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      <a href="appendixa.html">Appendix</a>
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  <div id="text">
   <div class="abstract">
The Virtuoso TPC C Kit is a database benchmark written in C and SQL stored
procedures using the CLI or ODBC API. It is modeled after the industry
standard Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) C benchmark
and can be used as a component in an official benchmark but does not in
itself constitute a complete test driver.
      <div class="tip">
        <div class="tiptitle">See Also:</div>
A complete description of the benchmark and its metric can be found
at <a href="">the TPC Web Site</a>.
This document assumes the reader is familiar with the general content of the
The C and SQL source of the benchmark is contained in the sample directory
of the Virtuoso tree. The tpcc executable is built by running make after
choosing the target (see makefile).
    <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
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        <a class="sect1" href="tpcctestdb.html">19.1. Building the Test Database</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="tpccusingtestprg.html">19.2. Using the Test Program</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="tpcctuningparams4users.html">19.3. Tuning Parameters and Number of Users</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="omissionsexcp.html">19.4. Omissions, Exceptions from the Definition</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="sampleconf.html">19.5. Sample Configuration</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="otherfactors.html">19.6. Other Factors</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="tpccprocs.html">19.7. TPC C Procedures</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="tpccprocs.html#intro">19.7.1. Introduction</a>
        <a class="sect2" href="tpccprocs.html#neworder">19.7.2. New Order</a>
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        <a class="sect2" href="tpccprocs.html#stocklevel">19.7.6. Stock Level</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="ddlstmt.html">19.8. DDL Statements</a>
        <a class="sect1" href="storedprocs.html">19.9. Stored Procedures</a>
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