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    <h1>16. Runtime Hosting</h1>
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        <a href="rthclrmono.html" title="CLR &amp; Mono">CLR &amp; Mono</a>
        <a href="javaextvm.html" title="Embedded Java VM API">Embedded Java VM API</a>
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      <a href="xa.html">Using Virtuoso with Tuxedo</a>
      <a href="appendixa.html">Appendix</a>
      <a href="functions.html">Virtuoso Functions Guide</a>
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      <p>Virtuoso can be extended by in-process hosting of a number
of different run time environments.  This includes: Microsoft&#39;s .NET CLR (CLR),
the Mono ECMA-CLI (Mono), and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Thus, you can create persistent stored modules, SQL functions,
and user defined data types using any Microsoft .NET or Mono
bound language, Java, and traditional languages such as &#39;C&#39;/C++.</p>
      <p>Objects provided by hosted run times, such as Java and CLR can be
directly and transparently accessed from SQL.  This also means that
application logic in any hosted language can be exposed as a web
service.  By offering a choice of hosted run times in a cross platform
setting, Virtuoso adds a new degree of freedom for the application
designer.  Applications can now be developed and deployed on either
Windows, Linux or Unix, can be written in Java or any .net CLR bound
language and can talk to any database via Virtuoso&#39;s virtual databasing
      <p>The Virtuoso Server Extension Interface (VSEI) provides C
 interfaces and hooks that enable developers to write external functionality
 that can be bolted on the side of Virtuoso and called as SQL functions.
    <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
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        <a class="sect1" href="rthactivation.html">16.1. Runtime Environments</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="rthclr.html">16.2. CLR, .Net &amp; ASPX Host</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="rthclr.html#rthclrenvsetdotnet">16.2.1. Environment Setup</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="rthclr.html#rthclrdotnettest">16.2.2. Testing the Virtuoso .NET Runtime Environment</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="rthclrmono.html">16.3. CLR &amp; Mono</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="rthclrmono.html#rthclrenvsetmono">16.3.1. Environment Setup</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="rthclrmono.html#rthclrmonotest">16.3.2. Testing the Virtuoso Mono Runtime Environment</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="javaextvm.html">16.4. Embedded Java VM API</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="javaextvm.html#virtvsjvmthreads">16.4.1. Correspondence Between Virtuoso &amp; Java VM Threads</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="javaextvm.html#virtpljvmtypemapp">16.4.2. Virtuoso/PL &lt;-&gt; Java VM Type Mapping Schema</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="javaextvm.html#referencestojvminvpl">16.4.3. References to Java VM Class Instances in Virtuoso/PL</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="javaextvm.html#correctjavatype">16.4.4. Specifying the Correct Java Type When Passing Values from Virtuoso/PL</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="javaextvm.html#virtjavabifs">16.4.5. Virtuoso Java PL API VSEs</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="javaextvm.html#jvmapisecurity">16.4.6. Java Security</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="cinterface.html">16.5. Virtuoso Server Extension Interface (VSEI) (C Interface)</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#writingsqlcallablecfuncs">16.5.1. Virtuoso Server Extension Interface (VSEI)</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#sqlruntimeobjects">16.5.2. SQL Run Time Objects</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#memmanrules">16.5.3. Memory Management Rules</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#servermainfunction">16.5.4. Server Main Function</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#compilingandlinking">16.5.5. Compiling &amp; Linking</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#funcsbycat">16.5.6. Functions by Category</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#bifdefs">16.5.7. VSEI Definition</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#sqlexception">16.5.8. SQL Exceptions</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#execingsql">16.5.9. Executing SQL</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="cinterface.html#langfuncapi">16.5.10. Adding New Languages And Encodings Into Virtuoso</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="vseplugins.html">16.6. VSEI Plugins</a>
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