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    <h1>2. Installation Guide</h1>
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      <a href="preface.html">Preface</a>
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      <a href="installation.html">Installation Guide</a>
    <br />
      <a href="installwin32.html">Virtuoso for Windows</a>
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      <a href="linuxinstall.html">Virtuoso for Linux (Enterprise Edition)</a>
        <a href="#b4instlin" title="Before You Install">Before You Install</a>
        <a href="#instproclinux" title="Installation Process">Installation Process</a>
        <a href="#linuxinstpost" title="Post Installation">Post Installation</a>
        <a href="#linautovirt" title="Starting Virtuoso Automatically on Reboot">Starting Virtuoso Automatically on Reboot</a>
        <a href="#defpasschglin" title="Default passwords">Default passwords</a>
      <a href="unxinstvirt.html">Virtuoso for Unix (Enterprise Edition)</a>
      <a href="unixpersonainstall.html">Virtuoso for Unix (Personal Edition)</a>
      <a href="installmacosx.html">Virtuoso for Mac OS X</a>
      <a href="installvsgrid.html">Virtuoso ADO.Net Data Grid Form Application</a>
      <a href="installvsent.html">Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an Entity Frameworks based Windows Form Application</a>
      <a href="installusado.html">Using Visual Studio 2008 to Build an ADO.NET Data Services based Application</a>
      <a href="installwfas.html">Windows Form Application for accessing Virtuoso RDF data via SPASQL using the Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider</a>
      <a href="installcrweb.html">Creating a Web Browser Application to Access RDF Data Using The Virtuoso ADO.Net Provider</a>
      <a href="installsilver.html">Creating a Silverlight Application to consume the service</a>
      <a href="installnetriadd.html">Creating A Simple .NET RIA Services Application To Display Data
From Virtuoso</a>
      <a href="installnetriavd.html">Creating a .Net RIA Services Application That Will Update Virtuoso Data</a>
      <a href="clusterstcnf.html">Cluster Installation and Config</a>
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		<a name="linuxinstall" />
    <h2>2.2. Virtuoso for Linux (Enterprise Edition)</h2>
			<a name="b4instlin" />
    <h3>2.2.1. Before You Install</h3>
			<p>To ensure a smooth installation, please review the
      following checklist before you start the setup program.</p>
				<a name="linhavudld" />
    <h4> Have you downloaded the software?</h4>
				<p>If you have not already done so, please download your copy of OpenLink
      Virtuoso from the Virtuoso web site.  The URL is
		<a href=""></a>.
		When you visit the site, select &quot;Software Download&quot;.</p>
			<br />
				<a name="linreinstvirt" />
    <h4> Reinstalling Virtuoso?</h4>
				<p>If you are reinstalling Virtuoso, you must first stop
      the Database Servers. You can shut these services down with the following command
      executed from your Linux shell prompt:</p>
				<p>Beta 1 Users</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">sh virtuoso-lite.rc stop</pre>
      <pre class="programlisting">virtuoso-lite.rc stop</pre>
      <pre class="programlisting">./virtuoso-lite.rc stop</pre>
				<p>Beta 2 Users</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">sh</pre>
      <pre class="programlisting"></pre>
      <pre class="programlisting">./</pre>
				<p>You may also want to first uninstall prior Virtuoso RPM packages.</p>
				<p>The following command (executed as root) can be used to uninstall the package:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">rpm -e virtuoso-lite-1.1-3_glibc2</pre>
      <pre class="programlisting">rpm -e virtuoso-enterprise-1.1-3_glibc2</pre>
      <pre class="programlisting">rpm -e virtuoso-lite-1.1-3_libc5</pre>
				<p>depending on Linux system and Virtuoso Server being used.</p>
			<br />
				<a name="linportsfree" />
    <h4> Are ports 1111,1112, 8889 and 8890 free?</h4>
				<p>During the installation you will be prompted for an HTTP port number for
				use by each Virtuoso System Manager. If you are already running a web server
      or other listener on that port, you will encounter problems, and should choose another
      free port when you are prompted.  </p>
				<p>By default, the Virtuoso DBMS listens on port 1111, and the Demo Database
      on 1112. If these ports is currently in use by another server then after the installation completes,
      you will need to change the port numbers in the Local Virtuoso ODBC or UDBC DSN that is
      created during the installation process, and also in the following file:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">$&lt;Directory where Virtuoso is installed&gt;/bin/virtuoso.ini</pre>
      <pre class="programlisting">/usr/local/virtuoso</pre>
				<p>but can of course be any location of your choosing.</p>
				<p>To check if a port is in use you can use the following command, and review the output:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">netstat -an | more </pre>
			<br />
				<a name="lindouvirtuser" />
    <h4> Do you already have a &quot;virtuoso&quot; user account on your Linux system?</h4>
				<p>Although this is no longer a requirement of the installation it
may be suitable to create a new Virtuoso user account for administering the Virtuoso
			<br />
				<a name="liniodbc" />
    <h4> Do you already have functional iODBC data sources on your system?</h4>
				<p>The OpenLink Virtuoso for Linux installation presumes the following:</p>
      <li>You intend to connect to a Local Virtuoso server using iODBC
          or OpenLink  UDBC</li>
      <li>You intend to connect to one or more Remote Virtuoso servers
          on your network using iODBC or UDBC </li>
      <li>You intend to Attach tables hosted within non-local or
          Remote Virtuoso database servers, into a Local or Remote Virtuoso Server</li>
      <li>The existence of functional OpenLink or third-party iODBC
          drivers for Linux that connect to the non database servers referred to above.</li>
      <li>In the absence of iODBC drivers for your non Virtuoso
          database, that a functional OpenLink or third-party UDBC Drivers exists for these database
          servers. </li>
				<p>Instructions on how to manually configure iODBC Data Source
      Names is available at the following URL:
      <a href=""></a>
      If you are using OpenLink Multi-Tier ODBC
      Drivers for your remote database connections then we highly recommend the use of the Virtuoso
      System Manager for creating iODBC Data Source Names.</p>
			<br />
				<a name="liniodbcdsnfunc" />
    <h4> Are your iODBC Data Source Names functional?</h4>
				<p>It is a useful sanity-check to ensure that your iODBC or UDBC
      data sources are functional, OpenLink provides an &quot;odbctest&quot; program for
      verifying basic usability of iODBC data sources. Both of these programs reside in the
      &quot;samples&quot; directory situated beneath the directory into which RPM installs
			<br />
		<br />
			<a name="instproclinux" />
    <h3>2.2.2. Installation Process</h3>
			<p>Once you have downloaded the required tar file from the
web or ftp site and have placed the file in a designated installation directory you are
ready to commence the Virtuoso installation process. </p>
			<p>You may want to specify a new user to own the Virtuoso
installation and then you can place the installation tar file into that users home
        <p>First step is to un-tar the file to obtain the install script 
  and archive file.  Use the following command:</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">tar xvf &lt;tar file&gt;.tar</pre>
  <p>replacing &lt;tar file&gt; with the relevant name of the file you downloaded.</p>
        <p>run the install script using the following command:</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">[virtuoso@myserver virtuoso]$ sh /</pre>
  <p>The installation process will now begin and prompt you for required information.</p>
<p>The install script will first try and detect running Virtuoso server instances.  
In cases where an old Virtuoso server is being upgraded you must ensure that 
the old Virtuoso is first shutdown.  It is advisable that you backup up your 
systems before continuing.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Checking requested components
Checking for existing installations and/or instances of Virtuoso...
 7269 ?        00:06:23 virtuoso
/proc/net/tcp: Permission denied

** Alert: [running processes; ]

** Warning: You have Virtuoso previously installed on this machine.
** To avoid existing data being overwritten or lost, you may press ^C to
** exit this installer, terminate and remove the existing installation,
** or proceed taking care to enter non-conflicting data below, by pressing
** Enter.
<p>If you are upgrading a server then the installer will save copies of 
old configuration data for later use.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Preserving any existing configurations...
find: db: No such file or directory
find: demo: No such file or directory
find: bin: No such file or directory
0 blocks
<p>You should have received a license file via email.  This file should be 
copied to the server installation directory prior to installation.  The installer 
will ask you for its location if none is found.  If you do not have the license 
file at this time the installer will still continue.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Checking licensing...

A license file is required for the Virtuoso Server Instance(s) to
start. Please enter the full path and name of a valid Virtuoso
license file [./virtuoso.lic]:
<p>Now the installer will continue to install files from the package.  Every 
file installed will be echoed to the screen.  </p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Unpacking enterprise.tar.Z
<p>When the files have been installed from the package the location 
supplied for the license file will be checked.  If one is not found then you will 
receive the following warning:</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
**  WARNING: The license file entered is not valid or does not exist.
**           You will need to copy a valid license file manually 
**           to the demo and db directories after the Virtuoso installation completes.
<p>The Virtuoso server installation has a few variations.  The next question 
from the installer asks which one you want to make default.  Even though each 
variation is installed, a convenient symbolic link will be made to 
<span class="computeroutput">bin/virtuoso</span> from the selected type.  
Running <span class="computeroutput">ls -l</span> in the bin directory after 
installation will reveal all.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Checking for installed optional components...
Please choose which Virtuoso server you wish to install:
  1) Universal Server
  2) Universal Server with iODBC
  3) Universal Server with iODBC and support for Java
  4) Universal Server with iODBC and support for PHP
  5) Universal Server with iODBC and support for Java and PHP
  6) Universal Server with iODBC and support for CLR Hosting via Mono
  7) Universal Server with iODBC and support for CLR and Java
  8) Universal Server with iODBC and support for CLR, Java and PHP4

[8] :
<p>The installer will search for required third-party components 
depending on which option is selected in the previous step.  For example, choosing 
the Virtuoso with Java support will require a Java runtime.  Results of the 
search are listed as suggestions from which you can confirm or type 
the actual location.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Attempting to locate the java runtime library (

Suggested file locations: 

Please select one of the above locations or press Enter to use
the default (/usr/local/jdk1.3/jre/lib/i386/client):
<p>The Virtuoso installer includes a Mono runtime distribution, since 
Mono is a developing platform you may have your own installation that you 
can supply the path to here.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Please enter the full path to the Mono installation directory or
Enter to use the default (/home/openlink/virtuoso/mono)
<p>Virtuoso now has enough information to configure its environment and 
startup scripts.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Setting up initial values in scripts and config files
Setting up file bin/odbc.ini
Setting up file bin/odbcinst.ini
Setting up file bin/
Setting up file bin/
Setting up file bin/
Setting up file bin/
Setting up file db/virtuoso.ini
Setting up file demo/demo.ini
Setting up file mono/bin/mcs
Setting up file virtuoso-enterprise.csh
Setting up file
Setting up file initd_startup.template
Setting up file initd_startup_demo.template
<p>The installer will now ask a series of questions for configuring the 
Virtuoso .INI files.  First confirm or alter the default database SQL listener 
port number.  This is the port number that this database will be available for 
ODBC connections and iSQL sessions.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Configuring port numbers for default and demo databases

Please enter a port on which to run the default database
SQL listener (default 1111):
<p>Now you must specify the port number of the default database HTTP 
listener.  This is the HTTP port that Virtuoso will listen on by default, you web-based 
administration interface for Virtuoso will be found here.  If you confirm the 
default of 8889, then your Virtuoso will be available from: 
<span class="computeroutput">http://server:8889/</span>, changing 
server to the name of your machine appropriately.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Please enter a port on which to run the default database
HTTP listener (default 8889):
<p>Now you must supply a friendly name that you wish to identify 
your Virtuoso server by on the network using Zero Configuration.  </p>
<div class="tip">
          <div class="tiptitle">See Also:</div>
<p>The <a href="databaseadmsrv.html#rendezvous">Zero Configuration</a> section.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Please enter a name for default database Zero Configuration
(default &quot;Virtuoso Universal Server at myserver:1111&quot;):
<p>The Zero Configuration details need a default username to make the connection with.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Please enter a user name for default database Zero Configuration
(default &quot;dba&quot;):
<p>Now we have all of the above details to supply again for the Demo Virtuoso 
database.  The port number supplied here must be different to those supplied previously.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Please enter a port on which to run the demo database
SQL listener (default 1112):

Please enter a port on which to run the demo database
HTTP listener (default 8890):

Please enter a name for demonstration database Zero Configuration
(default Virtuoso Universal Server (demonstration) at myserver:1112):

Please enter a user name for demonstration database Zero Configuration
(default demo):
<p>The Virtuoso servers have default administrator usernames of &quot;dba&quot;.  
The &quot;dba&quot; accounts have the default password of &quot;dba&quot;.  It is recommended that 
you alter this as soon as possibly for security.  The installer now provides the 
opportunity to do this the first time the server is started.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Changing passwords for the Database Universal Server

Please enter a replacement for the Default Database Server&#39;s
SQL Administrative (dba) account password (twice) :
Confirm Password : 
<p>The Virtuoso servers have default WebDAV administrator usernames 
of &quot;dav&quot;.   The &quot;dav&quot; accounts have the default password of &quot;dav&quot;.  It is 
recommended that you alter this as soon as possibly for security.  
The installer now provides the opportunity to do this the first time
the server is started.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Please enter a replacement for the Default Database&#39;s
WebDAV administrative (dav) account password (twice) :
Confirm Password : 

Please wait while the passwords are changed:

Changing passwords for the Demo Universal Server
<p>Likewise for the Demo server, you can change the default passwords:</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Please enter a replacement for the Demonstration Database Server&#39;s
SQL Administrative (dba) account password (twice) :
Confirm Password : 

Please enter a replacement for the Demonstration Database Server&#39;s
WebDAV Administrative (dav) account password (twice) :
Confirm Password : 

Please wait while the passwords are changed:
<p>The file owner and group is changed at the end of the installation.  You 
can choose what these shall be set to.  By default the current user is selected.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
Please enter the username:group for the user and group who should own
files in this installation (default: openlink:openlink) :
Setting owners:  
<p>Finally the installer can start Virtuoso servers installed for you, but 
only if a valid license key has been supplied.</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
The Virtuoso Installer has not offered to start a database as
no license key was found. Evaluation users should receive
one via e-mail; in case of difficulties please contact 
		<br />
		   <a name="linuxinstpost" />
    <h3>2.2.3. Post Installation</h3>  
			<a name="linuxinstpostsan" />
    <h4> Post-Installation Sanity Check</h4>
			<p>A quick way to check that the database is running, is to point a browser to the
			http port. The following example URLs will show the System Manager for
			the default, and the demo Virtuoso databases:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">http://localhost:8889
		<br />
		<a name="linuxinstposttrb" />
    <h4> Troubleshooting DB Startup Failures</h4>  
      <strong>Install failure</strong>
  <p>Check the .log file in:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">
$&lt;Directory where Virtuoso is installed&gt;/bin/virtuoso.log
 <p>in order to review the installed files binaries and databases (defaults) 
 for issues if install fails.</p>
      <strong>.lck existance</strong>
   <p>Check .log in case of .lck issue</p>
   <p>Delete the .lck file and repeat the steps from above.</p>
      <strong>.trx incompatiblity issue</strong>
   <p>Check .log in case of .trx incompatiblity issue</p>
  <br />
		<br />
    <a name="linautovirt" />
    <h3>2.2.4. Starting Virtuoso Automatically on Reboot</h3>

    <p>Two files, named initd_startup.template and 
    initd_startup_demo.template, are placed in the top level of the
    Virtuoso installation directory.  On systems using SysVinit (most Linux
    distributions, Solaris) the appropriate one should be copied into
    /etc/init.d/ and symlinks created in the rcN.d/ directories, e.g.:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
bash# cp initd_startup.template /etc/init.d/virtuoso

    <p>Perform some sanity checks here, that the directory it uses exists, etc:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
bash# vi /etc/init.d/virtuoso

    <p>Test that it works correctly:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
bash# /etc/init.d/virtuoso stop
bash# /etc/init.d/virtuoso start

    <p>Finally, create symbolic links in the regular runlevel directories
    pointing to that script:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
bash# cd /etc/rc2.d ; ln -s ../init.d/virtuoso S99virtuoso
bash# cd /etc/rc3.d ; ln -s ../init.d/virtuoso S99virtuoso
bash# cd /etc/rc5.d ; ln -s ../init.d/virtuoso S99virtuoso

    <p>Virtuoso should now start when the service is restarted.</p>
    <br />

			<a name="defpasschglin" />
    <h3>2.2.5. Default passwords</h3>
			<p>See the following Quick Start chapter for very important information about
			<a href="newadminui.html#defpasschange">changing the default passwords</a>.</p>
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