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    <h1>22. Virtuoso Functions Guide - processXQuery</h1>
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  <div id="text">
    <div class="refpurpose">Calls an XQuery module from XPath expression, e.g. from some XSLT or BPEL code.</div>
    <div class="funcsynopsis">
        <span class="funcdef">any <span class="function">processXQuery</span>
	(<span class="paramdef">
        <span class="parameter">module_uri</span> string</span>, 
	<span class="paramdefoptional">[<span class="optional">context</span> entity]</span>, 
	<span class="paramdefoptional">[<span class="optional">index</span> integer]</span>, 
	<span class="paramdefoptional">[<span class="optional">param1_name</span> string]</span>, 
	<span class="paramdefoptional">[<span class="optional">param1_value</span> any]</span>, 
	<span class="paramdefoptional">[<span class="optional">paramN_name</span> string]</span>, 
	<span class="paramdefoptional">[<span class="optional">paramN_value</span> any]</span>);
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Description</div>
This function takes a URI of an XQuery module and an XML entity and
calls the module with the entity as a context.
Depending on value of <span class="computeroutput">index</span> parameter,
either the result of the module is returned &#39;as is&#39; or the sequence of results is returned.
Parameters can be passed to the module by specifying additional arguments
to <span class="computeroutput">processXQuery()</span>.
The names of parameters should appear in argument list without the leading &#39;$&#39; sign.
Unlike <a href="fn_xquery_eval.html">xquery_eval()</a> function, parameter
can not be ignored depending on the type of its value.
If the same name appears more than once in the vector, the last name/value pair is
used and all preceding pairs with this name are silently ignored.
Obviously, names should be strings that are valid XPath variable names.
The XQuery standard does not offer a way of calling of a module from other XQuery expression.
The reason is that there&#39;s no need for such calling if the code is designed properly.
If an expression is re-used in various places then it should be turned into a function and
placed into an XQuery library module; one should import the module and call the function instead of
calling a non-library module. It is possible to use <span class="computeroutput">processXQuery()</span>
in XQuery expressions but it is much better to use library modules instead, and to use
<span class="computeroutput">processXQuery()</span> only for tricks in XPATH expressions.
For compatibility, the <span class="computeroutput">processXQuery()</span>   function can also be called as
<span class="computeroutput"></span>.
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Parameters</div>
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">module_uri – </span>
      URI pointing to the location of an XQuery module. It can be absolute or relative.
A relative module_uri should be resolved before use, this requires base URI information.
Base URI can be declared explicitly by &quot;__base_uri&quot; parameter in XPATH or
&quot;declare base-uri&quot; setter in XQuery.
If not declared but the expression is a part of some stylesheet or XQuery module then the URI of module is
used as a base URI.
A run-time error is signalled if the URI is relative and the expression does not contain explicit declaration and the expression is neither in a stylesheet nor in a module.
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">index – </span>
      Result index. If omitted a value of 1 is assumed,
meaning only the first result is returned. If a value of 0 is supplied then a (flatten) sequence of all results is returned.
(Note that if a non-zero value is specified then the returned value still can be a sequence).
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">context – </span>
      XML entity that is the context node of module call.
If the function is called with only one argument then the current context node of the <span class="computeroutput">processXQuery()</span> call is used as a context of module call.
(In any case, context size and context position of module call are always set to 1 and not inherited from call of <span class="computeroutput">processXQuery()</span>.)
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">paramI_name – </span>
      Name of parameter to be passed to the
    XSLT engine for use in the transformation.</div>
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">paramI_value – </span>
      Value of parameter with name specified by <span class="computeroutput">paramI_name</span>.</div>
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Return Types</div>
      <p>The type of return value depends on type of value returned by module.</p>

  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Examples</div>
    <a name="xpf_ex_processXQuery" />
      <div class="example">
        <div class="exampletitle">Call of XQuery in XSLT</div>
      <p>Sample templates put the result of the call of module &quot;mymodule.xq&quot; for context node into the resulting document.
This assumes that both the stylesheet and XQuery module &quot;mymodule.xq&quot; reside in the same directory so relative a URI &quot;mymodule.xq&quot;
can be resolved using the URI of the stylesheet as base URI.
          <pre class="screen">
&lt;xsl:template match=&quot;myelement&quot;&gt;
  &lt;xsl:copy-of select=&quot;processXQuery(&#39;mymodule.xq&#39;)&quot;/&gt;
      <p>This is equivalent with the following template:
          <pre class="screen">
&lt;xsl:template match=&quot;myelement&quot;&gt;
  &lt;xsl:copy-of select=&quot;processXQuery(&#39;mymodule.xq&#39;, current(), 1)&quot;/&gt;
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">See Also</div>
        <a href="fn_xquery_eval.html">xquery_eval()</a>
        <a href="xpf_processXSLT.html">processXSLT()</a>
        <a href="xpf_processXSQL.html">processXSQL()</a>
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