

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 62a91c90e94fbd0212767b991d5bb351 > files > 17


MediaTomb Scripting

   This documentation is valid for MediaTomb version 0.12.1.

   Copyright © 2005 Gena Batsyan, Sergey Bostandzhyan

   Copyright © 2006-2010 Gena Batsyan, Sergey Bostandzhyan,
   Leonhard Wimmer


   Table of Contents

   1. Introduction
   2. How It Works

        2.1. Understanding Virtual Objects.
        2.2. Theory Of Operation

   3. Global Variables And Constants

        3.1. The Media Object
        3.2. Constants

   4. Functions

        4.1. Native Server Functions
        4.2. Helper Functions

   5. Walkthrough

        5.1. Import Script
        5.2. Playlist Script
        5.3. DVD Import Script

1. Introduction

   MediaTomb allows you to customize the structure of how your
   media is being presented to your renderer. One of the most
   important features introduced since the version 0.8 are the
   virtual containers and virtual items. Let's think of possible
     * you may want to separate your content by music, photo,
       video, maybe create a special container with all non
       playable stuff
     * you may want your music to be sorted by genre, year,
       artist, album, or maybe by starting letters, so you can
       more easily find your favorite song when browsing the
     * you want to have your photos that you took with your
       favorite digital camera to appear in a special folder, or
       maybe you even want to separate the photos that you took
       with flash-on from the ones that you made without flash
     * your media player does not support video, so you do not
       even want to see the Video container
     * it's up to your imagination :)

   The scenarios described above and much more can be achieved
   with the help of an import script.

   Version 0.10.0 introduces a playlist parsing feature, which is
   also handled by scripting and version 0.12.0 adds a script for
   creating a virtual layout out of a DVD iso image.

2. How It Works

   This section will give you some overview on how virtual objects
   work and on how they are related to scripting.

          In order to use the import scripting feature you have to
          change the layout type from builtin to js in config.xml

          The sorting of Video and Photo items using the
          “rootpath” object is still somewhat experimental and not
          described here.

2.1. Understanding Virtual Objects.

   When you add a file or directory to the database via the web
   interface several things happen.
    1. The object is inserted into the PC Directory. PC Directory
       is simply a special non-removable container. Any media file
       added will have an entry inside the PC Directory tree. PC
       Directory's hierarchy reflects the file system hierarchy,
       all objects inside the PC Directory including itself are
       NON-VIRTUAL objects. All virtual objects may have a
       different title, description, etc., but they are still
       references to objects in the PC-Directory. That's why it is
       not possible to change a location of a virtual object - the
       only exceptions are URL items and Active items.
    2. Once an item is added to the PC Directory it is forwarded
       to the virtual object engine. The virtual object engine's
       mission is to organize and present the media database in a
       logical hierarchy based on the available metadata of the

   Each UPnP server implements this so called virtual object
   hierarchy in a different way. Audio files are usually sorted by
   artist, album, some servers may just present a view similar to
   the file system and so on. Most servers have strong limitations
   on the structure of the virtual containers, they usually offer
   a predefined layout of data and the user has to live with it.
   In MediaTomb we try to address this shortcoming by introducing
   the scriptable virtual object engine. It is designed to be:
     * maximally flexible
     * easily customizable and extendable
     * robust and efficient

   We try to achieve these goals by embedding a scripting runtime
   environment that allows the execution of ECMAScript-262 conform
   scripts better known as JavaScript. We are using Mozilla's
   JavaScript implementation called SpiderMonkey, it is a
   stand-alone easily embeddable javascript engine, supporting
   JavaScript versions 1.0 through 1.4.

2.2. Theory Of Operation

   After an item is added to the PC Directory it is automatically
   fed as input to the import script. The script then creates one
   or more virtual items for the given original item. Items
   created from scripts are always marked virtual.

   When the virtual object engine gets notified of an added item,
   following happens: a javascript object is created mirroring the
   properties of the item. The object is introduced to the script
   environment and bound to the predefined variable 'orig'. This
   way a variable orig is always defined for every script
   invocation and represents the original data of the added item.
   Then the script is invoked.

   In the current implementation, if you modify the script then
   you will have to restart the server for the new logic to take
   effect. Note, that the script is only triggered when new
   objects are added to the database, also note that the script
   does not modify any objects that already exist in the database
   - it only processes new objects that are being added. When a
   playlist item is encountered, it is automatically fed as input
   to the playlist script. The playlist script attempts to parse
   the playlist and adds new item to the database, the item is
   then processed by the import script.

3. Global Variables And Constants

   In this section we will introduce the properties of the object
   that will be processed by the script, as well as functions that
   are offered by the server.

3.1. The Media Object

   As described in Section 2.2, each time an item is added to the
   database the import script is invoked. So, one script
   invocation processes exactly one non virtual item, and creates
   a number of virtual items and containers. The original item is
   made available in the form of the global variable 'orig'.
   Additionally, when the object being imported is a playlist, it
   is made available to the playlist parser script in the form of
   the global variable 'playlist'. It is usually a good idea to
   only read from these variables and to create and only modify
   local copies.

          modifying the properties of the orig object will not
          propagate the changes to the database, only a call to
          the addCdsObject() will permanently add the object.

3.1.1. General Properties

   Here is a list of properties of an object, you can set them you
   create a new object or when you modify a copy of the 'orig'

   RW means read/write, i.e. - changes made to that property will
   be transferred into the database.

   RO means, that this is a read only property, any changes made
   to it will get lost.

       This defines the object type, following types are

            Object is a container.

            Object is an item.

            Object is an active item.

            Object is a link to a resource on the Internet.

            Object is an internal link.

       This is the title of the original object, since the object
       represents an entry in the PC-Directory, the title will be
       set to it's file name. This field corresponds to dc:title
       in the DIDL-Lite XML.

       The object ID, make sure to set all refID's (reference IDs)
       of your virtual objects to that ID.

       The object ID of the parent container.

       The UPnP class of the item, this corresponds to upnp:class
       in the DIDL-Lite XML.

       Location on disk, given by the absolute path and file name.

       This property is a boolean value, it is non zero if the
       particular item is of type OGG Theora. This is useful to
       allow proper sorting of media and thus placing OGG Vorbis
       into the Audio container and OGG Theora into the Video

       Identifies if the item belongs to an online service and
       thus has extended properties. Following types are

            The item does not belong to an online service and does
            not have extended properties.

            The item belongs to the YouTube service and has
            extended properties.

            The item belongs to the Weborama service and has
            extended properties.

            The item belongs to the Apple Trailers service and has
            extended properties.

       Mimetype of the object.

       Array holding the metadata that was extracted from the
       object (i.e. id3/exif/etc. information)

            Extracted title (for example the id3 title if the
            object is an mp3 file), if you want that your new
            virtual object is displayed under this title you will
            have to set obj.title = orig.meta[M_TITLE]

            Artist information, this corresponds to upnp:artist in
            the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Album information, this corresponds to upnp:album in
            the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Date, must be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD (required by
            the UPnP spec), this corresponds to dc:date in the
            DIDL-Lite XML.

            Genre of the item, this corresponds to upnp:genre in
            the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Description of the item, this corresponds to
            dc:description in the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Region description of the item, this corresponds to
            upnp:region in the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Track number of the item, this corresponds to
            upnp:originalTrackNumber in the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Author of the media, this corresponds to upnp:author
            in the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Director of the media, this corresponds to
            upnp:director in the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Director of the media, this corresponds to
            dc:publisher in the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Director of the media, this corresponds to upnp:rating
            in the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Director of the media, this corresponds to upnp:actor
            in the DIDL-Lite XML.

            Director of the media, this corresponds to
            upnp:producer in the DIDL-Lite XML.

       Array holding the so called auxiliary data. Aux data is
       metadata that is not part of UPnP, for example - this can
       be a camera model that was used to make a photo, or the
       information if the photo was taken with or without flash.
       Currently aux data can be gathered from libexif and
       libextractor (see the Import section in the main
       documentation for more details). So, this array will hold
       the tags that you specified in your config.xml, allowing
       you to create your virtual structure according to your

       This property is only available if the object is being
       created by the playlist script. It's similar to ID3 track
       number, but is used to set the position of the newly
       created object inside a parsed playlist container. Usually
       you will increment the number for each new object that you
       create while parsing the playlist, thus ensuring that the
       resulting order is the same as in the original playlist.

3.1.2. YouTube Properties

   When the obj.onlineservice variable equals
   ONLINE_SERVICE_YOUTUBE the item has the following additional

       Identifies the YouTube request type, following types are

            No request/invalid.

            The item was created as a result of a favorites

            The item was created as a result of a search request.

            The item was created as a result of a request for
            videos that were uploaded by a particular user.

            The item was created as a result of a request for one
            of the standard feeds.

            The item was created as a result of a request for
            users playlists.

            The item was created as a result of for users

   The following aux keys can be used to retrieve additional
   information about the item, the data is stored in the form of
   strings. Note, that depending on the requests some tags may not
   be set and will return empty values.

       Contains a space separated list of keywords for the
       particular item.

       Contains the average rating value.

       Contains the author name.

       Contains the name of the feed.

       Contains the view count of the video on the YouTube

       Contains the name of the region.

       Contains the rating count of the video on the YouTube

       Contains the name of the request that produced this item
       (i.e. Favorites, Popular, etc.), this is the human readable
       representation of the orig.yt_request property.

       Contains the additional name that accompanies the request,
       it is only set for the playlist and subcription requests.

       Contains the name of the category of the item.

3.1.3. Weborama Properties

   When the obj.onlineservice variable equals
   ONLINE_SERVICE_WEBORAMA the item has the following additional
   aux property:

   This property holds the name of the request that generated this
   object, it is the name that you specify in the config.xml file,
   i.e. in the below example the value of
   orig.aux[WEBORAMA_AUXDATA_REQUEST_NAME] will be 'My Playlist':
<playlist name="My Playlist" type="playlist" mood="dark"/>

3.1.4. Apple Trailers Properties

   When the obj.onlineservice variable equals
   ONLINE_SERVICE_APPLE_TRAILERS the item has the following
   additional aux property:

   This property holds the date when the trailer was posted, the
   date format is YYYY-MM-DD.

          the orig.meta[M_DATE] property holds the release date of
          the movie.

3.1.5. DVD Properties

   Version 0.12.0 introduces an additional import script for DVD
   images. The DVD image is parsed with the help of libdvdread,
   the information about the available titles, chapters,
   languages, etc. is gathered and provided to the DVD import
   script. The usual object properties apply here as well, however
   the dvd object offers several extensions that can be accessed
   via the aux property:


       This is an array that contains information about titles
       that are found on the DVD. The length of the array (and
       thus the number of available titles can be retrieved by:

       Further, being a normal JavaScript array it supports all
       associated JS functions.

       Each title object in the titles array provides information
       about available audio tracks, the audio_tracks is an array
       as well. The t_index variable is only used as an example in
       this case and represents an integer index value in the
dvd.aux[DVD].titles.length > t_index >= 0


       A string, containing the format name of the audio track
       (i.e. ac3, dts, etc.). The a_index variable is only used as
       an example, it represents an integer index value in the
dvd.aux[DVD].titles[t_index].audio_tracks.length > a_index >= 0


       A string, containing the name of the language of the audio

       This property is an array which contains chapter
       information for the particular title.

       Duration from the start of the chapter to the end of the
       movie. Chapter at index 0 will always have the duration of
       the whole title. The c_index variable is only used as an
       example, it represents an integer index value in the range:
dvd.aux[DVD].titles[t_index].chapters.length > c_index >= 0

3.2. Constants

   Actually there are no such things as constants in JS, so those
   are actually predefined global variables that are set during JS
   engine initialization. Do not assign any values to them,
   otherwise following script invocation will be using wrong

       Type: string
       Value: object.container

       Type: string
       Value: object.container.person.musicArtist

       Type: string
       Value: object.container.genre.musicGenre

       Type: string
       Value: object.container.album.musicAlbum

                this container class will be treated by the server
                in a special way, all music items in this
                container will be sorted by ID3 track number.


       Type: string
       Value: object.container.playlistContainer

                this container class will be treated by the server
                in a special way, all items in this container will
                be sorted by the number specified in the
                playlistOrder property (this is set when an object
                is created by the playlist script).


       Type: string
       Value: object.item

       Type: string
       Value: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack

       Type: string
       Value: object.item.videoItem

       Type: string
       Value: object.item.imageItem

       Type: integer
       Value: 1

       Type: integer
       Value: 2

       Type: integer
       Value: 4

       Type: integer
       Value: 8

       Type: integer
       Value: 16

4. Functions

   The server offers various native functions that can be called
   from the scripts, additionally there are some js helper
   functions that can be used.

4.1. Native Server Functions

   The so called native functions are implemented in C++ in the
   server and can be called from the scripts.

4.1.1. Native Functions Available To All Scripts

   The server offers three functions which can be called from
   within the import and/or the playlist script:
addCdsObject(object, containerChain, lastContainerClass);

       This function adds a virtual object to the server database,
       the path in the database is defined by the containerChain
       parameter. The third argument is optional, it allows to set
       the upnp:class of the last container in the chain.

            A virtual object that is either a copy of or a
            reference to 'orig', see Section 3.2 for a list of

            A string, defining where the object will be added in
            the database hierarchy. The containers in the chain
            are separated by a slash '/', for example, a value of
            '/Audio/All Music' will add the object to the Audio,
            All Music container in the server hierarchy. Make sure
            to properly escape the slash characters in container
            names. You will find more information on container
            chain escaping later in this chapter.

            A string, defining the upnp:class of the container
            that appears last in the chain. This parameter can be
            omitted, in this case the default value
            'object.container' will be taken. Setting specific
            upnp container classes is useful to define the special
            meaning of a particular container; for example, the
            server will always sort songs by track number if upnp
            class of a container is set to

       This function returns a copy of the virtual object.

       This function is useful for debugging scripts, it simply
       prints to the standard output.




       The above set of functions converts predefined characters
       sets to UTF-8. The 'from' charsets can be defined in the
       server configuration:
          + f2i: filesystem charset to internal
          + m2i: metadata charset to internal
          + j2i: js charset to internal
          + p2i: playlist charset to internal

4.1.2. Native Functions Available To The Playlist Script

   The following function is only available to the playlist

       This function reads and returns exactly one line of text
       from the playlist that is currently being processed, end of
       line is identified by carriage return/line feed characters.
       Each subsequent call will return the next line, there is no
       way to go back.
       The idea is, that you can process your playlist line by
       line and gather the required information to create new
       objects which can be added to the database.

4.1.3. Native Functions Available To The DVD Import Script

   The following function is only available to the DVD import
addCdsObject(object, containerChain, lastContainerClass);

       This function adds a virtual object to the server database,
       the path in the database is defined by the containerChain
       parameter. The third argument is optional, it allows to set
       the upnp:class of the last container in the chain.

            A virtual object that is either a copy of or a
            reference to 'orig', see Section 3.2 for a list of

            A string, defining where the object will be added in
            the database hierarchy. The containers in the chain
            are separated by a slash '/', for example, a value of
            '/Audio/All Music' will add the object to the Audio,
            All Music container in the server hierarchy. Make sure
            to properly escape the slash characters in container
            names. You will find more information on container
            chain escaping later in this chapter.

            A string, defining the upnp:class of the container
            that appears last in the chain. This parameter can be
            omitted, in this case the default value
            'object.container' will be taken. Setting specific
            upnp container classes is useful to define the special
            meaning of a particular container; for example, the
            server will always sort songs by track number if upnp
            class of a container is set to
addDVDObject(dvd, t, c, a, createContainerChain(chain));

       This function reads and returns exactly one line of text
       from the playlist that is currently being processed, end of
       line is identified by carriage return/line feed characters.
       Each subsequent call will return the next line, there is no
       way to go back.
       The idea is, that you can process your playlist line by
       line and gather the required information to create new
       objects which can be added to the database.

4.2. Helper Functions

   There is a set of helper JavaScript functions which reside in
   the common.js script. They can be used by the import and by the
   playlist script.
function escapeSlash(name);

       The first function escapes slash '/' characters in a
       string. This is necessary, because the container chain is
       defined by a slash separated string, where slash has a
       special meaning - it defines the container hierarchy. That
       means, that slashes that appear in the object's title need
       to be properly escaped.

       The following function makes it easier to work with
       container chains; it takes an array of container names as
       argument, makes sure that the names are properly escaped
       and adds the slash separators as necessary. It returns a
       string that is formatted to be used as a parameter for the
       addCdsObject function.
function createContainerChain(arr)
    var path = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
        path = path + '/' + escapeSlash(arr[i]);
    return path;

     * This function retrieves the year from a yyyy-mm-dd
       formatted string.
function getYear(date)
    var matches = date.match(/^([0-9]{4})-/);
    if (matches)
        return matches[1];
        return date;

     * This function identifies the type of the playlist by the
       mimetype, it is used in the playlist script to select an
       appropriate parser.
function getPlaylistType(mimetype)
    if (mimetype == 'audio/x-mpegurl')
        return 'm3u';
    if (mimetype == 'audio/x-scpls')
        return 'pls';
    return '';

5. Walkthrough

   Now it is time to take a closer look at the default scripts
   that are supplied with MediaTomb. Usually it is installed in
   the /usr/share/mediatomb/js/ directory, but you will also find
   it in scripts/js/ in the MediaTomb source tree.

          this is not a JavaScript tutorial, if you are new to JS
          you should probably make yourself familiar with the

5.1. Import Script

   We start with a walkthrough of the default import script, it is
   called import.js in the MediaTomb distribution.

   Below are the import script functions that organize our content
   in the database by creating the virtual structure. Each media
   type - audio, image and video is handled by a separate

5.1.1. Audio Content Handler

   The biggest one is the function that handles audio - the reason
   is simple: mp3 files offer a lot of metadata like album,
   artist, genre, etc. information, this allows us to create a
   nice container layout.
function addAudio(obj)
    var desc = '';
    var artist_full;
    var album_full;

   First we will gather all the metadata that is provided by our
   object, of course it is possible that some fields are empty -
   we will have to check that to make sure that we handle this
   case correctly.
    var title = obj.meta[M_TITLE];

   Note the difference between obj.title and obj.meta[M_TITLE] -
   while object.title will originally be set to the file name,
   obj.meta[M_TITLE] will contain the parsed title - in this
   particular example the ID3 title of an MP3.

    if (!title) title = obj.title;
    var artist = obj.meta[M_ARTIST];
    if (!artist)
        artist = 'Unknown';
        artist_full = null;
        artist_full = artist;
        desc = artist;

   var album = obj.meta[M_ALBUM];
   if (!album)
        album = 'Unknown';
        album_full = null;
        desc = desc + ', ' + album;
        album_full = album;

    if (desc)
        desc = desc + ', ';

    desc = desc + title;

    var date = obj.meta[M_DATE];
    if (!date)
        date = 'Unknown';
        date = normalizeDate(date);
        desc = desc + ', ' + date;

    var genre = obj.meta[M_GENRE];
    if (!genre)
        genre = 'Unknown';
        desc = desc + ', ' + genre;

    var description = obj.meta[M_DESCRIPTION];
    if (!description)

   Note how we are setting properties of an object - in this case
   we put together a description and we are setting for objects
   that did not already have one.
        obj.meta[M_DESCRIPTION] = desc;

   We finally gathered all data that we need, so let's create a
   nice layout for our audio files. Note how we are constructing
   the chain, in the line below the array 'chain' will be
   converted to 'Audio/All audio' by the createContainerChain()
    var chain = new Array('Audio', 'All audio');
    obj.title = title;

   The UPnP class argument to addCdsObject() is optional, if it is
   not supplied the default UPnP class will be used. However, it
   is suggested to correctly set UPnP classes of containers and
   objects - this information may be used by some renderers to
   identify the type of the container and present the content in a
   different manner .
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER

    chain = new Array('Audio', 'Artists', artist, 'All songs');
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER

    chain = new Array('Audio', 'All - full name');
    var temp = '';
    if (artist_full)
        temp = artist_full;

    if (album_full)
        temp = temp + ' - ' + album_full + ' - ';

    obj.title = temp + title;

    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER

    chain = new Array('Audio', 'Artists', artist, 'All - full name');
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER

    chain = new Array('Audio', 'Artists', artist, album);
    obj.title = track + title;

   Remember, the server will sort all items by ID3 track if the
   container class is set to UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER_MUSIC_ALBUM.
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER

    chain = new Array('Audio', 'Albums', album);
    obj.title = track + title;
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER

    chain = new Array('Audio', 'Genres', genre);
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER

    chain = new Array('Audio', 'Year', date);
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER

5.1.2. Weborama Content Handler

   Weborama content handler is really simple, the service aims at
   providing 'radio on demand', so everything here maps to a
   search query that you specified in the config.xml:
function addWeborama(obj)
    var req_name = obj.aux[WEBORAMA_AUXDATA_REQUEST_NAME];
    if (req_name)
        var chain = new Array('Online Services', 'Weborama', req_name);
        addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_PLAYL

5.1.3. Image Content Handler

   This function takes care of images. Currently it does very
   little sorting, but could easily be extended - photos made by
   digital cameras provide lots of information in the Exif tag, so
   you could easily add code to sort your pictures by camera model
   or anything Exif field you might be interested in.

          if you want to use those additional Exif fields you need
          to compile MediaTomb with libexif support and also
          specify the fields of interest in the import section of
          your configuration file (See documentation about

function addImage(obj)
    var chain = new Array('Photos', 'All Photos');
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER

    var date = obj.meta[M_DATE];
    if (date)
        chain = new Array('Photos', 'Date', date);
        addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain), UPNP_CLASS_CONTA

   Just like in the addAudio() function - we simply construct our
   container chain and add the object.

5.1.4. Video Content Handler

   Not much to say here... I think libextractor is capable of
   retrieving some information from video files, however I seldom
   encountered any video files populated with metadata. You could
   also try ffmpeg to get more information, however by default we
   keep it very simple - we just put everything into the 'All
   Video' container.
function addVideo(obj)
    var chain = new Array('Video');
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain));

5.1.5. YouTube Content Handler

   This helper function processes items that are imported from the
   YouTube service; these items have extended properties that were
   described in detail earlier in this document. Let's have a look
   at how they are used:
function addYouTube(obj)
   var chain;

   First, we want to sort the content by average rating. Remember
   - all properties in the obj.aux array are strings, so we will
   do an extra conversion because we want to round the rating.
   var temp = parseInt(obj.aux[YOUTUBE_AUXDATA_AVG_RATING], 10);

   Make sure to check that we got a number.
   if (temp != Number.NaN)
       temp = Math.round(temp);

   Here is the place if you want to have a different range of
   ratings in your tree structure:
       if (temp > 3)
           var chain = new Array('Online Services', 'YouTube',
                                  'Rating', temp.toString());
           addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain));

   Next, we process the request, i.e. - description of the request
   to the YouTube service that created the item. Some requests may
   contain additional information like the name of the region.
    temp = obj.aux[YOUTUBE_AUXDATA_REQUEST];
    if (temp)
        var subName = (obj.aux[YOUTUBE_AUXDATA_SUBREQUEST_NAME]);
        var feedName = (obj.aux[YOUTUBE_AUXDATA_FEED]);
        var region = (obj.aux[YOUTUBE_AUXDATA_REGION]);

        chain = new Array('Online Services', 'YouTube', temp);

   All items will go to /Online Services/YouTube/RequestName/,
   below we will do additional refinement. Do not forget to check
   if the values are valid, some requests may not have all of the
   tags set (for example - if no specific region was defined in
   the config, then the associated request will not provide the
   REGION auxdata)
       if (subName)

       if (feedName)

       if (region)

       addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain));

5.1.6. Apple Trailers Content Handler

   This function processes items that are importent via the Apple
   Trailers feature. We will organize the trailers by genre, post
   date and release date, additionally we will also add a
   container holding all trailers.
function addTrailer(obj)
    var chain;

   First we will add the item to the 'All Trailers' container, so
   that we get a nice long playlist:
    chain = new Array('Online Services', 'Apple Trailers', 'All Trailer
    addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain));

   We also want to sort the trailers by genre, however we need to
   take some extra care here: the genre property here is a comma
   separated value list, so one trailer can have several matching
   genres that will be returned as one string. We will split that
   string and create individual genre containers.
    var genre = obj.meta[M_GENRE];
    if (genre)

   A genre string "Science Fiction, Thriller" will be split to
   "Science Fiction" and "Thriller" respectively.
        genres = genre.split(', ');
        for (var i = 0; i < genres.length; i++)
            chain = new Array('Online Services', 'Apple Trailers', 'Gen
            addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain));

   The release date is offered in a YYYY-MM-DD format, we won't do
   too much extra checking regading validity, however we only want
   to group the trailers by year and month:
    var reldate = obj.meta[M_DATE];
    if ((reldate) && (reldate.length >= 7))
        chain = new Array('Online Services', 'Apple Trailers', 'Release
                          reldate.slice(0, 7));
        addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain));

   We also want to group the trailers by the date when they were
   originally posted, the post date is available via the aux
   array. Similar to the release date, we will cut off the day and
   create our containres in the YYYY-MM format.
    var postdate = obj.aux[APPLE_TRAILERS_AUXDATA_POST_DATE];
    if ((postdate) && (postdate.length >= 7))
        chain = new Array('Online Services', 'Apple Trailers', 'Post Da
                          postdate.slice(0, 7));
        addCdsObject(obj, createContainerChain(chain));

5.1.7. Putting it all together

   This is the main part of the script, it looks at the mimetype
   of the original object and feeds the object to the appropriate
   content handler.
if (getPlaylistType(orig.mimetype) == '')
    var arr = orig.mimetype.split('/');
    var mime = arr[0];

    var obj = orig;

   All virtual objects are references to objects in the
   PC-Directory, so make sure to correctly set the reference ID!
    obj.refID =;

    if ((mime == 'audio'))

   We support the Weborama online radio service, so we will do
   some extra handling for those items:
        if (obj.onlineservice == ONLINE_SERVICE_WEBORAMA)

    if (mime == 'video')

   We support the YouTube service which offers video items, so we
   will do an extra check to sort it properly:
        if (obj.onlineservice == ONLINE_SERVICE_YOUTUBE)

    if (mime == 'image')

   We now also have OGG Theora recognition, so we can ensure that
    if (orig.mimetype == 'application/ogg')
    if (obj.theora == 1)

5.2. Playlist Script

   The default playlist parsing script is called playlists.js,
   similar to the import script it works with a global object
   which is called 'playlist', the fields are similar to the
   'orig' that is used in the import script with the exception of
   the playlistOrder field which is special to playlists.

   Another big difference between playlist and import scripts is,
   that playlist scripts can add new media to the database, while
   import scripts only process already existing objects (the ones
   found in PC Directory) and just add additional virtual items.

   The default playlist script implementation supports parsing of
   m3u and pls formats, but you can add support for parsing of any
   ASCII based playlist format.

5.2.1. Adding Items

   We will first look at a helper function:
addPlaylistItem(location, title, playlistChain);

   It is defined in playlists.js, it receives the location (path
   on disk or HTTP URL), the title and the desired position of the
   item in the database layout (remember the container chains used
   in the import script).

   The function first decides if we are dealing with an item that
   represents a resource on the web, or if we are dealing with a
   local file. After that it populates all item fields accordingly
   and calls the addCdsObject() that was introduced earlier. Note,
   that if the object that is being added by the playlist script
   is not yet in the database, the import script will be invoked.
   Below is the complete function with some comments:
function addPlaylistItem(location, title, playlistChain)

   Determine if the item that we got is an URL or a local file.
    if (location.match(/^.*:\/\//))
        var exturl = new Object();

   Setting the mimetype is crucial and tricky... if you get it
   wrong your renderer may show the item as unsupported and refuse
   to play it. Unfortunately most playlist formats do not provide
   any mimetype information.
        exturl.mimetype = 'audio/mpeg';

   Make sure to correctly set the object type, then populate the
   remaining fields.
        exturl.objectType = OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM_EXTERNAL_URL;
        exturl.location = location;
        exturl.title = (title ? title : location);
        exturl.protocol = 'http-get';
        exturl.upnpclass = UPNP_CLASS_ITEM_MUSIC_TRACK;
        exturl.description = "Song from " + playlist.title;

   This is a special field which ensures that your playlist files
   will be displayed in the correct order inside a playlist
   container. It is similar to the id3 track number that is used
   to sort the media in album containers.
        exturl.playlistOrder = playlistOrder++;

   Your item will be added to the container named by the playlist
   that you are currently parsing.
        addCdsObject(exturl, playlistChain,  UPNP_CLASS_PLAYLIST_CONTAI

   Here we are dealing with a local file.
        if (location.substr(0,1) != '/')
            location = playlistLocation + location;
        var item  = new Object();
        item.location = location;
        if (title)
            item.title = title;
            var locationParts = location.split('/');
            item.title = locationParts[locationParts.length - 1];
            if (! item.title)
                item.title = location;
        item.objectType = OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM;
        item.playlistOrder = playlistOrder++;
        addCdsObject(item, playlistChain,  UPNP_CLASS_PLAYLIST_CONTAINE

5.2.2. Main Parsing

   The actual parsing is done in the main part of the script.
   First, the type of the playlist is determined (based on the
   playlist mimetype), then the correct parser is chosen. The
   parsing itself is a loop, where each call to readln() returns
   exactly one line of text from the playlist. There is no
   possibility to go back, each readln() invocation will retrieve
   the next line until end of file is reached.

   To keep things easy we will only list the m3u parsing here.
   Again, if you are not familiar with regular expressions, now is
   probably the time to take a closer look.
else if (type == 'm3u')
    var line;
    var title = null;

   Here is the do - while loop which will read the playlist line
   by line.

   Read the line:
        line = readln();

   Perform m3u specific parsing:
        if (line.match(/^#EXTINF:(\d+),(\S.+)$/i))
            // duration = RegExp.$1; // currently unused
            title = RegExp.$2;
        else if (! line.match(/^(#|\s*$)/))

   Call the helper function to add the item once you gathered the
            addPlaylistItem(line, title, playlistChain);
            title = null;

   We will exit the loop when end of the playlist file is reached.
    while (line);

5.3. DVD Import Script

   The DVD import script receives an object that represents a DVD
   image. The object provides information about the number of
   titles, chapters, audio tracks and about languages that are
   available in the image. You can not play the ISO directly (most
   players will not support this), so we weill create special
   virtual DVD objects, which will deliver an MPEG PES stream for
   the selected Title/Audio Track/Chapter.

   The DVD import script is separated from the main script, the
   script that is shipped with the default installation is called

   Let's have a closer look!

   The title of the DVD will be set to the file name of the ISO
   image, we want to get rid of the .iso extension:
var title = dvd.title;
var index = title.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index > 1)
    title = title.substring(0, index);

   Since the object that we receive is the original ISO it will
   not have the correct video UPnP class, so we have to set it
dvd.upnpclass = UPNP_CLASS_ITEM_VIDEO;

   Now we will get the number of titles and loop through them,
   creating a virtual structure for the chapters, languages and
   audio formats:
var title_count = dvd.aux[DVD].titles.length;
for (var t = 0; t < title_count; t++)
    var title_name = 'Title';

   Since the sorting is based on the titles we need a leading
   zero. Also note the (t + 1) part, the very first position in
   the array has an index of zero, however we want that the title
   count starts with one in the UI:
    if (t < 9)
        title_name = title_name + ' 0' + (t + 1);
        title_name = title_name + ' ' + (t + 1);

   Get the number of chapters and audio tracks for this title and
   loop through them:
    var chapter_count = dvd.aux[DVD].titles[t].chapters.length;
    var audio_track_count = dvd.aux[DVD].titles[t].audio_tracks.length;
    for (var a = 0; a < audio_track_count; a++)
        var chain;

   Again, note the (a + 1) part, we want the first track in the UI
   to show as Track 01 and not Track 00:
        var audio_name = ' - Audio Track ' + (a + 1);

   We will create a structure, sorting the media by audio
   languages and formats:
        var audio_language = dvd.aux[DVD].titles[t].audio_tracks[a].lan
        var audio_format = dvd.aux[DVD].titles[t].audio_tracks[a].forma
        if (audio_format != '')
            if (audio_language != '')
                audio_name = audio_name + ' - ' + audio_language;

            chain = new Array('Video', 'DVD', title, 'Audio Formats',
                              audio_format, title_name + audio_name);

   The code above was only dealing with containers, this loop will
   create the actual playable items:
            for (var c = 0; c < chapter_count; c++)
                if (c < 9)
                    dvd.title = "Chapter 0" + (c + 1);
                    dvd.title = "Chapter " + (c + 1);

   When attempted to play, the item created below will deliver the
   MPEG PES with title index t, chapter index c and audio track
   index a - we created the chain appropriately so that the audio
   index matches the language and audio format that we used in the
   container names:
                addDVDObject(dvd, t, c, a, createContainerChain(chain))

   Same for the language:
        if (audio_language != '')
            chain = new Array('Video', 'DVD', title, 'Languages',
            if (audio_format != '')
                chain.push(title_name + audio_name + ' - ' + audio_form
                chain.push(title_name + audio_name);
            for (var c = 0; c < chapter_count; c++)
                if (c < 9)
                    dvd.title = "Chapter 0" + (c + 1);
                    dvd.title = "Chapter " + (c + 1);

                addDVDObject(dvd, t, c, a, createContainerChain(chain))

   And we also want a list of titles with appropriate format and
   language information:
        chain = new Array('Video', 'DVD', title, 'Titles');
        var titles = title_name + ' - Audio Track ' + (a + 1);
        if (audio_format != '')
            titles = titles + ' - ' + audio_format;

        if (audio_language != '')
            titles = titles + ' - ' + audio_language;


        for (var c = 0; c < chapter_count; c++)
            if (c < 9)
                dvd.title = "Chapter 0" + (c + 1);
                dvd.title = "Chapter " + (c + 1);

            addDVDObject(dvd, t, c, a, createContainerChain(chain));

   Happy scripting!