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<chapter id="plugins">

<author>&Anders.Lund; &Anders.Lund.mail;</author>

<title>Working with Plugins</title>

<para>Kate is using two different forms of plugins, namely plugins for the
&kate; application and plugins for the &kate; editor component. The latter are
available to any application using the editor component, such as KDevelop,
Quanta, Kile, Kwrite and many others, while application plugins are specific
to the &kate; application.</para>

<para>You can enable both types of plugins in the <link
linkend="configuring-kate-configdialog">configuration dialog</link>, which also
provides access to additional configuration options for plugins that requires

<para>There are many plugins for various purposes available
and you can search the web for more. A few plugins are shipped with the
editor component, for inserting automatic braces, insert files,
data tools and exporting text as &HTML;.</para>

<sect1 id="kate-editor-plugins">
<title>Editor Component Plugins</title>

<para>The <guilabel>Plugins</guilabel> tab on the <guilabel>Extensions</guilabel> page
lists all available plugins and you can check those you
want to use. Click on the <guibutton>Information</guibutton> button to open the
<guilabel>About</guilabel> dialog of this plugin.</para>
<para>Once a configurable plugin is checked, the
<guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button is enabled and you can click it
in order to configure the highlighted plugin.</para>

<listitem><para>The autobrace plugin supersedes the &kate; internal 
<quote>Auto Brackets</quote> feature. 
It automatically inserts a closing brace <keycap>}</keycap> at the beginning 
of the next line after ending a line with an opening one <keycap>{</keycap>
and pressing the &Enter; key.</para></listitem>
<!--Right, it's the automatic insertion of a closing brace ("}") after you ended a line with an opening one ("{"). Kate's standard insertion of parentheses, brackets and braces is simply too obtrusive for me, so even if I tried it several times I always had to disable it again because I can't stand it. So here's how AutoBrace works.
You, the developer, are writing a line of code, and want to open a new block delimited by braces. Looks like this:
If you press Enter and AutoBrace is enabled, it will insert your favorite new brace where it belongs. Looks like this:
<term><guilabel>Data Tools</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Enables data tools like thesaurus and spell check (if installed). 
Data tools are only available when text is selected, or when the right mouse 
button is clicked over a word. If no data tools are offered even when text 
is selected, you need to install them. Some data tools are part of the 
&koffice; package.
If this plugin is enabled and data tools are installed, additional items 
appear at the end of the context menu.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This command allows you to export the current document with all highlighting 
information into a HTML document using <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Export 
as HTML</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Additionally you can use <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
<guimenuitem>Copy as HTML</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to copy the currently selected text 
as HTML to the system clipboard.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The icon inserter plugin is only of use for &kde; developers: It adds an item 
<guimenuitem>Insert KIcon-Code</guimenuitem> into the context menu of the editor. 
If activated, the &kde;'s icon chooser opens (showing application icons, action icons &etc;..). 
If you click on it, the file name without file extension will be inserted as 
text. Useful only for setting icons via &kde;'s framework through the KIcon() class.
<term><guilabel>Insane (not ZEN) HTML coding (light edition)</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>A plugin, which does zen-coding like selector completion.
For more information see <ulink url="">
Zen Coding</ulink>.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Insert File</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This plugin allows you to insert any readable file at the cursor position. 
If enabled, the <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> menu has an additional menu item 
<guimenuitem>Insert File</guimenuitem>.</para></listitem>
<!-- not build any longer in kde 4.5
<term>Python Encoding check</term>
<listitem><para>This plugin is always enabled.  
If you are trying to save a python file as non ASCII, without specifying a 
correct source encoding line like &eg; <quote># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-</quote>, 
a warning dialog pops up and allows you to add a proper source encoding line for the
current encoding to the file.
kdelibs/kate/plugins/ has additional plugins
autobookmark not build, its broken!
timedate not build? plugin is for howto-write-a-plugin purposes!

<!-- Scripts tab ??? empty-->

<sect1 id="kate-application-plugins">
<title>&kate; Application Plugins</title>

<!-- from doc/kate-addons/index.docbook -->
&kate; plugins are additional functions for the &kate; editor.  They can
add extra menus and shortcuts, and extend &kate;'s features.  You can
install as many or as few as you like, from within &kate;. 
Open &kate;'s configuration dialog with 
<menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure &kate;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Application</guimenu><guimenuitem>Plugins</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to
choose the wanted plugins.

The available application plugins are:
<para>Find in files tool view - Toolview allowing to search in all open files or files in the filesystem</para>
<para>Backtrace Browser - Backtrace navigation tool view</para>
<para>Quick Document switcher - Quickly switch to another already opened document</para>
<para>Tab Bar - Adds a tab bar to &kate;'s main window</para>
<para>Text Snippets - Configurable Text Snippets</para>
<para>Text Filter - Easy text filtering</para>
<para>Symbol Viewer - Extract and show reference symbols from source</para>
<para>File system browser - File system browser tool view</para>
<para>Terminal tool view - Toolview embedding a terminal widget</para>
<para>Kate Python Browser Plugin - A Python browser plugin for Kate</para>
<para>CTags Plugin - Look up definitions/declarations with CTags</para>
<para><link linkend="kate-application-plugin-filetemplate">File Templates</link> - Create new files from templates</para>
<para>Open Header - Opens the corresponding .h/[.cpp|.c] file</para>
<para>External Tools</para>
<para>Build Plugin - Compile or Make and parse error messages</para>
<para>Mail files - Send files via email</para>
<para>Kate Snippets - Snippets plugin with code completion support</para>
<para>KTextEditor Jovie Plugin - Adds a menu entry for speaking the text</para>
<para><link linkend="kate-application-plugin-xmlcheck">&XML; Validation</link>- Validates &XML; files using xmllint</para>
<para><link linkend="kate-application-plugin-xmltools">&XML;Completetion</link> - Lists &XML; elements, 
attributes, attribute values and entities allowed by DTD</para>
<para>Tabify - Adds a tab bar to Kate's main window</para>

<!-- from doc/kate-addons/filetemplates.docbook -->
<sect1 id="kate-application-plugin-filetemplate">
<author>&Anders.Lund; &Anders.Lund.mail;</author>
<title>File Templates</title>

  <para>The File Templates plugin allows you to create files based on other
  <para>When you first install Kate, you need to enable the plugin:</para>
            Click <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Kate</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
            In the tree on the left of the screen, click <guilabel>Plugins</guilabel>.
            In the <guilabel>Plugin Manager</guilabel> panel on the right, select <guilabel>File Templates</guilabel>, and then click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
  <para>You can now use any file as a template (this creates a copy of the
    file with an empty &URL;.) Special template files can contain
    macros to fill in information such as your name, email address, the
    current date, and position the cursor at a
    convenient position in the new file.</para>
  <para>You can easily create a new template from an open document.</para>
  <para>Templates that you save to the template folder are
    listed under  the menu item <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>New from
  <para>The template folder is part of the &kde; file system, and
    consists of at least</para>
	 <filename role="directory">$<envar>KDEDIR</envar>/share/applications/kate/plugins/katefiletemplates/templates</filename>
        <filename role="directory">$<envar>KDEHOME</envar>/share/applications/kate/plugins/katefiletemplates/templates.</filename>
    <para>If your <envar>KDEDIRS</envar> environment variable contains additional directories, those are
    searched for a similar subdirectory as well. If equally named templates are
    found, the one in the local (KDEHOME) folder is chosen.</para>
  <sect2 id="katefiletemplates-menu">
    <title>Menu Structure</title>

            <guisubmenu>New From Template</guisubmenu>
            <guimenuitem>Any File...</guimenuitem>
        <listitem><para>Presents you with Open File dialog that allows
            you to use any file as a template. If the chosen file has the
            extension <filename>katetemplate</filename> it will be parsed
            for template information and macros.</para></listitem>
      <!-- not in 4.4
            <guisubmenu>New From Template</guisubmenu>
            <guimenuitem>Use Recent</guimenuitem>
        <listitem><para>Presents a list of files recently used as
            templates, represented by their &URL;.</para></listitem>
            <guimenuitem>New From Template</guimenuitem>
        <listitem><para>The remainder of submenus contains links to
            templates. Click a menuitem to create a file as described by
            the menu item text.</para></listitem>

      <!-- Settings menu -->

        <listitem><para>This will launch a dialog with a list of all templates
            found within the template directories, along with options to add,
            edit or remove templates.</para></listitem>

  <sect2 id="katefiletemplates-use">
    <title>Using a &kate; Template</title>
    <para>When creating a file from a template that contain template
      macros, some macros appears as editable variables in the text. Such
      variables appears as underlined words in the text.</para>
    <para>The first variable will be selected, so you just have to type to edit
      it. If the document text contains more instances of the same variable,
      they are changed as you edit. To move to the next editable variable,
      press the TAB key. When the last variable is edited, the list is
      dropped, and your TAB key works as normal.</para>

  <sect2 id="katefiletemplates-create">
    <title>Creating your own templates</title>
    <para>To create a new template, use the
        <guimenuitem>Manage Templates</guimenuitem></menuchoice> Item to launch
      the template management dialog. In that, click
      <guibutton>New...</guibutton> to launch the File Template Wizard. You
      will be asked for an optional file to turn into a template and prompted
      for template information settings, and a template file will be created for
      you.</para> <para>Alternatively, you can create a template manually by
      adding template information to the top of any file, add text and macros,
      and save it with the <filename>katetemplate</filename> extension.</para>
    <para>The template menu gets automatically updated if you chose to store
      your template in the template directory.</para>

  <sect2 id="katefiletemplates-edit">
    <title>Editing templates</title>
    <para>To edit a template, use the
        <guimenuitem>Manage Templates...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Select the
      template you want to work on and click <guibutton>Edit...</guibutton>,
      and the template file will be opened. Close the dialog, edit the template
      file as desired, save it and close it. Changes to templates takes
      immediate effect, you can activate the template to test your changes after
      saving it.</para>

  <sect2 id="katefiletemplates-format">
    <title>The &kate; Template Format</title>
    <para>If you use files with the extension
      <filename>katetemplate</filename>, they will be parsed for template
      information, macros and a cursor position.</para>

    <sect3 id="katefiletemplates-template-info">
      <title>Template information</title>
      <para>While reading in the file, the parser keeps
        lines beginning with the phrase
        <constant>katetemplate:</constant> and searches them for
        template information in the form VARIABLENAME=VALUE. The first line not
        starting with <constant>katetemplate:</constant> will be taken as the
        start of the template contents. VALUE may contain any character but
        equal sign (=). Legal variable names are:
            <listitem><para>This is the template name, displayed in the
                <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>New from
                Template</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu.</para></listitem>
            <listitem><para>The group places the template in a submenu of
                the <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>New from
                    Template</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu.</para></listitem>
            <listitem><para>This is the name that will be set for the
                document, and displayed in the file list and title bar. If the
                name contains <userinput>%N</userinput> that will be replaced
                with a number, increasing if more documents has the same
            <listitem><para>The plug-in will try to set the Highlight for
                the new document to the value of this variable. The value
                should be the name, as found in the
            <listitem><para>A short informative description of the
                template. This is currently used to set a Whatsthis string for
                the menu item, but may be used for more purposes in the
            <listitem><para>A string identifying the author, for example
                in the form <userinput>Name &lt;email address&gt;</userinput>.
                This is currently used to set a Whatsthis string for the menu
                item, but may be used for more purposes in the


    <sect3 id="katetemplates-macros">
      <title>Template Macros</title>

      <para>While parsing the template contents, macros in the form
        <userinput>%{NAME}</userinput> or <userinput>${NAME}</userinput> are
        expanded. If you use the <userinput>$</userinput> prefix, the
        expanded macro will be treated as a editable variable when a document
        is created from the template, whereas if you use
        <userinput>%</userinput> it is not, unless expanding failed.</para>
      <para>The following macros are expanded:
            <listitem><para>Expands to the current time in your locale
            <listitem><para>Expands to the current date in short
            <listitem><para>Expands to the current date and time,
                formatted as a string according to your
            <listitem><para>The current year as a four digit
            <listitem><para>The full name of the current month, according
                to your locale.</para></listitem>
            <listitem><para>Expands to the current day of the month.</para>
            <listitem><para>Expands to the 'hostname' of your computer.</para>
            <listitem><para>Expands to 'i'.</para></listitem>
            <listitem><para>Expands to your full name, as defined by the
                owner addressee in your standard &kde;
            <listitem><para>Expands to your first name, as defined in the owner
                addressee in your standard &kde; addressbook.</para>
            <listitem><para>Expands to your last name, as defined in the owner
                addressee in your standard &kde; addressbook.</para>
          <!-- <varlistentry>
            <listitem><para>Expands to your username.</para></listitem>
          </varlistentry> -->
            <listitem><para>Expands to your email address, as defined by
                the owner address in your standard &kde;
            <listitem><para>This is your organisation, as defined by
                the owner address in your standard KDE
      <para>Any macro not in the above list is treated as a editable variable
        no matter the prefix.
        If the same variable occurs multiple times in the template, they can be
        edited at once after creating a document from the template.</para>

    <sect3 id="katefiletemplates-cursor">
      <title>Setting the cursor position</title>
      <para>The special macro <userinput>${cursor}</userinput> will be replaced
        with a vertical bar and added to the end of the list of editable variables,
        independent on its location in the text.</para>

    <title>Thanks and Acknowledgments</title>
      &kate; Plugin <quote>File Templates</quote> copyright 2004 &Anders.Lund;
    <para>Documentation copyright 2004 &Anders.Lund;</para>

<!-- from doc/kate-addons/xmlcheck.docbook -->
<sect1 id="kate-application-plugin-xmlcheck">

<title>&XML; Validation</title>

<para>This plugin checks &XML; files for well-formedness and validity.</para>
<para>This plugin checks the current file. A list of warnings and errors
will appears at the bottom of &kate;'s main window. You can click on an error message
to jump to the corresponding place in the file. If the file has a <quote>DOCTYPE</quote>
the DTD given with this doctype will be used to check the file for validity. The
DTD is expected at a position relative to the current file, &eg; if the doctype
refers to <quote>DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd</quote> and the file is <filename>/home/peter/test.xml</filename>
the DTD is expected to be located at <filename>/home/peter/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd</filename>.
However, remote DTDs specified via http are supported.</para>

<para>If the file has no doctype it will be checked for well-formedness.</para>

<para>To learn more about &XML; check out the <ulink url=""> official W3C &XML; pages</ulink>.</para>

<para>Internally this plugin calls the external command <command>xmllint</command>, which 
is part of libxml2. If this command is not correctly installed on your system, the plugin
will not work.</para>

<note><para>A temporary file needs to be written to the same folder as the file
that should be checked, so you need to have write access to that folder.</para></note>

<para>To load this plugin open &kate;s configuration dialog under <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
<guimenuitem>Configure &kate;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
Then select <guilabel>XML Validation</guilabel> which will appear
in the <guilabel>Application</guilabel> / <guilabel>Plugins</guilabel> section and close the dialog.

<sect2 id="xmlcheck-menu">
<title>Menu Structure</title>

<guimenuitem>Validate XML</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This will start the check, as described above.</para></listitem>


<sect2 id="xmlcheck-thanks-and-acknowledgements">
<title>Thanks and Acknowledgments</title>
&kate; Plugin <quote>XML Validation</quote> copyright 2002 &Daniel.Naber;
<para>Documentation copyright 2002 &Daniel.Naber;</para>


<sect1 id="kate-application-plugin-xmltools">
<title>&XML; Completion</title>

<para>This plugin gives hints about what is allowed at a certain position in
an &XML; file, according to the file's DTD. It will list possible
elements, attributes, attribute values or entities, depending on the
cursor position (&eg; all entities are listed if the character on the left
of the cursor is <quote>&amp;</quote>). It's also possible to close the nearest
open tag on the left.</para>

<para>The <acronym>DTD</acronym> must exist in &XML; format, as produced by the Perl program
<command>dtdparse</command>. We will call a DTD in this format <quote>meta DTD</quote>. 
Some meta DTDs are supplied. They are installed in
<filename class="directory">$KDEDIR/share/apps/katexmltools/</filename>,
which is also the default folder when you choose
<guimenuitem>Assign Meta DTD...</guimenuitem>.
To produce your own meta DTDs, get <command>dtdparse</command> from
<ulink url=""></ulink>.</para>

<sect2 id="xmltools-how-to-use">
<title>How to Use</title>

<para>Start &kate; and open the configuration dialog under <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
<guimenuitem>Configure &kate;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
Then select <guilabel>XML Completion</guilabel> which will appear
in the <guilabel>Application</guilabel>/<guilabel>Plugins</guilabel> section and close the dialog. After
that, select <menuchoice><guimenu>XML</guimenu><guimenuitem>Assign Meta DTD...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
If your document contains no <quote>DOCTYPE</quote> or the doctype is unknown, you'll have to
select a meta DTD from the file system. Otherwise the meta DTD that
matches the current document's DOCTYPE will be loaded automatically.</para>

<para>You can now use the plugin while typing your text:</para>


<term><keycap>&lt;</keycap> (less than key)</term>
<listitem><para>This will trigger a list of possible elements unless the
cursor is inside a tag already. Note that you currently cannot use
this to insert the top level element (&eg; <quote>&lt;html&gt;</quote>).</para></listitem>

<term><keycap>&lt;</keycap><keycap>/</keycap>(less than key + slash)</term>
<listitem><para>Entering these characters will offer closing the current element
(nearest open one to the left of the cursor). Press &Enter; to accept the suggestion.
Unlike the <guimenuitem>Close Element</guimenuitem> menu item, this works only with
a DTD assigned.</para></listitem>

<term><keycap>"</keycap> (quote key)</term>
<listitem><para>The quote key will trigger a list of possible attribute
values (if there are some) if you are inside a tag.</para></listitem>

<term><keycap>&nbsp;</keycap> (space key)</term>
<listitem><para>This key will trigger a list of possible attributes for the
current element if you are inside a tag.</para>

<term><keycap>&amp;</keycap> (ampersand key)</term>
<listitem><para>This key will trigger a list of named entities.</para></listitem>


<sect2 id="xmltools-features-and-limitations">
<title>Features and Limitations</title>

<para>You can test all functions and limitations by loading
into &kate; and following the instructions.</para>


<sect2 id="xmltools-menu">
<title>Menu Structure</title>

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Return</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenuitem>Insert Element...</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This will open a dialog that lets you insert an &XML; element.
The &lt;, &gt; characters and the closing tag will be inserted automatically.
If you have selected text when this menu item is selected, the selected
text will be surrounded by the opening and the closing tag.
The dialog also offers completion of all elements that may be inserted
at the current cursor position if you have assigned a meta DTD by
using <guimenuitem>Assign Meta DTD...</guimenuitem>.

<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>&lt;</keycap></keycombo>
<guimenuitem>Close Element</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This will search your text for a tag that is not yet closed
and will close it by inserting the corresponding closing tag.
The search starts at the cursor position and goes left. If
it cannot find an open tag nothing will happen.</para></listitem>

<guimenuitem>Assign Meta DTD...</guimenuitem>
<listitem><para>This will tell the plugin which meta DTD to use for the
current document. Note that this assignment will not be saved.
You will have to repeat it when you start &kate; the next time.</para></listitem>


<sect2 id="xmltools-thanks-and-acknowledgements">
<title>Thanks and Acknowledgments</title>
&kate; Plugin <quote>&XML; Completion</quote> copyright 2001,2002 &Daniel.Naber;
<para>KDE SC 4 version copyright 2010 Tomáš Trnka</para>
<para>Documentation copyright 2001,2002 &Daniel.Naber;</para>

