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    <h2>16.6. VSEI Plugins</h2>

<p>Virtuoso functionality can be enhanced through external libraries by
loading shared objects or DLLs.  The new functions are written in a language of
the developer&#39;s choice and compiled to produce a shared library appropriate to the operating
system.  The path to the shared library must be declared in the Virtuoso INI
file and the server restarted before it can be used.</p>

<p>The Virtuoso INI file uses a [Plugins] configuration section for listing
shared libraries for the server to load upon startup.  The layout is as

      <pre class="programlisting">
LoadPath = &lt;module path&gt; (example : /home/virtuoso/hosting)
Load1 = &lt;module type&gt;, &lt;module name&gt; (example :
Load2 = &lt;module type 2&gt;, &lt;module name 2&gt;
LoadN = &lt;module type N&gt;, &lt;module name N&gt;

<p>Virtuoso reads the Load1, Load2, ... LoadN lines from the [Plugins]
section and attaches them according to their type. </p>

      <span class="computeroutput">&lt;module path&gt;</span> is the directory
containing shared modules for use with Virtuoso.  (e.g. <span class="computeroutput">/home/virtuoso/hosting</span>)</p>

      <span class="computeroutput">&lt;module type&gt;</span> specifies the type of
module that is to be loaded, and hence how Virtuoso is to use it.  So far only
the &quot;Hosting&quot; type exists.  </p>

      <span class="computeroutput">&lt;module name&gt;</span> is the file name of
the modules shared library or object.
(e.g. <span class="computeroutput"></span>)</p>

<p>The &quot;Hosting&quot; type defines entry points for initialization of the runtime
hosting environment, destruction of the user environment and execution of a
file or string containing commands in the hosted language.  It also returns a
list of file extensions that it is capable of processing.  Virtuoso
dynamically defines memory-resident (no disk image) HTTP server handlers for
each specified type.  For example, the Perl hosting plugin supports &#39;pl&#39;
extension.  Hence, upon initialization of the hosting plugin, Virtuoso defines
the <span class="computeroutput">__http_handler_pl(..)</span>  function according to the API
for file type handlers in the Virtuoso HTTP server.  With this handler in place,
each hit on a .pl file (file system or WebDAV) with appropriate execute
permissions will cause the HTTP server to execute the code within it and return
the result instead of simple the file contents.</p>

<p>The handler will call the __hosting_http_handler VSE with a special set
of parameters to represent the HTTP environment correctly.</p>

<p>There&#39;s a VSE to call each of the hosting modules:</p>

      <span class="computeroutput">__hosting_http_handler (
     in <span class="parameter">extension</span>,  varchar,
     in <span class="parameter">content</span>,  varchar,
     [in <span class="parameter">params</span>,  varchar, ]
     [in <span class="parameter">lines</span>,  any, ]
     [inout <span class="parameter">filename_head_ret</span>,  varchar, ]
     [in <span class="parameter">options</span>,  any, ]
     [out <span class="parameter">diag_ret</span> varchar]) returns varchar</span>

<p>such that:</p>

<table class="varlist">
        <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">extension:</td>
          <p>Selects plugin by supported extension handler.  e.g. pass &#39;pl&#39; for the perl plugin.</p>
        <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">content:</td>
          <p>If &lt;filename_head_ret&gt; is NULL or unspecified this
   will be the name of the file containing the code to execute in the hosted
   environment, otherwise this will be program code to execute as a string.</p>
        <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">params:</td>
          <p>(optional) A string containing the HTTP parameters as encoded
   in the HTTP request body.</p>
        <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">lines:</td>
          <p>(optional) A vector (array) containing the HTTP request headers, in
   the same format as those passed to VSPs.</p>
        <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">filename_head_ret:</td>
          <p>(optional) On input this is the &quot;name&quot; to put on the command
   text passed in &lt;content&gt;.  If this is NULL it means that &lt;content&gt;
   holds the path and filename containing the commands.  On output this contains
   the HTTP headers of the HTTP response generated by the plugin, if any and
   in HTTP mode.</p>
        <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">options:</td>
          <p>(optional) A vector holding name/value pairs of strings
   passed as options to the plugin.  The Perl plugin sets
   the other options as environment variables before calling the perl code.</p>
          <p>There is a &quot;<span class="computeroutput">__VIRT_CGI</span>&quot; =
   &quot;<span class="computeroutput">0</span>&quot;/&quot;<span class="computeroutput">1</span>&quot; option
   to control whether the plugin operates in HTTP mode
   (<span class="computeroutput">__VIRT_CGI=1</span>)  i.e. implements the CGI
   interface and treats the output as an HTTP response.</p>
        <td align="right" valign="top" class="varterm" nowrap="nowrap">diag_ret:</td>
          <p>(optional) Returns various diagnostics messages returned
   while the code is running if any.  The perl plugin sets this to the collected
   STDERR messages.</p>

<p>The function will return a varchar containing the HTTP body if in HTTP mode
(<span class="computeroutput">__VIRT_CGI = 1</span>) or the messages printed to

<p>Virtuoso will normally call to memory each plugin as required, and expel
it when finished.  This behavior can be controlled by the INI file parameter:</p>

      <pre class="programlisting">
PersistentHostingModules = 1/0 default 0

<p>Setting <span class="computeroutput">PersistentHostingModules</span> to &quot;1&quot;
prevents Virtuoso from removing the interpreters from the HTTP threads after
each request.</p>

<a name="ex_plugshostingsharedobjects" />
    <div class="example">
      <div class="exampletitle">Using the Perl Plugin</div>

<p>Executing Perl code directly:</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
select __hosting_http_handler (&#39;pl&#39;, &#39;print &quot;hello world&quot;; &#39;, &#39;&#39;, vector (), &#39;;);

        <pre class="programlisting">
returns : hello world

<p>Executing a perl script file (perl/ in the Virtuoso
working directory):</p>

        <pre class="programlisting">
print &quot;hello world file&quot;;

        <pre class="programlisting">
select __hosting_http_handler (&#39;pl&#39;, &#39;perl/;);

        <pre class="programlisting">
returns : hello world file

<div class="note">
      <div class="notetitle">Note:</div>
  <p>The hosting_perl hosting module uses the perl <span class="computeroutput">tie()</span>
  function to &quot;tie&quot; up the STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, exit()  and %ENV perl objects.
  Untying any of these may lead to unpredictable results.</p>

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