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    <h1>11. Data Replication, Synchronization and Transformation Services</h1>
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      <a href="preface.html">Preface</a>
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      <a href="repl.html">Data Replication, Synchronization and Transformation Services</a>
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      <a href="replintro.html">Introduction</a>
      <a href="SNAPSHOT.html">Snapshot Replication</a>
      <a href="proctransrepl.html">Transactional Replication </a>
      <a href="SCHEDULER.html">Virtuoso scheduler</a>
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      <a href="replexamples.html">Transactional Replication Example</a>
        <a href="#objectsexample" title="Transactional Replication Objects Example">Transactional Replication Objects Example</a>
      <a href="replsample.html">Replication Logger Sample</a>
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<a name="replexamples" />
    <h2>11.5. Transactional Replication Example</h2>
      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON PUBLISHER SIDE (named &#39;rep1&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1111;
-- Create test tables &amp; fill with data
create table DB.DBA.TEST (id integer, name varchar, tm datetime,
	content long varchar, primary key (id, name));
create table &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot; (&quot;id key&quot; integer, &quot;ef &quot;&quot;gh&quot; varchar, primary key (&quot;id key&quot;));
insert into DB.DBA.TEST values (1, &#39;a&#39;, now(), &#39;xxx&#39;);
insert into DB.DBA.TEST values (1, &#39;b&#39;, now(), &#39;xxx&#39;);
insert into DB.DBA.TEST values (1, &#39;c&#39;, now(), &#39;xxx&#39;);
insert into DB.DBA.TEST values (1, &#39;d&#39;, now(), &#39;xxx&#39;);
insert into &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot; values (1,&#39;1&#39;);
-- Public one account named &#39;dav&#39;
REPL_PUBLISH (&#39;dav&#39;, &#39;dav.log&#39;);
-- Add an existing collection &#39;/DAV/repl&#39; into the &#39;dav&#39; publication
REPL_PUB_ADD (&#39;dav&#39;, &#39;/DAV/repl/&#39;, 1, 0, null);
-- Public second account named &#39;tbl&#39; for tables&#39;
REPL_PUBLISH (&#39;tbl&#39;, &#39;tbl.log&#39;);
-- Add &#39;TEST&#39; table into the &#39;tbl&#39; publication account
REPL_PUB_ADD (&#39;tbl&#39;, &#39;DB.DBA.TEST&#39;, 2, 0, null);
-- Add &#39;ab &quot;cd&#39; table into the &#39;tbl&#39; publication account
REPL_PUB_ADD (&#39;tbl&#39;, &#39;DB.DBA.ab &quot;cd&#39;, 2, 0, null);

      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON SUBSCRIBER SIDE (named &#39;rep2&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1112;
-- Add publication server named &#39;rep1&#39; with DSN &#39;1111&#39; placed
-- on &#39;localhost&#39; machine and using port &#39;1111&#39;
REPL_SERVER (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;1111&#39;, &#39;localhost:1111&#39;);
-- Add subscription for &#39;dav&#39; publication account
REPL_SUBSCRIBE (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;dav&#39;, null, null, &#39;dba&#39;, &#39;dba&#39;);
-- Perform initial copy of publication &#39;dav&#39; data
DB..REPL_INIT_COPY (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;dav&#39;);
-- Add subscription for &#39;tbl&#39; publication
REPL_SUBSCRIBE (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;tbl&#39;, null, null, &#39;dba&#39;, &#39;dba&#39;);
-- Perform initial copy of publication &#39;tbl&#39; data
DB..REPL_INIT_COPY (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;tbl&#39;);

-- Now we look at copied data (should return 4)
select count(*) from TEST;
-- And second table (should return 1)
select count(*) from &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot;;

-- Turn subscription in &#39;SYNC&#39;

      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON PUBLISHER SIDE (named &#39;rep1&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1111;
-- Insert an additional data
insert into DB.DBA.TEST values (7,&#39;a&#39;,now(), repeat(&#39;x&#39;,1000000));
insert into &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot; values (2,&#39;2&#39;);
insert into &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot; values (3,&#39;3&#39;);
insert into &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot; values (4,&#39;4&#39;);
delete from &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot; where &quot;id key&quot; = 4;
update &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot; set &quot;ef &quot;&quot;gh&quot; = &#39;4&#39; where &quot;id key&quot; = 3;

      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON SUBSCRIBER SIDE (named &#39;rep2&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1112;
-- make a procedure to check status of subscription
create procedure WAIT_FOR_SYNC (in srv varchar, in acct varchar)
  declare level, stat integer;
  stat := 0;
  while (level &lt; 6)
      repl_status (srv, acct, level, stat);
      if (stat = 3)
-- run it till subscription got the right level of synchronization
WAIT_FOR_SYNC (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;tbl&#39;);

-- Check the data (should return 5)
select count (*) from DB.DBA.TEST;
-- Check the data (should return 3)
select count(*) from &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot;;

-- Check the new data entered on publisher (will return 4)
select &quot;ef &quot;&quot;gh&quot; from &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot; where &quot;id key&quot; = 3;

-- Check the old data deleted from publisher (will return 0)
select count(*) from &quot;ab &quot;&quot;cd&quot; where &quot;id key&quot; = 4;

      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON PUBLISHER SIDE (named &#39;rep1&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1111;
-- Create an table to use for procedure calls
create table p_test (id integer, dt varchar, primary key (id));
insert into  p_test values (1, &#39;1&#39;);
insert into  p_test values (2, &#39;2&#39;);
insert into  p_test values (3, &#39;3&#39;);
insert into  p_test values (4, &#39;4&#39;);
insert into  p_test values (5, &#39;5&#39;);
-- And an procedure which inserts records in p_test table
create procedure t_proc (in i integer)
  declare d varchar;
  select dt into d from p_test where id = i;
  d := concat (d, d);
  update p_test set dt = d where id = i;

-- Make an account named &#39;proc&#39; for procedure replication
REPL_PUBLISH (&#39;proc&#39;, &#39;proc.log&#39;);
-- Add &#39;t_proc&#39; procedure into &#39;proc&#39; publication
REPL_PUB_ADD (&#39;proc&#39;, &#39;DB.DBA.t_proc&#39;, 3, 0, 3);

      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON SUBSCRIBER SIDE (named &#39;rep2&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1112;
-- crate the same table on subscriber
create table p_test (id integer, dt varchar, primary key (id));
-- insert an data into it
insert into  p_test values (1, &#39;1&#39;);
insert into  p_test values (2, &#39;2&#39;);
insert into  p_test values (3, &#39;3&#39;);
insert into  p_test values (4, &#39;4&#39;);
insert into  p_test values (5, &#39;5&#39;);
-- Add subscription for &#39;t_proc&#39; publication
REPL_SUBSCRIBE (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;proc&#39;, null, null, &#39;dba&#39;, &#39;dba&#39;);
-- Perform initial copy of procedure definition
DB..REPL_INIT_COPY (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;proc&#39;);
-- Turn all subscriptions in &#39;SYNC&#39; state

      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON PUBLISHER SIDE (named &#39;rep1&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1111;
-- call 5 times &#39;t_proc&#39;

      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON SUBSCRIBER SIDE (named &#39;rep2&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1112;
-- create an procedure to check synchronization level
create procedure WAIT_FOR_SYNC (in srv varchar, in acct varchar, in n integer)
  declare level, stat integer;
  stat := 0;
  while (level &lt; n)
      repl_status (srv, acct, level, stat);
-- and run it till level set to 5
WAIT_FOR_SYNC (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;proc&#39;, 5);

-- check local data (should return 5)
select count(*) from p_test where length (dt) = 2;

      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON PUBLISHER SIDE (named &#39;rep1&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1111;
-- modify procedure to insert 123 new records
create procedure t_proc (in i integer)
  declare d varchar;
  declare n integer;
  n := 128;
  while (n &gt; 5)
      insert into p_test (id, dt) values (n, cast (n as varchar));
      n := n - 1;
-- and call it once
t_proc (1);

      <pre class="programlisting">
-- ================================
-- ON SUBSCRIBER SIDE (named &#39;rep2&#39;)
-- ================================
set DSN=1112;
-- and run check routine till level set to 7
WAIT_FOR_SYNC (&#39;rep1&#39;, &#39;proc&#39;, 7);
-- check  local data (should return 128, old 5 + 123 new records)
select count(*) from p_test;

<a name="objectsexample" />
    <h3>11.5.1. Transactional Replication Objects Example</h3>

      <li>publisher named &#39;rep&#39; with replication address &#39;localhost:1111&#39;</li>
      <li>subscriber named &#39;sub&#39;</li>
      <li>on subscriber should be defined DSN for rep named &#39;1111&#39;</li>

<div class="formalpara">
<strong>On publisher side</strong>

Creating publication

        <pre class="programlisting">
SQL&gt; REPL_PUBLISH (&#39;pub&#39;, &#39;pub.log&#39;);

-- Add row in SYS_REPL_ACCOUNTS table
	where ACCOUNT = &#39;pub&#39;;

rep    pub

        <li>started new replication log file in server working directory named &#39;pub.log&#39;</li>
        <li>add entry in repl.cfg in server working directory</li>

Adding items to the publication

        <pre class="programlisting">
SQL&gt; REPL_PUB_ADD (&#39;pub&#39;, &#39;DB.DBA.TEST&#39;, 2, 0, null);

<p>Add row in SYS_TP_ITEM</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
SQL&gt; select * from SYS_TP_ITEM;

rep       pub     2       DB.DBA.TEST NULL       0

<div class="formalpara">
<strong>On Subscriber Side</strong>

<p>Adding a new publisher</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
SQL&gt; REPL_SERVER (&#39;rep&#39;, &#39;1111&#39;, &#39;localhost:1111&#39;);

-- Add row in SYS_SERVERS

SQL&gt; select * from SYS_SERVERS;

SERVER                    DB_ADDRESS                REPL_ADDRESS
rep                       1111                      localhost:1111

Making a subscription

        <pre class="programlisting">
   SQL&gt; REPL_SUBSCRIBE (&#39;rep&#39;, &#39;pub&#39;, &#39;dav&#39;, &#39;dav_group&#39;, &#39;uid_for_rep&#39;, &#39;uid_pwd_for_rep&#39;);

<p>This may signal an SQL error if a precondition is not met.</p>

        <li>&#39;publication and subscription servers have identical names.&#39; if subscriber and publisher have the same names.</li>
        <li>&#39;Publishing server must be declared with REPL_SERVER before subscribing&#39; if publisher &#39;rep&#39; is not defined from previous step.</li>
        <li>&#39;The subscription &#39;pub&#39; already exist&#39; if on subscriber &#39;sub&#39; already exists subscription &#39;pub&#39;</li>
        <li>&#39;User name and password should be supplied when subscribe to new publisher&#39; if &#39;uid_for_rep&#39; or &#39;uid_pwd_for_rep&#39; not supplied</li>
        <li>&#39;The table &#39;DB.DBA.TEST&#39; already exists&#39; if on subscriber &#39;sub&#39; already exist table in subscription. </li>
        <li>&#39;The WebDAV collection &#39;/DAV/rep/&#39; already exists&#39; if on &#39;sub&#39; already exist WebDAV collection in subscription.</li>
        <li>a VDB error message if subscriber &#39;sub&#39; cannot perform attaching TI_ITEM view from publisher &#39;pub&#39; </li>

<p>Add row in SYS_TP_ITEM and row in SYS_REPL_ACCOUNTS</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
SQL&gt; select * from SYS_TP_ITEM where TI_ACCT = &#39;pub&#39;

rep       pub     2       DB.DBA.TEST NULL       0           dav       dav_group

SQL&gt; select SERVER, ACCOUNT from SYS_REPL_ACCOUNTS where ACCOUNT = &#39;pub&#39;;

rep    pub
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