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<H1><A NAME="SECTION000200000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
1 Introduction 

The reason pyOpenSSL was created is that the SSL support in the socket module
in Python 2.1 (the contemporary version of Python when the pyOpenSSL project
was begun) was severely limited.  Other OpenSSL wrappers for Python at the time
were also limited, though in different ways.  Unfortunately, Python's standard
library SSL support has remained weak, although other packages (such as
M2Crypto<A NAME="tex2html1"
have made great advances and now equal or exceed pyOpenSSL's functionality.

The reason pyOpenSSL continues to be maintained is that there is a significant
user community around it, as well as a large amount of software which depends
on it.  It is a great benefit to many people for pyOpenSSL to continue to exist
and advance.

<DT><A NAME="foot951">...
<DD>See <a class="url" href=""></a>

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<span class="release-info">Release 0.9.</span>
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