

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 534b4aa6baefe28a082d55993b304712 > files > 47



- when auto-loading iPods: set backup path if not set.

- move part of free-space-update to file_convert.c

- when creating new repository: make sure backup repository filename isn't
  already used.

- don't keep iTunesDB on iPod when syncing (takes up valuable space)

- fileselection_select_script(): display @additional_text.

- modify "warning" when matching checksums: Send a patch that changes
  the behavior from printing into the info window to opening a dialog
  with the "never show this dialog again" button. Then add an option
  to the preferences to get the dialog back.

- save extended database when rehash was done, even if main database
  is not changed.

- handle missing .ext file more decently

- Add tooltips back to the track attributes section of the prefs or find a
  way to not need them.  Perhaps using shorter versions of the previous
  tooltips in the lists would work.  That way, users wouldn't even need to
  wait for the tooltip popup to know what the attribute was for.

- unload iPods when exiting gtkpod (ask/option).

- cddb lookup ( See also

- wildcards for filename templates (automatic setting of tags from
  filename/cover art).

- Actually, there is an option to see all the dirs that
are going to be synced but it's impossible to change
them.It would be nice to have a tree whit all the dirs
and sub-dirs, like in the amarok colection maker, so we
can have a full control of the sync dirs.

- set flag3/4 automatically for podcasts.

- support for is a web site that you report your listening
  habits to.  The site can then give you recommendations on other
  music that you may also like. The site also has music charts for
  users and also for the entire site.  You can tag music and they also
  have a Radio that you can download and it plays songs for you. -

- retag tracks with database information

- photo support

- lyrics support (

- itdb/misc_confirm.c: number of F?? directories should be determined
  before starting copying files to the iPod. At the moment only 20
  dirs are used no matter how many are present.
  Creation of directories should be moved to itdb_*

- more features for mserv

- icons should be themable

- Update calendar in special sort tab when changing category.

- Give status when adjusting offline_playcount after import of
  database (can take quite a while even for only 90 tracks).

- Dangling/orphaned tracks
    - Open a progress window to display information instead of the
      statusbar messages.

- "adjust volume by ...%" functionality

- Pattern matching for tag extraction from filename should also work
  from the beginning of the name towards the end, not only from the
  end to the beginning (clear?)

- multiple playlist delete, ctrl-d, wipe iPod.

   Unless I'm missing something, I think it would be handy to have a
   mulitple playlist delete capability, since it's quite tedious to
   have to delete playlists one at a time.

   Also I noticed ctrl-d didn't delete the playlists, which could be
   my setup, I'm using Debian Unstable.

   Finally in addition to mulitple playlist delete, how about a total
   wipe of the ipod (with lots of 'are you sure?'s) thus making it
   ready for a new setup.


- be able to select multiple genres, albums, etc. at the same
  time. (should be possible -- difficulty is selecting several

Anton de Wet
Feature Suggestion:
  Also usefull would be able to set the "default" rating for all newly
  added tracks.

> It would be nice to have the ability to have some sort of shadow aac 
> directory, that would have converted versions of all the songs in your 
> library, if the song is a higher bitrate than 128kbps aac, so that you 
> can get the most music onto your ipod.
(+ recode to 128 kB when exporting)

Torsten Curdt
> * I love the type-and-filter-right-away search of iTunes!
> * I miss the easy click-on-burn-audio-cd button
>   (any way passing this over to the nautilus cdwriter?)
  - doesn't DND work?
> * the rating should be stars not a numbers. least
>   a control that is easier than entering a number

> Not sure from the documentation but it looks like there's no way to
> sync tunes in the iPod into the desktop database.
> For instance situation:
> Bob has two desktop machines - one at work, one at home.  He has
> tunes on both machines, ripped from his CD collection.  The tunes at
> home are upbeat, the tunes at work are chilled.  He keeps these two
> CD collections separate so that he can play them on regular CD
> players in each location.  He loads his new iPod with the tunes on
> his home computer and then take it to work and loads further tunes
> from the work machine.  When he gets home he is able to update his
> home tune database with the tunes from work to give him a backup in
> a single place in case his iPod fails.  I know there are workarounds
> but it'd be great if this was something you could do automatically
> with gtkpod.  If it is already, please let me know (and Woo Ha!).

I have the 20G model and I have more "f" directories
than gtkpod recognises. So gtkpod only fills up through f19, when
really I have through f29. Everything works fine on the iPod, it's
just that gtkpod refuses to put music into any of the other

On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 05:37:29PM +0000, Andy wrote:   
> Can gtkpod do any mangling of the files as it loads them on to an iPod?
> In particular, I was wondering if there was a way to inject an album
> cover into a file's id3 as it goes in so my drive files can remain
> pristine.
> That is, let's say I have cover.jpg in each folder, but not in the files
> themselves.  Could gtkpod be made to pick that up and put it in the id3
> field for cover (so the iPod Photo can show it).

> 1) Ich erstelle beim Import von MP3 die ID3 Tags aus den Dateinamen. 
> Dabei wuerde ich noch eine Vorschau ganz gut finden, in der man 
> ggf. noch manuell eingreifen kann. (Stefan Onken)

- Darren Zimerman
> As for improvements to gtkpod, the only one I can think of off the top 
> of my head would be to have a list of available playlists in the 
> right-click menu.  So instead of just "Add selection to new playlist", 
> there would actually be list of current playlists (perhaps in a sub-menu).

- immediate copying of added tracks to the iPod (when reading tracks
  over a slow network they will still be in the buffer memory and
  won't have to read over the network twice if they are copied right
  away) (request by Seth Arnold)

- album support (normalize all tracks of an album with the same gain)
   for volume normalization

- gtkpod-like browse of file system contents

- upload text notes to iPod

- add more progress dialogues (in general!)

- add an option to let the user decide if all the gtkpod's
  playlist must be updated on export.

- on-the-fly resampling to a particular bit rate. I have 32 GB of
  songs be cause some of them at at 192, but I only need them at 128
  or so on the Ipod. Mus icmatch does this exact
  thing. ( JCS: this could be done along with an
  arbitrary "conversion" on export: user provides a command line in
  the prefs dialogue that is executed instead of the simple copy
  command (should also support faac).
> I think this could be implemented like this: (Juho Routakorpi)
> 1. User adds a track (or a directory containing a track) in format X
> 2. gtkpod notices this and adds this to conversion queue, starts conversion 
> immediatelly in the background
> 3. If all format X files aren't converted when user commits sync, then format
> X songs are put to end of transfer queue
> 4. Temporary files are deleted on exit (if user has chose so)

-- John Pedersen
> I have an Ipod mini, which stores roughly 4GB.  My music collection
> is roughly 18GB.
> ITunes has a nice feature: each song has a checkbox in front of the
> song name.  And in the ipod preferences, there's a setting called
> "Only Update Checked Songs".
> So the checkmarks are a nice simple way to create a subset of my
> collection.
> Usage: by default, the songs are all checked, so my first task was
> to uncheck all these thousands of songs.  Solution: get a listing
> view of ALL songs, and hold down the CTRL key while I uncheck a
> song.  ALL songs in the list now become unchecked (takes a little
> while of course).
> Next, I want to re-check the individual albums and/or songs that I 
> want to put back in the mini ipod selection.  For the most part, I 
> select an artist, show ALL their songs, and CTRL-click a single  
> checkbox.  Alternatively, I can select a single album, or even a 
> single song.

> I have a question: (Will Richey)
>  - Could Offline mode be modified such that it handles the unmounting /
>    remounting of the iPod?  I'd like to be able to leave gtkpod running,
>    detach the iPod and see the changes, then reattach and reconnect.
This would also include that and gtkpod.out are called only
if not in offline mode. When switching from offline to online, mount
and should be called. When switching from online to offline
gtkpod.out should be called. Further, the README file should be edited
to reflect the change.

> Second issue - when I delete a playlist and add a playlist with many of  
> the same identical songs, it looks like gtkpod does in fact delete the   
> files from the iPod and recopy them to the iPod.
Yes -- once they are removed, they are removed.
> It would be nice if it did not do that.
Could be done by checking against the "pending_deletion" list by md5 hash
before adding a new track.

On Sun, Apr 24, 2005 at 11:59:00AM +0100, David Smith wrote:
> Is there any way to reverse sync with directories on gtkpod, i.e press  
> sync and it updates my directories FROM my ipod? At the moment all i can
> do is manually add the files i know I have updated on my iPod to my
> computer.

Len Trigg:
> > Another thing that confused me was the "sort tabs". Since they are
> > used for filtering rather than sorting, they should really be named
> > "filter tabs" or "filter panes". 

Please feel free to submit further features.


- segfault when sorting the playlists (0.99.2)

drag playlist to track view: (JCS)
(gtkpod:19911): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion `g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed

(gtkpod:19911): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion `g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed

(gtkpod:19911): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_text_buffer_emit_insert: assertion `g_utf8_validate (text, len, NULL)' failed

- Eelco van Veldhuizen 
> First all apoligise for my bad english, i'm from the neatherlands. I
> have the following problem with my iPod when I select a playlist for
> my wake up alarm. The iPod switches it back to "beep". This only
> happens with the playlists from gtkPod. When I sync with iTunes I
> can select the playlist for my alarm. Maybe you already know this
> problem.. I have searched on the internet and found a couple of
> people that have the same problem. But no solutions found... Mabey
> you know a solution for this problem :)

- during a long operation (menues are blocked) the user can still edit
  the track data. This could potentially crash gtkpod -> need a way to
  block editing as well without blocking navigation.

- when deleting an entry in the last sort tab (of 2) sometimes gtkpod

> 1. on creating a smart playlist with a rule on title name,
>   only exact case matching is considered
> 2. adding options during creation of a smart playlist thru the button +
>   there is no autoresize of the modal window to keep " Ok " and " cancel "
>   buttons inside of the windows.
> 3. another problem is that the field "date added" is overwritten by
> gtkpod.  At this moment I've something like 30gb of mp3 with a "date
> added" field at the same date and second.

Please add/report bugs as you find them (jcsjcs at users dot
sourceforge dot net).

Coverart (JCS):
Dragging tracks with coverart from Local to iPod may not work. It will
definitely not work for coverart embedded in the MP3 file.

Equalizer: (Julien Oster)
As you certainly have noticed, the internal iPod equalizer is causing 
ugly clipping (and thus horrible bass distortion) when using bass 
booster settings with a lot of MP3s. Googling around quickly revealed a 
forum posts ( 
which suggests using mp3gain to lower the level of MP3s. That way, 
clipping no longer occurs. The forum thread also reports that doing so 
unfortunately also lowers the volume the MP3 is played, but that isn't 
necessarily the case.

I just spent some hours doing a lot of tests on MP3s with mp3gain and 
gtkpod and I finally came to a solution to avoid every clipping problems 
AND keeping the original volume in every case.

Before you say "but gtkpod already has support for mp3gain!", please 
read on. The mp3gain feature as it is implemented in gtkpod right now 
does not solve any equalizer bass distortion problems, it just 
normalizes the volume of all tracks. However, what I am suggesting here 
actually doesn't change the volume of the tracks at all, it just removes 
possible clipping and thus possible bass distortion.

While experimenting, dealing with all those different volumes, gains, 
soundcheck values, mp3gain settings and whatever else got me quite 
confused. I don't want you to get a headache, it's already enough that I 
got one ;-) So I'll show you step by step what you have to do to remove 
clipping from an MP3.

First of all, we need an MP3 to test the whole thing. Just choose an MP3 
which shows horrible and clearly hearable clipping distortion when using 
the "Bass Booster" equalizer setting on your iPod.

Let's assume that you have that track available as /tmp/foo.mp3 on your 
workstation. Uploading it without any change to your iPod and listening 
to it may be fine when the equalizer is disabled, but when choosing 
"Bass Booster" or another bass intensive setting, the levels of some of 
the lower frequencies are boosted beyond a limit so that that ugly 
distortion occurs. Not good.

We can easily solve this issue by using mp3gain on the track, giving the 
following output:

/tmp% mp3gain -r -o /tmp/foo.mp3
File    MP3 gain        dB gain Max Amplitude   Max global_gain Min
foo.mp3 -7      -10.690000      39675.560208    190     126

Note that the "-r" switch has to be there! Otherwise it doesn't work. 
I'm not entirely sure, but it looks like without the -r switch, only the 
volume information in the ID3 tag is changed while with -r, the relative 
volume of every single frame is changed (fortunately, also without 
reducing quality). To avoid clipping you have to volume the frames down.

As you know, the "-o" switch is just for a nicer output and doesn't 
affect how the file is handled.

Now, after doing this, you can already upload the file to your iPod 
using gtkpod. Looking at the soundcheck value after importing it shows 
that it isn't 0 anymore but something slightly off, like 0,3 or 0,75, 
however it's always close to 0.

Playing it reveals no clipping at all! You can try out every equalizer 
setting you want, mp3gain lowered the volume of the individual frames 
enough to not get any frequency boosted beyond any limit by the equalizer.

Happy now? No, there's still a problem: the distortion is gone, but the 
volume is way too low now. Of course, you can just increase the volume 
on your iPod, but sometimes even the highest volume actually seems a bit 
low (even on uncapped iPods). However, even that problem can be solved.

Let's look at the mp3gain output again:

File    MP3 gain        dB gain Max Amplitude   Max global_gain Min
foo.mp3 -7      -10.690000      39675.560208    190     126

So, it tells us the volume of every frame has been decreased by 10.69dB. 
If you would use mp3gain without the -r switch, -10.69 would be exactly 
the same value that would have got written in the "soundcheck" field.

But since we want to *increase* the playing volume to get the track back 
to its original volume, we do the opposite: we write "10.69dB" in the 
soundcheck field. Not as a negative value, but as a positive value!

Doing so, enabling "Sound Check" on the iPod and listening to the track 
again shows that the track volume is obviously back to original. But 
checking with the equalizer also proves... still no clipping!

Yay! So we have got rid of the clipping while still keeping the original 
volume and we're completely happy now.

Now, what do you think about implementing this functionality in gtkpod, 
similar to the already existing normalize functionality? That would 
really be great.

Of course, there's still one possible drawback, which depends on what 
you would like to have: using that method, nothing is actually 
normalized. The volume of the tracks is the same as before. But if my 
aching head isn't mistaken, skipping the "set the soundcheck field to 
the opposite value of the applied gain"-step will also result in 
normalization (also I still think the volume may be too low then, but I 
also think you could fix this by setting the Soundcheck field to a fixed 
value for all tracks).

Doc sites:

Karlan Mitchell:
The program searches for an ipod, and mounts it
Check out a little C program I created to make iPod use with linux 
easier, A GUI would be great, but I don't do that.  The tool can be 
found at
If you would like to merge the code, please feel free to, I'd do it if 
you'd accept a patch.