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<H2><A NAME="SECTION000430000000000000000">&nbsp;</A>
3.3 <tt class="module">SSL</tt> -- An interface to the SSL-specific parts of OpenSSL 


This module handles things specific to SSL. There are two objects defined:
Context, Connection.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-100'><tt>SSLv2_METHOD</tt></a></b>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-114'><tt>SSLv3_METHOD</tt></a></b><dd>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-115'><tt>SSLv23_METHOD</tt></a></b><dd>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-116'><tt>TLSv1_METHOD</tt></a></b><dd>
These constants represent the different SSL methods to use when creating a
context object.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-101'><tt>VERIFY_NONE</tt></a></b>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-117'><tt>VERIFY_PEER</tt></a></b><dd>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-118'><tt>VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT</tt></a></b><dd>
These constants represent the verification mode used by the Context
object's <tt class="method">set_verify</tt> method.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-102'><tt>FILETYPE_PEM</tt></a></b>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-119'><tt>FILETYPE_ASN1</tt></a></b><dd>
File type constants used with the <tt class="method">use_certificate_file</tt> and
<tt class="method">use_privatekey_file</tt> methods of Context objects.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-103'><tt>OP_SINGLE_DH_USE</tt></a></b>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-120'><tt>OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA</tt></a></b><dd>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-121'><tt>OP_NO_SSLv2</tt></a></b><dd>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-122'><tt>OP_NO_SSLv3</tt></a></b><dd>
<dt><b><a name='l2h-123'><tt>OP_NO_TLSv1</tt></a></b><dd>
Constants used with <tt class="method">set_options</tt> of Context objects.
<tt class="constant">OP_SINGLE_DH_USE</tt> means to always create a new key when using ephemeral
Diffie-Hellman. <tt class="constant">OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA</tt> means to always use ephemeral RSA keys
when doing RSA operations. <tt class="constant">OP_NO_SSLv2</tt>, <tt class="constant">OP_NO_SSLv3</tt> and
<tt class="constant">OP_NO_TLSv1</tt> means to disable those specific protocols. This is
interesting if you're using e.g. <tt class="constant">SSLv23_METHOD</tt> to get an SSLv2-compatible
handshake, but don't want to use SSLv2.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-104'><tt>ContextType</tt></a></b>
A Python type object representing the Context object type.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-105'><tt class='function'>Context</tt></a></b>(<var>method</var>)
Factory function that creates a new Context object given an SSL method. The
method should be <tt class="constant">SSLv2_METHOD</tt>, <tt class="constant">SSLv3_METHOD</tt>,
<tt class="constant">SSLv23_METHOD</tt> or <tt class="constant">TLSv1_METHOD</tt>.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-106'><tt>ConnectionType</tt></a></b>
A Python type object representing the Connection object type.

<dl><dt><b><a name='l2h-107'><tt class='function'>Connection</tt></a></b>(<var>context, socket</var>)
Factory fucnction that creates a new Connection object given an SSL context and
a socket <A NAME="tex2html4"
  HREF="#foot975"><SUP>3</SUP></A> object.

<dl><dt><b>exception <a name='l2h-108'><tt class='exception'>Error</tt></a></b>
This exception is used as a base class for the other SSL-related
exceptions, but may also be raised directly.

Whenever this exception is raised directly, it has a list of error messages
from the OpenSSL error queue, where each item is a tuple <code>(<var>lib</var>,
<var>function</var>, <var>reason</var>)</code>. Here <var>lib</var>, <var>function</var> and <var>reason</var>
are all strings, describing where and what the problem is. See <span class='manpage'><i>err</i>(3)</span>
for more information.

<dl><dt><b>exception <a name='l2h-109'><tt class='exception'>ZeroReturnError</tt></a></b>
This exception matches the error return code <code>SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN</code>, and
is raised when the SSL Connection has been closed. In SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, this
only occurs if a closure alert has occurred in the protocol, i.e. the
connection has been closed cleanly. Note that this does not necessarily
mean that the transport layer (e.g. a socket) has been closed.

It may seem a little strange that this is an exception, but it does match an
<code>SSL_ERROR</code> code, and is very convenient.

<dl><dt><b>exception <a name='l2h-110'><tt class='exception'>WantReadError</tt></a></b>
The operation did not complete; the same I/O method should be called again
later, with the same arguments. Any I/O method can lead to this since new
handshakes can occur at any time.

<dl><dt><b>exception <a name='l2h-111'><tt class='exception'>WantWriteError</tt></a></b>
See <tt class="exception">WantReadError</tt>.

<dl><dt><b>exception <a name='l2h-112'><tt class='exception'>WantX509LookupError</tt></a></b>
The operation did not complete because an application callback has asked to be
called again. The I/O method should be called again later, with the same
arguments. Note: This won't occur in this version, as there are no such
callbacks in this version.

<dl><dt><b>exception <a name='l2h-113'><tt class='exception'>SysCallError</tt></a></b>
The <tt class="exception">SysCallError</tt> occurs when there's an I/O error and OpenSSL's
error queue does not contain any information. This can mean two things: An
error in the transport protocol, or an end of file that violates the protocol.
The parameter to the exception is always a pair <code>(<var>errnum</var>,

<DT><A NAME="foot975">... socket</A><A
<DD>Actually, all that is required is an object that
<i>behaves</i> like a socket, you could even use files, even though it'd be
tricky to get the handshakes right!

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<LI><A NAME="tex2html261"
  href="openssl-context.html">3.3.1 Context objects </A>
<LI><A NAME="tex2html262"
  href="openssl-connection.html">3.3.2 Connection objects </A>
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<span class="release-info">Release 0.9.</span>
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