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  <title>Getting Started</title>
<h1 style="text-align: center;">Spring mini-help</h1>
<table style="width: 100%; text-align: left;" border="1" cellpadding="2"
      <td style="width: 20%; vertical-align: top;">
      <p><a href="main.html">What is Spring?</a></p>
      <p><a href="GettingStarted.html">Getting Started!</a></p>
      <p><a href="FAQ.html">FAQ!</a></p>
      <p><a href="MoreInfo.html">More useful information!</a></p>
      <p><a href="Legal.html">Legal!</a></p>
      <td style="vertical-align: top;">
      <div id="content">
      <div id="article">
      <h1 class="pagetitle">Getting Started</h1>
      <table id="toc" border="0">
          <tr id="toctitle">
            <td align="center"><b>Table of contents</b> </td>
          <tr id="tocinside">
            <div class="tocline"><a href="#Getting_To_Your_First_Game">1
Getting To Your First Game</a><br>
            <div class="tocindent">
            <div class="tocindent">
            <p style="margin-left: 40px;"><a
 href="#STEP_1:_Is_your_computer_ready.3F">1.1 STEP 1:
Is your computer ready?</a><br>
            <a href="#STEP_2:_Download_the_Current_Installer">1.2 STEP
2: Download the Current Installer</a><br>
            <a href="#STEP_3_Make_Sure_the_Game_Works_on_Your_Computer">1.3
STEP 3 Make Sure the Game Works on Your Computer</a><br>
            <div style="margin-left: 40px;" class="tocindent">
            <p><a href="#Quick_Start">Game Controls</a><br>
            <p style="margin-left: 40px;"><a
STEP 4: Playing Online - TASClient.exe</a><br>
            <a href="#STEP_5:_Hosting_Online_-_TASClient.exe">1.5 STEP
5: Hosting Online - TASClient.exe</a><br>
      <a name="Getting_To_Your_First_Game"></a>
      <h1>Getting To Your First Game</h1>
      <a name="STEP_1:_Is_your_computer_ready.3F"></a>
      <h3>STEP 1: Is your computer ready?</h3>
      <p>Spring runs on Windows XP, Vista, and Linux Operating Systems.
In theory, it's compatible with earlier OSes,  but since we're
still beta, we'll call it "hit and miss". </p>
      <p>For native Linux Spring,  check out the <a href=""
 title="Linux Setup Guide">Setup Guide</a> to see how to install it in your machine.</p>
      <p>You will need some kind of 3D hardware acceleration, an you should be sure you 
have the latest graphics card drivers  from your card's manufacturer). You
will also need <a
 rel="nofollow">DirectX</a><span class="urlexpansion">&nbsp;(<i></i>)</span>
installed (for windows installations). </p>
      <a name="STEP_2:_Download_the_Current_Installer"></a>
      <h3>STEP 2: Download the Current Installer</h3>
      <p><a href=""
 class="external" title=""
 rel="nofollow">Click Here</a><span class="urlexpansion">&nbsp;(<i></i>)</span>
to go to the downloads page. Download the <b>Regular installer</b>
option. Run it and install it somewhere on your computer. In theory if,
at this point, you read the stuff in the "docs" folder, then you will
know what to do next. </p>
      <a name="STEP_3_Make_Sure_the_Game_Works_on_Your_Computer"></a>
      <h3>STEP 3 Make Sure the Game Works on Your Computer</h3>
      <p>Browse to the installation folder and double-click
Choose "yes" on the "do you want to be a server" dialog, choose the
"Commanders" script with the arrow keys and enter, choose a map with
the arrow keys and enter, press enter to force start the game. </p>
      <p>Don't bother going online until you figure out how to make
Commander build buildings and your buildings build units, and manage to
find and kill the other Commander on the map and get the "You Win"
message. </p>

<p>Spring supports AI plugins, which allow for external AI programs to be used. There is currently one AI included in the download, but you can find more singleplayer AIs on the AI forum. If you start the spring.exe application directly, you will get to choose between these Global AI's. You can also use the lobby client to create a battle with AI (Bots) in it.</p>

      <a name="Quick_Start"></a>
      <h1 style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Game Controls</h1>
      <table style="page-break-before: always;" border="0"
 cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="800">
            <td colspan="6" width="800">
            <h2>Camera controls</h2>
            <p>Move the camera with the arrow keys or by placing the
mouse curser at the screen borders. Holding shift makes the camera move
faster, and holding ctrl makes it slower. Turn on mouselook with mouse
button 3 (or backspace). Use ctrl+mouse3 to toggle between the camera
modes available. </p>
            <h2>Key assignments</h2>
            <p>You can configure the assignment of keys by editing the
file uikeys.txt, and by running the Selectionkeys editor. These are the
default key bindings:</p>
            <td rowspan="58" valign="top" width="5"><br>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p><strong>Camera controls </strong> </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td rowspan="58" valign="top" width="5"><br>
            <td colspan="4" width="790">
            <hr> </td>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Mouse 1</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Selects units. Drag to select a group, double click to
select units of the same type. Gives order if a specific order has been
selected. </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Mouse 2 </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Gives the default order for the unit </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Mouse 3 </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Toggles mouse look </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Ctrl + Mouse 3</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Toggles camera mode </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Arrow keys </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Moves the camera </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Increases/decreases camera movement speed </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Moves the camera up/down </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Track a selected unit</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Take direct control of a selected unit</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Jump to last message location</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="4" width="790">
            <hr> </td>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Toggles color coding of the map according to terrain
elevation </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Toggles color coding of the map according to the metal
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Increases/decreases game speed </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Pauses the game </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Used to send chat messages </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Toggles the display of debug information </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Draw stuff in map that you and allies can see
(mouse1=lines, mouse2=erase, mouse3=marker,doubleclick=named marker)</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Share Interface</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Show los and radar info in map</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p><strong>Unit groups</strong></p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="4" width="790">
            <hr> </td>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Select AI group 0-9 </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Ctrl + 0-9</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Add current units to AI group 0-9 </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Selects an unnamed group from which at least one unit is
selected </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Ctrl + Q </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Creates an unnamed AI group or selects an AI for an
existing one </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Shift + Q </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Deletes the current AI group </p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p><strong>Building buildings</strong></p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <hr> </td>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <hr> </td>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Shift+Drag mouse</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Create a line of buildings</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Create an axis aligned line of buildings</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p>Shift+Ctrl+Click unit</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Build a ring of buildings around existing unit</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Build a box of buildings</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Build a hollow box of buildings</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <p><strong>Unit commands</strong></p>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <hr> </td>
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <hr> </td>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Move (Ctrl=keep relative distances among selected)</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Toggle on/off</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Self destruct</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Reclaim (Can take an area)</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Repair (Can take an area)</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Load (Can take an area)</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <p>Unload (Can take an area)</p>
            <td colspan="2" width="234">
            <td colspan="2" width="556">
            <td colspan="6" width="800">
            <td colspan="6" width="800">
            <p>The repeat order option can be very usefull. For example
if you want to make a factory output an unlimited amount of units or if
you want transport units to ferry units from one area to another
indefinitly. Holding the shift key while placing orders is another trick to make you more efficent. Spring is full of these kind of UI features, and aims to keep unnecessary micro to a minimum. If you have a fast computer, you should consider enabling LuaUI, and downloading some of the Lua Widgets that other users have made, such as IceUI, or the Idle Builder's widget. Spring's UI is very customizable (even the build menu layout can be changed in ctrlpanel.txt), so be sure not to miss out on these enhancements once you master the basics! </p>
            <p>Ballistic weapons(maybe also other later on) can now be
set to fire in a high trajectory which can be usefull to shot over
mountains etc but they will lose some accuracy. (we are not entirely
sure if we will keep this option or not)</p>
      <p> </p>
      <a name="STEP_4:_Playing_Online_-_TASClient.exe"></a>
      <h3>STEP 4: Playing Online - TASClient.exe</h3>
      <p>Playing is quite simple. Just make sure you are connected to
internet, then double-click on the tasclient icon. Once
you are in the client app, you will need to use the options button at
the top of the window to set up an account. From there, just click the
little button in the upper left section of the screen to connect to the
server. Assuming your firewalls aren't excessively paranoid, it will
make a noise and you will be put into the main discussion channel. You
can then choose a game from the bottom pane, or chat in the top one. One of the first things you will find is that you are missing a lot of the mods or maps that other players have. All of the maps and mods (and Lua Scripts) are hosted on <a href="">JobJol</a>. Another thing to keep in mind: Experienced players often don't like playing with new players (and may kick you from the game or force you to spectate), as it isn't fun for either them or you, so it's best you find other new players to play with initally, and spectate some games with good players to see how they play. Watching replays of your losses is another good way to learn from your mistakes and improve as a player. Once you get the hang of things, you'll at least be able to hold your own against most players. </p>
      <a name="STEP_5:_Hosting_Online_-_TASClient.exe"></a>
      <h3>STEP 5: Hosting Online - TASClient.exe</h3>
      <p>In order to host a game, you must open the "Battle Window" by
clicking on the "Battle Screen" button. Once there, you will need to
click on the "Host battle" button. The bar at the top defines the
ammount of players you can have (2-16), next is the game's name,
followed by a dropdown box with a list of your currently installed
mods, the port the server will host on, and if you wish to lock your
server from outsiders- you can also add a password. </p>
      <p>You've started your game, people joined, and you started it!
Great! But, what if once you're ingame, everyone elses' name is stays
red for several mins? That means they were unable to connect to your
game. (oh noes) This normally means you have a firewall blocking access
to your computer from the outside. Consult <a
 href="" class="external"
if you need to know how to open ports on your router. Choose any game
in the list, it doesn't matter, just be sure to use the port 8245,
instead of what the game's listing says to use. </p>
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