

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 677c1b5134368504c2e447757584d19e > files > 543


Written by Paul Dufresne <>, january, 2008
This is hereby released in public domain

This describe the demos available with Gtk2HS library, an Haskell GTK+ wrapper.

Sometimes, you may have to press Control-C to quit a program.

actionMenu: Show you how to make a small File and a small Edit menu (also a button bar)
  You will learn how to attach actions you want to do when they are activated.

buttonBox: Build a window with three buttons, the third one, not following others when you grow the window.

cairo: Contains some examples that use the cairo drawing library:
  ./graph shows a mathematical curve
  ./drawing shows some color lines and curves, and some 45 degree text
  ./drawing2 shows some semi-transparent figures, an apple, and a snake
  ./text make text.png, an image with some text in it
  ./starandring make a star inside a circle, in 4 different documents: .png, .pdf, .ps, .svg
  ./clock shows a very nice looking analog clock
Needs: --enable-cairo or/and cairo lib installed at build time of gtk2hs

calc: a simple calculator

carsim: on a ring track, up to 40 simulated cars are circulating,
 you can stop the traffic by putting the mouse cursor in front of a car
Needs: --enable-cairo or/and cairo lib installed at build time of gtk2hs

concurrent: Show how to let Haskell programs continue while the GUI is running.

fastdraw: shows a palette of colors constantly changing (Example of a drawing graphics onto a canvas)

filechooser: examples of Save and Open dialogs.

fonts: shows info on all your installed fonts.

gconf: at first execution, will show you how to enter values in gnome configuration database (much like
  Windows registry), and on second execution, will monitor the values

glade: Show how to load a simple made with Glade, and use it

gnomevfs: Gnome virtual file system
TODO (install gnomefs and try again)
    Could not find module System.Gnome.VFS

graphics: same as ./drawing in Cairo (but without Cairo)

gstreamer: Seems to try to play a sound file (Vorbis)
TODO (install gstreamer and try again)
    Could not find module `Media.Streaming.GStreamer'

gtkbuilder: same as ./glade, but with GtkBuilder

hello: just a button HelloWorld that quit program (which is full of comments)

mozembed: Probably show a web page inside a window?
TODO (install mozembed and try again)
Could not find module `Graphics.UI.Gtk.MozEmbed':

noughty: What I call Tic-Tac-Toe game (2 human players) where one have X the other O, and
the goal of the game is to make a line of 3 yours symbols
2 versions, one without glade, and with the GUI built with Glade

opengl: shows how to use HOpenGL inside Gtk2HS to make a rotating cube
Needs: --enable-opengl and/or mesa? installed a gtk2hs build time

pango: use pango ( layout to make a long paragraph adjust to wide of
  the window
Needs: --enable-cairo and/or cairo lib installed at Gtk2HS build time(to render the fonts)

profileviewer: This is a slightly larger demo that combines use of glade, the file chooser
  dialog, program state (IORefs) and use of the mogul tree view wrapper interface. 
  The program is a simple viewer for the log files that ghc produces when you do time profiling. 

soe: SOE (School of Expression) is an alternative implementation of the graphics library used in
  a book by Paul Hudak,
API at

sourceview: a program showing itself with syntax highlighting
Needs: --enable-sourceview and/or sourceview installed at Gtk2HS build time

statusicon: Show a door icon in Gnome (upper right), and give a message when you click on it
 Use right button on it to get a menu that will allow you to quit the program
Warning: Deprecated use of `I.onPopupMenu' and `I.onActivate'

svg: Scalable Vector Graphics, see
  './svgviewer imagefile.svg' to see a svg image (XML file)
  './svg2png imagefile.svg imagefile.png' will create imagefile.png from imagefile.svg
  (avoid thinking about doing the reverse ;-))
Hint: if you have use starandring from cairo, 'cp ../cairo/StarAndRing.svg .'
Needs: --enable-cairo and/or cairo lib installed at Gtk2HS build time
Feature request: avoid svgviewer: user error (Pattern match failure in do expression at SvgViewer.hs:11:2-9)
  when not giving any parameter

treelist: some examples showing how to use ListView and TreeView widgets

unicode: Example of an international dialog box (in arabic)