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    <h2>17.6. FTP Services</h2>

<p>Virtuoso provides both FTP client and server functionality.  The Virtuoso FTP
client functions allow for programmatic access to ftp servers from Virtuoso/ PL to list, submit and
retrieve files from an FTP server.  The Virtuoso FTP server provides FTP access
to the Virtuoso WebDAV repository using the same authentication
and permissions system as WebDAV, and an configurable anonymous
user access.</p>

  <a name="ftpservicesclient" />
    <h3>17.6.1. FTP Client</h3>

  <p>Virtuoso provides three functions that mimic their FTP command
  counterparts.  These are:</p>

        <a href="fn_ftp_get.html">ftp_get()</a> - to retrieve a file from an FTP server.</li>
        <a href="fn_ftp_put.html">ftp_put()</a> - to submit a file to an FTP server.</li>
        <a href="fn_ftp_ls.html">ftp_ls()</a> - list the contents of a directory on an FTP server.</li>

<p>The Virtuoso client uses free ports within the range 20000 - 30000 for
active mode connections.  This is configurable using the parameters:
<span class="computeroutput">FTPServerMinFreePort</span> and
<span class="computeroutput">FTPServerMaxFreePort</span> in the
<span class="computeroutput">HTTPServer</span> section of the
Virtuoso INI file.</p>
  <br />

  <a name="ftpservicesserver" />
    <h3>17.6.2. FTP Server</h3>

  <p>Virtuoso can provide FTP access to its WebDAV repository. This
  FTP server functionality relies on the same credentials and permissions that
  WebDAV uses.  The server is enabled by listing the
  <span class="computeroutput">FTPServerPort</span> parameter in the
  <span class="computeroutput">HTTPServer</span> section of the Virtuoso INI
  file.  This parameter must be accompanied by a port number to listen at.</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
FTPServerPort = 21

  <p>Will instruct Virtuoso to listen for FTP requests on the default FTP
  port of 21.</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
FTPServerTimeout = 600

<p>To control timeout of connections use &quot;FTPServerTimeout&quot; ini parameter.
The default time out is 600 sec. This is only for command connection.</p>

  <p>The Virtuoso FTP server can be instructed to create a session log file
  using the parameter:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
FTPServerLogFile = ftpserver

<p>If specified Virtuoso will produce an FTP server log file with the date
appended to the name given in the parameter and the files extension as &quot;.log&quot;.
The log file is rotated daily.  It will contain the following information:</p>

      <span class="computeroutput">ftpserverDDMMYYYY.log</span> :-</p>
      <li>Client Host Name</li>
      <li>Authorized User</li>
      <li>User Command</li>
      <li>Server Response Code</li>
      <li>Bytes Transferred</li>

<p>An example of which is:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">
hostname anonymous [22/Oct/2003:15:21:43 +0300] &quot;PASS; 230 0
hostname anonymous [22/Oct/2003:15:23:11 +0300] &quot;LIST&quot; 226 162
hostname dav [22/Oct/2003:15:25:00 +0300] &quot;PASS &lt;hidden&gt;&quot; 230 0

  <p>Virtuoso can allow special &quot;anonymous&quot; user access to the FTP Server
  by supplying the following Virtuoso INI file parameter:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
FTPServerAnonymousLogin = 0

<p>The anonymous user is not a real user, it has no SQL or DAV login ability.
The anonymous user can only access collections or resources that are set to public.
The password of the anonymous user is trivially checked to contain the &quot;@&quot; symbol
and is shown in plain-text for the &quot;PASS&quot; command detailed in the log file.
Valid DAV users passwords are never revealed in the FTP log file.
By default anonymous login is denied.</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
FTPServerAnonymousHome = /DAV/dir_name/
<p>You can control the anonymous user home dir by &quot;FTPServerAnonymousHome&quot; parameter in the ini fail.
By default home dir for anonymous user is DAV root dir.</p>

  <p>The Virtuoso server supports the usual variety of commands such as:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
DELE    RMD     MKD     PWD     SYST

By default the server uses free ports within the range 20000 - 30000 for passive
mode connections.  This is configurable using the parameters:
<span class="computeroutput">FTPServerMinFreePort</span> and
<span class="computeroutput">FTPServerMaxFreePort</span> in the
<span class="computeroutput">HTTPServer</span> section of the
Virtuoso INI file.</p>

<p>The FTP server root directory is the home directory of the authenticated
DAV user.</p>

<div class="tip">
      <div class="tiptitle">See Also:</div>
        <a href="">RFC-959</a>
        <a href="">RFC-2389</a>
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