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      <a href="vwsssupport.html">WS-Security (WSS) Support in Virtuoso SOAP Server</a>
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      <a href="ws-routing.html">Web Services Routing Protocol (WS-Routing)</a>
        <a href="#wsrconfig" title="Configuration">Configuration</a>
        <a href="#wsrtraversingmsgpaths" title="Traversing Message Paths">Traversing Message Paths</a>
      <a href="warm.html">Web Services Reliable Messaging Protocol (WS-ReliableMessaging)</a>
      <a href="vwstrust.html">Web Services Trust Protocol (WS-Trust)</a>
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    <a name="ws-routing" />
    <h2>15.6. Web Services Routing Protocol (WS-Routing)</h2>

 <p>The SOAP Routing Protocol (WS-Routing) is a SOAP-based, stateless protocol
 for exchanging SOAP messages from an initial sender to an ultimate receiver,
 potentially via a set of intermediaries.  The WS-Routing protocol is
 implemented as a SOAP extension, embedded in a SOAP Header entry.</p>

 <p>The WS-Routing implementation consists of SOAP Header processing.  The
 header processing handler for the WS-Routing header determines if the Virtuoso
 SOAP server can act as an intermediary or a endpoint depending on the rules
 in message path.</p>

 <p>This implementation supports HTTP only.  Message Id&#39;s generated are UUIDs.</p>

 <a name="wsrconfig" />
    <h3>15.6.1. Configuration</h3>

  <p>Setting-up the WS-Routing for a SOAP service requires you to:</p>

        <p>make a virtual directory bound to the SOAP endpoint processor (/SOAP)</p>
        <p>add the following SOAP options:</p>
          <li>wsrp-from=[identification for endpoint];</li>

 <br />

 <a name="wsrtraversingmsgpaths" />
    <h3>15.6.2. Traversing Message Paths</h3>

  <p>The initial WS-Routing sender generates a WS-Routing &quot;path&quot; header that
  indicates the route.  The path can indicate a route via one or more
  intermediaries using the &quot;via&quot; elements as sub-elements of the
  &quot;fwd&quot; element.  The initial sender indicates the ultimate destination by
  using a &quot;to&quot; element.  In the absence of a &quot;to&quot; element the ultimate
  destination is deduced by the last &quot;via&quot; in the &quot;fwd&quot; element.  The second
  option occurs most commonly when an ultimate destination reverses roles,
  becomes an initial sender, and uses the reverse path in a received message
  as a forward path to send a response to the original sender.</p>

  <p>In addition, the initial WS-Routing sender inserts a reverse path
  for indicating where the initial sender can receive reverse path messages.
  The initial sender sets the ultimate destination in the reverse path using
  a &quot;via&quot; element as a sub-element of the &quot;rev&quot; element.</p>

  <p>A WS-Routing receiver receiving a WS-Routing message inspects the SOAP
  header and performs the following operations:</p>

   <li>If no &quot;fwd&quot; element is present or if the &quot;fwd&quot; element does not
   contain any &quot;via&quot; elements then inspect the &quot;to&quot; element and verify that the
   value identifies itself.  If this is the case then THIS receiver is the
   ultimate destination.  If there is no &quot;to&quot; element or if the value of the
   &quot;to&quot; element does not identify THIS WS-Routing receiver then generate a
   <li>If the &quot;fwd&quot; element is present and contains one or more &quot;via&quot;
   element(s) then remove the top &quot;via&quot; element listed in the &quot;fwd&quot; element
   and verify that the value of that &quot;via&quot; element is either empty or
   identifies THIS WS-Routing receiver.  Failing that generate an appropriate
   WS-Routing fault  If, after removing the top &quot;via&quot;
   element there are no remaining &quot;via&quot; element(s) listed in the &quot;fwd&quot; element,
   and there is no &quot;to&quot; element, then THIS WS-Routing receiver is
   the ultimate destination.</li>

  <p>A WS-Routing intermediary MUST follow these additional rules:</p>

   <li>If a &quot;rev&quot; element is present then add a &quot;via&quot; element as the
   first &quot;via&quot; element listed in the &quot;rev&quot; element with a value indicating the
   reverse path endpoint.  If a reverse path endpoint cannot be provided then
   generate a 751 &quot;Reverse Path Unavailable&quot; WS-Routing fault.</li>
   <li>If one or more &quot;via&quot; element(s) remain in the &quot;fwd&quot; element then
   forward the WS-Routing message to the endpoint identified by the new top
   &quot;via&quot; element listed in the &quot;fwd&quot; element.</li>
   <li>If there are no remaining &quot;via&quot; element(s) listed in the &quot;fwd&quot;
   element but there is a &quot;to&quot; element then forward the WS-Routing message to
   the endpoint identified by the &quot;to&quot; element.</li>
   <li>In the last two cases if the forwarding does not succeed then
   generate the appropriate WS-Routing fault.</li>

<a name="wsrexample" />
    <div class="example">
      <div class="exampletitle">WS Routing Example</div>

<p>Here is an example SOAP call from a client to an endpoint
via intermediaries and</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
+------------+   +------------+   +------------+   +-------------+
|  Initial   |   | WS-Routing |   | WS-Routing |   |  Ultimate   |
| WS-Routing |--&gt;|Intermediary|--&gt;|Intermediary|--&gt;|  WS-Routing |
|  Sender A  |&lt;--|      B     |&lt;--|      C     |&lt;--|  Receiver D |
+------------+   +------------+   +------------+   +-------------+
             HTTP             HTTP              HTTP


<p>Request from client to intermediary B</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
   &lt;m:rev /&gt;

<p>Request from intermediary B to intermediary C</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
     &lt;n2:via /&gt;

<p>Request from intermediary C to endpoint D</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
     &lt;n2:fwd /&gt;
      &lt;n2:via /&gt;
      &lt;n2:via /&gt;

<p>Response from endpoint to C</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
  &lt;n2:path xmlns:n2=&quot;;
          &lt;n2:via /&gt;
          &lt;n2:via /&gt;
        &lt;n2:from /&gt;

<p>Response from intermediary C to B</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
    &lt;n2:path xmlns:n2=&quot;;
          &lt;n2:via /&gt;
        &lt;n2:from /&gt;

<p>Response from intermediary B to client</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
    &lt;n2:path xmlns:n2=&quot;;
              &lt;n2:fwd /&gt;
           &lt;n2:from /&gt;

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