

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 762e4b4e451f9de4722602c03fda2c9b > files > 177



:Authors: Toshio Kuratomi, Luke Macken
:Date: 3 Sep 2011
:Version: 0.3.x


* Update bugzilla email mapping


* Modify caching of User data in the tg1 identity provider, jsonfas2provider
  so that anonymous page requests don't call fas excessively.
* Make :func:`` a public function so that TG2
  users can use it without using faswho
* Make :func:`` work with other repoze.who plugins other
  than faswho.
* Allow using a test fas server with :func:`make_faswho_middleware`
* Update faswho metadata to be compatible with the default TG2 identity
  metadata for portability
* Allow recovering authenticated state from lack of csrf_token when using the
  TG2 csrf protecting middleware
* Split the TG1 and TG2 code into two separate directories so packagers can
  split the dependencies even more
* Add login and jsglobals template for TG2-mako
* Modify fedora_template for TG2 -- now defaults to mako templates and returns
  a dotted_lookup string by default.  This matches with the templates we have
  and the default template lookup strategy in TG2.


* Fix tg.tg2utils._enable_csrf so that redirect() appends the CSRF token
  in TG2.
* Fix an example in the documentation
* Fix a proxyclient error with new pycurl and cookies
* Use for translations

* Get BodhiClient.comment() working with older version of bodhi


* Bodhi.comment() adds an email parameter to control whether to send email for
  a comment
* Fix ProxyClient issue when using unicode type for a URL
* Fix for AccountSystem.group_members() bug with the Bunch port


* Add support for uploading files in BaseClient and ProxyClient.
* Add retry capability to BaseClient and ProxyClient.
* Have identity and visit managers retry 3 times.
* Fix some errors in the wsgi csrf middleware.
* Fix wsgi csrf middleware to work with webob >= 1.0
* Fix how we're using data from FasProxy.group_list() in the django auth
* New PackageDB() methods, :meth:`~fedora.client.PackageDB.add_comaintainers`
  and :meth:`~fedora.client.PackageDB.change_owner`

Internal Cleanups

* Port to kitchen for things that have moved there.
* Port from DictContainer to python-bunch
* Add code to fallback to the stdlib json library so that simplejson is no
  longer required

* Fix Django auth provider so it times out when the auth provider is used in a
  django + djblets app.

* Fix DJango Auth Provider to use a cookie shared with the TG apps
* Fix DJango Auth Provider to timeout with the fas session
* Optimize group lookup in DJango auth provider for ReviewBoard
* Add absolute_url() and tg_absolute_url() functions to tg1utils
* Attempt to stop tracebacks in tg.visit code
* Don't crash DJango auth if the user is hiding their Real Name.

* Fixes for Django auth provider tracebacks and session not being cleared between users.
* Revert the connection pool for ProxyClient.  It was part of the reason that
  Django auth (and the other auth providers although no one noticed) were

* Add a connection pool to ProxyClient.  Reusing the curl objects from the pool
  speeds up requests that go to the same server.
* New class FasProxyClient that is used to implement thread-safe communication
  with the Fedora Account System.  Our authentication plugins that talk to
  FAS have been ported to use this internally.
* For all clients, remove tg_format=json from the requests that are sent.  The
  Accept header that we send has been serving this purpose for a long time.
* New PackageDB methods
  - get_collection_list() that returns the list of collections that are
    registered in the pkgdb.
  - orphan_packages() that returns the list of packages orphaned in non-EOL
  - get_critpath_pkgs(): Return the packages marked for the critical path
  - set_critpath(): Mark pkgs as critical path
* In fedora.client.pkgdb, Wherever a collection is asked for, have the API take
  params named collctn_* for consistency.  Using the old names as keyword
  arguments will yield a deprecation warning.
* fedora.client.PackageDB now works with pkgdb server 0.5.x rather than 0.4.x
* add ignore_wikibot and callback kwargs to
  Wiki.fetch_all_revisions() and minor bug fixes
* New functions:
  - fedora.iterutils.isiterable(): Can tell whether an object is an iterable.
    Can also exclude strings if desired.
  - fedora.urlutils.update_qs(): Updates a http query string.
  - fedora.textutils.to_unicode(): Converts a byte string to unicode string.
  - fedora.textutils.to_bytes(): Converts a unicode string into a byte string.
* Fix to return a symbolic name for the
  data format requested whether using the Accept header or tg_format query
* module added with some of the functions from ported to TG2.
* faswho and csrf middleware that allow TG2 apps to authenticate against FAS
* Documentation on how to use faswho and CSRF in a TG2 app.
* Fix some bugs in the Django auth layer.

* Update to pull in more of paver.  Fixes a bug when used
  with easy_install
* Fix a bug in that was creating more than one _csrf_token

* Relicense to LGPLv2+
* Fix user_gencert URL

* Save the original tg.url() function as  That allows us
  to change the url to have the base_url without adding the csrf token.
* Update fedora.client.AccountSystem for compatibility with the next FAS
  server update (backwards compatible).
* Add fedora.client.PackageDB.user_packages() method that retrieves the packages
  that a particular user owns.
* Add a function for fetching all revisions of the wiki (fetch_all_revisions)
* Add a function for seeing if we have the wiki API high limits right
* Add an identity provider, sqlobjectcsrf, to implement csrf_token protection
  for applications that use sqlobject for database interaction and don't want
  to use FAS for auth.

* Merge the 0.3.13 and release together.
* Bugfix for Django Auth provider and new fas server.

* Add new pkgdb methods: add_package() to add a new package and edit_package()
  to edit an existing one.  add_edit_package() was removed.
* More translations.
* Change from 401 response code to 403.  401 was causing problems for konqueror
  and webkit and our usage wasn't http spec compliant.
* New fedora.compat25 that has python-2.5 features for older releases.
  - fedora.compat25.defaultdict a defaultdict implementation for older python


* Add people_query method
* Rename group_by_id and person_by_id request parameters
* Add force_refresh parameter to group_data


* Bugfix to django auth to allow login
* Bugfix to jsonfas2 that allows login when using json calls with Cherrypy 2.3+
* Get i18n infrastructure ready and take translations from transifex
* Include a so easy_install works
* Update build to work with paver 1.0 and somewhat with 0.8
* Add remove_user() to pkgdb client module.


* Fix a bug with django auth and redirects


Re-add the old jsonfasprovider and jsonfasvisit plugins until we get everything
ported over to CSRF protection.  To use the new providers, change your app.cfg::



CSRF is a vulnerability that can allow malicious web sites to execute server
methods on behalf of an authenticated user.  This update has some methods to
help deal with that:

* Added helpers for enabling CSRF protection to services.  For information on
  adding support to your app, read doc/CSRF.rst or the html version:
* Update client code to use CSRF tokens when needed.

Other Feature Changes
* Add Django Authentication provider.
* Undeprecate AccountSystem.people_by_id() for now -- we need a fas server
  update before we can use people_by_key().
* Correct loggers to show messages originate from jsonfasprovider and
* Add parameter to client classes to allow not checking server certificates.
  This is **only** intended for use when running test servers with bad certs.

* python-2.4 compatibility fix when an http error is received in ProxyClient
* Fix fedora.client.ServerError to print information about the error in the
* Fix to the mediawiki client for python-2.4 compatibility.

* Minor fix for traceback when the session file is unreadable.
* Fix so that ProxyClient follows redirects.
* Fix a bug where always returns
* Add task to publish documentation to the website.  Publish documentation to
  the website at:

* Port the client module to use pycurl instead of urllib2.  This prepares the
  way for SSL authentication and fixes a problem with https proxying.
* Fix bug in BodhiClient.testable()
* Update proxyclient to accept either 403 or 401 as http status codes raising
* New client.fas2.AccountSystem methods to make fasClient more efficient:
  - group_data(): returns mapping group names to group type and the userids of
    the administrator, sponsors, and users of the group.
  - user_data(): returns mapping of userids to a username, password hash,
    SSH pub key, email address, and status.
* Fix AppError exception on python-2.4

* Update to bugzilla email addresses.
* Add documentation for working with translations.
* add username argument for BodhiClient.
* Update PackageDB.clone_branch() command for new server method.
* Allow exceptions passed back by the server to contain extra information.
* New decorator that allows server methods to
  either return a dict per normal or redirect to another URL.

* fedora.client.pkgdb merge with pkgdb-client from Mike Watters and Toshio
* Generate documentation for json and util modules.
* Delay import of koji, yum, and iniparse in the bodhi client libraries so
  they're not strict dependencies for now.

* Fix client.AccountSystem.person_by_username() to not traceback when given an
  unknown username.
* Deprecate cookie auth in favor of session_id auth (but maintain compatibility)
* Internally, use session_id instead of cookie.
* Change the session file from ~/.fedora_session to ~/.fedora/.fedora_session
* Switch from using setuptools to build the package to paver_.
* Generate html documentation using sphinx_.
* Bodhi update template parsing improvements, thanks to Ricky.

.. _paver::
.. _sphix::

* Fix to proxyclient allow sending sequence types via send_request().
* New fedora.client.fas2.AccountSystem method people_by_groupname()

* Allow json_props in SABase to follow class inheritance.
* Remove 0.2 compatibility variable jsonProps.  This was broken and everything
  that was using it has been ported to use json_props instead.
* Misc bugfixes with the jsonfas provider.

* Bodhi API parameter 'type' renamed to 'type_'
* Added BodhiClient.latest_builds method
* New FAS group_members() method to return people's status in a group.
* Fixed the default fas.url value in the jsonfas visit manager
* Creation of a new FedoraClientError base Exception class
* Better i18n support
* Added all clients to the base of the fedora.client module
* Various other bugfixes

* Fix an unported portion of the jsonfasvisit manager.
* Make validation errors set a flash message for both html and json
* Create a function to jsonify sets.
* Make sure we don't log a user's password.
* Bugfixes in the bodhi update template parsing code

* New fedora.client.bodhi API
* Lots of bugfixes
* New fedora.client.ProxyClient class that can be used for writing proxies and
  lower level clients that talk to Fedora Services.
  - BaseClient rewritten to run on top of ProxyClient.
* Rearranging of many modules.  The old names should still work but issue a
  DeprecationWarning and the new location to import the module from.
* Documentation on how to build a Fedora Service that will work well with
  BaseClient and documentation on building apps with BaseClient.
  - Note that present Fedora Services (Bodhi, PackageDB, MirrorManager, FAS2)
    will need to be updated to conform to this spec.  Until that happens, not
    everything (notably, error handling) will work 100% correctly.

* Removal of camelCase.  Rename keyword arguments and public instance variables:
  * client.BaseClient
    *Note* that changes to this class propogate out to the same variable in
    derived classes like fas2.AccountSystem and the BaseClient used in
    * __init__(): baseURL => base_url
    * _sessionCookie => _session_cookie: this is a private variable but some
      users use this anyway.  For users needing to access this, there's now
      a more appropriate class for doing so (ProxyClient).
  * accounts.fas2.AccountSystem
    * group_by_id(): groupId => group_id
    * person_by_id(): personId => person_id
  * tg.widgets
    * All widgets had widgetId => widget_id
    * Also means accessing the variable is done via self.widget_id
  * tg.json.SABase
    * self.jsonProps => self.json_props
      *Note*: jsonProps will still work but is Deprecated.  Please update your
      code as we will be removing jsonProps in 0.4.x.
* The input keyword argument to BaseClient.send_request has been
  deprecated in favor of req_params.
  *Note*: Using input will still work in 0.3.  Please update your code as we
  will be removing input in 0.4.x.
* Restructuring of Exceptions in BaseClient
  * New base exception is FedoraServiceError if you want to catch that.
* Movement of to fedora.client
* Movement of fedora.accounts.fas2 to fedora.client.fas2
* Rename fedora.client.fas2.AccountSystem.authenticate() to verify_password()

Brown paper bag the previous release.  Fix a crasher bug.

Hopefully the last in this line of API.

* Fix handling of tg_format=json asa query param when the server uses
* Add a default jsonify method for SA ResultProxys
* Don't traceback if there's a corrupted session file
* Set permissions on the session file so only the user can read it.
* Add a default BaseURL for fas2.AccountSystem

* Minor update that:

  1) Adds bugzilla email to the return from people_by_id().

  2) Adds several more users whose bugzilla address don't match their fas email.

* This is what was supposed to be.  The last release compatible with and less.  Unfortunately, some incompatibilities snuck in.
  Reverting those changes here.

* Fix a bug involving bugzilla_email addresses.
* Fix a bug where an expired session cookie will cause send_request to complete
  successfully but report failure.

* Fixes to for JSON output with SA-0.4
* Add bugzila_email to output of fas2 methods
* Add people_by_id() method to fas2.AccountSystem that returns a dict of people
  indexed by ID.  The people structure contains username, email, and
  human_name... what we need for most of our lookups.

Remove fas1 code.
Document how BaseClient interacts with a server
Move client code.
Change BaseClient to work with Accept headers.

-------- shim to connect to fas2 via json for certain information.
BaseClient bugfixes.

Enhancement to jsonfasprovider to provide both user.human_name and

Bugfixes to BaseClient

Integrate a first working json fas identity provider and visit manager.

This release is the first to offer TG-1.0.4 and SA-0.4 compatibility.  When
this is considered stable we will release as 0.3.