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{\Huge \bf Xend} \\[4mm]
{\huge Xen v2.0 for x86} \\[80mm]

{\Large Xen is Copyright (c) 2004, The Xen Team} \\[3mm]
{\Large University of Cambridge, UK} \\[20mm]
{\large Last updated 30 August 2004}

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  \tableofcontents }


Xend is the control daemon used to manage a machine running the Xen hypervisor.
Xend is responsible for creating and destroying domains and managing their
resources, such as virtual block devices and virtual network interfaces.

Xend exists because the Xen hypervisor itself only manages the memory image
of a domain and its scheduling. Xen provides the event channels that connect
a domain to its devices, but is intentionally not involved in setting them up.

Xend runs as a daemon in the privileged domain 0 and uses a low-level api
to communicate with Xen via the domain 0 kernel. Xend exports its control
interface to its clients using HTTP. Most programming languages have
HTTP client libraries, so this interface can be used from most popular 
languages, for example Python, Perl, C, Java.
Xend itself is written in Python, as are most of the Xen tools.

The xend interface is intended to be a complete interface for the creation
and management of domains. It supports domain creation, shutdown, reboot,
destruction, save, restore and migration.

When xend creates a domain it creates the domain memory image and communicates
with the device driver domain(s) to configure the devices for the domain.
This sets up connections between the domain and backend device controllers
in the driver domain. When a domain shuts down its memory image cannot be fully released
unless its backend devices are released and disconnected. This is done by xend.
In order to protect against loss of this information when xend is restarted,
xend maintains a persistent database of domain configurations. This allows
xend to be stopped and restarted without loss of configuration information.
For example, in order to upgrade the xend software.

\seca{Domain lifecycle}
\secb{Domain creation}
Xend is instructed to create a domain by posting a domain\_create message to it,
containing the domain configuration to be instantiated. The domain configuration
is in sxp format and is as far as possible {\em fully-bound}, that is, all
parameters are fully-specified. The domain configuration is saved in the filesystem
so that it can be reused later if necessary.

The domain configuration specifies the domain name, memory size, kernel image
and parameters, and all the domain devices. Xend uses the Xen api to create
the domain memory image, and then {\em builds} the memory image for the domain
using the kernel image. At this point the domain exists, but it cannot be run because
it has no devices. Xend then communicates with the device driver domain to create
the configured devices. Once the devices are created it sets up event channels
for them between the driver domain and the new domain, and notifies the new domain
that its devices are connected. At this point the domain can be started.

Xend is also responsible for managing domain consoles. When a domain is created,
xend sets up a console event channel to the domain, and creates a TCP listening port
for the domain console. When a connection is accepted to the port, xend
connects input and output for the port to the domain console channel.

\secb{Domain destruction}
When a domain terminates, because it has been shutdown or it has crashed, the
domain resources must be released so that the domain memory image can be
finally removed from xen. Xend monitors the domains, and is also signaled by
xen (using a VIRQ) when a domain exits. Xend examines the domain states and
determines which domains have exited. It then communicates with the driver domain
to release the devices for exited domains. Xend also closes any open console
connections and removes the TCP listeners for exited domains.
Once all devices have been released it instructs xen to destroy the memory image.

\secb{Domain restart}
Domain restart is the xen equivalent of a machine reboot. When a domain
exits because it has been shutdown in reboot mode, its exit code is reboot.
When examining domains to find those that have exited and destroy them,
xend detects those that have exited for reboot and does not completely destroy
them. It disconnects all their devices, and detaches the console listener
from its channel to the domain, but does not close it. Instead it schedules
a call to rebuild the domain from its configuration. This proceeds almost
identically to creating the domain, except that the console listener is
reused and connected to the new domain. This allows existing console
connections to remain connected across a domain restart. The restarted
domain keeps the same name and domain id.

The determination of when to restart a domain is in fact slightly more
complex than described above. A domain is configured with a 
{\em restart mode}. If the restart mode is {\em onreboot}, the default,
restart happens when the domain is shutdown normally and
exits with code reboot. If the restart mode is {\em never} the domain is
not restarted. If the restart mode is {\em always} the domain is always
restarted, regardless of how it exited.

In order to prevent continual domain crash causing restart loops, xend
has a {\em minimum restart time}. Xend remembers when a domain was last
restarted and will fail a restart that happens inside the minimum
restart time.

\secb{Virtual network interfaces}
Each virtual network interface (vif) has 2 parts: the font-end device in its domain,
and the back-end device in the driver domain. Usually the driver domain is domain 0,
and there is a linux network device corresponding to the vif. The linux device for
interface N on domain D is called vifD.N. When a packet is sent on the vif in the 
domain the packet is received from the linux device. The linux devices are connected
to network interfaces using ethernet bridging.

The default setup is a bridge xen-br0, with eth0 connected to it, and the routes
for eth0 directed at xen-br0. This is controlled by the xend network setup script,
default {\tt /etc/xen/network}, which is run when xend starts.

When the vifs for a domain are created, a vif control script, default {\tt /etc/xen/vif-bridge},
is run to connect the vif to its bridge. The default script connects the vif
to xen-br0 and optionally sets up iptables rules to prevent IP address spoofing.
The bridge a vif is connected to can be defined in its configuration, and this is useful
for setting up virtual networks using several bridges.

\secb{Virtual block devices}
Virtual block devices in a domain are interfaces onto back-end device drivers
that export physical devices to domains. In the default configuration the back-end
driver is in domain 0 and can export any linux block device to a domain. This includes
physical disk partitions, LVM volumes and loopback mounts of files. In fact anything
that linux can represent as a block device can be exported to a domain as virtual
block device.

\seca{Xend invocation}
Xend is started (by root) using the command
xend start
Xend can be stopped using
xend stop
Xend must be started before any domains (apart from domain 0) can be created.
If you try to use the {\tt xm} tool when xend is not running you will get a
'connection refused' message.

\secb{Xend configuration}
Xend reads its own configuration from {\tt /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp}, which is
a sequence of s-expressions. The configuration parameters are:

\item xend-port: Port xend should use for the HTTP interface (default 8000).

\item xend-address: Address xend should listen on.
  Specifying 'localhost' prevents remote connections.
  Specifying the empty string '' allows all connections, and is the default.

\item network-script: The script used to start/stop networking for xend (default network).

\item vif-bridge: The default bridge that virtual interfaces should be connected to
  (default xen-br0).

\item vif-script: The default script used to control virtual interfaces
  (default vif-bridge).

\item vif-antispoof: Whether iptables should be set up to prevent IP spoofing for
  virtual interfaces (default yes).

Configuration scripts ({\it e.g.} for network-script) are looked for in {\tt /etc/xen}
unless their name begins with '/'.

Xend sends its log output to {\tt /var/log/xen/xend.log}. This is a rotating logfile,
and logs are moved onto {\tt xend.log.1} {\it etc.} as they get large. Old logs may
be deleted.

\secb{Xend database}
Xend needs to make some data persistent, and it uses files under {\tt /var/xen/xend-db}
for this. The persistent data is stored in files in SXP format. Domain information
is saved when domains are created. When xend starts it reads the file {\tt /var/xen/lastboot}
(if it exists) to determine the last time the system was rebooted. It compares this time
with the last reboot time in {\tt wtmp} to determine if the system has been rebooted
since xend last ran. If the system has been rebooted xend removes all its saved data
that is not persistent across reboots (for example domain data).

\seca{Xend HTTP Interface}
 The xend interface uses HTTP 1.1 \cite{http} as its transport.
Simple PUT and GET calls can encode parameters using the standard url-encoding 
for parameters: MIME type {\tt application/x-www-form-urlencoded}.
When file upload is required, the {\tt multipart/form-data} encoding is used.
See the HTML 4.1 specification for details \cite{html}.

Xend functions as a webserver and supports two interfaces: one
for web-browsers and one for programs.
The web-browser interface returns replies in HTML and includes forms
for interactive operations such as stopping domains and creating domains
from an uploaded configuration. The programmatic interface usually returns replies
in s-expression format. Both interfaces are accessed
in exactly the same way over HTTP - the only difference is the data returned.

The webserver distinguishes browsers from programs using the {\tt User-Agent}
and {\tt Accept} headers in the HTTP request. If there is no {\tt User-Agent} or no
{\tt Acccept} header, or {\tt Accept} includes the type {\tt application/sxp}, the
webserver assumes the client is a program and returns SXP. Otherwise
it assumes the client is a webserver and returns HTML.
In some cases the return value is essentially a string, so {\tt Content-Type}
{\tt text/plain} is returned.

The HTTP api supported is listed below. All paths in it are relative to the
server root, for example {\tt http://localhost:8000/xend}.
As defined in the HTTP specification, we use GET for side-effect free
operations that may safely be repeated, and POST for operations with
side-effects. For each request we list the HTTP method (GET or POST),
the url relative to the server root, the operation name and arguments (if any).
The operation name is passed as request parameter 'op', and the arguments
are passed by name. Operation name and parameters can be encoded using either
encoding described above. We also list the corresponding api function from the
Python client interface in {\tt xen.xend.XendClient}.

\item {\tt GET /},\\
  {\tt xend()}:\\
  Get list of urls under xend root.

\item {\tt GET /node},\\
  {\tt xend\_node()}:\\
  Get node information.

\item {\tt POST /node shutdown()},\\
  {\tt xend\_node\_shutdown()}:\\
  Shutdown the node

\item {\tt POST /node reboot()},\\
  {\tt xend\_node\_reboot()}:\\
  Reboot the node

\item {\tt POST /node notify()}:\\
  Set node notification url
\item {\tt GET /node/dmesg},\\
  {\tt xend\_node\_dmesg()}:\\
  Get xen boot message.

\item {\tt GET /node/log},\\
  {\tt xend\_node\_log()}:\\
  Get xend log.

\item {\tt GET /domain}\\
  {\tt xend\_domains()}:\\
  Get list of domains.

\item {\tt POST /domain create(config)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_create(config)}:\\
  Create a domain.

\item {\tt POST /domain restore(file)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_restore(filename)}:\\
  Restore a saved domain.

\item {\tt GET /domain/<dom>},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain(dom)}:\\
  Get domain information.

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] configure(config)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_configure(dom, conf)}:\\
  Configure an existing domain (for internal use by restore and migrate).

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] unpause()},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_unpause(dom)}:\\
  Start domain running

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] pause()},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_pause(dom)}:\\
  Stop domain running.

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] shutdown(reason)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_shutdown(dom, reason)}:\\
  Shutdown domain, reason can be reboot, poweroff, halt.

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] destroy(reason)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_destroy(dom, reason)}:\\
  Destroy domain, reason can be reboot, halt.

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] save(file)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_save(dom, filename)}:\\
  Save a domain to a file.

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] migrate(dst)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_migrate(dom, dst)}:\\
  Migrate a domain.

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] pincpu(cpu)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_pincpu(self, id, cpu)}\\:
  Pin a domain to a cpu.

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] maxmem\_set(memory)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_maxmem\_set(dom, memory)}:\\
  Set domain maximum memory limit.

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] device\_create(config)}\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_device\_create(dom, config)}:\\
  Add a device to a domain.

\item {\tt POST /domain/[dom] device\_destroy(type, index)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_device\_destroy(dom, type, index)}:\\
  Delete a device from a domain

\item {\tt GET /domain/[dom] vifs()},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_vifs(dom)}:\\
  Get virtual network interfaces.

\item {\tt GET /domain/[dom] vif(vif)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_vif(dom, vif)}:\\
  Get virtual network interface.

\item {\tt GET /domain/[dom] vbds()},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_vbds(dom)}:\\
  Get virtual block devices.

\item {\tt GET /domain/[dom] vbd(vbd)},\\
  {\tt xend\_domain\_vbd(dom, vbd)}:\\
  Get virtual block device.

\item {\tt GET /console},\\
  {\tt xend\_consoles()}:\\
  Get list of consoles.

\item {\tt GET /console/[id]}\\
  {\tt xend\_console(id)}:\\
  Get information about a console.

\item {\tt GET /console/[id] disconnect()}\\
  {\tt xend\_console\_disconnect(self, id)}:\\
  Disconnect any console TCP connection.

\item {\tt GET /vnet}\\
  {\tt xend\_vnets()}:\\
  Get list of vnets (virtual networks).

\item {\tt GET /vnet/[id]}\\
  {\tt xend\_vnet(id)}:\\
  Get information about a virtual network.

\item {\tt POST /vnet create(config)}\\
  {\tt xend\_vnet\_create(conf)}:\\
  Create a vnet.

\item {\tt POST /vnet/[id] delete()}\\
  {\tt xend\_vnet\_delete(id)}:\\
  Delete a vnet.

\item {\tt POST /event inject(event)}\\
  {\tt xend\_event\_inject(sxpr)}:\\
  Inject an event.


\secb{Xend debugging interface}
Xend also listens on port 8001. Connecting to this port (for example via telnet)
allows access to some debugging functions:
\item help: list functions
\item traceon: turn xend tracing on
\item traceoff: turn xend tracing off
\item quit: disconnect.
\item info: list console listeners, block and network device controllers.

When tracing is on xend logs all functions calls and exceptions to
{\tt /var/log/xen/xend.trace}.


HTML 4.01 Specification,\\,\\
W3C Recommendation, 24 December 1999.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1,\\,\\
RFC 2616, IETF 1999.


