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><TD CLASS="topbar"
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><TD CLASS="title"
>random- random number library</TD
><TD CLASS="topbut"
><A HREF="index.html"
><TD CLASS="topbut"
><A HREF="doc-index.html"
><TD CLASS="modulebar"
><TD ALIGN="right"
><TD CLASS="infohead"
><TD CLASS="infoval"
><TD CLASS="infohead"
><TD CLASS="infoval"
><TD CLASS="infohead"
><TD CLASS="infoval"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section4"
><A HREF="#1"
>Random number generators
><A HREF="#2"
>Standard random number generators
><A HREF="#3"
>The global random number generator
><A HREF="#4"
>Random values of various types
><A HREF="#5"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>This library deals with the common task of pseudo-random number
 generation. The library makes it possible to generate repeatable
 results, by starting with a specified initial random number generator,
 or to get different results on each run by using the system-initialised
 generator or by supplying a seed from some other source.
>The library is split into two layers: 
> A core <EM
>random number generator</EM
> provides a supply of bits.
   The class <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> provides a common interface to such generators.
   The library provides one instance of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
>, the abstract
   data type <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
>.  Programmers may, of course, supply their own
   instances of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> The class <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandom"
> provides a way to extract values of a particular
   type from a random number generator.  For example, the <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
   instance of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandom"
> allows one to generate random values of type
><A HREF="../base-"
>This implementation uses the Portable Combined Generator of L'Ecuyer
 [<A HREF="System-Random.html#LEcuyer"
>] for 32-bit computers, transliterated by
 Lennart Augustsson.  It has a period of roughly 2.30584e18.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A HREF="#t%3ARandomGen"
> g  <SPAN CLASS="keyword"
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3Anext"
> :: g -&gt; (<A HREF="../base-"
>, g)</TD
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3Asplit"
> :: g -&gt; (g, g)</TD
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AgenRange"
> :: g -&gt; (<A HREF="../base-"
>, <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A HREF="#t%3AStdGen"
> </TD
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AmkStdGen"
> :: <A HREF="../base-"
> -&gt; <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AgetStdRandom"
> ::  (<A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
> -&gt; (a, <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
>)) -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
> a</TD
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AgetStdGen"
> :: <A HREF="../base-"
> <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AsetStdGen"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
> -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
> <A HREF="../ghc-prim-"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3AnewStdGen"
> :: <A HREF="../base-"
> <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A HREF="#t%3ARandom"
> a  <SPAN CLASS="keyword"
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3ArandomR"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> g =&gt; (a, a) -&gt; g -&gt; (a, g)</TD
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3Arandom"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> g =&gt; g -&gt; (a, g)</TD
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3ArandomRs"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> g =&gt; (a, a) -&gt; g -&gt; [a]</TD
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3Arandoms"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> g =&gt; g -&gt; [a]</TD
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3ArandomRIO"
> :: (a, a) -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
> a</TD
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="#v%3ArandomIO"
> :: <A HREF="../base-"
> a</TD
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><A NAME="1"
><A NAME="1"
>Random number generators
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A NAME="t:RandomGen"
><A NAME="t%3ARandomGen"
> g  <SPAN CLASS="keyword"
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="ndoc"
>The class <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> provides a common interface to random number
>Minimal complete definition: <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Anext"
> and <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Asplit"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="section4"
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:next"
><A NAME="v%3Anext"
> :: g -&gt; (<A HREF="../base-"
>, g)</TD
><TD CLASS="doc"
>The <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Anext"
> operation returns an <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
> that is uniformly distributed
 in the range returned by <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3AgenRange"
> (including both end points),
 and a new generator.
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:split"
><A NAME="v%3Asplit"
> :: g -&gt; (g, g)</TD
><TD CLASS="doc"
>The <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Asplit"
> operation allows one to obtain two distinct random number
 generators. This is very useful in functional programs (for example, when
 passing a random number generator down to recursive calls), but very
 little work has been done on statistically robust implementations of
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Asplit"
> ([<A HREF="System-Random.html#Burton"
>, <A HREF="System-Random.html#Hellekalek"
 are the only examples we know of).
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:genRange"
><A NAME="v%3AgenRange"
> :: g -&gt; (<A HREF="../base-"
>, <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>The <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3AgenRange"
> operation yields the range of values returned by
 the generator.
>It is required that:
> If <TT
>(a,b) = <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3AgenRange"
> g</TT
>, then <TT
>a &lt; b</TT
> <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3AgenRange"
> always returns a pair of defined <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
>The second condition ensures that <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3AgenRange"
> cannot examine its
 argument, and hence the value it returns can be determined only by the
 instance of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
>.  That in turn allows an implementation to make
 a single call to <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3AgenRange"
> to establish a generator's range, without
 being concerned that the generator returned by (say) <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Anext"
> might have
 a different range to the generator passed to <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Anext"
>The default definition spans the full range of <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="section4"
><IMG SRC="minus.gif" CLASS="coll" ONCLICK="toggle(this,'i:RandomGen')" ALT="show/hide"
> Instances</TD
><TD CLASS="body"
><DIV ID="i:RandomGen" STYLE="display:block;"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section2"
><A NAME="2"
><A NAME="2"
>Standard random number generators
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A NAME="t:StdGen"
><A NAME="t%3AStdGen"
>  </TD
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="ndoc"
>The <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
> instance of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> has a <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3AgenRange"
> of at least 30 bits.
>The result of repeatedly using <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Anext"
> should be at least as statistically
robust as the <EM
>Minimal Standard Random Number Generator</EM
> described by
[<A HREF="System-Random.html#Park"
>, <A HREF="System-Random.html#Carta"
Until more is known about implementations of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Asplit"
>, all we require is
that <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Asplit"
> deliver generators that are (a) not identical and
(b) independently robust in the sense just given.
>The <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
> and <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
> instances of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
> provide a primitive way to save the
state of a random number generator.
It is required that <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
> (<TT
><A HREF="../base-"
> g) == g</TT
>In addition, <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
> may be used to map an arbitrary string (not necessarily one
produced by <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
>) onto a value of type <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
>. In general, the <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
instance of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
> has the following properties: 
> It guarantees to succeed on any string. 
> It guarantees to consume only a finite portion of the string. 
> Different argument strings are likely to result in different results.
><TD CLASS="section4"
><IMG SRC="minus.gif" CLASS="coll" ONCLICK="toggle(this,'i:StdGen')" ALT="show/hide"
> Instances</TD
><TD CLASS="body"
><DIV ID="i:StdGen" STYLE="display:block;"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="../base-"
> <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="../base-"
> <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:mkStdGen"
><A NAME="v%3AmkStdGen"
> :: <A HREF="../base-"
> -&gt; <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>The function <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3AmkStdGen"
> provides an alternative way of producing an initial
generator, by mapping an <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
> into a generator. Again, distinct arguments
should be likely to produce distinct generators.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section2"
><A NAME="3"
><A NAME="3"
>The global random number generator
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="doc"
><A NAME="globalrng"
><A NAME="globalrng"
>There is a single, implicit, global random number generator of type
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
>, held in some global variable maintained by the <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
> monad. It is
initialised automatically in some system-dependent fashion, for example, by
using the time of day, or Linux's kernel random number generator. To get
deterministic behaviour, use <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3AsetStdGen"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:getStdRandom"
><A NAME="v%3AgetStdRandom"
> ::  (<A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
> -&gt; (a, <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
>)) -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
> a</TD
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Uses the supplied function to get a value from the current global
random generator, and updates the global generator with the new generator
returned by the function. For example, <TT
> gets a random integer
between 1 and 6:
>  rollDice :: IO Int
  rollDice = getStdRandom (randomR (1,6))
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:getStdGen"
><A NAME="v%3AgetStdGen"
> :: <A HREF="../base-"
> <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Gets the global random number generator.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:setStdGen"
><A NAME="v%3AsetStdGen"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
> -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
> <A HREF="../ghc-prim-"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Sets the global random number generator.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:newStdGen"
><A NAME="v%3AnewStdGen"
> :: <A HREF="../base-"
> <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3AStdGen"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Applies <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Asplit"
> to the current global random generator,
 updates it with one of the results, and returns the other.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><A NAME="4"
><A NAME="4"
>Random values of various types
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>  <A NAME="t:Random"
><A NAME="t%3ARandom"
> a  <SPAN CLASS="keyword"
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="ndoc"
>With a source of random number supply in hand, the <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandom"
> class allows the
programmer to extract random values of a variety of types.
>Minimal complete definition: <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3ArandomR"
> and <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Arandom"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="section4"
><TD CLASS="body"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:randomR"
><A NAME="v%3ArandomR"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> g =&gt; (a, a) -&gt; g -&gt; (a, g)</TD
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Takes a range <EM
> and a random number generator
>, and returns a random value uniformly distributed in the closed
 interval <EM
>, together with a new generator. It is unspecified
 what happens if <EM
>. For continuous types there is no requirement
 that the values <EM
> and <EM
> are ever produced, but they may be,
 depending on the implementation and the interval.
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:random"
><A NAME="v%3Arandom"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> g =&gt; g -&gt; (a, g)</TD
><TD CLASS="doc"
>The same as <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3ArandomR"
>, but using a default range determined by the type:
> For bounded types (instances of <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
>, such as <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
   the range is normally the whole type.
> For fractional types, the range is normally the semi-closed interval
> For <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
>, the range is (arbitrarily) the range of <TT
><A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:randomRs"
><A NAME="v%3ArandomRs"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> g =&gt; (a, a) -&gt; g -&gt; [a]</TD
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Plural variant of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3ArandomR"
>, producing an infinite list of
 random values instead of returning a new generator.
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:randoms"
><A NAME="v%3Arandoms"
> :: <A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandomGen"
> g =&gt; g -&gt; [a]</TD
><TD CLASS="doc"
>Plural variant of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Arandom"
>, producing an infinite list of
 random values instead of returning a new generator.
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:randomRIO"
><A NAME="v%3ArandomRIO"
> :: (a, a) -&gt; <A HREF="../base-"
> a</TD
><TD CLASS="doc"
>A variant of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3ArandomR"
> that uses the global random number generator
 (see <A HREF="System-Random.html#globalrng"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A NAME="v:randomIO"
><A NAME="v%3ArandomIO"
> :: <A HREF="../base-"
> a</TD
><TD CLASS="doc"
>A variant of <TT
><A HREF="System-Random.html#v%3Arandom"
> that uses the global random number generator
 (see <A HREF="System-Random.html#globalrng"
><TD CLASS="s8"
><TD CLASS="section4"
><IMG SRC="minus.gif" CLASS="coll" ONCLICK="toggle(this,'i:Random')" ALT="show/hide"
> Instances</TD
><TD CLASS="body"
><DIV ID="i:Random" STYLE="display:block;"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandom"
> <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandom"
> <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandom"
> <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandom"
> <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandom"
> <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-Random.html#t%3ARandom"
> <A HREF="../base-"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="section1"
><A NAME="5"
><A NAME="5"
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="doc"
>1. FW <A NAME="Burton"
><A NAME="Burton"
> Burton and RL Page, <EM
>Distributed random number generation</EM
Journal of Functional Programming, 2(2):203-212, April 1992.
>2. SK <A NAME="Park"
><A NAME="Park"
> Park, and KW Miller, /Random number generators -
good ones are hard to find/, Comm ACM 31(10), Oct 1988, pp1192-1201.
>3. DG <A NAME="Carta"
><A NAME="Carta"
> Carta, /Two fast implementations of the minimal standard
random number generator/, Comm ACM, 33(1), Jan 1990, pp87-88.
>4. P <A NAME="Hellekalek"
><A NAME="Hellekalek"
> Hellekalek, <EM
>Don\'t trust parallel Monte Carlo</EM
Department of Mathematics, University of Salzburg,
<A HREF=""
>, 1998.
>5. Pierre <A NAME="LEcuyer"
><A NAME="LEcuyer"
> L'Ecuyer, /Efficient and portable combined random
number generators/, Comm ACM, 31(6), Jun 1988, pp742-749.
>The Web site <A HREF=""
> is a great source of information.
><TD CLASS="s15"
><TD CLASS="botbar"
>Produced by <A HREF=""
> version 2.6.1</TD