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    <h2>21.7. Basic Syntax of Regular Expressions</h2>

<p>The two special symbols: <span class="computeroutput">&#39;^&#39;</span> and 
<span class="computeroutput">&#39;$&#39;</span> indicate the <strong>start</strong> 
and the <strong>end</strong> of a string respectively, like so:</p>

        <span class="computeroutput">^The</span>: matches any string 
  that starts with The;</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">of despair$</span>: matches a 
  string that ends in the substring of despair;</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">^abc$</span>: a string that 
  starts and ends with abc -- that could only be abc itself!</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">notice</span>: a string that 
  has the text notice in it.</li>

<p>Without either of the above special character you are allowing the pattern 
to occur anywhere inside the string.</p>

<p>The symbols <span class="computeroutput">&#39;*&#39;</span>, <span class="computeroutput">&#39;+&#39;</span>, 
and <span class="computeroutput">&#39;?&#39;</span> denote the number of times a character 
or a sequence of characters may occur.  What they mean is: zero or more, one or 
more, and zero or one.  Here are some examples:</p>

        <span class="computeroutput">ab*</span>: matches a string 
  that has an <strong>a</strong> followed by zero or more 
  <strong>b</strong>&#39;s (a, ab, abbb, etc.);</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">ab+</span>: same, but there is 
  at least one <strong>b</strong> (ab, abbb, etc.);</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">ab?</span>: there might be a 
  <strong>b</strong> or not;</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">a?b+$</span>: a possible <strong>a</strong> 
  followed by one or more <strong>b</strong>&#39;s ending a string.</li>

<p>You can also use <strong>bounds</strong>, which come inside braces 
and indicate ranges in the number of occurrences: </p>

        <span class="computeroutput">ab{2}</span>: matches a string that has an 
  <strong>a</strong> followed by exactly two <strong>b</strong>&#39;s 
        <span class="computeroutput">ab{2,}</span>: there are at least two 
  <strong>b</strong>&#39;s (abb, abbbb, etc.);</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">ab{3,5}</span>: from three to five 
  <strong>b</strong>&#39;s (abbb, abbbb, or abbbbb).</li>

<p>Note, that you must always specify the first number of a range 
(i.e, <span class="computeroutput">{0,2}</span>, not <span class="computeroutput">{,2}</span>).  
Also, as you may have noticed, the symbols &#39;*&#39;, &#39;+&#39;, and &#39;?&#39; have the same effect 
as using the bounds <span class="computeroutput">{0,}</span>, 
<span class="computeroutput">{1,}</span>, and <span class="computeroutput">{0,1}</span>, 

<p>Now, to quantify a sequence of characters, put them inside parentheses:</p>

        <span class="computeroutput">a(bc)*</span>: matches a string that has 
  an <strong>a</strong> followed by zero or more copies of the sequence bc;</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">a(bc){1,5}</span>: one through five copies of bc.</li>

<p>There&#39;s also the &#39;|&#39; symbol, which works as an OR operator:</p>

        <span class="computeroutput">hi|hello</span>: matches a string that has 
  either hi or hello in it;</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">(b|cd)ef</span>: a string that has either 
  bef or cdef;</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">(a|b)*c</span>: a string that has a 
  sequence of alternating <strong>a</strong>&#39;s and <strong>b</strong>&#39;s 
  ending in a <strong>c</strong>;</li>

<p>A period (&#39;.&#39;) stands for any single character:</p>

        <span class="computeroutput">a.[0-9]</span>: matches a string that has 
  an <strong>a</strong> followed by one character and a digit;</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">^.{3}$</span>: a string with exactly 3 characters.</li>

      <strong>Bracket expressions</strong> specify which characters are 
allowed in a single position of a string: </p>

        <span class="computeroutput">[ab]</span>: matches a string that has 
  either an <strong>a</strong> or a <strong>b</strong>
    (that&#39;s the same as <span class="computeroutput">a|b</span>);</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">[a-d]</span>: a string that has lowercase 
  letters &#39;a&#39; through &#39;d&#39; (that&#39;s equal to <span class="computeroutput">a|b|c|d</span> 
  and even <span class="computeroutput">[abcd]</span>);</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">^[a-zA-Z]</span>: a string that starts with a letter;</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">[0-9]%</span>: a string that has a single 
  digit before a percent sign;</li>
        <span class="computeroutput">,[a-zA-Z0-9]$</span>: a string that ends in 
  a comma followed by an alphanumeric character.</li>

<p>You can also list the characters that do NOT want -- just use a &#39;^&#39; as 
the first symbol in a bracketed expression (i.e., 
<span class="computeroutput">%[^a-zA-Z]%</span> matches a string with a character 
that is not a letter between two percent signs).</p>

<p>Do not forget that bracket expressions are an exception to that 
rule--inside them, all special characters, including the backslash (&#39;\&#39;), 
lose their special powers (i.e., <span class="computeroutput">[*\+?{}.]</span> 
matches exactly any of the characters inside the brackets).  
To include a literal &#39;]&#39; in the list, make it the first character 
(following a possible &#39;^&#39;). To include a literal &#39;-&#39;, make it the first or last 
character, or the second endpoint of a range.</p>

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