

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 282ba76331d32d96ac00e4024a30ac59 > files > 30



       xmlrpc - XML-RPC library

       This  is  an HTTP 1.1 compliant XML-RPC Erlang library. It
       is designed to  make  it  easy  to  write  XML-RPC  Erlang
       clients  and/or servers. The library is compliant with the
       XML-RPC specification published by

       call(Socket, URI, Payload)
       call(Host, Port, URI, Payload)
       call(Socket, URI, Payload, KeepAlive, Timeout)
       call(Host,  Port,  URI,  Payload,  KeepAlive,  Timeout) ->

              Types  Socket = socket()
                     URI = string()
                     Payload = {call, Method, [Value]}
                     Method = atom()
                     Value = integer() |  float()  |  string()  |
                     Boolean  |  ISO8601Date  | Base64 | Struct |
                     Boolean = true | false
                     ISO8601Date = {date, string()}
                     Base64 = {base64, string()}
                     Struct = {struct, [{Key, Value}]}
                     Key = atom()
                     Array = {array, [Value]}
                     Host = string() | ip()
                     Port = integer()
                     KeepAlive = true | false
                     Timeout = integer()
                     ResponsePayload  =  {response,  [Value]}   |
                     {response, Fault}
                     Fault = {fault, FaultCode, FaultString}
                     FaultCode = integer()
                     FaultString = string()
                     Result  =  {ok,  ResponsePayload}  | {error,
                     Reason} | {ok,  Socket,  ResponsePayload}  |
                     {error, Socket, Reason}
                     Reason = term()

              Calls an XML-RPC server listening on Host:Port. The
              URI and Payload is used in the  HTTP  POST  request
              being sent to the server. The Value is converted to
              XML (see DATA TYPES below) and is used  as  request

              If  KeepAlive  is  true  a  Socket is returned. The
              socket can be used to send  several  calls  on  the
              same  connection in accordance with HTTP 1.1. If no
              server response is received within  Timeout  milli-
              seconds  {error,  timeout} or {error, Socket, time-
              out} is returned.

              KeepAlive and Timeout default to  false  and  60000

              See EXAMPLES section below.

       start_link(Port, MaxSessions, Timeout, Handler, State)
       start_link(IP, Port, MaxSessions, Timeout, Handler, State)
       -> Result

              Types  Handler = {Module, Function}
                     Module = Function = atom()
                     Port = MaxSessions = integer()
                     Timeout = integer()
                     State = term()
                     IP = ip()
                     Result = {ok, Pid} | {error, Reason}
                     Pid = pid()
                     Reason = term()

              Starts an XML-RPC server listening on  IP:Port.  If
              no  IP  address is given the server listens on Port
              for all available IP addresses. MaxSessions is used
              to  restrict  the number of concurrent connections.
              If MaxSessions is reached the server accepts no new
              connections  for  5 seconds, i.e. blocking new con-
              nect attempts.

              Handler is a callback, implemented by  Module:Func-
              tion/2,  which  is  used  to instantiate an XML-RPC
              server. The Timeout value is used if the handler is
              keepalive  oriented.  State  is  the  initial state
              given to Module:Function/2. The resulting  Pid  can
              be used as input to xmlrpc:stop/1.

              See Module:Function/2 and EXAMPLES below.

       stop(Pid) -> Result

              Types  Pid = pid()
                     Result = void()

              Stops a running XML-RPC server.

       Module:Function(State, Payload) -> Result

              Types  State = term()
                     Payload = <See above>
                     Result   =  {KeepAlive,  ResponsePayload}  |
                     {KeepAlive, State, Timeout, ResponsePayload}
                     KeepAlive = true | false
                     ResponsePayload = <See above>
                     Timeout = integer()

              It  is  up  to you to implement Function clauses in
              Module to instantiate an XML-RPC server. Every time
              an  XML-RPC  call  arrives the Value in the Payload
              gets converted to Erlang format and is passed on to

              A  Function  clause  is supposed to return either a
              2-tuple or a 4-tuple. KeepAlive must be false in  a
              2-tuple and true in a 4-tuple. KeepAlive decides if
              the connection to the client should be kept open or
              not,  i.e.  compare  with the KeepAlive argument to
              call/{3,4,5,6} above.

              State can be used as a state variable by the  call-
              back  function and changes made to it is propagated
              to the next call to  Module:Function/2.  The  state
              variable  is only meaningful if both the client and
              the  server  is  keepalive  oriented.  The  Timeout
              specified  in  start_link/{1,5,6} can be updated in
              the returning 4-tuple.

              If KeepAlive is true and  no  call  arrives  within
              Timeout  milli-seconds  the  socket  is closed. The
              socket may be closed by the client before the spec-
              ified timeout.

              See EXAMPLES below.

       The  conversion  of  Value  in Payload and ResponsePayload
       (see above) is done as follows:

       XML-RPC data type       Erlang data type
       -----------------       ----------------
       <int>                   integer()
       <boolean>               true or false
       <string>                string()
       <double>                float()
       <dateTime.iso8601>      {date, string()}
       <struct>                {struct, [{Key, Value}]}
       <array>                 {array, [Value]}
       <base64>                {base64, string()}

       Read more about the XML-RPC  data  types  in  the  XML-RPC
       specification published by

       Here  are  some examples on how Erlang format is converted
       to XML:

       42     <int>42</int>

       true   <boolean>true</boolean>

       "Kilroy was here"
              <string>Kilroy was here</string>

       42.5   <double>42.5</double>

       {date, "19980717T14:08:55"}

       {struct, [{foo, 42}, {bar, 4711}]}

       {array, [42, 42.5}

       {date, "19980717T14:08:55"}

       You are strongly advised to inspect the  example  code  in
       the examples/ directory.

       The  first  example  (fib_server.erl) calculates Fibonacci
       values and is a non-keepalive server. The  second  example
       (echo_server.erl)  echoes back any incoming parameters and
       is   a   non-keepalive   server.   The    third    example
       (date_server.erl)  calculates  calendar  values  for given
       dates and is a keepalive server which uses the state vari-
       able  to  provide  login  state and different timeout set-
       tings. The fourth example (validator.erl) is a  validation
       server which can be used to validate the library using the service.

       A snippet from the Fibonacci callback module in the  exam-
       ples/ directory:

       handler(_State, {call, fib, [N]}) when integer(N) ->
           {false, {response, [fib(N)]}};
       handler(_State, Payload) ->
           FaultString = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Unknown call: ~p", [Payload])),
           {false, {response, {fault, -1, FaultString}}}.

       fib(0) -> 1;
       fib(1) -> 1;
       fib(N) -> fib(N-1)+fib(N-2).

       and how it can be called:

       1> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, fib, [0]}).
       2> xmlrpc:call({127, 0, 0, 1}, 4567, "/", {call, fib, [4]}).

       Again:  You  are  strongly  advised to inspect the example
       code in the examples/ directory.

              Home for the XML-RPC specification.

       README Main README file for the library.

              Example code

       Joakim Grebeno -           Jan 2003                   XMLRPC(3)