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    <h1>16. Runtime Hosting</h1>
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      <a href="preface.html">Preface</a>
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      <a href="runtimehosting.html">Runtime Hosting</a>
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      <a href="rthactivation.html">Runtime Environments</a>
      <a href="rthclr.html">CLR, .Net &amp; ASPX Host</a>
      <a href="rthclrmono.html">CLR &amp; Mono</a>
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      <a href="javaextvm.html">Embedded Java VM API</a>
        <a href="#virtvsjvmthreads" title="Correspondence Between Virtuoso &amp; Java VM Threads">Correspondence Between Virtuoso &amp; Java VM Threads</a>
        <a href="#virtpljvmtypemapp" title="Virtuoso/PL &lt;-&gt; Java VM Type Mapping Schema">Virtuoso/PL &lt;-&gt; Java VM Type Mapping Schema</a>
        <a href="#referencestojvminvpl" title="References to Java VM Class Instances in Virtuoso/PL">References to Java VM Class Instances in Virtuoso/PL</a>
        <a href="#correctjavatype" title="Specifying the Correct Java Type When Passing Values from Virtuoso/PL">Specifying the Correct Java Type When Passing Values from Virtuoso/PL</a>
        <a href="#virtjavabifs" title="Virtuoso Java PL API VSEs">Virtuoso Java PL API VSEs</a>
        <a href="#jvmapisecurity" title="Java Security">Java Security</a>
      <a href="cinterface.html">Virtuoso Server Extension Interface (VSEI) (C Interface)</a>
      <a href="vseplugins.html">VSEI Plugins</a>
    <br />
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    <a name="javaextvm" />
    <h2>16.4. Embedded Java VM API</h2>

  <p>The Java VM is an embedded system within Virtuoso that allows the
  calling of class Java methods and getting class properties.  It uses the
  JAVA JNI API to interact with the JAVA VM.</p>

  <a name="virtvsjvmthreads" />
    <h3>16.4.1. Correspondence Between Virtuoso &amp; Java VM Threads</h3>

    <p>At maximum one Java VM will be started on demand. If a function from the
    Java VM API is called and no JVM is running, one will be started, as required.
    Since Virtuoso is multithreaded it requires JDK version 1.3 or above in order
    to make better use of it&#39;s multithreading support.  If the Java VM is already
    running the API VSEs attaches the current Virtuoso working thread, if not
    already attached, as a Java VM thread to the running VM.  The Virtuoso
    worker thread does not automatically detached itself from the Java VM after
    use, therefore, in order to prevent leaving redundant Virtuoso worker threads
    being left attached to the Java VM the
    <a href="fn_java_vm_detach.html">java_vm_detach()</a>
    VSE should be used.</p>

    <p>The following require access to the Java VM:</p>
      <li>all Virtuoso JAVA PL API (JVM VSEs)</li>
      <li>allocating/deallocating/copying of the Virtuoso/PL Java VM class
      reference values.</li>

    <p>If no subsequent JVM VSEs are called after calling
    <span class="computeroutput">java_vm_detach()</span>, the worker thread can still attach to
    the VM in order to deallocate or copy Java VM class reference values.
    In order to ensure that the worker thread is properly detached it is
    advisable to set all the variables that may hold Java VM class reference
    values to NULL, which deallocates their current value, before calling the
    <span class="computeroutput">java_vm_detach()</span> JVM VSE.</p>

    <p>Attaching and detaching Virtuoso worker threads is marked as a debug
    level message in the Virtuoso Event log, so that these messages can be used to
    debug the process.</p>
  <br />

  <a name="virtpljvmtypemapp" />
    <h3>16.4.2. Virtuoso/PL &lt;-&gt; Java VM Type Mapping Schema</h3>

    <p>Since the Java language uses a different set of data types than
    Virtuoso a type mapping system has been established to allow the passage of data
    to and from Java.  All Java simple types are mapped to a corresponding
    Virtuoso type as follows:</p>

<table class="data">
      <caption>Table: Java - Virtuoso Data Type Mapping</caption>
     <th class="data">Java Type/Class</th>
     <th class="data">Virtuoso Internal Type</th>
        <td class="data">boolean</td>
       <td class="data">smallint</td>
        <td class="data">char</td>
       <td class="data">smallint</td>
        <td class="data">double</td>
       <td class="data">double precision</td>
        <td class="data">float</td>
       <td class="data">real</td>
        <td class="data">int</td>
       <td class="data">integer</td>
        <td class="data">short</td>
       <td class="data">integer</td>
        <td class="data">long</td>
       <td class="data">integer</td>
        <td class="data">boolean</td>
       <td class="data">smallint</td>
        <td class="data">java.lang.String</td>
       <td class="data">NVARCHAR</td>
        <td class="data">java.util.Date</td>
       <td class="data">DATETIME</td>
    <br />

    <p>All other Java objects are represented as a special Virtuoso value,
    which contains a reference to the Java object in the VM memory space.  When
    such a value is returned as a Virtuoso/PL return value or as a result set
    column, it calls the <span class="computeroutput">java.lang.Object.toString()</span> method
    for the Java VM object it refers to and that result is returned to the
    calling client.</p>

    <p>Arrays are mapped to a Virtuoso vector of their elements.  The array
    handling routines are recursive, so each element may be a Java array or a
    scalar type.</p>

    <p>The above mappings are applied when converting Virtuoso/PL data to
    Java data as follows:</p>

      <li>method parameter values in java_call_method VSE</li>
      <li>method parameter values in java_new_object VSE</li>
      <li>property values in java_set_property VSE</li>
      <li>the instance parameters in
      java_call_method/java_get_property/java_set_property VSEs</li>

    <p>The above mappings are applied in the opposite direction
    (Java Data -&gt; Virtuoso/PL data) as follows:</p>

      <li>method return values in java_call_method VSE</li>
      <li>return value of the java_new_object VSE</li>
      <li>property values returned from java_get_property VSE</li>

  <br />

  <a name="referencestojvminvpl" />
    <h3>16.4.3. References to Java VM Class Instances in Virtuoso/PL</h3>

    <p>Java Class instances are represented as a Virtuoso/PL variable values
    using a Java VM Global Reference.  Each time such a Virtuoso/PL variable
    value is created or copied, it adds a Java VM Global Reference.  When it is
    freed, it removes the Java VM global reference, allowing the Java
    Garbage collector (GC) to free it.  Each of the API VSEs create a Java VM
    local frame upon it&#39;s start, and frees it upon exit. This allows for
    fast deallocation of the local objects created by mapping Virtuoso/PL native
    values to Java objects.</p>
  <br />

  <a name="correctjavatype" />
    <h3>16.4.4. Specifying the Correct Java Type When Passing Values from Virtuoso/PL</h3>

    <p>Each method parameter in the
    <span class="computeroutput">java_new_object()</span>/<span class="computeroutput">java_call_method()</span>
    can be either the value itself or a two-element vector.  When it is a
    two-element vector it&#39;s first element is the JNI type signature string,
    e.g.: for integer - I, for array of integers - [I], for
    java.lang.String - Ljava/lang/String.  The signature is important because
    the Java VM JNI API needs it in order to find the appropriate
  <br />

  <a name="virtjavabifs" />
    <h3>16.4.5. Virtuoso Java PL API VSEs</h3>

    <p>The API consists of the following VSEs:</p>

        <a href="fn_java_call_method.html">java_call_method()</a>
        <a href="fn_java_set_property.html">java_set_property()</a>
        <a href="fn_java_get_property.html">java_get_property()</a>
        <a href="fn_java_load_class.html">java_load_class()</a>
        <a href="fn_java_new_object.html">java_new_object()</a>
        <a href="fn_java_vm_attach.html">java_vm_attach()</a>
        <a href="fn_java_vm_detach.html">java_vm_detach()</a>

  <br />

<a name="jvmapisecurity" />
    <h3>16.4.6. Java Security</h3>

<p>Java classes are hosted in one of two modes:</p>


    <p>Java class Permissions are managed by security classes that fall into
  categories as follows listed with it managing class:</p>
      <li>File -</li>
      <li>Socket -</li>
      <li>Net -</li>
      <li>Security -</li>
      <li>Runtime - java.lang.RuntimePermission</li>
      <li>Property - java.util.PropertyPermission</li>
      <li>AWT - java.awt.AWTPermission</li>
      <li>Reflect - java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission</li>
      <li>Serializable -</li>

	<p>Restricted classes are not allowed any of the above privileges.
	Virtuoso returns errors that are returned by the security manager if
	breaches in security are attempted by a hosted Java class.</p>

  <p>By default all Java classes are imported/created/hosted in restricted
  mode.  To create Java class based user defined types that are unrestricted
  you need to use create type syntax with UNRESTRICTED keyword.  The
  <a href="fn_import_jar.html">import_jar()</a>
  function can also be used to import classes, its third optional parameter
  can be used to define the security mode.</p>

  <div class="note">
      <div class="notetitle">Note:</div>
    <p>New behavior since Virtuoso 3.2 provides these two security modes
	defaulting to restricted.  Prior to this Java classes were hosted in
    unrestricted mode.</p>

  <a name="ex_javasecurity" />
    <div class="example">
      <div class="exampletitle">Java Security</div>

  <p>The class Write_file, shown below, will attempt to write to a file on
  the file system.  This class will be used to create a user defined type first
  in unrestricted mode and then in restricted mode to demonstrate how security
  exceptions are returned.</p>

  <p>Source of</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">

public class Write_file
  public String write ()
      String myFile = &quot;foo&quot;;
      File f = new File(myFile);
      DataOutputStream dos;

	  dos = new DataOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream (myFile),128));

      catch (IOException ioe)
	  System.out.println(&quot;writeFile: caught i/o exception&quot;);

      return &quot;OK&quot;;

  <p>Create the unrestricted type:</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
create type &quot;Write_file&quot; language JAVA external name &#39;Write_file&#39;
  unrestricted METHOD &quot;write&quot; ()
  returns nvarchar external type &#39;Ljava/lang/String;&#39; external name &#39;write&#39;;

  <p>Test calling the method:</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
SQL&gt; select new Write_file().write();


  <p>Now we want to recreate the type in restricted mode, remembering to
  drop it first:</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
drop type DB.DBA.write_file;

create type &quot;Write_file&quot; language JAVA external name &#39;Write_file&#39;
  METHOD &quot;write&quot; ()
  returns nvarchar external type &#39;Ljava/lang/String;&#39; external name &#39;write&#39;;

  <p>Test calling the method:</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
SQL&gt; select new Write_file().write();

*** Error 42000: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]JV001: Java exception
occurred : : access denied
( foo write)
in  __udt_method_call:(BIF),
&lt;Top Level&gt;
at line 1 of Top-Level:
select new Write_file().write()

  <p>Another way to import the above class is by use the
  <span class="computeroutput">import_jar()</span> such as:</p>
        <pre class="programlisting">
import_jar (NULL, &#39;Write_file&#39;, 1) - will import java classes in unrestricted mode.
import_jar (NULL, &#39;Write_file&#39;) - will import java classes in restricted mode.
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