

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 60db9a630f5d8cf0d6f3d2c4bf2de92b > files > 18


// Property keys are case insensitive

// == IP Support ==
// IP properties accept:
// - IP v4 addresses like or
// - IP v6 addresses like ::  or fe80::1
// - NO host-names

// A minimal client example
// If spring is started as client, it needs the following information to work properly
{; // which IP the server is hosting on. see "IP Support" at the start of this document.
	HostPort=xxx;       // (optional) default is 8452
	SourcePort=0;       // (optional) default is 0. set this if you want a different source port (as client), 0 means OS-select and should be preferred.

	IsHost=0;           // tell the engine this is a client

// A host example
// note that the same values for clients also need to be set here
	MapName=;           // with .smf extension
	GameType=Balanced Annihilation V6.81; // the primary mod NAME (archive works too, but name is prefered)
	GameStartDelay=4;   // optional, in seconds (unsigned int), default: 4
	                    // The number of seconds till the game starts,
	                    // counting from the moment when all players are connected and ready.
	StartPosType=x;     // 0 fixed, 1 random, 2 choose in game, 3 choose before game (see StartPosX)

	DemoFile=demo.sdf;  // if set this game is a multiplayer demo replay
	SaveFile=save.ssf;  // if set this game is a continuation of a saved game; // (optional) which IP to host on. omit or use an empty value to host on any local IP. see "IP Support" at the start of this document.
	HostPort=xxx;       // (optional) default is 8452. where clients are going to connect to.
	SourcePort=0;       // no effect for host; // communicate with spring, specify which IP the autohost is listening on. see "IP Support" at the start of this document.
	AutohostPort=X;     // communicate with spring, specify the port you are listening (as host)

	MyPlayerName=somename; // our ingame-name (needs to match one players Name= field)

	IsHost=1;           // 0: no server will be started in this instance
	                    // 1: start a server
	NumPlayers=x;       // not mandatory, but can be used for debugging purposes
	NumTeams=y;         // same here, set this to check if the script is right
	NumAllyTeams=z;     // see above

	// A player (controlls a team, player 0 is the host only if IsHost is not set)
		Name=name;      // pure info, eg. the account name from the lobby server
		Password=secretpassword; // player can only connect if he set MyPasswd accordingly
		Team=number;    // the team this player controlls
		IsFromDemo=0;   // use only in combination with Demofile (see above)
		CountryCode=;   // country of the player, if known (nl/de/it etc.)
	// more players

	// A skirmish AI (controlls a team)
		Name=name;     // [optional] pure info, eg. the name set in the lobby
		               // the name actually used in game will be:
		               // "${Name} (owner: ${player.Name})"
		ShortName=RAI; // shortName of the Skirmish AI library or name of the
		               // LUA AI that controlls this team.
		               // see spring.exe --list-skirmish-ais for possible values
		Team=number;   // the team this AI controlls
		Host=number;   // the player whichs computer this AI runs on
		               // eg. for [PLAYER0] above, this would be 0
		Version=0.1;   // [optional] version of this Skirmish AI
		[OPTIONS]      // [optional] contains AI specific options
	// more skirmish AIs

	// players in this will share the same units (start with one commander etc.)
		TeamLeader=x;   // player number that is the "leader"
		                // if this is an AI controlled team, TeamLeader is the
		                // player number of the AI controlling team
		                // see AI.Host
		RgbColor=red green blue;  // red green blue in range [0-1]
		Side=Arm/Core;  // other sides possible with user mods i suppose
		Handicap=0-100; // Percent bonus on all resources collected ?
		StartPosX=0;    // Use these in combination with StartPosType=3
		StartPosZ=0;    // range is in map coordinates as returned by unitsync (NOT like StartRectTop et al)
		LuaAI=name;     // name of the LUA AI that controlls this team
		// Either a [PLAYER] or an [AI] is controlling this team, or LuaAI is set.
		// DEPRECATED: The TeamLeader field indicates which computer the Skirmish AI will run on.
	//more teams

	// teams in ally team share los etc and cant break alliance, every team must be in exactly one ally team
		Ally0=(AllyTeam number); // means that this team is allied with the other, not necesarily the reverse

		StartRectTop=0;    // Use these in combination with StartPosType=2
		StartRectLeft=0;   //   (ie. select in map)
		StartRectBottom=1; // range is 0-1: 0 is left or top edge,
		StartRectRight=1;  //   1 is right or bottom edge
	// more ally teams

	// something for selecting which unit files to disable or restrict


		Limit0=0;       // use 0 for all units that should be completely disabled
		Limit1=50;      // >0 can be used for limiting, like build restrictions in TA
		MaxUnits=500;       // per team
		GameMode=x;         // 0 cmdr dead->game continues, 1 cmdr dead->game ends, 2 lineage, 3 openend
		LimitDGun=0;        // limit dgun to fixed radius around startpos?
		DisableMapDamage=0; // disable map craters?
		GhostedBuildings=1; // ghost enemy buildings after losing los on them
		NoHelperAIs=0;      // are GroupAIs and other helper AIs allowed?
		LuaGaia=1;          // Use LuaGaia?
		LuaRules=1;         // Use LuaRules?
		FixedAllies=1;      // Are ingame alliances allowed?
		MaxSpeed=3;         // speed limits at game start