

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 39fccafb9cc33eb5e2c44828f5a62bff > files > 29


exec lush2 "$0" "$@"

;; A basic implementation of Conway's Game of Life using SDL
;; Keir Mierle, Jan 2003.

;; process command line arguments

(setq prob 0.2)

 ((or (member "-h" argv)
      (member "--help" argv))
  (writing "$stderr" 
   (render-brace-text 0 72
   '{<p> Synopsis: ,,(basename (car argv)) [-h] [-p prob] {<br>}
     A simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life.
      {<li> "-h": show this message}
      {<li> "-p prob": set the probability of an on cell to "prob"
            for the random initialization. "prob" should be a real
            number between 0 and 1 (the default value is 0.2)}}
      While the program is running, press the "r" key
      to restart from a random configuration, and
      press "q" to quit.
  (exit 0))
 ((setq zz (member "-p" argv))
  (if (not (cadr zz))
      (writing "$stderr" (printf "probability value missing\n"))
      (exit 1))
   (setq zz (val (cadr zz)))
   (if (and zz (<= zz 1) (>= zz 0))
      (setq prob zz) 
    (writing "$stderr" (printf "illegal probability\n"))
    (exit 1)))))

;; run life

;; the compiled functions are in a separate file.
;; We don't have to tell lush where to find the
;; file because the directory of the file being
;; loaded (i.e. the present file) is always searched first.

(libload "sdl/libsdl")
(libload "lushlife.lsh")

(setq WIDTH 640)
(setq HEIGHT 480)
(setq CONST_255 (ubyte-array))
(CONST_255 255)

(de life () 
      ((display (ubyte-array HEIGHT WIDTH 3))
       (accum (ubyte-array HEIGHT WIDTH))
       (cells (ubyte-array (+ HEIGHT 2) (+ WIDTH 2)))
       (scr (new sdlidx-screen display "Game of Life"))
       (event (new sdl-event)) 
       (xyk (int-array 3))
       (stop ()))

    ;; initialize cells
    (randomize cells prob)

    (while (not stop) 

      ;; Draw the cells matrix to the display matrix
      (array-copy (idx-dotm0 (narrow (narrow cells 0 HEIGHT 1) 1 WIDTH 1) CONST_255) 
		(select display 2 1))

      ;; Perform the simulation
      (lifesim cells accum)
      ;; Check the keys for interesting keypresses and respond accordingly
      (==> event get-arrows xyk) 
      (selectq (xyk 2)
	(SDLK_q (setq stop t))
	(SDLK_r (randomize cells prob)))

      ;; Flip the buffer
      (==> scr flip) )))

(writing "$stderr" (printf "Press 'r' to restart. Press 'q' to quit\n"))