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    <h1>1. Overview</h1>
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      <a href="contents.html">Contents</a>
      <a href="preface.html">Preface</a>
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      <a href="overview.html">Overview</a>
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      <a href="WhatIsVirtuoso.html">What is Virtuoso?</a>
      <a href="virtwhydoi.html">Why Do I Need Virtuoso?</a>
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      <a href="whatisnewto2x.html">Key Features of Virtuoso</a>
        <a href="#oxmldocstore" title="XML Document Storage &amp; Creation">XML Document Storage &amp; Creation</a>
        <a href="#ointernetsrv" title="Web Page Hosting">Web Page Hosting</a>
        <a href="#owebsrvhost" title="Web Services Creation &amp; Hosting">Web Services Creation &amp; Hosting</a>
        <a href="#owebdavstore" title="WebDAV Compliant Web Store">WebDAV Compliant Web Store</a>
        <a href="#oreplandsync" title="Content Replication &amp; Synchronization">Content Replication &amp; Synchronization</a>
        <a href="#ophetdata" title="Transparent Access To Heterogeneous Data">Transparent Access To Heterogeneous Data</a>
        <a href="#omaildelresrv" title="Mail Delivery &amp; Retrieval Services">Mail Delivery &amp; Retrieval Services</a>
        <a href="#onntp" title="NNTP Aggregation &amp; Serving">NNTP Aggregation &amp; Serving</a>
      <a href="virtuosofaq.html">Virtuoso 6 FAQ</a>
      <a href="virtuosotipsandtricks.html">Tips and Tricks</a>
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    <a name="whatisnewto2x" />
    <h2>1.3. Key Features of Virtuoso</h2>

<table class="figure" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
          <img alt="OpenLink Virtuoso Product Architecture" src="../images/varch32.jpg" />
        <td>Figure: 1.3.1. OpenLink Virtuoso Product Architecture</td>

		<a name="oxmldocstore" />
    <h3>1.3.2. XML Document Storage &amp; Creation</h3>
  	<p>Virtuoso enables you to develop eBusiness solutions that use <strong>XML</strong>
		as a common data access foundation layer that provides transparent access
		to structured and unstructured data. XML Data documents can be created
		internally, or imported from around the Web and then stored in Virtuoso.
		You can also create dynamic XML documents by transforming SQL to XML
		on the fly, leveraging data that resides within homogeneous and/or
		heterogeneous database(s). <strong>XPATH 2.0</strong> query language support enables you to
		query entire XML Documents using and industry standard query language.
		The Virtuoso Server provides some basic support for the
		<a href="xq.html">
        <strong>XQuery 1.0</strong> XML Query Language</a>
		There is <strong>XML Schema</strong> support for extending Virtuoso Data
		types used by SOAP Services.</p>
		<br />
		<a name="ointernetsrv" />
    <h3>1.3.3. Web Page Hosting</h3>
		<p>Virtuoso has an integrated HTTP web server, for static HTML pages, or
		dynamic content using <a href="vsp1.html">Virtuoso Server Pages
		Hosting and execution of <strong>PHP4</strong> scripts is supported
		via Virtuoso Server Extensions Interface (VSEI) for Zend.</p>
		<br />
		<a name="owebsrvhost" />
    <h3>1.3.4. Web Services Creation &amp; Hosting</h3>
		<p>Enables the creation of <strong>SOAP</strong> compliant Web Services from SQL Stored
		Procedures, these procedures may be native to Virtuoso or resident in
		third party databases that support ODBC or JDBC. Virtuoso automatically
		generates <strong>WSDL</strong> files for the Stored Procedures that it exposes as Web
		Services. As a <strong>UDDI</strong> server (registry) all of your Web Services can be
		stored for access across the internet or within an intranet. It can also
		synchronize data with other UDDI servers.</p>
		<br />
		<a name="owebdavstore" />
    <h3>1.3.5. WebDAV Compliant Web Store</h3>
      <strong>WebDAV</strong> support enables Virtuoso to act as the Web Content Store for
		all of your eBusiness data, this includes Text, Graphics and Multimedia
		files. WebDAV support also enables Virtuoso to play the familiar roles of
		a FILE &amp; WEB SERVER, hosting entire Web sites within a single database
		file, or across multiple database files.</p>
		<br />
		<a name="oreplandsync" />
    <h3>1.3.6. Content Replication &amp; Synchronization</h3>
		<p>Virtuoso&#39;s sophisticated data replication and synchronization engine
		enables the automated distribution and updating of SQL and Web Content
		across distributed Virtuoso servers.</p>
		<br />
		<a name="ophetdata" />
    <h3>1.3.7. Transparent Access To Heterogeneous Data</h3>
		<p>Virtuoso&#39;s Virtual Database Engine enables you to produce Dynamic Web
		Content from any major database management system. This enables dynamic,
		real-time HTML and XML generation from any number of different database
		engines concurrently.</p>
		<br />
		<a name="omaildelresrv" />
    <h3>1.3.8. Mail Delivery &amp; Retrieval Services</h3>
		<p>Virtuoso can act as an <strong>SMTP</strong>, <strong>POP3</strong>, and
                <strong>IMAP4</strong> proxy to any email
		client. This enables the development and deployment of sophisticated
		database driven email solutions.</p>
		<br />
		<a name="onntp" />
    <h3>1.3.9. NNTP Aggregation &amp; Serving</h3>
		<p>Virtuoso supports the Network News Transfer Protocol used by Internet
		newsgroup forums. <strong>NNTP</strong> servers manage the global network of collected
		newsgroup postings and represent a vast repository of targeted information
		archives. As an NNTP aggregator, Virtuoso enables integration of multiple
		news forums around the world. All news content in Virtuoso is dynamically
		indexed to provide keyword searches, enabling rapid transformation of
		disparate text data into information. Virtuoso also acts as an NNTP server,
		enabling creation of new Internet and Intranet News Forums to leverage the
		global knowledgebase into eBusiness Intelligence.</p>
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