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    <h2>3.10. NNTP</h2>
  <p>Virtuoso supports the Network News Transfer Protocol used by Internet
	newsgroup forums.  NNTP servers manage the global network of collected newsgroup
	postings and represent a vast repository of targeted information archives.
	As an NNTP aggregator, Virtuoso enables integration of multiple news forums
	around the world.  All news content in Virtuoso is dynamically indexed to
	provide keyword searches, enabling rapid transformation of disparate text
	data into information.  Virtuoso also acts as an NNTP server, enabling
	creation of new Internet and Intranet News Forums to leverage the
	global knowledge base into eBusiness Intelligence.</p>
  <a name="qsnntpservsetup" />
    <h3>3.10.1. NNTP Server Setup</h3>
    <a name="qsnntport" />
    <h4> Enable Server</h4>
      <p>Before the NNTP server can be used, it has to be enabled to listen
      on the NNTP port. This change is made in the configuration file.</p>
      <p>For more details, refer to <a href="nntpnewsgroups.html#newssrvenable">
      Enable NNTP Server</a> section.</p>
    <br />
    <a name="qsnntadd" />
    <h4> Create/Attach News Groups</h4>
      <p>The definition of news groups is held in system tables.</p>
      <p>For more details on inserting news groups by SQL command, refer to
      <a href="nntpnewsgroups.html#newssrvadd">Add Groups to NNTP Server</a> section.
      See also the <a href="">Conductor News Server and Newsgroups Administration</a>
      section, to setup the groups in the Visual Server Administration
    <br />
    <a name="qsnntlimit" />
    <h4> Limit Groups</h4>
      <p>This is an optional step, appropriate if a news group is to be
      limited for internal use only, or by a group of IP addresses.
      This is achieved by creating an Access Control List (ACL) in the
      DB.DBA.NEWS_ACL table. If no ACL is defined, then all groups are public
      readable and writable.</p>
      <p>For table details, refer to <a href="systemtables.html#newssrvtables">
      NNTP Server Tables</a> section.</p>
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    <h3>3.10.2. Local &amp; Remote Groups</h3>
    <p>News groups may be Local such that they are the only instance,
    or a master instance of a group. Remote groups are ones that are
    replicated from other news servers.</p>
    <p>See the <a href="">Conductor News Server and Newsgroups Administration</a>
    section, to setup the groups in the Visual Server Administration
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    <h3>3.10.3. NNTP Client Setup</h3>
    <p>Virtuoso can make a client connection to an external news server
    to receive newsgroup postings.</p>
      <p>For more details, refer to the <a href="nntpnewsgroups.html#nntpclient">
      NNTP Client</a> section.</p>
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