

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 282ba76331d32d96ac00e4024a30ac59 > files > 20


This directory contains five example Erlang XML-RPC servers. Four of
them are desribed in this README file. The fifth server is an example
of robust banking system and is described in a separate tutorial

The servers are small and silly but together they utilize a majority
of the functionality provided by the library.

The first example (fib_server.erl) calculates Fibonacci values and is
a non-keepalive server. The second example (echo_server.erl) echoes
back any incoming parameters and is a non-keepalive server. The third
example (date_server.erl) calculates calendar values for given dates
and is a keepalive server which uses the state variable to provide
login state and different timeout settings. The fourth example
(validator.erl) is a validation server which can be used to validate
the library using the service.

Run make to compile the servers.

You need to replace "../../xmerl/ebin" below to point at your
installation of the xmerl package.

If you intend to verify inter-operability with the example Java clients
you need to replace "../../apache/xmlrpc/bin/xmlrpc-1.1.jar" below to
point at your installation of the Apache XML-RPC library. Get it at You furthermore need a recent installation of
Java/JDK. Get it at

Run 'make java_clients' to compile the Java clients.

Example 1: fib_server.erl
$ erl -pa ../ebin -pa ../../xmerl/ebin
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.1.2.b2 [source]

Eshell V5.1.2.b2  (abort with ^G)
1> {ok, Pid} = xmlrpc:start_link({fib_server, handler}).
2> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, foo, []}).
{ok,{response,{fault,-1,"Unknown call: {call,foo,[]}"}}}
3> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, fib, [0]}). 
4> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, fib, [4]}).

Nothing fancy. Uses a new HTTP connection for each call and handles
unknown method calls gracefully. could as well has been used to call the Fibonacci

$ java -classpath ../../apache/xmlrpc/bin/xmlrpc-1.1.jar:. FibClient 0
$ java -classpath ../../apache/xmlrpc/bin/xmlrpc-1.1.jar:. FibClient 4

Stop the Fibonacci server:

5> xmlrpc:stop(Pid).

Example 2: echo_server.erl
$ erl -pa ../ebin -pa ../../xmerl/ebin
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.1.2.b2 [source]

Eshell V5.1.2.b2  (abort with ^G)
1> {ok, Pid} = xmlrpc:start_link({echo_server, handler}).
2> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, foo, []}).
{ok,{response,{fault,-1,"Unknown call: {call,foo,[]}"}}}
3> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, echo, [42.0]}).
{ok,{response,[{array, [42.0000]}]}}
4> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, echo, [2.6, {array, [5, "foo"]}, {struct, [{baz, 1}, {bar, {base64, "SDOMCVN=-kmDC*="}}]}]}).

The parameters are converted from Erlang to XML format before being
sent to the server. When the parameters arrive at the server they are
converted back to Erlang format. The server handler echoes the
parameters back as a response to the client, i.e. in the process
converting the parameters back to XML format. The response arrives at
the client which finally convert the parameters back to Erlang format. 

Nothing fancy. Uses a new HTTP connection for each call and handles
unknown method calls gracefully. could as well has been used to call the echo server:

$ java -classpath ../../apache/xmlrpc/bin/xmlrpc-1.1.jar:. EchoClient
[42.5, foo, 7]

Stop the echo server:

5> xmlrpc:stop(Pid).

Example 3: date_server.erl
$ erl -pa ../ebin -pa ../../xmerl/ebin
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.1.2.b2 [source]

Eshell V5.1.2.b2  (abort with ^G)
1> xmlrpc:start_link(4567, 1000, 300000, {date_server, handler}, {false, 0}).
2> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, calc, [{struct, [{is_leap_year, 1492}]}]}, true, 300000).
{ok,#Port<0.32>,{response,{fault,-3,"Not authenticated"}}}
3> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, login, ["Foo", "Bar"]}, true, 300000).
{ok,#Port<0.40>,{response,{fault,-1,"Invalid authentication"}}}
4> {ok, S, _} = xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, login, ["Slarti", "Bartfast"]}, true, 300000).
5> xmlrpc:call(S, "/", {call, login, ["Slarti", "Bartfast"]}, true, 300000).
{ok,#Port<0.42>,{response,{fault,-2,"Already authenticated"}}}
6> xmlrpc:call(S, "/", {call, foo, []}, true, 300000).
{ok,#Port<0.42>,{response,{fault,-4,"Unknown call: {call,foo,[]}"}}}
7> xmlrpc:call(S, "/", {call, calc, [{struct, [{is_leap_year, 1492}]}]}, true, 300000).
8> xmlrpc:call(S, "/", {call, calc, [{struct, [{is_leap_year, 2010}]}]}, true, 300000).
9> xmlrpc:call(S, "/", {call, calc, [{struct, [{is_leap_year, 2010}, {days_since, {struct, [{y, 2002}, {m, 12}, {d, 10}]}}]}]}, true, 300000).
10> xmlrpc:call(S, "/", {call, logout, []}). 
11> xmlrpc:call(S, "/", {call, calc, [{struct, [{is_leap_year, 2010}]}]}, true, 300000).
{error,#Port<0.42>,closed} could as well has been used to call the date server:

$ java -classpath ../../apache/xmlrpc/bin/xmlrpc-1.1.jar:. DateClient
[1, {days_since=731204}]
[2, {days_since=731204, day_of_week=Thursday, is_leap_year=true}]

Stop the date server:

12> xmlrpc:stop(Pid).

Example 4: validator.erl
$ erl -pa ../ebin -pa ../../xmerl/ebin
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.1.2.b2 [source]

Eshell V5.1.2.b2  (abort with ^G)
1> {ok, Pid} = xmlrpc:start_link({validator, handler}).

If your computer is connected to the Internet you can now verify that
the library is compliant with the validation service at

Stop the validator server:

2> xmlrpc:stop(Pid).