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    <h1>8. SQL Reference</h1>
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    <a name="sqlinverse" />
    <h2>8.29. SQL Inverse Functions</h2>

    <p>Many virtual database application scenarios require performing various
    conversions on data in legacy tables.  An example of this is currency conversions,
    conversions between British and metric units, replacing complex composite keys with single numeric row id&#39;s and so forth.</p>

    <p>SQL views are the normal way of implementing such conversions.  However,
    when making queries with selection criteria referencing the results of these
    conversions we often need to first convert and then test, possibly having to
    bring data from the source system to the virtual database.  Further, we
    will not be able to use indices that may exist on the legacy system if
    we first have to convert and only then test the value of a column.</p>

    <p>Virtuoso introduces an SQL extension for dealing with these issues.
    Virtuoso allows the definition of two SQL functions that are inverses of each other,
    for example <span class="computeroutput">dollar_to_euro</span> and <span class="computeroutput">euro_to_dollar</span> would be examples of inverse functions.</p>

    <p>Thus, when we define a view like:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">create view euro_item as Select I_id, dollar_to_euro (I_price) as I_price, I_name from item;</pre>

    <p>We can further declare:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">db..sinv_create_inverse (&#39;euro_to_dollar&#39;, &#39;dollar_to_euro&#39;, 1);</pre>

    <p>and perform the query:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">select * from euro_item where I_price &gt; 100;</pre>

    <p>Normally, this would internally perform the query:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">select * from item where dollar_to_euro (I_price) &gt; 100;</pre>

    <p>Now however it will make use of the inverse function information and we get:</p>
      <pre class="programlisting">select * from item where I_price &gt; euro_to_dollar (100)</pre>

    <p>The second form is substantially more efficient since  only one function
    call needs to be done for the whole query, not to mention the fact that if the
    currency conversion function were only defined on the vdb and the item table
    were linked from another server, all data would have to be brought over to
    the vdb for the conversion.</p>

   <p>Now if the conversion function were defined only on the vdb, the amount
   of euros would be converted to dollars and then passed as a parameter to</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">Select * from item where I_price &gt; ?</pre>

   <p>Many simple conversions can be efficiently handled by this method.
   For most unit and data type conversions, the conversion preserves collation
   order.  Amount a will be greater than amount b whether a and b be expressed
   in euros or dollars, as long as both a and b are in the same currency.
   Some other conversions such as compression, encryption, hashes and mappings
   of arbitrary unique ids to another set of ids do not preserve collation.
   Whether a particular mapping preserves collation is indicated by the third
   argument of <a href="fn_sinv_create_inverse.html">sinv_create_inverse</a>.  In the above example we see a value of 1,
   meaning that collation is preserved.  Zero specifies that collation is not preserved.</p>

   <p>Sometimes it will be desirable to map multi-part keys into a single key for
   convenience of querying or for compatibility with another database schema.</p>

   <p>We will use the orders and customer tables from the TPC C benchmark schema
   to illustrate the feature.  Both tables have a primary key consisting of three parts,
   a warehouse id, a district id and then a customer or order id.  The order references
   the customer with a foreign key consisting of its own warehouse and district id
   and of a customer id.</p>

   <p>Now we may wish to simplify the situation and make a one-column order id and a
   one column foreign key reference to customer for presenting the system to an outside
   reporting application.  We will do this completely without touching the original database,
   all logic taking place on the virtual database.</p>

   <p>In this case, the original keys consist  of three numbers: n digits of warehouse
   id, 2 digits of district id and 9 digits of order or customer id.  We can simply concatenate
   these numbers into a single decimal.  To do this, we define the following functions:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">create function num_truncate (in n numeric)
  return cast (cast (n as numeric) - 0.5 as numeric (40, 0));

create function num_mod (in x numeric, in y numeric)
  return (x - num_truncate (cast (x as numeric) / y) * y);

/* This function takes the three key parts and returns a numeric where each occupies a fixed range of digits. */

create function o_iid (in w_id int, in d_id int, in o_id int) returns numeric
  return (w_id * 100000000000 + d_id * 1000000000 + o_id);

/* The below three functions retrieve each of the fields encoded in the numeric produced by o_iid */

create function o_iid_w_id (in iid numeric) returns int
  return cast (num_truncate (iid / 100000000000) as int);

create function o_iid_d_id (in iid numeric) returns int
  return cast (num_mod (num_truncate (iid / 1000000000), 100) as int);

create function o_iid_o_id (in iid numeric)
  return cast (num_mod (iid, 1000000000) as int);

db..sinv_create_inverse (&#39;O_IID&#39;, VECTOR (&#39;O_IID_W_ID&#39;, &#39;O_IID_D_ID&#39;, &#39;O_IID_O_ID&#39;), 0);</pre>

    <p>The <a href="fn_sinv_create_inverse.html">sinv_create_inverse</a> now defines an accessory for each of the arguments
    of o_iid.  The first function in the vector retrieves the first argument of a call
    to o_iid, the second the second and so forth.  Since we are talking about mapping
    a set of values into one value it does not make sense to speak of preserving a collation,
    thus the last argument is 0.  When making this declaration we also assert that for each
    distinct combination of arguments of o_iid, we get a distinct value from which all the
    original arguments can be retrieved using the functions mentioned.</p>

    <p>Now we define the same functions for constructing a synthetic one-part customer id.
    The functions are exactly the same as for the order id.</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">create function c_iid (in w_id int, in d_id int, in c_id int) returns numeric
  return (w_id * 100000000000 + d_id * 1000000000 + c_id);

create function c_iid_w_id (in iid numeric) returns int
  return cast (num_truncate (iid / 100000000000) as int);

create function c_iid_d_id (in iid numeric) returns int
  return cast (num_mod (num_truncate (iid / 1000000000), 100) as int);

create function c_iid_c_id (in iid numeric)
  return cast (num_mod (iid, 1000000000) as int);

db..sinv_create_inverse (&#39;C_IID&#39;, VECTOR (&#39;C_IID_W_ID&#39;, &#39;C_IID_D_ID&#39;, &#39;C_IID_C_ID&#39;), 0);</pre>

    <p>Now we have defined functions for producing the synthetic keys we wish to use.
    Now we bind these functions to the original database using views.  We assume that the
    original orders and customer tables are attached from a remote database under the
    names orders and customer.</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">create view  orders_2 as select o_iid (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id) as o_iid numeric, c_iid (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_c_id) as o_c_iid numeric, * from orders;

create view customer_2 as select c_iid (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id) as c_iid numeric, * from customer;</pre>

    <p>As a simple test, let us get the synthetic o_c_iid from an order using the synthetic o_iid key.</p>

      <pre class="screen">
SQL&gt; select o_c_iid from orders_2 where o_iid = 102000000002;



    <p>The order #2 in district #2 of warehouse #1 refers to customer #935 or district #2 of warehouse #1.</p>

      <pre class="screen">

SQL&gt; explain (&#39;select o_c_iid from orders_2 where o_iid = 102000000002&#39;);



      0: $25 &quot;callret&quot; := Call O_IID_O_ID (&lt;constant (102000000002)&gt;)
      7: $26 &quot;callret&quot; := Call O_IID_D_ID (&lt;constant (102000000002)&gt;)
      14: $27 &quot;callret&quot; := Call O_IID_W_ID (&lt;constant (102000000002)&gt;)
      21: BReturn 0
Remote  SELECT &quot;t2&quot;.&quot;O_C_ID&quot;, &quot;t2&quot;.&quot;O_D_ID&quot;, &quot;t2&quot;.&quot;O_W_ID&quot; FROM &quot;DBA&quot;.&quot;ORDERS&quot; &quot;t2&quot;  where &quot;t2&quot;.&quot;O_ID&quot; = ? and &quot;t2&quot;.&quot;O_D_ID&quot; = ? and &quot;t2&quot;.&quot;O_W_ID&quot; = ?
Params ($25 &quot;callret&quot;, $26 &quot;callret&quot;, $27 &quot;callret&quot;)
Output ($29 &quot;t1.O_C_ID&quot;, $30 &quot;t1.O_D_ID&quot;, $31 &quot;t1.O_W_ID&quot;)

After code:
      0: $40 &quot;O_C_IID&quot; := Call C_IID ($31 &quot;t1.O_W_ID&quot;, $30 &quot;t1.O_D_ID&quot;, $29 &quot;t1.O_C_ID&quot;)
      7: BReturn 0
Select ($40 &quot;O_C_IID&quot;)

    <p>In this query execution plan we see that the virtual database first decomposes
    the synthetic o_iid into its component parts, passes these to a query run on the
    remote database, retrieves the components of the synthetic o_c_iid and finally
    assembles this and returns it to the client.</p>

    <p>We may also use this mapping in more complex queries:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">select count (*) from orders_2, customer_2 where o_c_iid = c_iid;</pre>

    <p>This uses the synthetic foreign and primary keys for joining.  Normally,
    since the functions for making these keys are only defined on the vdb side,
    each order would have to be retrieved and then the corresponding customer fetched.
    Now however we can take advantage of the inverse declaration and decompose the
    comparison of the synthetic keys into comparisons of each of their arguments:</p>

      <pre class="screen">

SQL&gt; explain (&#39;select count (*) from orders_2, customer_2 where o_c_iid = c_iid&#39;);


Remote  SELECT COUNT ( *) FROM &quot;DBA&quot;.&quot;ORDERS&quot; &quot;t2&quot; , &quot;DBA&quot;.&quot;CUSTOMER&quot; &quot;t4&quot;  where &quot;t4&quot;.&quot;C_ID&quot; = &quot;t2&quot;.&quot;O_C_ID&quot; and &quot;t4&quot;.&quot;C_D_ID&quot; = &quot;t2&quot;.&quot;O_D_ID&quot; and &quot;t4&quot;.&quot;C_W_ID&quot; = &quot;t2&quot;.&quot;O_W_ID&quot;
Output ($26 &quot;aggregate&quot;)
Select ($26 &quot;aggregate&quot;)

    <p>We see that the SQL compiler decomposed the comparison of the c_iid&#39;s into
    a comparison of the original arguments of the function.  This can be done because
    we earlier asserted that each distinct argument combination would produce a
    unique result of the function.</p>

    <p>The examples covered thus far are simple in that there is a clear way of mapping
    the data back and forth using SQL functions.  This is not always possible, for example
    if we wish to generate unique numeric id&#39;s from keys consisting of arbitrary strings.</p>

    <p>To this effect, Virtuoso provides a mechanism for automatically generating mapping
    functions, which take a combination of n arguments of an arbitrary searchable data type
    and generate a unique id for each distinct combination.  The ids are assigned as needed
    and the mapping is persisted in an automatically generated table.</p>

    <p>We could have generated the o_iid, o_iid_w_id, o_iid_d_id and o_iid_o_id functions with the following single call:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">db..sinv_create_key_mapping (&#39;O_IID&#39;, vector (&#39;W_ID&#39;, &#39;int&#39;, &#39;D_ID&#39;, &#39;int&#39;, &#39;O_ID&#39;, &#39;int&#39;));</pre>

    <p>The first argument is the name of the mapping function to generate.  The following
    vector lists the arguments of this function and their data types.  The name of each argument
    is appended to the name of the mapping function, separated by an underscore for forming the
    inverse functions, one for each argument.  Thus the functions are named exactly as in the
    previous example where we defined them manually.</p>

    <p>Internally, this generates a table for keeping the w_id, d_id and o_id for each
    allocated o_iid.  The o_iid&#39;s come from a sequence object. The functions manage this
    table automatically, without requiring developer intervention.  The name of the
    sequence is the same as that of the mapping, thus sequence_set can be used for
    setting the sequence counter.  Note that sequence names are case sensitive.</p>

<p>When a new combination of w_id, d_id, o_id is seen by o_iid, it inserts a
    row in the mapping table and assigns this  a new unique number.  This update of
    the mapping table is committed at the same time the enclosing transaction commits.
    The table is normally read with   read committed isolation  and updated with serializable
    isolation.  This guarantees that when a single w_id, d_id, o_id combination is seen at
    the same time on two threads the result will be the same id being given on both threads.</p>

    <p>Any value returned by the mapping function may at all times be used for the inverse
    functions.  The inverse functions will return NULL if given a value that was at no time
    returned by the mapping function.</p>

    <p>The table created for the mapping is named MAP_&lt;name of the mapping function&gt;.
    The system does not define an automatic cleanup function for removing established
    mappings because the efficient way of implementing this is quite application dependent.
    Such a function  can however be easily written by the developer if one is needed.</p>

    <p>Because comparison of mapping functions is reduced into pair-wise comparison of their arguments, the query</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">select count (*) from orders, customer where o_c_iid = c_iid</pre>

    <p>Will work even if all orders or customers have not been assigned a mapping on the vdb
    side.  If a virtual database application wishes to retrieve rows from a remote database using
    a synthetic key made by functions defined with <a href="fn_sinv_create_key_mapping.html">sinv_create_key_mapping</a>, any value returned by
    the mapping function in a transaction that was successfully committed is valid and will
    retrieve the data intended.</p>

    <a name="updthoughinverses" />
    <h3>8.29.1. Updating through Inverses</h3>

    <p>A view that selects calls to functions, which have inverses, is updateable.
    This means that the SQL compiler will use the inverse function on the value being
    assigned before assigning the column.  This is done for both insert and update
    operations.  No special declaration is needed.   If the function with inverse
    has multiple arguments, all of which are columns, then assigning the function
    will assign all the argument columns, having called the appropriate inverse for
    getting each of the separate argument values.</p>

    <p>For example:</p>

      <pre class="screen">
SQL&gt; insert into orders_2 (o_iid) values (1102000000003);

Done. -- 1 msec.
SQL&gt; select * from orders_2 where o_w_id = 11;
O_IID            O_C_IID          O_ID              O_D_ID            O_W_ID            O_C_ID      O_ENTRY_D   O_CARRIER_ID  O_OL_CNT    O_ALL_LOCAL

1102000000003    NULL             3                 2                 11                NULL        NULL        NULL        NULL        NULL

1 Rows. -- 1 msec.
SQL&gt; update item_euro set i_price = 120 where i_id = 1234;
   <br />

		<div class="note">
			<div class="notetitle">Conclusions</div>
			<p>The examples in this document used tables attached from remote databases
			because the features discussed here are most likely to be useful in such contexts.
			Also the query execution plans clearly show which operations take place where.  The
			inverse function mechanism is however in no way limited to virtual database applications.
			All the examples will work equally well with local tables.</p>

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