declname"
><A NAME="v:processWith"
><A NAME="v%3AprocessWith"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; a) -&gt; b -&gt; b</TD
><TD CLASS="declbut"
><A HREF="src/Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#processWith"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Deprecated synonym for <TT
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="topdecl"
><TABLE CLASS="declbar"
><TD CLASS="declname"
><A NAME="v:processWithM"
><A NAME="v%3AprocessWithM"
> :: (<A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> m, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> a, <A HREF="/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/base-"
> b) =&gt; (a -&gt; m a) -&gt; b -&gt; m b</TD
><TD CLASS="declbut"
><A HREF="src/Text-Pandoc-Generic.html#processWithM"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Deprecated synonym for <TT
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="botbar"
>Produced by <A HREF=""
> version 2.6.1</TD