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    <h1>22. Virtuoso Functions Guide - contains</h1>
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  <div id="text">
    <div class="refpurpose">A text contains predicate</div>
    <div class="funcsynopsis">
        <span class="funcdef">boolean <span class="function">contains</span>
        (<span class="paramdef">
        <span class="parameter">column</span> varchar</span>, 
        <span class="paramdef">
        <span class="parameter">expression</span> varchar</span>, 
        <span class="paramdefoptional">[<span class="optional">opt_or_value</span>integer]</span>);
  <div class="refsect1">
    <div class="refsect1title">Description</div>
      <p> This is a SQL predicate that specifies a condition on a column
      on which a free text index exists.  The expression is a
      <span class="computeroutput">string</span> matching the grammar of a text search expression.
      This is computed for each evaluation of the contains predicate and
      does not have to be a constant. For example a parameter or variable
      of a containing score (e.g. procedure) is accepted. </p>
      <p>The <span class="computeroutput">score_limit</span> is optional. If
      specified, it should be a numeric expression determining the minimum score
      required to produce a hit.</p>
      <p>A virtual column named &#39;SCORE&#39; is available in queries
      involving a <span class="computeroutput">contains</span> predicate. This can for
      example be returned in a result set or used for sorting.
      Note that the name is in upper case and is case sensitive in all
      case modes.</p>
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Parameters</div>
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">column – </span>
      The table column whose contents are free text indexed
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">expression – </span>
      A <span class="computeroutput">string</span> matching the grammar of a text search
    <div class="refsect2">
        <span class="refsect2title">opt_or_value – </span>
      May be one or more of the following:
        <table class="varlist">
            <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">DESCENDING:</td>
	      <p>specifies that the search will produce the hit with the
	      greatest id first, as defined by <span class="computeroutput">integer</span> or
	      <span class="computeroutput">composite</span> collation.</p>
            <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">START_ID &#39;,&#39;
	      <p>the first allowed document id to be selected by the
	      expression in its traversal order, e.g. least or equal for
	      ascending and greatest or equal for descending.</p>
            <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">END_ID &#39;,&#39;
	      <p>the last allowed id in the traversal order.  For
	      descending order the <span class="computeroutput">START_ID</span> must be &gt;=
	      <span class="computeroutput">END_ID</span> for hits to
	      be able to exist. For ascending order the
	      <span class="computeroutput">START_ID</span> must be &lt;=
	      <span class="computeroutput">END_ID</span> for hits to be able to
            <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">SCORE_LIMIT &#39;,&#39;
	      <p>Minimum score that hits must have or exceed to be
	      considered matches of the predicate.</p>
            <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">RANGES &#39;,&#39;
	      <p>specifies that the query variable following the
	      <span class="computeroutput">RANGES</span> keyword will be bound to the word
	      position ranges of the hits of the expression inside the
	      document.  The variable is in scope inside the enclosing
	      <strong>SELECT</strong> statement.</p>
            <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">OFFBAND &#39;,&#39;column:</td>
	      <p>Specifies that the following column will be
	      retrieved from the free text index instead of the
	      actual table.  For this to be possible the column must have
	      been declared as offband with the <strong>CLUSTERED WITH</strong>
	       option of the <strong>CREATE TEXT INDEX</strong> statement.</p>
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Return Types</div>
    <p>The contains is a predicate, therefore returning a
    <span class="computeroutput">boolean</span>.</p>
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">Examples</div>
    <a name="ex_contains" />
      <div class="example">
        <div class="exampletitle">Querying Free Text Indexed Columns using contains()</div>
			  <p>Return the number of documents with one or more occurrences of &quot;virtual&quot; 
				  immediately followed by &quot;database&quot;.</p>
              <pre class="programlisting">
select count (*) from docs
where contains (text, &#39;&quot;virtual database&quot;&#39;)
	  <p>Specify documents with performance and either 
		  &#39;tuning&#39; or optimization&#39; in any respective positions.</p>
              <pre class="programlisting">
&#39;performance and (tuning or optimization)&#39;
		  Match documents with the word graphics more than 100
		  words away from &#39;user&#39; or &#39;interface&#39;.
              <pre class="programlisting">
&#39;graphics and not (graphics near user near interface)&#39;
		  Match documents with SQL followed by a word beginning with &#39;interfac&#39;.
              <pre class="programlisting">
&#39;&quot;sql interfac*&quot;&#39;
		  Match documents with words beginning with &#39;dragon&#39; and not containing the phrase
		  &#39;once upon a time&#39;.
              <pre class="programlisting">
&#39;&quot;dragon*&quot; and not &quot;once upon a time&quot;&#39; 
	<div class="note">
		<div class="notetitle">Note:</div>
			An expression may not consist of all negative terms, e.g. (not a) and (not
			b) is not a valid expression but &#39;c and not a and not b&#39; is a valid
			Note that the NEAR connective may not be used between AND&#39;ed or
			OR&#39;ed terms. It can be used to combine words or phrases.
  <div class="refsect1">
      <div class="refsect1title">See Also</div>
        <a href="">xpath_contains()</a>
        <a href="htmlconductorbar.html#freetext">The Free Text Index Chapter.</a>
        <a href="fttfuncs.html">Other Free Text Functions.</a>
        <a href="txttrig.html">Free Text Triggers.</a>

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