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    <a name="CREATEXMLSCHEMA" />
    <h2>8.14. CREATE XML SCHEMA Statement</h2>
      <pre class="programlisting">
&lt;xml schema definition&gt; ::=
    CREATE XML SCHEMA &lt;text of schema&gt;
Virtuoso supports registering XML Schemas for use in
<a href="CREATETABLE.html#sqlrefcreattablewithschema">WITH SCHEMA</a>
constraint for column values. The statement contains the whole text of the schema as a
string constant, i.e. enclosed in single quotes. This is not the best possible syntax,
because single quotes inside the text of schema should be carefully quoted, but this is
de-facto standard. If the schema contains number of single quotes (e.g. attributes are
in single quotes instead of typically used double quotes), try a system stored procedure
<span class="computeroutput">
DB.DBA.SYS_CREATE_XML_SCHEMA (text_of_schema);
that will have the same effect, but is not portable.
In principle, you can register any valid XMLSchema, but some features can cause prohibitive loss of performance.
It is strongly advised to compose the schema as a &quot;standalone&quot; document that has no references to
external DTDs or external generic entities. It is also strongly advised to avoid xs:include and
xs:import directives. The only sort of external references that does not affect performance is
xs:include or xs:import of a registered &quot;sibling&quot; schema. They say that a schema X is a &quot;sibling&quot; of schema Y
if their target namespace URIs have identical protocol names and host names and differs only in local path,
and schema X imports Y using relative (not absolute!) URI that contain only relative path,
(no protocol and no host).
<a name="ex_CREATEXMLSCHEMA" />
    <div class="example">
      <div class="exampletitle">Registering Sibling Schemas</div>
<p>Two sibling schemas are registered here.
First statement registers an XMLSchema for &quot;; target namespace.
Second statement registers an XMLSchema for &quot;; target namespace
that imports the first schema using relative URI.
The rest of statements demonstrate a single WITH SCHEMA constraint that
inspect elements of these two target namespaces.</p>
        <pre class="programlisting">
CREATE XML SCHEMA &#39;&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot; ?&gt;
&lt;xs:schema targetNamespace=&quot;;
   &lt;xs:element name=&quot;Part&quot;&gt;
         &lt;xs:choice minOccurs=&quot;0&quot; maxOccurs=&quot;unbounded&quot;&gt;
	   &lt;xs:element ref=&quot;p:Part&quot;/&gt;
         &lt;xs:attribute name=&quot;ID&quot; type=&quot;xs:string&quot; use=&quot;required&quot; /&gt;
         &lt;xs:attribute name=&quot;Count&quot; type=&quot;xs:int&quot; use=&quot;optional&quot; /&gt;
         &lt;xs:attribute name=&quot;Type&quot; type=&quot;xs:string&quot; use=&quot;optional&quot; /&gt;

CREATE XML SCHEMA &#39;&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot; ?&gt;
&lt;xs:schema targetNamespace=&quot;;
   &lt;xs:import schemaLocation=&quot;parts&quot; /&gt;
   &lt;xs:element name=&quot;Job&quot;&gt;
	   &lt;xs:element ref=&quot;p:Part&quot;/&gt;
         &lt;xs:attribute name=&quot;JobID&quot; type=&quot;xs:string&quot; use=&quot;required&quot; /&gt;

create table JOBS (
  PACK_ID integer primary key,
  CONTENT XMLType with schema (&#39;;, &#39;Job&#39;)

insert into JOBS values (1, &#39;
&lt;j:Job xmlns:j=&quot;; xmlns:p=&quot;; JobID=&quot;asmkeyboard&quot;&gt;
  &lt;p:Part xmlns:p=&quot;; ID=&quot;keyboard&quot;&gt;
    &lt;p:Part Count=&quot;101&quot;/&gt;
    &lt;p:Part ID=&quot;body&quot;/&gt;

*** Error 42000: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]XML parser detected an error:
	ERROR  : Only 0 out of 1 required attributes are defined for element &lt;p:Part&gt;, e.g. the element has no attribute &#39;ID&#39;
at line 4 column 27 of &#39;(value to be placed in column DB.DBA.JOBS of CONTENT)&#39;
    &lt;p:Part Count=&quot;101&quot;/&gt;

insert into JOBS values (2, &#39;
&lt;j:Job xmlns:j=&quot;; xmlns:p=&quot;; JobID=&quot;asmkeyboard&quot;&gt;
  &lt;p:Part xmlns:p=&quot;; ID=&quot;keyboard&quot;&gt;
    &lt;p:Part ID=&quot;key&quot; Count=&quot;101&quot;/&gt;
    &lt;p:Part ID=&quot;body&quot;/&gt;

<div class="note">
      <div class="notetitle">Note:</div>
There is no way to change a registered schema if it is used in some WITH SCHEMA constraint.
Double-check any schema before using it, because it may be hard to fix the error
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