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        <a href="#openldapinstall" title="LDAP Server">LDAP Server</a>
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    <h2>17.8. LDAP</h2>
  <p>The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol for 
  accessing online directory services.  It runs directly over TCP and can be 
  used to access a standalone LDAP directory service or a directory service 
  maintained by X.500.  A directory is type of database that stores information 
  that is read more often that written to and so services are typically 
  geared for high volume read access and offer simpler  transaction 
  support  than general purpose databases.  The LDAP directory service model is based 
  on entries.  An entry is a collection of attributes that has a &quot;distinguished 
  name&quot; (DN).  The DN is used to refer to the entry unambiguously.  Each of the 
  entry&#39;s attributes has a type and one or more values.  The types are typically 
  mnemonic strings, like &quot;cn&quot; for common name, or &quot;mail&quot; for email address.  
  The values depend on what type of attribute it is: an email attribute might 
  contain the string value &quot;;.  A jpegPhoto attribute would contain 
  a photograph in binary JPEG format.</p>
  <p>LDAP directory entries are arranged in a hierarchical tree-like 
  structure that may reflect political, geographic and/or organizational 
  boundaries.  Hence, entries representing countries appear at the top of 
  the tree, below them are entries representing states or national 
  organizations, then, entries representing people, printers, documents, 
  anything else...</p>
  <p>LDAP provides methods for authentication.  Directories can be made 
  accessible to the general public or protected however the case may be.</p>
  <p>LDAP is made for finding people and resources on a network.  It provides 
  a completely different functionality from web searches such as yahoo or 
  webcrawler, which work simply by text matching and often return many thousand&#39;s
  of entries.  Using an LDAP directory to locate something however, if you know 
  the approximate location of where it is, such as what organization and country 
  it is in, then you can do a search and return much fewer entries.  LDAP is 
  a vendor independent open protocol.  The fact that organizations can alter it 
  to their own needs is key.  Also, large companies can use it as the basis for 
  their own more complex directory servers.</p>
  <p>There are common misconceptions about the role of LDAP.  
  LDAP is not intended as a replacement for local databases.  They are not 
  built to be added and modified too easily and thus would not work in a 
  situation such as an airline reservation system.  Also, LDAP is not meant 
  to be a replacement for DNS.  DNS is a specialized well used service on the 
  Internet for matching IP addresses to real names.  However databases and DNS 
  and LDAP like most Internet services work very well in collaboration.</p>
  <p>Virtuoso has the ability to act as an LDAP client, using built-in 
  functions, and has been tested as a back end for the OpenLDAP server.</p>

  <a name="vldapclient" />
    <h3>17.8.1. LDAP Client</h3>
  <p>Virtuoso provides four functions for accessing an LDAP Directory 

        <a href="fn_ldap_search.html">ldap_search()</a>
        <a href="fn_ldap_delete.html">ldap_delete()</a>
        <a href="fn_ldap_add.html">ldap_add()</a>
        <a href="fn_ldap_modify.html">ldap_modify()</a>

  <p>You can call each function independently.  Each 
  invocation of a function creates a separate LDAP session which is closed at 
  the end of the operation.</p>
  <p>URLs beginning with <span class="computeroutput">ldaps://</span> invoke a
  non-conditional SSL operation.  Such URLs cannot be used with the 
  <span class="computeroutput">try_tls</span> flag set.  If the URL does not contain a 
  port number then Virtuoso will use the default port number 389 for &lt;ldap://&gt; 
  and port number 636 for &lt;ldaps://&gt;.</p>
  <p>The <span class="computeroutput">username</span> and <span class="computeroutput">password</span> 
  optional parameters are used to bind LDAP connections using basic authentication.  
  If the operation is permitted to all users then you can leave these parameters 
  <br />

  <a name="openldapinstall" />
    <h3>17.8.2. LDAP Server</h3>
  <p>Virtuoso is not an LDAP server but can easily provide a data 
  back-end to one, such as OpenLDAP.  This section explains how to incorporate 
  OpenLDAP with Virtuoso on the Linux platform.  For other platforms the 
  installation of OpenLDAP and configuration of the ODBC data source may differ.</p>
        <p>download the OpenLDAP distribution from <a href=""></a>.</p>
        <p>Build OpenLDAP with the --enable-sql option.</p>
        <p>You may need the iODBC library installed, which can be obtained from <a href=""></a>.</p>
        <p>install the LDAP server using: make install</p>
        <p>copy the following text into the slapd.conf</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
include         /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema

pidfile         /usr/local/var/
argsfile        /usr/local/var/slapd.args

database        sql
suffix          &quot;c=BG&quot;
rootdn          &quot;cn=root,o=opl,c=US&quot;
rootpw          secret
dbname          1111
dbuser          dba
dbpasswd        dba
subtree_cond    &quot;UPPER(ldap_entries.dn) LIKE CONCAT(&#39;%&#39;,UPPER(?))&quot;
upper_func      UPPER

access to attr=userPassword
  by self write
  by anonymous auth
  by dn=&quot;cn=root,o=opl,c=BG&quot; write
  by * none

access to *
  by self write
  by anonymous auth
  by * read
        <p>Configure the ODBC data source named &#39;1111&#39; for your running Virtuoso server.</p>
        <p>Apply the virt_back.sql script against a running virtuoso server, for example with isql. </p>
        <p>If you can also apply the virt_testdb.sql to insert some demo schema and entries into the DB.</p>
        <p>Export ODBCINI variable: export ODBCINI=&lt;location of your odbc.ini&gt;.</p>
        <p>Start the slapd executable with debug option: &#39;slapd -d5&#39; to ensure that all settings are correct.</p>

<a name="virtbacksql" />
    <h4> The virt_back.sql Script</h4>

      <pre class="programlisting">
create table ldap_oc_mappings (
	id 		integer identity primary key,
	name 		varchar (64) not null,
	keytbl 		varchar (64) not null,
	keycol 		varchar (64) not null,
	create_proc 	varchar (255),
	delete_proc 	varchar (255),
	expect_return 	integer not null

create unique index ldap_oc_mappings_name on ldap_oc_mappings (name);

create table ldap_attr_mappings (
	id 		integer identity primary key,
	oc_map_id 	integer not null references ldap_oc_mappings(id),
	name 		varchar (255) not null,
	sel_expr 	varchar (255) not null,
	from_tbls 	varchar (255) not null,
	join_where 	varchar (255),
	add_proc 	varchar (255),
	modify_proc 	varchar (255),
	delete_proc 	varchar (255),
	param_order 	integer not null,
	expect_return 	integer not null

create table ldap_entries (
	id 		integer identity primary key,
	dn 		varchar (255) not null ,
	oc_map_id 	integer not null references ldap_oc_mappings(id),
	parent 		integer not null ,
	keyval 		integer not null

create unique index ldap_entries_oc_map_id_keyval on ldap_entries (oc_map_id, keyval);

create unique index ldap_entries_dn on ldap_entries (dn);

create table ldap_referrals
	entry_id 	integer not null references ldap_entries(id),
	url 		varchar not null

create index entry_idx on ldap_referrals(entry_id);

create table ldap_entry_objclasses
	entry_id 	integer not null references ldap_entries(id),
	oc_name 	varchar(64)

create index entry_idx_entry_id on ldap_entry_objclasses(entry_id);
<br />

<a name="virttestdbsql" />
    <h4> The virt_testdb.sql Script</h4>

      <pre class="programlisting">
create table authors_docs (
	pers_id integer not null ,
	doc_id integer not null,
	primary key  (pers_id, doc_id)

create table documents (
	id integer identity not null ,
	abstract varchar (255) null ,
	title varchar (255) null ,
	body binary (255) null,
	primary key  (id)

create table institutes (
	id integer identity  not null ,
	name varchar (255) not null,
	primary key  (id)

create table persons (
	id integer identity  not null ,
	name varchar (255) null,
	sname varchar (255) null,
	email varchar (255) null,
	passw varchar (255) null,
	primary key  (id)


create table phones (
	id integer identity  not null ,
	phone varchar (255) not null ,
	pers_id integer not null,
	primary key  (id)


insert into institutes (id,name) values (1,&#39;&#39;);
insert into institutes (id,name) values (2,&#39;opl&#39;);

insert into persons (id,name,sname,email,passw)
  values (1,&#39;Mitko Iliev&#39;, &#39;Iliev&#39;, &#39;;, &#39;abc&#39;);
insert into persons (id,name,sname,email,passw)
  values (2,&#39;George Kodinov&#39;, &#39;Kodinov&#39;, &#39;;, &#39;cde&#39;);
insert into persons (id,name,sname,email,passw)
  values (3,&#39;Zdravko Tashev&#39;, &#39;Tashev&#39;, &#39;;, &#39;efg&#39;);

insert into phones (id,phone,pers_id) values (1,&#39;032-947020&#39;,1);
insert into phones (id,phone,pers_id) values (2,&#39;032-633710&#39;,1);
insert into phones (id,phone,pers_id) values (3,&#39;032-947020&#39;,2);

insert into documents (id,abstract,title) values (1,&#39;abstract1&#39;,&#39;book1&#39;);
insert into documents (id,abstract,title) values (2,&#39;abstract2&#39;,&#39;book2&#39;);

insert into authors_docs (pers_id,doc_id) values (1,1);
insert into authors_docs (pers_id,doc_id) values (1,2);
insert into authors_docs (pers_id,doc_id) values (2,1);

-- LDAP mappings
insert into ldap_oc_mappings (id,name,keytbl,keycol,create_proc,delete_proc,expect_return)
  values (1,&#39;inetorgperson&#39;,&#39;persons&#39;,&#39;id&#39;,&#39;{call create_person(?)}&#39;,&#39;{call delete_person(?)}&#39;,0);

insert into ldap_oc_mappings (id,name,keytbl,keycol,create_proc,delete_proc,expect_return)
  values (2,&#39;document&#39;,&#39;documents&#39;,&#39;id&#39;,&#39;{call create_document(?)}&#39;,&#39;{call delete_document(?)}&#39;,0);

insert into ldap_oc_mappings (id,name,keytbl,keycol,create_proc,delete_proc,expect_return)
  values (3,&#39;organization&#39;,&#39;institutes&#39;,&#39;id&#39;,&#39;{call create_org(?)}&#39;,&#39;{call delete_org(?)}&#39;,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
    (id, oc_map_id, name, sel_expr, from_tbls, join_where, add_proc,
		modify_proc, delete_proc, param_order, expect_return)
  values (1,1,&#39;cn&#39;,&#39;;,&#39;persons&#39;,NULL,&#39;{call set_person_name(?,?)}&#39;, NULL,NULL,0,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
    (id, oc_map_id, name, sel_expr, from_tbls, join_where, add_proc,
    modify_proc, delete_proc, param_order, expect_return)
  values (2,1,&#39;telephoneNumber&#39;,&#39;;,&#39;persons,phones&#39;, &#39;;,
	  &#39;{call add_phone(?,?)}&#39;, NULL,&#39;{call delete_phone(?,?)}&#39;,0,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
  values (3,1,&#39;sn&#39;,&#39;persons.sname&#39;,&#39;persons&#39;,NULL,
	  &#39;{call set_person_sname(?,?)}&#39;, NULL,NULL,0,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
  values (10,1,&#39;mail&#39;,&#39;;,&#39;persons&#39;,NULL,
	  &#39;{call set_email(?,?)}&#39;, NULL,NULL,0,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
  values (10,1,&#39;userPassword&#39;,&#39;persons.passw&#39;,&#39;persons&#39;,NULL,
	  &#39;{call set_pwd (?,?)}&#39;, NULL,NULL,0,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
  values (4,2,&#39;description&#39;,&#39;documents.abstract&#39;,&#39;documents&#39;,NULL,
	  &#39;{call set_doc_abstract(?,?)}&#39;, NULL,NULL,0,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
  values (5,2,&#39;documentTitle&#39;,&#39;documents.title&#39;,&#39;documents&#39;,NULL,
	  &#39;{call set_doc_title(?,?)}&#39;, NULL,NULL,0,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
  values (7,3,&#39;o&#39;,&#39;;,&#39;institutes&#39;,NULL,
	  &#39;{call set_org_name(?,?)}&#39;, NULL,NULL,0,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
  values (8,1,&#39;documentDN&#39;,&#39;ldap_entries.dn&#39;,&#39;ldap_entries,documents,authors_docs,persons&#39;,
	  &#39; AND ldap_entries.oc_map_id=2 AND AND;,
		&#39;{call make_doc_link(?,?)}&#39;,NULL,&#39;{call del_doc_link(?,?)}&#39;,0,0);

insert into ldap_attr_mappings
  values (9,2,&#39;documentAuthor&#39;,&#39;ldap_entries.dn&#39;,&#39;ldap_entries,documents,
	  authors_docs,persons&#39;,&#39; AND ldap_entries.oc_map_id=1
		&#39;{call make_author_link(?,?)}&#39;,NULL,&#39;{call del_author_link(?,?)}&#39;,0,0);

-- entries
insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (1,&#39;c=US&#39;,3,0,1);

insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (2,&#39;o=opl,c=US&#39;,3,1,2);

insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (3,&#39;cn=Mitko Iliev,o=opl,c=US&#39;,1,2,1);

insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (4,&#39;cn=George Kodinov,o=opl,c=US&#39;,1,2,2);

insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (5,&#39;cn=Zdravko Tashev,o=opl,c=US&#39;,1,2,3);

insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (6,&#39;documentTitle=book1,o=opl,c=US&#39;,2,2,1);

insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (7,&#39;documentTitle=book2,o=opl,c=US&#39;,2,2,2);

-- testDB support procedures

CREATE PROCEDURE add_phone (in _pers_id int, in _phone varchar(255))
  INSERT INTO phones (pers_id,phone) VALUES (_pers_id,_phone);

CREATE PROCEDURE create_person (inout _keyval integer)
  INSERT INTO persons (name) VALUES (&#39;&#39;);
  _keyval := (SELECT MAX(id) FROM persons);

CREATE PROCEDURE delete_person (in _keyval integer)
  DELETE FROM phones WHERE pers_id=_keyval;
  DELETE FROM authors_docs WHERE pers_id=_keyval;
  DELETE FROM persons WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE create_org (out _keyval integer)
  INSERT INTO institutes (name) VALUES (&#39;&#39;);
  _keyval:=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM institutes);

CREATE PROCEDURE create_document (out _keyval integer)
  INSERT INTO documents (title) VALUES (&#39;&#39;);
  _keyval:=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM documents);

CREATE PROCEDURE delete_org (in _keyval integer)
  DELETE FROM institutes WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE delete_document (in _keyval integer)
  DELETE FROM authors_docs WHERE doc_id=_keyval;
  DELETE FROM documents WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE delete_phone (in _keyval integer, in _phone varchar(64) )
  DELETE FROM phones WHERE pers_id=_keyval AND phone=_phone;

CREATE PROCEDURE set_person_name (in _keyval integer, in _new_name varchar(255))
  UPDATE persons SET name=_new_name WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE set_person_sname (in _keyval integer, in _new_name varchar(255))
  UPDATE persons SET sname=_new_name WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE set_email (in _keyval integer, in _mail varchar(255))
  UPDATE persons SET email=_mail WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE set_pwd (in _keyval integer, in _mail varchar(255))
  UPDATE persons SET passw=_mail WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE set_org_name (in _keyval integer, in _new_name varchar(255))
  UPDATE institutes SET name=_new_name WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE set_doc_title ( in _keyval integer, in _new_title varchar(255)  )
  UPDATE documents SET title=_new_title WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE set_doc_abstract (in _keyval integer, in _new_abstract varchar(255)  )
  UPDATE documents SET abstract=_new_abstract WHERE id=_keyval;

CREATE PROCEDURE make_author_link (in _keyval integer, in _author_dn varchar(255)  )
  DECLARE _per_id integer;
  _per_id := (SELECT keyval FROM ldap_entries
      WHERE oc_map_id=1 AND dn=_author_dn);
  IF (_per_id IS NOT NULL)
      INSERT INTO authors_docs (doc_id,pers_id) VALUES (_keyval,_per_id);

CREATE PROCEDURE make_doc_link (in _keyval integer, in _doc_dn varchar(255)  )
  DECLARE _doc_id integer;
  _doc_id := (SELECT keyval FROM ldap_entries
      WHERE oc_map_id=2 AND dn=_doc_dn);
  IF (_doc_id IS NOT NULL)
      INSERT INTO authors_docs (pers_id,doc_id) VALUES (_keyval,_doc_id);

CREATE PROCEDURE del_doc_link (in _keyval integer, in _doc_dn varchar(255)  )
  DECLARE _doc_id integer;
_doc_id := (SELECT keyval FROM ldap_entries
      WHERE oc_map_id=2 AND dn=_doc_dn);
  IF (_doc_id IS  NOT NULL)
      DELETE FROM authors_docs WHERE pers_id=_keyval AND doc_id=_doc_id;

CREATE PROCEDURE del_author_link (in _keyval integer, in _author_dn varchar(255)  )
  DECLARE _per_id integer;
  _per_id := (SELECT keyval FROM ldap_entries
      WHERE oc_map_id=1 AND dn=_author_dn);
  IF (_per_id IS NOT NULL)
      DELETE FROM authors_docs WHERE doc_id=_keyval AND pers_id=_per_id;
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