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    <h1>14. RDF Data Access and Data Management</h1>
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      <a href="contents.html">Contents</a>
      <a href="preface.html">Preface</a>
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      <a href="rdfandsparql.html">RDF Data Access and Data Management</a>
    <br />
      <a href="rdfdatarepresentation.html">Data Representation</a>
      <a href="rdfsparql.html">SPARQL</a>
      <a href="sparqlextensions.html">Extensions</a>
      <a href="rdfgraphsecurity.html">RDF Graphs Security</a>
      <a href="rdfviews.html">Linked Data Views over RDBMS Data Source</a>
      <a href="rdfrdfviewgnr.html">Automated Generation of RDF Views over Relational Data Sources</a>
      <a href="rdfviewsenterpr.html">Examples of Linked Data Views</a>
      <a href="rdfinsertmethods.html">RDF Insert Methods in Virtuoso</a>
      <a href="virtuososponger.html">RDFizer Middleware (Sponger)</a>
   <div class="selected">
      <a href="virtuosospongerfacetinstall.html">Virtuoso Faceted Browser Installation and configuration</a>
        <a href="#virtuosospongerfacetinstallprereq" title="Prerequisites">Prerequisites</a>
        <a href="#virtuosospongerfacetinstallpreinst" title="Pre Installation">Pre Installation</a>
        <a href="#virtuosospongerfacetinstallvadinst" title="VAD Package Installation">VAD Package Installation</a>
        <a href="#virtuosospongerfacetinstallposinst" title="Post Installation">Post Installation</a>
        <a href="#virtuosospongerfaceurilabels" title="URI Labels">URI Labels</a>
        <a href="#virtuosospongerfaceusagest" title="Usage Statistics">Usage Statistics</a>
        <a href="#virtuosospongerfacetexample" title="Examples">Examples</a>
      <a href="virtuosospongerfacent.html">Virtuoso Faceted Web Service</a>
      <a href="rdfiridereferencing.html">Linked Data</a>
      <a href="rdfsparqlrule.html">Inference Rules &amp; Reasoning</a>
      <a href="rdfsparqlgeospat.html">RDF and Geometry</a>
      <a href="rdfperformancetuning.html">RDF Performance Tuning</a>
      <a href="rdfnativestorageproviders.html">RDF Data Access Providers (Drivers)</a>
      <a href="rdfgraphreplication.html">RDF Graph Replication</a>
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<a name="virtuosospongerfacetinstall" />
    <h2>14.10. Virtuoso Faceted Browser Installation and configuration</h2>

<a name="virtuosospongerfacetinstallprereq" />
    <h3>14.10.1. Prerequisites</h3>
<p>Requires <a href=";package_id=319652">Virtuoso 6.0 TP1</a> or higher for use.
<br />

<a name="virtuosospongerfacetinstallpreinst" />
    <h3>14.10.2. Pre Installation</h3>
      <strong>Note</strong>: This step is not required for Virtuoso Release 6.1 and above builds</p>
<p>If you have an existing Virtuoso 6.x installation, and your Quad Store has greater than
10K worth of triples, please perform the following steps:
      <li>Run the following commands using the Virtuoso isql program before installing the Faceted
Browser VAD:
          <pre class="programlisting">
  drop index RDF_QUAD_OPGS;
  drop index RDF_QUAD_POGS;
  drop index RDF_QUAD_GPOS;
  drop index RDF_QUAD_OGPS;


  create table R2 (G iri_id_8, S iri_id_8, P iri_id_8, O any, primary key (S, P, O, G));
  alter index R2 on R2 partition (S int (0hexffff00));

  log_enable (2);

  INSERT INTO R2 (G, S, P, O) select G, S, P, O FROM rdf_quad;



  create bitmap index RDF_QUAD_OPGS on RDF_QUAD (O, P, G, S) partition (O varchar (-1, 0hexffff));
  create bitmap index RDF_QUAD_POGS on RDF_QUAD (P, O, G, S) partition (O varchar (-1, 0hexffff));
  create bitmap index RDF_QUAD_GPOS on RDF_QUAD (G, P, O, S) partition (O varchar (-1, 0hexffff));

<p>Note this step may take sometime depending on how many triples are already in your Quad Store.
<br />

<a name="virtuosospongerfacetinstallvadinst" />
    <h3>14.10.3. VAD Package Installation</h3>
      <li>Download and install the <a href="">Virtuoso Faceted Browser VAD</a>
package using the Conductor System Admin - &gt; Packages tab.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Install the FCT package" src="../images/ui/fb1.png" />
            <td>Figure: Install the FCT package</td>
      <li>The HTML interface of the Faceted Browser Engine is exposed at: <strong>http://&lt;cname&gt;/fct</strong>,
where &quot;cname&quot; is the hostname:portno your Virtuoso instance is running on.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="FCT HTML interface" src="../images/ui/fb2.png" />
            <td>Figure: FCT HTML interface</td>
      <li>The Faceted Browser Engine exposes a REST API at the endpoint:
  <div class="tip">
          <div class="tiptitle">See Also:</div>
              <a href="virtuosospongerfacent.html#virtuosospongerfacentuirestapi">Virtuoso APIs for Faceted REST services</a>
              <a href="rdfiridereferencing.html#rdfiridereferencingfacetws">Faceted Web Service and Linked Data</a>
<br />

<a name="virtuosospongerfacetinstallposinst" />
    <h3>14.10.4. Post Installation</h3>
      <li>Build Full Text Indexes by running the following commands using the Virtuoso
<strong>isql</strong> program:
          <pre class="programlisting">
RDF_OBJ_FT_RULE_ADD (null, null, &#39;All&#39;);
      <li>Run the following procedure using the Virtuoso <strong>isql</strong> program to
populate label lookup tables periodically and activate the <strong>Label</strong> text box of the
<strong>Entity Label Lookup</strong> tab:
          <pre class="programlisting">
      <li>Run the following procedure using the Virtuoso <strong>isql</strong> program to calculate the IRI ranks.
Note this should be run periodically as the data grows to re-rank the IRIs.
          <pre class="programlisting">
      <li>Sponge some data to load some RDF triples in the quad store. This can easily be done using
the Virtuoso <strong>description.vsp</strong> page which provides a hypertext description of RDF Linked Data, by describing
the following page for example (or one of your choice):
          <pre class="programlisting">
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Sponge data" src="../images/ui/fb3.png" />
            <td>Figure: Sponge data</td>
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Sponge data" src="../images/ui/fb4.png" />
            <td>Figure: Sponge data</td>
      <li>Use the Faceted Browser Search and Find User Interface to search for information on &quot;CNET&quot;:
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Browser Search" src="../images/ui/fb5.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Browser Search</td>
      <li>Results of the following form should be returned for the data sponged.
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Browser Search Results" src="../images/ui/fb6.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Browser Search Results</td>
      <li>Click &quot;Types&quot; link shown at the right vertical Navigation</li>
      <li>Results of the classes/properties should be returned:
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Results of the classes/properties" src="../images/ui/fb7.png" />
            <td>Figure: Results of the classes/properties</td>
      <li>To get Type description, click &quot;Describe&quot; link for a given type, for ex. &quot;Person&quot;. </li>
      <li>A list of attributes and values should be presented for the given resource. Note that automatically is generated QRCode image for the described entity. 
  	<table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Results of the classes/properties" src="../images/ui/fb8.png" />
            <td>Figure: Results of the classes/properties</td>
      <li>Return back to the Attributes list from above by going to the &quot;Facets&quot; tab. </li>
      <li>To exclude a type, un-tick the checkbox associated with the type: 
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Exclude Type(s)" src="../images/ui/fb9.png" />
            <td>Figure: Exclude Type(s)</td>
      <li>Click the Type URI link</li>
      <li>Results of excluding the Type(s) should be shown:
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Results of Excluded Type(s)" src="../images/ui/fb10.png" />
            <td>Figure: Results of Excluded Type(s)</td>
      <li>The Faceted Browser Web service endpoint can also be queried to obtain the same results:
          <pre class="programlisting">
$ more cnet.xml
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;
&lt;query xmlns=&quot;; inference=&quot;&quot; same-as=&quot;&quot;&gt;
  &lt;view type=&quot;text&quot; limit=&quot;20&quot; offset=&quot;&quot;/&gt;

$ curl -H &quot;Content-Type: text/xml&quot; -d @cnet.xml  http://cname/fct/service
&lt;fct:facets xmlns:fct=&quot;;&gt;
&lt;fct:sparql&gt;    SELECT ?s1 as ?c1, (bif:search_excerpt (bif:vector (&#39;CNET&#39;), ?o1)) as ?c2, ?sc, ?rank WHERE {{{ SELECT ?s1, (?sc * 3e-1) as ?sc, ?o1, (sql:rnk_scale (&lt;LONG::IRI_RANK&gt; (?s1))) as ?rank  WHERE { ?s1 ?s1textp ?o1 . ?o1 bif:contains  &#39;&quot;CNET&quot;&#39;  option (score ?sc)  . } ORDER BY DESC (?sc * 3e-1 + sql:rnk_scale (&lt;LONG::IRI_RANK&gt; (?s1)))  LIMIT 20  OFFSET 0 }}}&lt;/fct:sparql&gt;
&lt;fct:db-activity&gt;   131R rnd     36R seq      0P disk      0B /      0 messages&lt;/fct:db-activity&gt;
 &lt;fct:result type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;4.5&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;Technology News - CNET News&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; News.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;4.5&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; News.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;4.5&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;Technology News - CNET News&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; News.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3.9&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;Technology News - CNET News&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;Technology News &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; News.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3.9&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;Technology News - CNET News&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;Technology News &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; News.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;Technology News - CNET News&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;Tech news and business reports by &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; News.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;Tech news and business reports by &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; News.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;Technology News - CNET News&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;Tech news and business reports by &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; News.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;There&#39;s an electric car in your future&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;... &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;There&#39;s an electric car in your future&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;... &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;There&#39;s an electric car in your future&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;... &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;There&#39;s an electric car in your future&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;... &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;There&#39;s an electric car in your future&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;... &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;trank&quot;&gt;3&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;erank&quot;&gt;5.881291583872905e-014&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column datatype=&quot;url&quot; shortform=&quot;;&gt;;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;There&#39;s an electric car in your future&lt;/fct:column&gt;
    &lt;fct:column&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;srch_xerpt&quot;&gt;... &lt;b&gt;CNET&lt;/b&gt; Car Tech posts photos of electric cars expected to come out by 2011.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/fct:column&gt;
      <li>Click &quot;New search&quot; from the Entity Relations Navigation and go to &quot;Entity Label Lookup&quot; tab: 
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Query Faceted Browser Web service endpoint" src="../images/ui/fb11.png" />
            <td>Figure: Query Faceted Browser Web service endpoint</td>
      <li>In the Label auto-complete text box of the Entity Label Lookup tab, enter the name of an rdfs label to be Described: 
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Select a URI from the list of available Labels" src="../images/ui/fb12.png" />
            <td>Figure: Select a URI from the list of available Labels</td>
      <li>Select a URI from the list of available Labels to obtain a description of the URI:
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Select a URI from the list of available Labels" src="../images/ui/fb13.png" />
            <td>Figure: Select a URI from the list of available Labels</td>
      <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Select a URI from the list of available Labels" src="../images/ui/fb14.png" />
            <td>Figure: Select a URI from the list of available Labels</td>
      <li>Click &quot;Facets&quot; and go to &quot;Entity URI Lookup&quot; tab:
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Enter URI" src="../images/ui/fb15.png" />
            <td>Figure: Enter URI</td>
      <li>In the URI auto-complete text box of the Entity URI Lookup tab enter the name URI to be Described: 
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Enter URI" src="../images/ui/fb16.png" />
            <td>Figure: Enter URI</td>
      <li>Select a URI from the list of available Labels to obtain a description of the URI:
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Obtain a description of the URI" src="../images/ui/fb17.png" />
            <td>Figure: Obtain a description of the URI</td>
        <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Obtain a description of the URI" src="../images/ui/fb18.png" />
            <td>Figure: Obtain a description of the URI</td>
      <li>If data is loaded into the quad store via DML functions (TTLP, RDF_LOAD_RDFXML etc.) the
following procedure needs to run from <strong>isql</strong> to build the free text indexes required each time:
          <pre class="programlisting">
<br />

	<a name="virtuosospongerfaceurilabels" />
    <h3>14.10.5. URI Labels</h3>

      <li>Go to http://cname/fct</li>
      <li>Enter a free text search pattern (for example, &quot;Camcorder&quot; as consumer product), and click Search: 
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="URI Labels" src="../images/ui/fb19.png" />
            <td>Figure: URI Labels</td>
      <li>Your initial query results page will display a list of literal value snippets where for each URL will be displayed a label: 
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="URI Labels" src="../images/ui/fb20.png" />
            <td>Figure: URI Labels</td>
      <li>Click for ex. on the URL link of the first row result.</li>
      <li>The product description page should be shown and a list of Attributes and Values will be presented. An URL label of the product also will be shown: &quot;Charges Lithium Ion 800 series batteries&quot;: 
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="URI Labels" src="../images/ui/fb21.png" />
            <td>Figure: URI Labels</td>
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="URI Labels" src="../images/ui/fb22.png" />
            <td>Figure: URI Labels</td>
    <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="URI Labels" src="../images/ui/fb23.png" />
            <td>Figure: URI Labels</td>
<br />

<a name="virtuosospongerfaceusagest" />
    <h3>14.10.6. Usage Statistics</h3>
      <li>Use the Faceted Browser Search and Find User Interface to search for information on &quot;Michael Jackson&quot;:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb24.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
      <li>Results of the following form should be returned for the data sponged:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb25.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
      <li>Click the &quot;Types&quot; link under &quot;Entity Relations Navigation&quot;. 
      <li>Results about &quot;Michael Jackson&quot; as Type/Label/Count list should be displayed: 
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb26.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
      <li>You can navigate amongst the search results pages by using the &quot;Prev&quot; and &quot;Next&quot; buttons. Click for ex. &quot;Next&quot;: 
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb27.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
      <li>Click a type link, for ex.:
          <pre class="programlisting">
      <li>Should be shown type results and:
          <pre class="programlisting">
Displaying Ranked Entity Names and Text summaries where:

Entity1 has any Attribute with Value &quot;Michael Jackson&quot; Drop.
Entity1 is a yago:Artist109812338 . Drop
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb28.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
      <li>Click the link:
          <pre class="programlisting">
      <li>Results about &quot;Michael Jackson&quot; as Attribute/Value list should be presented: 
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb29.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb30.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb31.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb32.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
      <li>You can navigate amongst the search results pages by using the &quot;First&quot;, &quot;Prev&quot;, &quot;Next&quot; and &quot;Last&quot; buttons. Click for ex. &quot;Last&quot;: 
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb33.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb34.png" />
            <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
      <li>&quot;Metadata&quot; tab.</li>
      <li>Results of usage statistics for &quot;Michael Jackson&quot; grouped in 4 tabs should be shown:
          <li>Referenced by Graphs: shows how many times the URI is found as subject in the relevant graph(s):
              <pre class="programlisting">
SELECT ?g count (*)
    graph ?g { &lt;URI&gt; ?p ?o }
group by ?g
order by desc 2
limit 20
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb35.png" />
                <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
          <li>Source Graphs:  shows how many times the URI is found as object in the relevant graph(s):
              <pre class="programlisting">
SELECT ?g count (*)
    graph ?g { ?s ?p &lt;URI&gt;  }
group by ?g
order by desc 2
limit 20
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb36.png" />
                <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
          <li>Direct co-references: shows results as subject and calculated rank, based on running transitive closure over owl:sameAs of the URI in subject or object:
              <pre class="programlisting">
SELECT ?syn ( sql:rnk_scale (&lt;LONG::IRI_RANK&gt; (?syn)))
    { SELECT ?s ?syn
         {?syn owl:sameAs ?s } union {?s owl:sameAs ?syn}
    option (transitive, t_distinct, t_min (0), T_in (?s), t_out (?syn)) . filter (!isliteral (?syn) &amp;amp;&amp;amp; ?s = &lt;URI&gt; )
order by desc 2
limit 20
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb37.png" />
                <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
          <li>Indirect co-references: shows expanded results for objects concur with the URI by IFP:
              <pre class="programlisting">
SELECT distinct ?syn ?p ?o (sql:rnk_scale (&lt;LONG::IRI_RANK&gt; (?syn)))
  { &lt;URI&gt; ?p ?o .  filter (0 != (&lt;LONG::bif:rdf_is_sub&gt; (&quot;b3sifp&quot;, ?p, lod:ifp_like, 3))) .
    ?syn ?p ?o .
order by desc 4
limit 20
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <img alt="Usage Statistics" src="../images/ui/fb38.png" />
                <td>Figure: Usage Statistics</td>
<br />
<a name="virtuosospongerfacetexample" />
    <h3>14.10.7. Examples</h3>
      <strong>Faceted Browsing Sample using LOD Cloud Cache data space</strong>
<p>The following example demonstrates a simple scenario of tracking Kingsley Idehen&#39;s conversations 
across the Web, using the Virtuoso Faceted Browser hosted on LOD.</p>
      <li>Go to
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/fb2.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Enter a free text search pattern (for example, &quot;Kingsley Idehen&quot;), and click Search
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f1.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Your initial query results page will display a list of literal value snippets from property
values associated with the query text pattern
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f2.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Using the Navigation section on the right, click on &quot;Types&quot;, which alters the contents
of the query results area by presenting CURIE based hyperlinks for each of the Entity Types associated
with Property values that contains the query text pattern
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f3.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>You can perform Describe for a given found type, by clicking the &quot;Describe&quot; link in the &quot;Type&quot; column. For ex, for &quot;atom:Entry&quot; the produced describe type page would show a list of Attributes and Values + automatically generated QRCode image:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f4.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Click &quot;Facets&quot; tab to return to the Types content page from the previous step.</li>
      <li>Click on the &quot;foaf:Person&quot; link to narrow the result set down to Entities of this Type,
un-hatch the checkbox beside this link for Negation (filtering out) based on this Entity Type
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f7.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
     	 <li>For Negation (filtering out) based on this Entity Type un-hatch the check-box shown besides the link:
         <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f5.png" />
                <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
         <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f6.png" />
                <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
   <li>You can filter further, by switching (pivoting) to the a Property based view, by returning
to the Navigation section and then clicking on &quot;Properties&quot; or &quot;Referencing Properties&quot; links; in either
case, you have further filtering of based on the combination of Properties and Entities where Entities
in the result-set contain values matching the query text pattern
         <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                  <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f8.png" />
                <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
       <li />
      <li>From &quot;Entity Relations Navigation&quot; click &quot;Attributes&quot;.
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f9.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>You can navigate amongst the search results pages by using the &quot;Prev&quot; and &quot;Next&quot; buttons. Click for ex. &quot;Next&quot;: 
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f10.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>From the list of Property Types, click on the &quot;foaf:interest&quot; link to filter further,
based on the values of this property:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f11.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>From the list of &quot;foaf:interest&quot; Values, click on &quot;About:Linked Data&quot;, which filters
the result-set further to display reveal Entity Identifier Links (Generic HTTP URIs) and Labels for
each &quot;foaf:Person&quot; associated with the property &quot;foaf:interest&quot;, in the LOD data space:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f12.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Click on one of the HTTP URIs in the filtered results-set to obtain a detailed structured
   	description of a given Entity i.e. about the person Kingsley Uyi Idehen. Each listed Property is 
   	a Link; thus, each Property is a link to other structured Entity descriptions. Additionally, 
   	a QRCode image will be produced automatically for the given entity:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f13.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f14.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f15.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f16.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>You can navigate amongst the search results pages by using the &quot;First&quot;, &quot;Prev&quot;, &quot;Next&quot; and &quot;Last&quot; buttons. Click for ex. &quot;Last&quot;:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f17.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f18.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Click on &quot;Metadata&quot; link to get a summary view of this Linked Data Space, &quot;Source&quot; ¨
   and &quot;Reference&quot; graphs are akin to saying &quot;Table X&quot; and &quot;Table Y&quot; where each table is the container 
   of Records re. RDBMS or Worksheet re. Spreadsheet.:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f19.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f20.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>&quot;Direct&quot; and &quot;InDirect&quot; coreferences show other references (Identifiers) that relate 
   	associated with Kingsley Idehen (like saying: here are his other names or his know by this name 
   	in this other place):
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="f21 Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f21.png" />
            <td>Figure: f21 Navigation Example</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f22.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Click on &quot;Settings&quot; check &quot;owl:sameAs&quot; and it sets a context mode for the session
(meaning: a set of rules to take place):
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f23.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Go back to the &quot;Direct Co-reference&quot; tab:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/f24.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>As result each link will unveil a union (combination) of all the the data associated
with all Kingsley Idehen&#39;s other Identifiers (other Names in other places), i.e., they all show the
same data.</li>
      <li>Go to &quot;Facets&quot; and then from &quot;Entity Relations Navigation&quot; click &quot;New Search&quot;.</li>
      <li>Enter a free text search pattern  (for example, &quot;Camcorder&quot; as consumer product), 
   and click Search:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/fb19.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Your initial query results page will display a list of literal value snippets where for 
   	each URI will be displayed a label:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/fb20.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
      <li>Click for ex. on the URL link ofthe first row result.</li>
      <li>The product description page should be shown and a list of Attributes and Values will be 
   	presented. An URI label of the product also will be shown: &quot;CG-800&quot;:
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/fb21.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/fb22.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
     <table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <img alt="Faceted Navigation Example" src="../images/ui/fb23.png" />
            <td>Figure: Faceted Navigation Example</td>
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