

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 677c1b5134368504c2e447757584d19e > files > 575


module Main (main) where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk

  widgets that go into making a menubar and submenus:
  * menu item (what the user wants to select)
  * menu      (acts as a container for the menu items)
  * menubar   (container for each of the individual menus)
  menuitem widgets are used for two different things:
  * they are packed into the menu
  * they are packed into the menubar, which, when selected, activates the menu
  * menuBarNew
    creates a new menubar, which can be packed into a container like a
    window or a box
  * menuNew
    creates a new menu, which is never actually shown; it is just a
    container for the menu items
  * menuItemNew, menuItemNewWithLabel, menuItemMenuWithMnemonic
    create the menu items that are to be displayed; they are actually
    buttons with associated actions
  Once a menu item has been created, it should be put into a menu with
  the menuShellAppend function.
  In order to capture when the item is selected by the user, the
  activate signal need to be connected in the usual way.

createMenuBar descr
    = do bar <- menuBarNew
         mapM_ (createMenu bar) descr
         return bar
      createMenu bar (name,items)
          = do menu <- menuNew
               item <- menuItemNewWithLabelOrMnemonic name
               menuItemSetSubmenu item menu
               menuShellAppend bar item
               mapM_ (createMenuItem menu) items
      createMenuItem menu (name,action)
          = do item <- menuItemNewWithLabelOrMnemonic name
               menuShellAppend menu item
               case action of
                 Just act -> onActivateLeaf item act
                 Nothing  -> onActivateLeaf item (return ())
      menuItemNewWithLabelOrMnemonic name
          | elem '_' name = menuItemNewWithMnemonic name
          | otherwise     = menuItemNewWithLabel name

    = [ ("_File", [ ("Open", Nothing)
                  , ("Save", Nothing)
                  , ("_Quit", Just mainQuit)
      , ("Help",  [ ("_Help", Nothing)

main =
    do initGUI
       window <- windowNew
       menuBar <- createMenuBar menuBarDescr
       set window [ windowTitle := "Demo"
                  , containerChild := menuBar
       onDestroy window mainQuit
       widgetShowAll window