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    <h1>22. Virtuoso Functions Guide - create-element</h1>
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  <div id="text">
    <div class="refpurpose">Creates an element with specified name, attributes and children</div>
    <div class="funcsynopsis">
        <span class="funcdef">node <span class="function">create-element</span>
	(<span class="paramdef">
        <span class="parameter">head</span> sequence</span>, 
	<span class="paramdef">
        <span class="parameter">child1</span> any</span>, 
	<span class="paramdef">
        <span class="parameter">child2</span> any</span>, 
	<span class="paramdef">
        <span class="parameter">...</span>
	<span class="paramdef">
        <span class="parameter">childN</span> any</span>);
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Description</div>
This is an internal XQUERY function and you will probably never need to
call it explicitly. It is not a part of library of standard XQUERY 1.0
This function creates a new &quot;XML Tree&quot; element whose name is a string-value of the first
item of <span class="computeroutput">head</span> sequence, with attributes and children
specified by the rest of <span class="computeroutput">head</span> sequence and by the list of
arguments <span class="computeroutput">child1</span>, <span class="computeroutput">child2</span>, ...
<span class="computeroutput">childN</span>.
First of all, a new element will be created, without attributes or children.
The name of element will be taken from the first item of the
head sequence.
Then attributes will be created from the second and third items of head,
from fourth and fifth and so on. In every pair of items will specify name and
value of some attribute. Non-string items will be converted to strings first.
It is an error to specify the same attribute name twice in
head sequence.
When the &quot;opening tag&quot; of the element is prepared, children are
added, in the same order as they are specified by
arguments child1, child2, ...
If the value of some argument is a sequences (e.g. a node-set),
items of the sequence are added as separate children in the same order as
they are in the sequence.
Nodes are added &quot;as-is&quot;, numbers, strings and
other &quot;scalar&quot; values are converted to strings first and these strings
are converted into PCDATA (text) children.
&quot;Attribute descriptor&quot; objects are not converted to children elements;
if descriptor item is found, one attribute in the opening tag of the
created element is added or changed and the descriptor is removed from
the list of children.
When all children are prepared, some normalization is performed.
If there are two or more adjacent PCDATA (text) children, they are replaced
with one PCDATA children whose text is a concatenation of
texts of all that children.
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Parameters</div>
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">head – </span>
      Name of the element or a sequence of name and attributes of the element.</div>
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">childI – </span>
      Children node or sequence of children node.</div>
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Return Types</div>
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Errors</div>
    <table class="data">
          <th class="data">SQLState</th>
          <th class="data">Error Code</th>
          <th class="data">Error Text</th>
          <th class="data">Description</th>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFC0" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFC0</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">At least one argument (name of element to be created) must be passed to create-element XPATH function.</span>
	    <td class="data">create-element is called without arguments.</td>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFC1" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFC1</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">No name of element in the first argument of create-element XPATH function.</span>
	    <td class="data">The head sequence is empty.</td>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFC2" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFC2</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">Last attribute has no value specified in the first argument of create-element XPATH function.</span>
	    <td class="data">The head sequence is of even length.</td>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFC3" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFC3</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">Unsupported type of element of the first argument of create-element XPATH function.</span>
	    <td class="data">Current version may create name and attributes of elements only from strings, entities and numbers.</td>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFC4" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFC4</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">Duplicate attribute names in first argument of create-element XPATH function.</span>
	    <td class="data">Duplicate attribute names may appear in attribute descriptors but not in the head argument.</td>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFC5" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFC5</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">First argument of create-element XPATH function must be string, symbol or sequence of them.</span>
	    <td class="data">The function was unable to prepare name of element.</td>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFC6" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFC6</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">Error in XPATH user extension function or internal error: sequence argument is not flat in create-element XPATH function.</span>
	    <td class="data">A value of XQUERY &quot;sequence&quot; type should not contain other sequences as its items, i.e. it must be &quot;flat&quot;.</td>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFC7" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFC7</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">Invalid special entity found in argument of create-element XPATH function.</span>
	    <td class="data">An invalid object (probably built by XPATH extension function) is specified as child entity.</td>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFCA" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFCA</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">Persistent XML entities are not fully supported by create-element XPATH function.</span>
	    <td class="data">The function creates &quot;XML Tree&quot; element, &quot;Persistent XML&quot; entity can not become a children of &quot;XML Tree&quot;.</td>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXP001" />
            <span class="errorcode">XP001</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <a name="errXPFCB" />
            <span class="errorcode">XPFCB</span>
	    <td class="data">
            <span class="errorname">Unsupported type of argument in create-element XPATH function.</span>
	    <td class="data">Some argument or some item of an argument may not be converted to a string or a node, so a children may not be created.</td>
      <br />
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Examples</div>
    <a name="xpf_ex_create_element" />
      <div class="example">
        <div class="exampletitle" />
      <p>Two following XQUERY expressions are equivalent:</p>
          <pre class="screen">
&lt;H1&gt;{&#39;Hello, &#39;}&lt;B&gt;{&#39;world&#39;}&lt;/B&gt;&lt;/H1&gt;
create-element(&#39;H1&#39;, &#39;Hello, &#39;, create-element(&#39;B&#39;, &#39;world&#39;))
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">See Also</div>
        <a href="xpf_create_attribute.html">create-attribute()</a>
        <a href="xpf_create_comment.html">create-comment()</a>
        <a href="xpf_create_pi.html">create-pi()</a>
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