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    <h1>18. Free Text Search</h1>
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      <a href="preface.html">Preface</a>
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   <div class="selected">
      <a href="freetext.html">Free Text Search</a>
    <br />
      <a href="txtidxquickstart.html">Basic Concepts</a>
      <a href="creatingtxtidxs.html">Creating Free Text Indexes</a>
      <a href="queryingftcols.html">Querying Free Text Indexes</a>
   <div class="selected">
      <a href="txttrig.html">Text Triggers</a>
        <a href="#createtxttrg" title="Creating Text Triggers">Creating Text Triggers</a>
        <a href="#createddbobjs" title="Created Database Objects">Created Database Objects</a>
      <a href="tablesandinternals.html">Generated Tables and Internals</a>
      <a href="droptxtindex.html">Removing A Text Index</a>
      <a href="droptxttrig.html">Removing A Text Trigger</a>
      <a href="ftinternationalization.html">Internationalization &amp; Unicode</a>
      <a href="ftperformance.html">Performance</a>
      <a href="fttfuncs.html">Free Text Functions</a>
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		<a name="txttrig" />
    <h2>18.4. Text Triggers</h2>

  <p>The text trigger mechanism allows implementing a broad range of content
	tracking functionality.  The idea is storing free text or XPATH queries in
	association to a text indexed column of a table.  When the content of the
	table changes through inserts or updates, the new data is matched against a
	base of stored queries and hits are marked into a separate table.  The data
	being tracked may either be plain text or XML.  In the event of XML, both
	free text and XPATH queries can be stored.</p>
  <p>The benefit of the text trigger system as opposed to other forms of
	periodic content tracking is that the incoming data itself indexes a base of
	stored queries instead of a base of stored queries repeatedly indexing the
	database.  This means that only the changes are compared to the stored queries
	and that queries that could not even in principle match will not be tried.  This
	results in a qualitatively better performance and scalability than repeatedly
	running a batch of queries over updated data and thus makes possible
	personalized information filtering applications that would be impractical with
	other approaches.</p>

  <a name="createtxttrg" />
    <h3>18.4.1. Creating Text Triggers</h3>
	  <p>The CREATE TEXT TRIGGER statement creates a set of
	  tables and procedures named after the table and column being watched.
	  The TT_QUERY_&lt;xx&gt; table contains the set of queries,
	  the TT_HIT_&lt;xx&gt; table records the matches and
	  the TT_USER_&lt;xx&gt; table can be used to map stored queries to specific
	  users that should be notified.</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
CREATE TEXT TRIGGER ON &lt;table&gt; [(&lt;data_column&gt;)]
DROP TEXT TRIGGER ON &lt;table&gt; [(&lt;data_column&gt;)]

The &lt;data_column&gt; is optional and must be a text indexed column.

   	<p>The table to be watched by a text trigger should have a free text indexed column. This
		may or may not be XML data.</p>
The &lt;table&gt; must be text indexed before creating text trigger on it.

<br />

<a name="ex_txttrg" />
    <div class="example">
      <div class="exampletitle">Creating a Text Trigger</div>
        <pre class="programlisting">
create table ftt (id integer not null primary key, dt long varchar);
create text xml index on ftt (dt);
create text trigger on ftt;

<p>Adding queries to the text trigger</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
TT_QUERY_ftt (&#39;virtuoso and server and international&#39;,
  1, &#39;Virtuoso international support&#39;, &#39;;);

this adds a query which will filter only documents matching words &#39;virtuoso&#39;, &#39;server&#39; and
&#39;international&#39;, named &#39;Virtuoso international support&#39; of the user with Id equal to 1
with e-mail notification.

        <pre class="programlisting">
TT_XPATH_QUERY_ftt (&#39;/chapter[@label = &#39;&#39;XI&#39;&#39;]&#39;,
  2, &#39;Chapter XI changes&#39;, &#39;&#39;);

this will add an XPATH query which will filter only XML documents matching Chapter XI,
named &#39;Chapter XI changes&#39; of the user with Id equal to 2 without e-mail notification.

        <pre class="programlisting">
insert into ftt values (1, &#39;virtuoso server international&#39;);
insert into ftt values (2, &#39;virtuoso international&#39;);

select TTH_D_ID, TTH_T_ID, TTH_U_ID, TTH_TS from ftt_dt_HIT;

will produce

        <pre class="screen">
TTH_U_ID    TTH_D_ID         TTH_T_ID    TTH_TS

1           1                1           2001-01-17 12:35:30

Meaning that row from &#39;ftt&#39; with id equal to 1 matches query with TT_ID equal to 1
defined for user with ID equal to 1. Also the hit is registered on &#39;2001-01-17 12:35:30&#39;.

<a name="createddbobjs" />
    <h3>18.4.2. Created Database Objects</h3>

Text trigger hits table.  Text trigger stores hits on documents matching a condition within this table.

      <pre class="programlisting">
&lt;table_name&gt;_&lt;data_column&gt;_HIT (
  TTH_U_ID INTEGER,   -- references User table TTU_U_ID
  TTH_D_ID ANY,       -- references matching document id
  TTH_T_ID INTEGER,   -- references matching query TT_ID
  TTH_TITLE VARCHAR,  -- user application specific
  TTH_URL VARCHAR,    -- user application specific
  TTH_TS TIMESTAMP,   -- time of registering a hit
  TTH_NOTIFY VARCHAR, -- e-mail address for notification

Text trigger queries table, where the query definition procedure stores the user specific queries.

      <pre class="programlisting">
&lt;table_name&gt;_&lt;data_column&gt;_QUERY (
  TT_WORD VARCHAR,  -- the most effective word for searching
  TT_ID INTEGER,    -- id of query
  TT_QUERY VARCHAR, -- text of the query, in case of XPATH query this
				-- column contains a serialized value
  TT_CD VARCHAR,    -- user data
  TT_COMMENT VARCHAR, -- Human readable label with general purpose
  TT_XPATH VARCHAR,   -- text of XPATH query
  TT_PREDICATE VARCHAR, -- Virtuoso/PL function hook

One query can add one or more rows to the queries table.

Text trigger users table, in it query definition procedure add a reference between query and user.

      <pre class="programlisting">
&lt;table_name&gt;_&lt;data_column&gt;_USER (
  TTU_T_ID INTEGER, -- references text query TT_ID
  TTU_U_ID INTEGER, -- references application specific users table ID
  TTU_NOTIFY VARCHAR, -- e-mail address list for notification
  TTU_COMMENT VARCHAR, -- Human readable label of query definition.

<div class="note">
      <div class="notetitle">Note:</div>
<p>In the case of e-mail notification to the main addresses the string passed as address
list must be in the following format: &#39;&lt;;, &lt;;&#39;.

Procedures that are used for adding text queries.

      <pre class="programlisting">
TT_QUERY_&lt;table_name&gt; (in query_text varchar, in user_id integer,
  in label varchar, in notification_address varchar)
Used for adding XPATH queries.

      <pre class="programlisting">
TT_XPATH_QUERY_&lt;table_name&gt; (in xpath_query_text varchar , in user_id integer,
in label varchar, in notification_address varchar)

Used to send notifications to the users.
This procedure is usually called  by the server event scheduler.

      <pre class="programlisting">
TT_NOTIFY_&lt;table_name&gt; ();
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