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    <h2>10.3. Database Logins</h2>
      <span class="computeroutput">DB.DBA.DBEV_LOGIN
    (<span class="paramdef">inout <span class="parameter">user_name</span> varchar</span>, 
    <span class="paramdef">in <span class="parameter">digest</span> varchar</span>, 
    <span class="paramdef">in <span class="parameter">session_random</span> varchar</span>);

<p>This function, if defined, will always be called by Virtuoso just before
a client is authenticated against the Virtuoso Server.  Three parameters
are available for audit purposes or any other pre-processing purpose totally
user definable.</p>

            <strong>IN</strong> : the user name from the login data</li>
            <strong>OUT</strong> : the user name used by Virtuoso for this connection</li>
        <strong>digest</strong> : the password digest calculated by the client
  (or the password itself for older clients)</li>
        <strong>session_random</strong> : the random key used to
  calculate the digest</li>

<p>This hook can be used to control how Virtuoso proceeds with the client login
by responding to 3 possible return values:</p>

      <li>-1 - continue with normal verification</li>
      <li>0 - reject the login</li>
      <li>1 - allow the login (the user returned should be a valid Virtuoso local user name</li>

<a name="ex_dbev_login" />
    <div class="example">
      <div class="exampletitle">Sample Database Login Hook</div>
        <pre class="programlisting">
create procedure &quot;DB&quot;.&quot;DBA&quot;.&quot;DBEV_LOGIN&quot; (
    inout user_name varchar,
    in digest varchar,
    in session_random varchar)
  -- the hook runs as DBA
  dbg_obj_print (&#39;user=&#39;, user);

  -- and is compiled as DBA
  declare uid_cnt integer;
  uid_cnt := 0;
  select count (*) into uid_cnt from SYS_USERS where U_NAME = user_name;
  dbg_printf (&#39;%ld local users found with this name&#39;, uid_cnt);

  if (user_name = &#39;masterdba&#39;)
      -- &#39;masterdba&#39; is a valid remotely defined user
      -- it&#39;s password is &#39;masterdbapwd&#39;
      -- we&#39;re going to check it&#39;s password and then map it to dba

      declare md5_ctx any;
      declare my_digest varchar;
      declare pwd varchar;

      -- this is our assumption for the user&#39;s password
      -- this can come from an external source as well
      pwd := &#39;masterdbapwd&#39;;

      -- calculate the MD5 digest for checking the password that the client supplied.
      -- note that it uses the &#39;masterdba&#39;/&#39;masterdbapwd&#39; to calculate it since we
      -- assume that these are the data the client supplied as user id and password
      -- The way to calculate this is FIXED.
      -- The ONLY variables are the user id and the password

      -- START of the FIXED digest calculation sequence
      md5_ctx := md5_init();
      md5_ctx := md5_update(md5_ctx, session_random);
      md5_ctx := md5_update(md5_ctx, user_name);
      md5_ctx := md5_update(md5_ctx, pwd);
      -- the 0 parameter to the md5_final causes it to return the bytes
      -- instead of representing it as hexadecimal characters
      my_digest := md5_final (md5_ctx, 0);
      -- END of the FIXED digest calculation sequence

      -- now compare the calculated digest with the one supplied by the client
      -- note the OR here - some older clients MAY supply the password in plain text
      if (my_digest = digest or pwd = digest)
	  -- the match says that the client indeed supplied &#39;masterdbapwd&#39; as a password
          dbg_obj_print (&#39;masterdba validated&#39;);

	  -- so map it to the local &#39;dba&#39; user
	  user_name := &#39;dba&#39;;

          -- and skip further verification
          return 1;
	  -- the password is not the one that we verify against
          dbg_obj_print (&#39;masterdba pwd wrong&#39;);

          -- not allow the login at all
	  return 0;
  else if (user_name = &#39;nobody&#39;)
      -- the hook can signal :
      -- this is equal to returning -1, but has the additional benefit of an error message printed into the log
      signal (&#39;28000&#39;, &#39;we don&#39;&#39;t map nobody&#39;);
  else if (user_name = &#39;attacker&#39;)
      -- that&#39;s a way to print a message to the log and reject the login
      log_message (&#39;trying invalid user&#39;);
      return 0;
      -- all local user_name/pwd are subject to normal verification
      dbg_obj_print (user_name);
      return -1;
  -- note that not returning value causes the Virtuoso to print an appropriate message to the log
  -- and then continue with the normal verification
  -- same happens if the value returned is not 0, -1 or 1

      <span class="computeroutput">DB.DBA.USER_FIND
    (<span class="paramdef">in <span class="parameter">name</span> varchar</span>);

<p>This is a user-defined PL function hook which, if it exists, will be
executed before doing the SQL/ODBC login.  In this hook the user can find a
user account from some other server and register it in the local database.  Or,
this can be used to perform some pre-login actions.  It is similar to the
DBEV_LOGIN, but it does not change any account validation rule, it is
purely for pre-processing.</p>

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