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    <h1>12. Web Application Development</h1>
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      <a href="webappdevelopment.html">Web Application Development</a>
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      <a href="webserver.html">The HTTP Server</a>
      <a href="wsacl.html">Web Services ACL (Access Control List)</a>
      <a href="vsp1.html">Virtuoso Server Pages (VSP)</a>
      <a href="vspx.html">Virtuoso Server Pages for XML (VSPX)</a>
      <a href="rthwritaspxapps.html">Deploying ASP.Net Web Applications</a>
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      <a href="servphpext.html">Deploying PHP Applications</a>
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      <a href="rthjsp.html">Deploying JSP Applications</a>
        <a href="#rthjspprelim" title="Environment Setup &amp; Verification">Environment Setup &amp; Verification</a>
      <a href="perlhosting.html">Perl Hosting</a>
      <a href="pythonhosting.html">Python Hosting</a>
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    <h2>12.9. Deploying JSP Applications</h2>

<p>The Virtuoso server with Java hosting support can be used to execute 
JSP pages, however, Virtuoso requires a JSP container engine first.  Jakarta 
provide such an engine that can be hosted inside Virtuoso with Java support.  
This section describes how JSP&#39;s can be executed using Jakarta Tomcat JSP 

<table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
          <img alt="The HTTP JSP handler using Jakarta Tomcat" src="../images/http_handler_jsp.jpg" />
        <td>Figure: 12.9.1. The HTTP JSP handler using Jakarta Tomcat</td>

<a name="rthjspprelim" />
    <h3>12.9.2. Environment Setup &amp; Verification</h3>

<p>The following components are required:</p>

      <li>Java SDK (or runtime only) needs to be installed.  Version 1.2 or later.</li>
      <li>Jakarta Tomcat package must be installed and configured.  This can 
 be obtained from the <a href="">Jakarta project site</a> 

<p>The virtuoso.ini file must edited to including the following settings in the 
<span class="computeroutput">[Parameters]</span> section:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">.....
JavaClasspath = &lt;jdk install dir&gt;/lib/tools.jar:&lt;tomcat install dir&gt;/bin/bootstrap.jar 
JavaVMOption1 = -Djava.endorsed.dirs=&lt;tomcat install dir&gt;/bin:&lt;tomcat install dir&gt;/common/endorsed
JavaVMOption2 = -Dcatalina.base=&lt;tomcat install dir&gt;
JavaVMOption3 = -Dcatalina.home=&lt;tomcat install dir&gt;
JavaVMOption4 =;tomcat install dir&gt;/temp

<div class="note">
      <div class="notetitle">Note:</div>
<p>The above has been tested for the jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18 distribution 
only.  Setting may vary for any other versions of Jakarta Tomcat, in which case we 
advise you consult the Tomcat documentation.</p>

<p>Run the <span class="computeroutput">virtuoso-*-javavm*-t</span> binary, 
The Virtuoso server that includes Java hosting.</p>

<p>Start the Jakarta Tomcat server inside virtuoso server process using the 
following command from ISQL:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
SQL&gt; java_call_method (&#39;org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService&#39;, null, &#39;main&#39;, &#39;V&#39;,
     vector (&#39;[Ljava/lang/String;&#39;, vector (&#39;start&#39;)));

In order to invoke the above command automatically at server startup you might 
put it in the autoexec.isql init script.

<p>Make a virtual directory for accessing JSP server, here is an example:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">vhost_define (lpath=&gt;&#39;/tomcat&#39;,ppath=&gt;&#39;http://localhost:8080/&#39;);</pre>

<p>Verify that your installations are correct by pointing your web browser 
of choice to <span class="computeroutput">http://localhost:8890/tomcat/</span> 
(assuming you are working on your local machine).  Run some of JSP examples 
provided with Tomcat distribution to verify that they are executed without errors.</p>
<div class="note">
      <div class="notetitle">Note:</div>
<p>For debugging purposes you may run the virtuoso-*-javavm*-t server with
foreground option to receive Java error messages, if any occur.</p>

<div class="tip">
      <div class="tiptitle">See Also:</div>
        <a href="inprocess.html">In-Process Data Access Client</a>

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