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    <h1>2. Installation Guide</h1>
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      <a href="installation.html">Installation Guide</a>
        <a href="installwin32.html" title="Virtuoso for Windows">Virtuoso for Windows</a>
        <a href="linuxinstall.html" title="Virtuoso for Linux (Enterprise Edition)">Virtuoso for Linux (Enterprise Edition)</a>
        <a href="unxinstvirt.html" title="Virtuoso for Unix (Enterprise Edition)">Virtuoso for Unix (Enterprise Edition)</a>
        <a href="unixpersonainstall.html" title="Virtuoso for Unix (Personal Edition)">Virtuoso for Unix (Personal Edition)</a>
        <a href="installmacosx.html" title="Virtuoso for Mac OS X">Virtuoso for Mac OS X</a>
        <a href="installvsgrid.html" title="Virtuoso ADO.Net Data Grid Form Application">Virtuoso ADO.Net Data Grid Form Application</a>
        <a href="installvsent.html" title="Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an Entity Frameworks based Windows Form Application">Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an Entity Frameworks based Windows Form Application</a>
        <a href="installusado.html" title="Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an ADO.NET Data Services based Application">Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an ADO.NET Data Services based Application</a>
        <a href="installwfas.html" title="Windows Form Application for accessing Virtuoso RDF data via SPASQL using the Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider">Windows Form Application for accessing Virtuoso RDF data via SPASQL using the Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider</a>
        <a href="installcrweb.html" title="Creating a Web Browser Application to Access RDF Data Using The Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider">Creating a Web Browser Application to Access RDF Data Using The Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider</a>
        <a href="installsilver.html" title="Creating a Silverlight Application to consume the service">Creating a Silverlight Application to consume the service</a>
        <a href="installnetriadd.html" title="Creating A Simple .NET RIA Services Application To Display Data&#10;From Virtuoso">Creating A Simple .NET RIA Services Application To Display Data
From Virtuoso</a>
        <a href="installnetriavd.html" title="Creating a .Net RIA Services Application That Will Update Virtuoso Data">Creating a .Net RIA Services Application That Will Update Virtuoso Data</a>
        <a href="clusterstcnf.html" title="Cluster Installation and Config">Cluster Installation and Config</a>
      <a href="quicktours.html">Quick Start &amp; Tours</a>
      <a href="sampleapps.html">Sample ODBC &amp; JDBC Applications</a>
      <a href="concepts.html">Conceptual Overview</a>
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      <a href="accessinterfaces.html">Data Access Interfaces</a>
      <a href="sqlreference.html">SQL Reference</a>
      <a href="sqlprocedures.html">SQL Procedure Language Guide</a>
      <a href="hooks.html">Database Event Hooks</a>
      <a href="repl.html">Data Replication, Synchronization and Transformation Services</a>
      <a href="webappdevelopment.html">Web Application Development</a>
      <a href="webandxml.html">XML Support</a>
      <a href="rdfandsparql.html">RDF Data Access and Data Management</a>
      <a href="webservices.html">Web Services</a>
      <a href="runtimehosting.html">Runtime Hosting</a>
      <a href="internetservices.html">Internet Services</a>
      <a href="freetext.html">Free Text Search</a>
      <a href="tpcc.html">TPC C Benchmark Kit</a>
      <a href="xa.html">Using Virtuoso with Tuxedo</a>
      <a href="appendixa.html">Appendix</a>
      <a href="functions.html">Virtuoso Functions Guide</a>
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   <div class="abstract">
      <p>This chapter applies exclusively to the various commercial releases of Virtuoso.  If you are working with the open source version, please refer to the instructions on the web site where you obtained it.  
This chapter describes how to install OpenLink Virtuoso VDBMS.  It 
contains both a quick start install guide and full walk through install guides 
for major platforms.</p>
      <p>Virtuoso has been designed from the ground-up to be easy to implement.</p>
      <p>The installation generally runs without problems, run the setup program or script and follow
	the on screen instruction prompts.  You will be asked some questions, if in any doubt please follow
	the instructions in this guide in order to install and configure your Virtuoso components correctly. </p>
      <p>Once installed, each instance of Virtuoso is controlled by an
INI (initialization) file.  This file links the Virtuoso Server
process with an actual database file or device.  For example, the demo
instance of Virtuoso on all platforms is controlled by the demo.ini
file that is found in the demo directory along with the demo.db and
related files.  There is a one-to-one relationship between server
processes and database files.</p>
      <p>The INI file is a text file consisting of keys and key values.
You will set several of these values during installation.  At any time
thereafter, their values can be changed by editing the INI file with a
standard text editor.</p>
      <p>The details of the INI file sections, keys, and the meanings of
the key values are described in the <a href="databaseadmsrv.html#configsrvstupfiles">Configuring Server Startup Files</a>
    <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
   <div class="minitoc">
        <a class="sect1" href="installwin32.html">2.1. Virtuoso for Windows</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwin32.html#b4ustart">2.1.1. Before You Start</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwin32.html#knowthywinvirt">2.1.2. Getting To Know Your Virtuoso Components</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwin32.html#InstallStepsWin">2.1.3. Installation Steps</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwin32.html#wininstpost">2.1.4. Post Installation</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwin32.html#startvdbms">2.1.5. Starting Your Virtuoso Server</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwin32.html#CreatingDeletingServices">2.1.6. Creating and Deleting Virtuoso Services </a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwin32.html#ConfiguringVirtuosoClients">2.1.7. Configuring Virtuoso Client Components</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwin32.html#defpasschgwin">2.1.8. Default passwords</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="linuxinstall.html">2.2. Virtuoso for Linux (Enterprise Edition)</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="linuxinstall.html#b4instlin">2.2.1. Before You Install</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="linuxinstall.html#instproclinux">2.2.2. Installation Process</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="linuxinstall.html#linuxinstpost">2.2.3. Post Installation</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="linuxinstall.html#linautovirt">2.2.4. Starting Virtuoso Automatically on Reboot</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="linuxinstall.html#defpasschglin">2.2.5. Default passwords</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="unxinstvirt.html">2.3. Virtuoso for Unix (Enterprise Edition)</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="unxinstvirt.html#b4instunx">2.3.1. Before You Install</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="unxinstvirt.html#instprocunx">2.3.2. Installation Process</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="unxinstvirt.html#unxinstvirtinstpost">2.3.3. Post Installation</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="unxinstvirt.html#unxautovirt">2.3.4. Starting Virtuoso Automatically on Reboot</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="unxinstvirt.html#defpasschgunx">2.3.5. Default passwords</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="unixpersonainstall.html">2.4. Virtuoso for Unix (Personal Edition)</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="unixpersonainstall.html#unixpersonainstalldescr">2.4.1. Installation</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="unixpersonainstall.html#unixpersonainstallinstpost">2.4.2. Post Installation</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="unixpersonainstall.html#unixpersonainstallconfg">2.4.3. Configuration</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="unixpersonainstall.html#installdemopersonaledition">2.4.4. Demo Database</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="installmacosx.html">2.5. Virtuoso for Mac OS X</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installmacosx.html#macosxbeforeuinst">2.5.1. Before You Install</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installmacosx.html#macosxinst">2.5.2. Installation Process</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installmacosx.html#macosxconfigur">2.5.3. Configuration</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installmacosx.html#macosxinstpost">2.5.4. Post Installation</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installmacosx.html#macosxodbcdsnconf">2.5.5. Configuring an ODBC Data Source</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installmacosx.html#macosxodbcdsntest">2.5.6. Testing an ODBC Data Source</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installmacosx.html#defpasschgmac">2.5.7. Default passwords</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installmacosx.html#installdemomac">2.5.8. Demo Database</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="installvsgrid.html">2.6. Virtuoso ADO.Net Data Grid Form Application</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="installvsent.html">2.7. Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an Entity Frameworks based Windows Form Application</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installvsent.html#installvsentprereq">2.7.1. Pre-requisites</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installvsent.html#installvsentcreatedb">2.7.2. Create the School database and schema</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installvsent.html#installvsentgenmodel">2.7.3. Generating the School Entity Data Mode</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installvsent.html#installvsentqueryentity">2.7.4. Querying Entities and Associations</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installvsent.html#installvsentinsertandupdate">2.7.5. Inserting and Updating Data</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="installusado.html">2.8. Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an ADO.NET Data Services based Application</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installusado.html#installusadointro">2.8.1. Introduction</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installusado.html#installusadogetstart">2.8.2. Getting Started: Creating Data Services</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installusado.html#installusadocreateservice">2.8.3. Creating a Data Service using the ADO.NET Entity Framework</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="installwfas.html">2.9. Windows Form Application for accessing Virtuoso RDF data via SPASQL using the Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwfas.html#installwfasintro">2.9.1. Pre-requisites</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwfas.html#installwfasgetstart">2.9.2. Creating the Application</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwfas.html#installwfasxtendcomlab">2.9.3. Extending RDFDemo to Allow Dereferencing of External IRIs</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwfas.html#installwfasxtendcomplab">2.9.4. Extending RDFDemo to Display More Compact Labels</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwfas.html#installwfasmodify">2.9.5. Modifying the Northwind Ontology to Add Labels</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwfas.html#installwfasxtendlongtext">2.9.6. Extending RDFDemo to Display Images and Longer Text Fields.</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installwfas.html#installwfasxtendproplab">2.9.7. Extending RDFDemo To Make The Property Labels Clickable</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="installcrweb.html">2.10. Creating a Web Browser Application to Access RDF Data Using The Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installcrweb.html#installcrwebintro">2.10.1. Pre-requisites</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installcrweb.html#installcrwebcrserv">2.10.2. Creating the Web Service</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installcrweb.html#installcrbrappl">2.10.3. Creating the Browser Application</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installcrweb.html#installcrwebiis">2.10.4. Deploy With IIS</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="installsilver.html">2.11. Creating a Silverlight Application to consume the service</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installsilver.html#installsilverpreq">2.11.1. Pre-requisites</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installsilver.html#installsilvercrser">2.11.2. Creating the Application for Silverlight.</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="installnetriadd.html">2.12. Creating A Simple .NET RIA Services Application To Display Data
From Virtuoso</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installnetriadd.html#installnetriaddpreq">2.12.1. Pre-requisites</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installnetriadd.html#installnetriaddcrser">2.12.2. Creating the Application</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installnetriadd.html#installnetriaddcrdf">2.12.3. Displaying RDF Data</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installnetriadd.html#installnetriaddcnext">2.12.4. Next Steps</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="installnetriavd.html">2.13. Creating a .Net RIA Services Application That Will Update Virtuoso Data</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installnetriavd.html#installnetriavdpreq">2.13.1. Pre-requisites</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installnetriavd.html#installnetriavdcrser">2.13.2. Creating the Application</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="installnetriavd.html#installnetriavdcrprup">2.13.3. Propagate Updates to Virtuoso</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="clusterstcnf.html">2.14. Cluster Installation and Config</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="clusterstcnf.html#clusterstcnfsetup">2.14.1. Creating New Cluster Setup</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="clusterstcnf.html#clusterstcnfconfig">2.14.2. Cluster Config</a>
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