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    <h1>2. Installation Guide</h1>
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      <a href="installation.html">Installation Guide</a>
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      <a href="installwin32.html">Virtuoso for Windows</a>
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      <a href="unxinstvirt.html">Virtuoso for Unix (Enterprise Edition)</a>
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      <a href="installmacosx.html">Virtuoso for Mac OS X</a>
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      <a href="installvsgrid.html">Virtuoso ADO.Net Data Grid Form Application</a>
      <a href="installvsent.html">Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an Entity Frameworks based Windows Form Application</a>
      <a href="installusado.html">Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an ADO.NET Data Services based Application</a>
      <a href="installwfas.html">Windows Form Application for accessing Virtuoso RDF data via SPASQL using the Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider</a>
      <a href="installcrweb.html">Creating a Web Browser Application to Access RDF Data Using The Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider</a>
      <a href="installsilver.html">Creating a Silverlight Application to consume the service</a>
      <a href="installnetriadd.html">Creating A Simple .NET RIA Services Application To Display Data
From Virtuoso</a>
      <a href="installnetriavd.html">Creating a .Net RIA Services Application That Will Update Virtuoso Data</a>
      <a href="clusterstcnf.html">Cluster Installation and Config</a>
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    <h2>2.6. Virtuoso ADO.Net Data Grid Form Application</h2>
  <p>This section details the steps required to create a simple Visual Studio 2008 Windows Form
application with associated DataGridView control for displaying data in selected tables from a Virtuoso
      <li>Launch the Visual Studio 2008 SP1 IDE.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Visual Studio" src="../images/ui/insg1.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Visual Studio</td>
      <li>Create a Web Application project by going to the File menu in Visual Studio and choosing New Project.
      <li>When the New Project window appears, choose either Visual Basic or Visual C# as the programming language.
      <li>Within the language category, click on Windows and select Windows Form Application from the right-hand panel.
      <li>Choose a name for the project, for example VirtuosoDataGridApp, and click OK.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="name for the project" src="../images/ui/insg5.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. name for the project</td>
      <li>From the Data, menu select the Show Data Sources menu item to display a list of available Data sources.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Show Data Sources" src="../images/ui/insg6.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Show Data Sources</td>
      <li>Click on the Add New Data Source link to add a new data source.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Add New Data Source" src="../images/ui/insg7.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Add New Data Source</td>
      <li>In the Data Source Configuration Wizard dialog  Choose Data Source Type page, select the Database data source type and click Next.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Data Source Configuration Wizard" src="../images/ui/insg8.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Data Source Configuration Wizard</td>
      <li>In the Data Source Configuration Wizard dialog Choose your Data Connection page, select the New Connection button.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Data Connection page" src="../images/ui/insg9.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Data Connection page</td>
      <li>In the Choose Data Source dialog, select OpenLink Virtuoso Data Source from the list and click Continue.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="OpenLink Virtuoso Data Source" src="../images/ui/insg10.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. OpenLink Virtuoso Data Source</td>
      <li>In the Add Connection dialog, specify the hostname, portno, username, and password
for the target Virtuoso Server and check the Save Password check box.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Add Connection dialog" src="../images/ui/insg11.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Add Connection dialog</td>
      <li>Select the Select Database From List radio button and choose School from the drop down list
of available databases.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Select Database From List" src="../images/ui/insg12.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Select Database From List</td>
      <li>Click the Test Connection button to verify the connection is successful and then
click OK to add the connection.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Test Connection" src="../images/ui/insg13.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Test Connection</td>
      <li>Select the  Yes, include sensitive data in the connect string radio button and click Next to continue.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="connect string" src="../images/ui/insg14.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. connect string</td>
      <li>In the Choose your Database Objects dialog select the table and columns to be queried, the shippers table is used in this example.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Choose your Database Objects" src="../images/ui/insg15.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Choose your Database Objects</td>
      <li>A DataSet for the shippers database object is created
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="shippers database" src="../images/ui/insg16.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. shippers database</td>
      <li>From the drop down list box next to the Shippers table ensure the DataGridView item is selected
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="DataGridView" src="../images/ui/insg17.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. DataGridView</td>
      <li>Drag the Shippers DataSet item onto the Form to create a scrollable and editable association of the Shippers table object with the Data Grid View automatically.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Drag" src="../images/ui/insg18.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Drag</td>
      <li>From the Debug Menu select the Start Debugging menu item to run the application.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Debug" src="../images/ui/insg19.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Debug</td>
      <li>The data in the Shippers table will be displayed in the DataGrid application created.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="DataGrid" src="../images/ui/insg20.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. DataGrid</td>
      <li>A new row can be inserted (updated or deleted) as indicated for the new DHL record inserted below and the  save button clicked to save the change to the database.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="new row" src="../images/ui/insg21.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. new row</td>
      <li>The Virtuoso Interactive SQL tab of the Conductor can be used to run the query select * from Demo..Shippers.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Interactive SQL tab" src="../images/ui/insg22.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. Interactive SQL tab</td>
      <li>To verify the change has been successfully made in the database.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="verify" src="../images/ui/insg23.png" />
            <td>Figure: 2.6.1. verify</td>
  <p>The task is now complete.</p>
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